Lateefa isn't willing to give up though, Imad just shoot her where he shouldn't have. She does not care whether they have a sensitive past they don't want to reap out, she is not so keen on finding out anyway but she will do this. That is how she has been created, to poke her nose where she shouldn't have and end up fighting with the other person, she feels beholden to do so. It does not stop her after countless attempts in the past.

"Hey, do you love Amirah?" Lateefa offered her innocent look to Imad who only let out an exasperated breath knowing pretty well this woman won't let it slide and he is darn hungry to think about standing up and leaving. He will leave the impression that he is not over the past too.

Though annoyed beyond words, he forced a sarcastic smile upon his face and gave an answer that dropped her innocent act. "No." The guy is one sly motherfreaker.

More determined than ever, Lateefa refuse to be bovine and instead took an oath to harry him till the end of time. Not even if he is going to confess his undying love to Amirah will calm her resolve at this rate. "Are you in love with anyone?"

"I am not."

"Oh wow, who would've thought?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically again, forking a piece of chicken she tore with the table knife and chewed thoughtfully before inquiring. "Do you still have a heart in your chest?"

Imad smiled at the waitress who flashed him a flirty look but hastily dropped it when Lateefa gave her an acerbic fierce stare, she rushed back behind the counter. Lateefa smirked, she didn't know how scary she could look if she wants to but takes advantage of it all the time. It's not her fault that the damn blonde waitress looks like aphrodisia was injected in her blood before she started working. It makes her stereotype all the blonds she's met.

Picking his spoon and fork, he meandered his attention back to Lateefa with pointed look. "Can you define what a heart is?" Steam broke out from her ears and mouth, earning a satisfying chortle from Imad. "Don't look too offended, I just asked a question like you..." He pointed his fork at her ribaldly then continued, "...have been asking me."

"Fine." She consented, keeping her fork loudly on the dinner Georgian plate in front of her. She folded both her hands, fingers intertwined and placed underneath the jaw in that foolhardiness she possessed.

"A heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the body, traditionally thought to be seat of emotions." With another smile bagged with sackful and hefty spoonfuls of sarcasm, she added. "There, I have defined a heart for you and now you must answer my own questions."

A mocking brow is what he raised aloof at her command, he is used to being in charge and not the other way around. He shouldn't be surprised when it comes to Lateefa, she's been a pain ever since highschool. She makes him work hard to get to Amirah whenever she's got the chance to. She's harangued him but he found it all fun to perform and audition for her.

"It is not a must but shoot your shot."

She gave him that 'H, you don't know what you are saying' kind of look then huffed. "Are you in love with your new wife? I'm just curious."

"I'm not. Why does that bother you?" He paused pushing a piece of avocado in his mouth to stare skeptically and incredulously at Lateefa before deciding she is not worth his stomach being devoid of food. Especially not where avocado is mentioned.

Lateefa loved the answer on the other hand, she likes that he does not love his new wife and is being honest with it. Him not loving his first wife might be a silver lining that he still loves Amirah or they have a chance with one another. She still believes that the love story those two share shouldn't be ruined just like that. She'd just end up not believing in true love if it does not work out, they made her believe in it anyway.

Lateefa auditioned a smile filled with too much aspartame that could diagnose someone with diabetes, Imad included. That is how too sweet it looks, more than saccharine actually. Even Kamilah who has been quiet the whole gave a look of suspicion. The girl is up to something like every other day, she is sure of that but kept quiet hoping she doesn't do anything promiscuously. She enjoyed their banter, she won't interfere or halt it.

Her eyes blinked to add more ginger to her audition. "Because she also doesn't look like she is in love with you..." She trailed off, cracking her fingers together in an exaggerated way. "...her eyes were void of that warmth it should have when you are mentioned unlike when you were with Amirah. When we told her about our relationship with you the other day, she merely nodded and was really bovine by the way. Where'd you get such dull wife from?" Her denunciation halted both Kamilah and Imad.

Imad stopped more avocado from sauntering into his mouth while listening to her ramble on and on about his wife. Does she know who his wife is? If yes, then how on earth is that even possible? Usayma never left the chamber neither had she proposed leaving the palace even once and as far as he knows, Lateefa didn't go to the palace...or did she? To do what then? See his wife and come here to judge and denounce her?

"How do you know my wife? I can't remember introducing you two." His left brow rise higher aloof, eyes showcasing seriousness and mouth set in thin line that states she should not even lie to him cause he will find out in few minutes.

"Ah..." Lateefa scratched her head nervously, her eyes meandering around to meet Kamilah's from across the table who only shrugged in 'we are caught because of your big mouth so deal with it your way' and she wanted to strangle the girl for being the quiet person she is.

He didn't know they went to bully his wife in their chamber. Not really bully but sell, you get it.

Imad became more impatient knowing his avocado meal is getting cold. "Well?" He pushed, allowing the suddenly garrulous mute to explain herself.

"Er, you see..." Trailing on and off won't do her any good and besides, she is Lateefa Sheriff for a reason, she never stutters. "We went there few days ago to see your beautiful Afghanistan wife. The media kept on going on and on about her, we couldn't wait to see her so I took Amirah and Kamilah with me to go see her. Well to keep it short, I don't like her." She made horrified look at her last sentence then forced a tight smile.

Imad scrunched his brows in utter concentration. Pinnacle emotions rocked inside of him like fireworks, they dematerialize, not giving him enough time to grasp them. It's so sudden that it felt like an avalanche, freezing him on that spot. He feels so mad at himself for not able to place those emotions that influx through him like molten magma. The galore of it was too much for him to gasp, it was too bright and sudden that rendered him galvanised.

Was Amirah jealous after seeing Usayma? How did she feel when she saw that he married his course mate? What was her reaction to the news of him married to someone that beautiful? He hates how insecure she was about her appearance but now, he wants her to feel it so deep inside of her that she would want to spit out her heart out of guilt and lack of self worth.

Why is he feeling like this though? Is he going down and stooping to her level? She did something similar or much more gargantuan than what he is doing and if he does not avenge his broken heart, he won't ever be able to live in peace. He is sure he won't be able to move on from Amirah, she has taken too much space in his heart and life that the mere mention of being away from her does not appease him.

Is he still in love with her? Is that even possible after all that has happened between them? Three years of pure hatred and more plots to avenge his illness?

Galvanised out by the mere thought of having feelings for Amirah, he inquired. "You were there with Ms. Adam?" Lateefa couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes at the formality he is using to call Amirah. Who is this man trying to fool now?

"Oh, look! I didn't know you knew her name was Amirah, shocks." Lateefa stopped her lips last minute from hissing out like a snake. The onomatopoeic sound at the tip of her tongue.

Imad and Kamilah both gave her a pointed look that she should not cross the line so she huffed and kept quiet, vowing not to talk to them again for the rest of the meal.


"Why did you talk about me? I don't like where this is going." Amirah kvetch, hands meandering around as they made their way down the hallway to their room.

Lateefa made a bratty look, taking her phone off her jean pocket to check the time they are supposed to pray asr before answering Amirah. "You cannot stop me from talking about you because you are not there. This is my mouth we are talking about."

Amirah didn't reply to that and instead entered inside their suite to cool herself down. After listening to what has happened between those three earlier while she was with Nazir, she had no idea what to feel. How could Lateefa talk about their relationship so casually when they both already have it behind them? It was and still is a sentient topic to them both. Imad would think she sent her to do that and it'll mean she's failed the game albeit indirectly!

Entering the suite, it's galore and stellar of light had her thought changing to something else.

Their suite is really not something they'd expected but then again, from the view they had of the hotel as soon as they dismounted their vehicles, they were hundred percent sure they would enjoy their stay there. Even if the roof is leaking or falling on their heads. Where'd that thought came from? This hotel is not somewhere anyone and everyone could afford, not even their rich daddies. It is a five star hotel they are more than honoured to be staying in.

It consists of a living room where two maroon modern century couches are situated facing a Hisense curved television and fireplace. By the right, there is a small table surrounded by three chairs making it look like a breakfast corner. There is a miscellanea of different types of wines in a cellar, Lateefa already stampede through it for nonalcoholics.

Then came their bedroom. It is colossal to say the least. Not to talk about the most gargantuan king sized bed they've ever seen positioned in the middle of the room. The theme of the suite is maroon and bone cream. The walls painted cream while the bed is seasoned with velvet maroon material tufted with small studs. The same velvet chiffon is decorated on the four walled wardrobe they have few clothes in.

They also have such gorgeous bathroom Lateefa suggested sleeping in if the bed won't be enough for them. It is the real definition of new renovated bathrooms limited edition meant for those mafia billionaires ruthlessly spending money over the interior of their homes. Yeah, not all wealthy people like spending money on their homes so the ones that do spend it recklessly.

The bathroom has a square shaped magic bathtub!

Where in world were they supposed to see such bathroom if not some billionaire penthouse? This made them respect they have for their company rise higher up a notch. The department heads would've just stayed in the sumptuous hotel and send them to a sleaze motel where impoverished gang members occupy.

Keeping the magic bathtub they have never seen aside, they also have a freaking walk in shower made of glass!

Amirah was about the retort back a behooving answer at Lateefa when her new phone rang, she gave only Afaf and Husna that number apart from her boss. She thought it was Imad at first but then Afaf's name flashed as the caller ID. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, talking to Imad right now is not at the top of her list. No, she does not want to talk to him at all after all those questions asked by Lateefa.

"Why didn't you tell me your chamber, oops, former chamber was this super duper amazing? It looks like heaven on freaking earth, Ami!" Was what hit Amirah's ears, Afaf being so not cavalier like she's always been.

She laughed at that. Her sister didn't go to the chamber when she got married, too busy with the first few years of her college to entertain herself and now that she is there, she is totally flabbergasted. The palace is extraordinarily beautiful, that aside but the chamber is also every lady's dream and Amirah knows that. Especially with the colour combination they'd suggested with Imad, spruce and sargia.

Amirah hummed with a smile, banishing the bad mood she was in just seconds before her phone rang. "It's like walking around a whole new world hmm?"

She could imagine Afaf rolling her eyes trying to search for words that could exaggerate what she's seen that day. The right word that could endorse her new view on the palace. "So much galore, Ami, so much of it." Afaf sighed, the words won't just come into place when her head is still picturing that chamber.

"May you get something better than that, Afi." Amirah prayed, a ghost smile lessening the tightness of her face muscles. The rage is now terminated from the orifices of her face.

"I covet your prayer, Ami. What's up? How's Italy and Italians?"

Amirah hummed again before remembering what she's talked about today with Nazir. "You won't believe who I saw earlier today."

"Can you tell me already? When did you start being so riddle like?" Afaf questioned with tinge of whine and hefty spoonfuls of curiosity thrown inside.

"After knowing I'm your sister," She inspected her growing nails, mentally pushing in her head to cut it next Friday before they grow so long. "I met Barrister Haruna Isah Jalo's nephew who happens to be an Attorney that works for the Kilishi Enterprises."

Afaf's eyes widened from the other end and she jumped on her feet. There is no doubt Amirah met Nazir Jalo today! She's been stalking the man since he came to their college to give them a few advises on how to tackle law school and bar exams two years ago. Haruna Isah Jalo have only nieces apart from the two nephews he has. The other nephew is into business leaving only Nazir to law.

Amirah's brows furrowed hearing no answer from her sister, she removed the phone from her ear to check whether they are still connected and sure enough. The phone is still on. "Hello, Afi, are you there?"

Galvanised back to reality, Afaf moistened her lips then nodded, before slapping her thigh for being so stupid when Amirah is not in front of her. "I'm here. I'm just surprised, that's all," Afaf cleared her throat again then added, "So you mean to say, you met Attorney Nazir Jalo?"

"You know him?"

"Duh, who wouldn't? He came to our school once and he is Barrister Jalo's nephew, a good Attorney too." Afaf explained, watching Najla sleep soundly while thinking what their life is about to turn into. It is going to happen, she could feel it. Something is going to change soon but she has no idea whether it's good or not.

Amirah shrugged, thinning her lips for not surprising her sister much then asked much more important question.

"How about Najla? Has she eaten? Was she crying the whole day again? I hope she is alright? And did you explain everything to Uzair?" She told her to find Uzair through Aidah so they can get food like she always does. He won't refuse them.

"She's sleeping soundly after eating and yes, I didn't explain but he just guessed. He is such a nice man."

"Good." If they are well fed and happy, everything is worth it.

Even failing in the eyes of Imad is like a trophy when they are merry. Nobody has it easy, everybody has problems. You don't know what they go through behind the curtains. Nobody is perfect, nobody deserves to be perfect. So before you start mocking, judging and haranguing, remember everybody is fighting their own war.

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