~Chapter Thirty-Seven~First Meeting~
~Laxus's Pov~
Our first training with Mira wasn't very well at all. Sting nearly died from how much pain he was in by the end of the first round and I had fractured my wrist. Once we helped Sting out we were forced to keep training with everything we had. Gramps believed something big was coming to drag Sting into high ranking training straight off the bat. I was only able to handle it because I trained working up the ranks with Mira. Me and her were teammates for a long time until her siblings joined then she had to help them out.
I was fine with it, it made me get along with her even more. I understood caring for younger siblings as well. We both were able to get closer because of that. Mira wasn't born a full Demon she used to be a half-breed of Human and Demon. She was cursed by another Demon long ago turning her into a full Demon at a very young age to where she had her childhood taken from her. Everyone in her town believed she was the devil, they would do anything to harm her, throw rocks, beat her up and so on and yet she didn't fight back.
She didn't want her siblings ever getting blame or harmed as well. She pushed herself to hold back the demon inside of her, she soon though was found by Gramps. He took the three of them in. Mira and her younger siblings see him as a father figure who saved them. Gramps and Mira would both have my trust and respect no matter what. After another two days of training, Sting was trying to get used to his new sleeping scheduled Erza made. I was used to it myself. I had worse training and longer than this with Mira.
On the third day, it was called off early. Gray and the representative of the Rebels came to visit us. They wanted me in the meeting along with Erza, Mira and Rogue. I wasn't sure on why. As we were all in the living room waiting for Gray and this unknown to get here Sting and Rogue were talking about their worries about letting the Rebels know were we were staying. I understood their worry but we had to show them we wanted peace somehow. We had to show we were willing to let them in our base as we forced Gray into theirs.
Erza explained the reasons for why we had no choice in trusting them with this knowledge. Once she finished we heard the buzzer at the front door. Mira going to answer it. Her sweet smile worked on everyone plus she was able to handle herself well. "Now everyone, remember to be on best behaviour" Gramps spoke mostly looking at me and Erza. Both myself and Erza were known for causing troubles when upset or feel like we were being pushed. "Everyone meet Jellal Fernandes the representative of the Rebels" we heard Mira speak as she came in the room.
We all turned our heads to see Gray and a male with blue hair next to him. Gramps stood up thanking this Jellal for coming to speak with all of us. I really hated this. I noticed Erza was looking at Jellal then away fast, her mind questioning itself. Mira noticed as well as she looked at me with a worried face. Gramps started intrudocing us all to Jellal with Gray as Mira got Gray and Jellal to sit down. Mira then moved to sit next to Erza, whispering to her every so often. "The first thing I have been ordered to do is confirm what Mr Fullbuster offered is really going to be handed over" Jellal soon spoke right off the back, his eyes only on Gramps.
Jellal's looks, body-language and tone of voice was all serious. "Yes, we will hand over all information on Precht" Gramps answered as Jellal closed his eyes, not fully looking happy. Gray soon sweat-dropped as he forced up a cough. "The Rebels also want Precht to answer for all the crimes he has committed on their people" Gray soon explained as Gramps was in deep thought. Erza was looking at the ground while Mira looking at me. Sting and Rogue were looking at each other. "Why do you all want Precht so badly?" I soon asked.
"He has information on our true leader who went missing. Precht was the last person to see him due to the fact the two of them were fighting to the death" Jellal soon answered shocking us all. True leader? We had only found out E.N.D himself wasn't the leader because there was someone stronger than him but now we had found there was someone else even stronger? "You all may not believe it but once Precht was a good man, the lost of the Fairy Tail Clan maker took a big toll on him" Gramps soon said.
Jellal only gave out an upset 'tisk' as he opened his eyes. "You lot would do anything to see a founding member good. He is a killer of innocent people, he didn't just kill us Rebels but other Hunters and normal Humans" Jellal spoke harshly getting me even more shock. One of our founding members was like this? None of us was told anything like this. Erza soon looked up telling Jellal to watch his mouth when talking to Gramps. "Even us Rebels are able to see traitors as traitors, even the Darkness can. Can't the Hunters?" Jellal soon asked as Erza and Mira were both glaring toward him.
It was easy to see Jellal had a past this Precht. "What he does to you?" Rogue asked getting Jellal to turn his head and look at him. None of us was expecting the sudden question. "As a child, I was a slave, beaten, forced to do labour and even be experimented on. Your dear founding member was one of the people who were in charge of that slave trade" Jellal answered getting us all to shut up in a second. Jellal then looked at me and Sting. A slight smile growing on his face.
"You both do look much like Lucy don't you? Even though I only spoke to her once, she is very different to the two of you" Jellal then spoke as Sting burst open with questions, mostly if Lucy was alright and safe. I was just able to hold myself back from doing the same. "E.N.D will make sure she is safe no matter the coast, he may be an idiot but once he vows to protect someone he does, even if it would kill him to do so" Jellal soon answered as that gave me some relief. Not much but some at the least.
"We Hunters will help you bring Precht in to answer for his crimes. You are correct, he is a monster far lot worse than the Darkness" Gramps soon spoke shocking all of us in the room, even Jellal. Everyone was looking at him. Gramps had a serious look in his eyes, he meant everyone word he said. "Precht is the only one who knows what happened to the founder of Fairy Tail and the last Heartfilla" Gramps then spoke as I noticed in the corner of my eye, I saw Gray flinch and sweat-drop. He was looking away from Gramps.
"But what is it you Hunters want?" Jellal soon asked as Gramps chuckled a smile growing on his face. This made Jellal raise an eyebrow confused. "We only ask that you all protect Lucy Heartfilla no matter how long or the cost along with letting her have contact with her brothers" Gramps answered shocking Jellal. Sting and I were thanking Gramps both of us even more relief than before. "Then there shouldn't be much problem" Jellal only spoke as he threw two letters at me.
I caught both seeing one had mine name and the other Sting's. "Lucy's handwriting" Sting and I spoke at the same time as Jellal stood up. "She asked me to give them to you, she wanted to come along to this meeting but she had training" Jellal then spoke as Sting and I looked at him fast, both of us raising an eyebrow. Sting was the first to ask, 'What do you mean by training?' "She asked to be trained in basic fighting skills" Jellal answered as I sighed. Sounded like Lucy. Sting looked more upset than before.
"I got to get back and report, we have too much going on to waste more time here" Jellal then spoke as Gray stood up. Gramps soon called Jellal's name getting all of our attention. "We ask that you take Erza back to your base with you, I understand Gray is working to make peace but we would like to send her back with you to make sure Lucy is safe, even from E.N.D himself" Gramps soon spoke shocking us all. Gray sweat-dropped slightly, telling Jellal it wasn't fully needed. Seems Gray has been pushing his limits with the Rebels.
"This will piss of E.N.D. I agree with it fully" Jellal soon said making Gray sweat-drop more. Erza was in some shock as Gramps chuckled thanking Jellal for agreeing. Erza soon stood up leaving with Jellal and Gray. That was when Sting and I rushed out letters open. I heard Mira rushed over to my side as Rogue was looking over Sting's shoulder.
Dear Laxus,
So much has happened in such short time. It's all happening a little too fast even. I found things out about our family, about the Heartfilla family, about father and even a little more about us. I have learnt things about the Heartfilla weapons I have to share with you in person. My training has started fully instead of just history lessons so maybe soon I will even be able to help you and Sting out better. I won't lie, this is all so much it has scared me at times but this is what I want to do. We will be in touch more soon, once I find out what happened to my phone.From, Lucy
I only smiled slightly as I saw Sting had the same Letter just titled and worded toward him. "At least she's safe" Mira spoke smiling at me as I only smiled slightly more nodding in agreement.
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