"You are leaving so soon? I haven't even told the maids to prepare breakfast for you." Usayma mumbled from the bed, her eyes closed with sleep but hearing Imad's nonchalant whereabout not caring what she feels or if she wakes up because of it. The guy is that selfish.

"I don't have time for that." His words were curt, adjusting the buttons of his linen coloured button up shirt and standing the collar to put the tie around her neck.

Today is his second day at work, the day before was not in his luck since he left immediately after the afternoon strikes. One of his friends called him to join them in some restaurant where he almost ordered some liquor but stopped at the last minute not wanting to make it too obvious that he has changed a lot like people kept saying. Not that they are wrong, but they do know how to exaggerate.

The rumours flared around the Palace like wild fire that he caused some problem around the Royals which makes the atmosphere in the Palace tensed and maladroit. He is the cause of it all, the people there are walking on thin ice around him. He is close to being put in his place, they are just watching him from afar for now.

And then he got furious when his friends, Jabir and Salim try getting him to go see someone because he didn't tell them he is married and has no space for anyone emotionally. They were doing all the talking while he stayed behind and quite or he'd slip out so many colourful words at his friends. He doesn't even know what they do but found out Salim works in his father's company, Kilishi Enterprises. Imad thought it was some sort of destiny joke, he hates it.

He came back and almost hit some maid who feels awfully familiar but neither was her face any familiar nor was her voice. She looked too helpless when he saw her sitting there making him mad since he hated seeing anyone trying to look handicapped when they are not. He hates when women are like that especially which is why he likes the thought of being married to Usayma. She is bold and daring, like he likes them now.

Anything that does not look or feel like his first wife, is very good to him.

But she didn't act like one in front of his family though he could sense why. His family members can he intimidating, they will look like they are about to eat you whole. He felt her squirms, her glares and all that but he has no right to talk there. All faults are pointing towards him then Huzaif had to go all older brother and demand that he open some wound he refuse to let unimpeded, he doesn't wish to do that ever.

"You heard what the doctor said those years so you must eat before you leave!" Usayma grumbled and stood up wearing some silky nightgown with one strap sleeves and plunging neckline showing almost all her mounds but he felt nothing.

Ya Subhan' Allah, Amirah has ruined him.

"Don't act like my mother right now. I said I don't want to eat, who are you to say otherwise?" He rose a brow from the mirror, already finished wearing his Tom Ford pitch black suit that accentuated his narrow waist and broad chest. He looks way older than his age of twenty two, almost twenty three.

"It's not you that I'm going to listen to but I refuse to stay with you when you get sick." She declared, leaving the room in process to not hear another side of Imad's childish banter. She just had to make sure he is not sick, apart from that, she doesn't care.

She asked one of the maids to cook breakfast for him and they could only watch seeing she is half naked, she didn't care. Tapping on her foot while standing by the door to the master bedchamber in case if Imad comes and try to outsmart her like he always does. She will just push the food into his car and leave it there for him. She could see the short of maids though, one isn't there.

"Where is the other maid? The one that can cook?" She asked, her brow raise in questions not wanting Imad to leave without food and they are wasting time. She hopes they know how to cook as she can't boil hot water to save her life.

"She is sick, your Highness." She felt great when they call her your Highness for some odd reason but she didn't pay much heed to the words.

"I am not eating, why don't you get it?" Imad bellowed when she gave him the food flask she ask the maids to put the pancakes they made.

"I don't fucking care what you do or don't. Take this with you! If you like throw it away, that is your business." She haughtily bit back in her own sheer of anger. He knows what she is doing is right for his health but he always acts like he doesn't want her to, she has to.

"Fuck you." He threw the food on the table and made his way out of the Chamber the maids watching with their mouths hanging open.

What on earth just happened between the youngest Prince and his new wife?

"You've already done that." She chuckled nastily then made her way back to the room to catch up some sleep. She is used to this fight with Imad, he never caved in no matter what she says or do.



She is getting more anxious at the thought of meeting her boss. Maybe he is just some old man and maybe those are not liquor, but just nonalcoholic champagne and wine kept for him when he is stressed. From the looks of it, this person has a high rank in the company and like Mallam Murtala had said, the man is just going to be tested for a few months before he goes back to being rich man again. She hopes they get along though, he might help her with a good review for the company to accept her.

Shortly after her thoughts and her arranging her desk again to her liking, she knew it was not something she should've done seeing she hasn't started working even a pen but she can't help it. She didn't like how the table was kept, the books, the laptop and the penholder so she arranged them closer to her small frame to make it easier.

While she left the front of the desk empty, she don't know why she even let that place so unseasoned. If she starts working fully, she will have to put something there to make it look full. Maybe something flowery to help her feel more at home and female like, it has been long since she felt that female vibe. She rarely has time for that.

The door opened and came in six set of legs dressed in nice loose pants that complimented their tall frames and lean built legs. She swallowed a lump, from the looks of it, they don't look older than twenties. She hasn't even seen the face, she is not ready to see who those set of legs belong to, her heart is giving her this orlay feeling.

Slowly, she stood up so she could have a clearer look at their faces and see if she could feast on one to take away her time. Though she is not one to be too into good looks, she won't mind having a drop dead gorgeous boss to make her days less busy. She could have something to look forward to every morning.

"Good mor-" her words got stacked deep in her throat and she almost vomited the akara she ate on her way. Seeing the faces she thought she would never see is the worst way to start up her day.

But who is she to even think that when they literally own the state?

Right in front of her are none other than Jabir Usman Talba and Salim Sani Kilishi, two of her ex-husband's best friends looking too good to step out from their homes. She can't believe what her eyes are seeing, she could only hope for it to be a nightmare where she wakes up like a zombie.

What on earth is happening there at that moment? Her life seems to be getting more interesting with each passing moment. It feels like her destiny is written to be filled with surprises, life changing decision, awkward situations and not to forget about the lots of torment. Everything awaits her and with each step, she is going to have to unravel everything by herself.

You reap what you sow, that is the saying.

The guys look older than their ages right from the beginning but now, it looks like they have family waiting for them back at home. They are all grown up, their height escalated but not much, just enough to make her feel intimidated. They have deep frowns marring their smooth faces and if she could see clearly, there are lines of worry there. Why are they worried though? It's not like they suddenly like her when she has made their friend crazy and heartbroken. There is no way that concern of theirs is meant for her, she knows that much.

Salim is wearing a peacock coloured suit, matching slacks and a grease black tie adorn his neck. He has this scruff by the side of his face, it makes him look older and more handsome unlike Imad who likes shaving his.

Jabir on the other hand is wearing rasin coloured set of suit and slacks with black tie too around his neck. They all look professional but she can't see the person behind, he looks to be hiding or they are hiding him unintentionally. Is it Imad?

No, no, no! Please Allah, let it be anyone but Imad!

She missed looking at those familiar faces though, the guys were always nice. It makes her more guilty about everything she has done. Maybe she deserves some punishments to make her come out of that sorrow, a punishment that will leave too much scars so she won't ever repeat the same mistake again. Life has not been on her side, she badly wants to repent and change the past but it's not possible, she knows that. She's tried, she done so much that she don't want to start anything anymore, it's like it will be more complicated.

Do not be a coward and run away whenever there is a problem, remember that every problem has a solution, never ever break someone's heart, you may not know when it will happen to you.

She should've known, the name sounds so familiar to her ears but she didn't want to dive too deep back into the past, she doesn't want that. She hates her past with great passion, she wants to be reborn again but that's not possible when her mother is even dead. The name rang a bell, she wanted to search the internet about it the night before but her sister doesn't have enough subscription while Husna's phone is misbehaving so they didn't get so much from there.

That didn't stop her from being anxious the whole night.

"Good morning, Sirs." She gulped, moving from the chair to hang her head low not wanting to see the disappointment and hatred they have for her in their eyes.

They clearly despise her, this is where her work goes down the drain. There is no way they will let her have an actual job when she is just a replacement for her brother in-law. She hopes they won't fire him when he comes back for being related to her in some way, she should just start packing and tell Afaf how much of a disappointment she is again. She is about to be sent back home, why does it have to be her? She clutch onto the button of her tortilla coloured shirt feeling afraid.

"Good morning. Are you Mr. Aminu's replacement?" Salim was the first to ask, his voice intimidating her and making her insides shake like leaves. If he is going to be her boss, then she don't want to know what will happen by the end of the day. Maybe she'd turn into the leaf.

"Yes, Sir." This time, her voice came out more firmer than it did the first time, she is more than glad about it.

"Oh okay. Well, your boss will brief you about what you will be doing here." He said again in that voice making her heart clench in apprehension of not knowing who this boss is. He isn't the one? Then who is it?!

She kept quite, still letting her head hang low, she don't want to know who the boss is anymore. She wanted to feast on some good looking man but now, she is not sure if she wants to see that sort of person. He could be anyone she doesn't want to meet from the past, for example, the two men standing in front of her. The other best friend could only stare at her with calculating eyes, as if sizing her up to see what she wants from them. She feels like the sleaziest thing again, she hates that feeling.

"I'm already mad this morning so ask this assistant of mine to make some coffee or this place will rundown right now." She hears a voice she dreaded the most in her life. It makes shivers of pleasure run down her spine but also displeasure speeding through her veins.

Her eyes widen like a saucer, she can't believe what she is hearing. Her heart pound rapidly inside her chest, it makes her lightheaded and that ethereal feeling came back abruptly. She can't believe this is happening!

How can this nightmare of a moment happen again? Why is it that destiny is going to always play bad tricks with her all the darn time? It's like whenever something good is finally arriving at her doorstep, something gigantic is always there to throw it away or block it away from coming any nearer. Her door is never close enough for something good, there must be some sort of bad omen cast on her for that. She can't remember having enemies but the girls that hated her for marrying the same person she now dread seeing.

How can destiny be so cruel to her all the time? Has she done something in her childhood that no one was proud of or maybe she mistakenly killed someone and their ghost or spirit or whatever is following her and making her like more miserable than it already is? There is no explanation to that, but then again, has there ever been an explanation from her side?! Never was and maybe, never will be.

And just like that, the third person made an appearance and started making his way to the colossal desk right in front of hers. He didn't even spare her a glance nor take his eyes off the phone he has clutched between his fingers.

She don't want to meet him, not now or ever but can she do anything to avoid it? Why didn't she use that too much makeup again? Right, because she is back to Amirah Ibrahim Adam and not Ameena Aminu again. She needs to keep good appearance for her brother in law's sake and niece.

God, this is awfully awkward and the most vulnerable moment of her life!

When Imad made himself comfortable on the black leather chair behind the oak hickory desk, he rose his head to see why it was pin drop silent all over again. She didn't dare raise her head up to see what is going on but when he did rose his, she could feel his gaze on her. And just like that, she knew the look he has in his eyes. First, it was going to be confusion, then surprise, then shock, then anger followed by untameable rage that can't be quenched. She knew him too well to know she will be out the door in few more seconds.

Imad stared, eyes hanging on the cause of every problem and misery in his life. He observed at the woman he once claimed to love with his heart and soul. He gazed at the woman who took his heart away because of her innocence, beauty and loving eyes. He inspect the woman who claimed to love him with all her being. He espy the woman that took away all happiness and smiles from him. He place his eyes fixated on the woman who has hands in making him the self-centered, egotistic, selfish person he is now.

In a whole package, the cause of his destruction!

And the way destiny is laughing to his face is not what he likes. It seems like she is the new replacement he will have to deal with before the other man comes back. When did she get the résumé as good as the one they were talking about and how she landed herself in a good job? Has she moved on from him and is now married to someone with connection and that is why she got the job? He can't come to conclusion on how she got work in one of the best companies in the country.

It's not like he is insulting her intelligence, she is quite good earning her a scholarship in his prestigious school.

Oh wow, now he feels like some sappy person stalking on his highschool ex. With calculative eyes deeply looking at the woman he once claimed as his, her head bent low like it should be, he felt this sense of satisfaction that she will be under him.

He is going to have so much fun having her as his assistant, she will regret getting that job in the first place. He will make her pay for the sleepless nights he's had, for the hangovers he had to take care of after a round of liquor at night. For the medications he is forced to take and every other single thing.

The fun begins now.

How are you all doing people? Are you enjoying this book or not yet? Hmm, Imad said the drama is about to begin now and I'm so excited for it to begin!!! @fauziyakabir
RQ; Would you rather work for your ex or work for your best friend's ex? Hmm, maybe my best friend's...


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