~Chapter Fourteen~Friends~

~Lucy's Pov Still~ 

After Gray signed into the school fully and the head gave him his timetable and gave a speech about the rules, I showed him around. As the tour around the huge building ended it was time to second lesson. When I checked, Gray and I were in the same classes. When I pointed it out he laughed saying it was 'fate' making me look at him shocked slightly. We ended up sitting at the same table along with Larcade. I kept it quiet about how Larcade was working with my brother and who Gray was. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to tell.

Lessons came and went. I spoke to Levy once and awhile at break, I noticed both Gray and Larcade were keeping their eyes on me. Soon Larcade pulled me to the side of the classroom. "Lucy, I got some bad news" Larcade spoke as I looked at him worried. "Flare, the woman who killed your father is in town again, please be careful" Larcade whispered before walking off as I leaned on the wall. I was taking calm deep breaths. Then the rest of the day went along. The work couldn't keep my mind off the death of my father.

The fact he was killed and I couldn't do a thing but run. After the day all together I was rushing out the place. I heard someone running after me as a hand went on my shoulder spinning me around as I saw it was Gray. "No one has ever asked how you are feeling about Jude's death have they?" Gray asked quietly as my eyes started watering. He soon pulled me into a tight hug. I ended up crying on his shoulder outside in the courtyard of the school. I felt a hand on my back and another on the back of my head.

Gray was holding me close as I just kept crying. He was the first to ask how I was doing. Even Laxus kept quiet. Then again he never was the best at this. He normally made Sting look after me when came to this type of thing. He wasn't good at understanding people's feelings. "Baka. I'm going to kill your brother, what kind of brother doesn't check on his sister after something like this" Gray spoke sounding really upset and angry about this. I closed my eyes calming myself down as Gray held me even closer.

"I'm going to be there for you Lucy. I watched both my mother, father, step-mother and sister die in front of me. I won't let you go through the pain of facing it alone. I know how bad that feels" Gray whispered as I just hugged him tighter thanking him for this. My voice cracking while doing so. I holding more tears back. It was hard. All of this was hard. With what happened with father and now with Sting being captured. Everything was going downhill for me. I was in shock to hear about Gray's family.

He watched them all die. I was scared to ask if he had any left. I wasn't going to push. I knew myself how hard it was. We soon pulled away from the hug as I wiped my face. "We are going to be friends from now on, got it?" Gray asked smiling toward me as it made me smile. "Thanks" I spoke as Gray put a hand on my head smiling. "I'm also going to kick your brother's ass" he then spoke as I burst out a laugh. "I think he could win" I replied as Gray moved his hand from my head asking how much I trusted my brothers.

"I trust both of them with my life, that is why I want to train. I want to fight by their side instead of being a weakness" I then explained as Gray only smiled even more. I then heard a female chuckle as Gray moved fast pulling me behind him as I saw that woman. The woman in all red. Flare. The one who killed my father. She was standing there with a wicked smirk. "You have some guts showing yourself in front of me Flare" Gray spoke as he had a smirk on his face but his voice was harsh and upset.

We were still on school grounds. "Lucy stay behind me for now, you don't have the training to deal with a high class" Gray soon spoke as the air around us started to get cold. Flare only laughed, her eyes closing as honestly, I was scared. "Training? So the scared little girl is getting training huh?" Flare asked as Gray had something glowing under his sleevee on his right arm. Flare opened her eyes looking right at me. "Will you run away and let this young man die as well?" she asked in a sing-song voice.

I ended up freezing up in place. "Shut your fucking mouth, she didn't know about our world until your dragged her into it so don't you dare say that" Gray snapped loudly shocking me. I was looking at him. His face full of determination and rage. The way he was saying it. "STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU BASTARDS!" I remembered a voice of a child echo around my head. When I was younger I went too far into the woods and got lost from home. Two older men tried kidnapping me when a child who looked around my age saved me.

Was that Gray? The world wasn't that small, was it? Flare looked toward Gray looking ready to attack any second. Gray moved in first, faster than my eyes were able to keep up. He was in front of Flare punching her in the gut with his right fist as she was coughing up blood as he did so. I was in shock as Flare was sent flying into the school building we were quite away from. Gray rushed to me grabbing my hand as he started running. I was just barely able to keep up with him. I was in shock to see how strong Gray was.

We were out the school grounds heading toward the city centre as I was starting to get out of breath. Gray noticed stopping and picking me up in a bridal hold fast. My face was burning up as he started running again. "The house has a protective shield around it, once there they can't touch you" Gray soon informed me as he stopped out of nowhere. Flare was in front of her, rage on her face as there was blood going down her mouth. Gray took a step back. That was when a giant cross came flying down stapping Flare right through the head...

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