~Chapter Thirty-Nine~Juvia~
~Lucy's Pov Still~
Levy and I ended up getting some food while going over the notes. We ended up having three notebooks already full up. "With all of this, we could even end up writing our own book series" I spoke as Levy picked up the rough notes she got today, her eyes lighting up. She was soon saying how that was an amazing idea. She was soon saying how my information with Layla we could rewrite the history of the Heartfilla family as a 'fantasy novel'. I smiled at her as she was saying idea after idea on what type of books we could write ourselves.
With us both being book nerds it was something we could talk about all day, every day. I was enjoying her ideas and even joining along with my own on talking about her's. We kept talking for who knows how long until Jellal, Gray and Erza came into the room. "Should've guessed with you two" Gray spoke as they walked over, sitting with us at the table. I was looking toward Erza then Gray confused as Gray sighed. "Master wants you to have another guard, that is all. It shuts Laxus and Sting up" Erza soon explained.
I only nodded slightly as Jellal informed me he gave the letters, a smile on his face. My eyes lit up as I thanked him. "You know, Natsu and Gildarts have been in a meeting together since sunrise, I wonder what's taking them so long" Levy soon pointed out as it made me start thinking. Jellal soon raised an eyebrow asking me how Natsu was before he went to the meeting. "Normal" I answered as Jellal started thinking himself. Erza raised an eyebrow along with Gray. Levy soon explained how their meetings are never longer than an hour unless important.
"Darkness people do know where we are, might be that" I soon mumbled as there were too many ideas coming through my head. Too many possibilities. Jellal got up saying he would find out for us before leaving. "Jellal is high ranked, nearly got second in command if Natsu wasn't well ya know the big bad E.N.D" Levy said as she sighed. Erza was soon asking how I was doing here and how everyone was treating me. Gray only sweat-dropped slightly rubbing the back of his head.
"I've been fine. I have also been making lots of friends along with enjoying Gray and Natsu arguing every so often. They get very childish with their name calling" I laughed as Erza sighed with a smile on her face. She soon informed me of how Laxus and Sting were, mostly worried about me. Nothing new but now I knew half of their reason to be worried wasn't that we were close siblings. It was mostly because of the power inside of me. "Well, Jellal has never failed in making peace treaties. So you will see them again Lu" Levy spoke with a smile.
I nodded a smile growing on my face as Gajeel showed up hugging Levy from behind as her face started burning up fast. I smirked slightly as Levy looked at me, this made her face got even redder. "Bunny-Girl stop teasing Shorty" Gajeel snapped as I put my hands up as if I was surrendering. He was her Personal Demon just how Natsu was mine. "I only smiled" I lied as Levy was soon asking Gajeel to sit down. I only laughed slightly as Erza smiled closing her eyes. Gray only rolled his eyes at Gajeel's behaviour.
Gray was getting pretty used to everyone. "It's good to see you made friends here Lucy" Erza spoke as Gajeel finally sat down, freeing Levy from the hug. I looked at Erza and raised an eyebrow confused. "Hopefully this will calm Sting down, he is more upset about this than Laxus" Erza soon chuckled to herself as that sounded like normal. Laxus would be the one to hide all the worry and keep threats to himself while Sting didn't care who he was threatening nor how he had to treat people.
I only laughed at the two boys freaking out. Sting was normally the one to make Laxus act out. "Still it has been quiet here lately, it ain't right" Gajeel soon mumbled getting all of our attention. Everyone was slightly on edge. There was no sign of attack but yet I saw Levy grow some worry on her face. "Normally even under attack this place is lively" Levy soon looked at Gajeel, her worried look getting worse. Erza was soon looking around. "Even though I haven't been here long I can agree on this place normally being lively" I spoke up worried.
"Now Natsu and Gildarts are in a long ass meeting, something is up" Gajeel spoke sounding annoying. Levy soon noticed something, standing up fast. "JUVIA, COME SIT WITH US!" Levy shouted waving as my eyes followed her's to see a girl looking at our table shyly. Juvia had dark midnight blue eyes and azure blue hair. Her hair was in thick waves that just went past her shoulders while it was under a Russian-style hat with a light-coloured butterfly clip which was attached to the fur trimming.
She was wearing a dark knee-high dress coat that matched her dark blue hat. The coat has fur trimmings around her sleeve cuffs and neck, matching her hat more while lastly having thigh-high brown boots. "Gray, Erza, Lucy meet Juvia. She is mine and Gajeel's best friend" Levy said as Juvia waved shyly moving to stand behind Gajeel. She was shyer than me. Erza and Gray gave a friendly 'hi' as I smiled at Juvia. "It's nice to meet you Juvia" I spoke as Juvia's eyes soon lit up moving next to me in a second, taking the last free chair at our table.
"Your Natsu-Sama's master right?" she asked slightly excited as I rubbed the back of my head nodding. Levy giggled explaining to Juvia that me and Natsu agreed to just keep it as friends than Master and Personal Demon. "Juvia has to thank Lucy-Sama for saving her and everyone" Juvia soon spoke with a sweet smile on her face. Her eyes showed a mix of emotions but one thing stood out. That they were lonely. "Juvia you should hang out with me and Levy more and please just call me Lucy" I replied as Juvia was in shock.
She was asking 'really' in a very excited tone as Levy agreed right away loudly. "You Juvia, you know what Flame Twat and Boss are talking about?" Gajeel soon asked as Juvia shook her head, a worried look on her face. It wasn't long until she pointed out how quiet it's been. Erza soon stood up coughing, getting everyone's attention. "Everyone, I believe Gajeel and Levy are dating" Erza nearly shouted as both Levy and Gajeel froze up, their faces turning as red as Erza's hair.
It soon caused everyone to rush over shouting questions excited. Erza sat back down as Gray only burst into laughter. Juvia and I both moved fast out the crowded area and to the other side of the cafeteria. "Juvia doesn't enjoy crowds much" Juvia whispered as I replied with 'same'. That was when the two of us started talking alone. I had found out that Juvia was one of the last mermaids left on the planet. Even though she was one of the last she never felt alone thanks to the Rebels, they took her in with open arms not caring that she would cause them to be under threat.
This place really was amazing.
Guess who wants to try finishing the book after all?
Like legit, there are some people who really made want to give it a try and finish this book. So everyone say a big thanks to these people:
These people mostly Happy_FairyTail_ have been very supportive of their words and actions. So I WILL TRY, I cannot promise 100% this will end how any of us wanted or if it will be a good ending (I've been writing too many cliffhangers lately).
Also, I still not sure what main ships will be in this book but there is a VERY high chance they won't be any...okay maybe LaxusxMirajane because I ship that pretty hard since the Fairy Tail Sequel showed the two supporting each other more in the guild hall so like...
But yeah I will see what I can do about finishing this book myself or finding someone who will. On top of trying to finish this book, I may even rewrite it. Like finish this one but make another book on the same story plot but many things will be different much like title, drive, ships, who is who aka villains etc.
So even if this ends not how anyone likes it, it will be remade, another story based on this will come out but will be a different ending and major plot points will be different too.
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