~Chapter Forty-Five~Traitor/Mole~
~Lucy's Pov~
Laxus was holding me as tight as he could. My own body couldn't help but shake. "Leave this bastard to me" Laxus whispered before freeing me from his arms. He stood up turning around, lightning starting to come off his body, dancing around him like dragons. Hades was standing back in the spot he once was. A wide smirk panted on the old man's face. Natsu was growling at him, trying to find the strength to move. Erza and Gray both doing the same. "You truly are very powerful and gifted aren't you?" Hades then asked my older brother.
The sound of thunder echoing around the room. "After you sent some bastard after my brother I find you going after my sister, what did you expect? For me to stand by and let you touch them?" Laxus then asked, his voice loud and harsh as it bounced off the walls of the room. The lightning on his body only grew to become worse. Hades gave out a small chuckle, his smirk only grew in size. It wasn't long until the room began to fill with other faces. All were smirking, chuckling and looking at my older brother.
Erza and Gray had a huge look of disgust on their faces while looking at some of the people. Laxus moved his hand up, summoning his crossed bladed spear. "So this is where all the traitors ran off too huh? Following some crazy lunatic" Laxus spoke, his eyes glued onto Hades. He didn't dare even look at any of the army of people Hades had to surround us. The lightning that once gave off a beautiful dance started to become more chaotic, they started to bounce onto the ground, burning and destroying every place they touched.
"If only you didn't hold that curse, you would've been welcomed to our group with open arms Laxus" Hades then spoke before a huge gush of power started to bounce off him. The wind around the room started to pick up harshly with it. Like how Laxus had his lightning around, Hades now had a powerful dark purple glow dancing around him like a shield. "So this is the power of a past Clan Leader huh?" I heard Erza ask loudly getting me to look at her. She was trying her hardest to get onto her feet, to help Laxus in this battle.
I noticed there were chains around her neck, wrists and ankles. I looked at Gray, Jellal and even Natsu to see the three boys also had the same. These chains were stopping them from fighting. Hades gave out a chuckle before stepping forward slightly. "Ivan always was a weakling, though his information has been useful" Hades spoke getting Laxus to turn his head slightly, his eyes finally leaving Hades to look at me. That was when he told me to stop my 'needless worrying'. He gave me his normal smile.
"I won't lose to some bastard like this" Laxus informed me before looking at Hades once more. I couldn't help but smile. Putting my whole faith in him. Believing in my older brother. Hades only laughed before Laxus vanished. The lightning staying where he once stood. Everyone in the room was confused until he showed back up next to Hades, slashing him with his spear. Hades was unable to block the fast hit, the blade of the spear piercing through his shoulder before sending him flying into a group of his own people.
"Anyone who threatens my family, has a date with death" Laxus then spoke getting the lightning that was screaming in the air to move, allowing the dragon-like sparks fly at the army around us. Killing and taking down anyone who dared to even move a finger. Natsu looked in pure shock while I noticed Erza and Gray were smirking. "Note to self, don't upset Lucy's brothers" Jellal spoke to himself watching Laxus carefully. Natsu soon ordered him to deal with the chain getting Jellal to sigh.
"Lucy are you alright?" Gray soon asked getting me to nod. Laxus. You always the one to come to my rescue. You were always there when I needed you the most. Thank you. Thank you so much Laxus. I watched as my brother dealt not only with Hades but the people around us, ensuring none of them pulled any moves on himself or the rest of us. "How bothersome" a female voice echoed around the room getting Natsu and Jellal to turn their heads faster than Laxus' lightning.
A girl with pink hair reached down to the middle of her back, in a wavy ponytail and had a dark brown set of earmuffs. She was wearing a red dress with a golden trim around a deep neckline that exposed a large amount of her ample cleavage with a short skirt with a belt with a yellow ribbon tied around her waist, black coloured stockings and brown boots to finish her outfit. Her red eyes looking at the fighting going on around her. "Meredy?! You were the fucking mole?!?!" Natsu nearly shouted his question in pure rage.
"Oh E.N.D you simple minded idiot" she spoke a smirk growing on her face. Jellal was frozen in pure shock. Natsu had flames burst in growth around his whole body. Meredy then looked at Jellal before walking up to him, some reason Laxus' lightning was acting as if it couldn't see, hear or even sense Meredy. "How does it feel Jellal? Knowing one of your very own teammates isn't as loyal as you thought?" she then asked getting my eyes to widen slightly. Jellal's team. Wasn't his WHOLE team due back at the base?
If Meredy was here...where were the other members? "Why do it Meredy? Why betray the family that took you in?" Jellal then asked, keeping a calm and serious tone, body-language and aura. Natsu looked like he was about to snap in pure rage. Meredy only gave out a small laugh pulling a gun from her back, placing the end of the barrel at Jellal's head. "Sorry but you won't ever know, I would've prefered you to watch your rebel gang die all around you but you will just have to watch from the other side" Meredy then gave out a wicked laugh.
"Meredy, has you minded be clouded to forget why I'm Gildarts left hand?" Jellal asked while the chains broke off him. Meredy's eyes widened as she went to pull the trigger of her gun. Jellal had grabbed her arm pulling it toward the ground, ensuring it wasn't aiming toward anyone. The bullet had gone through the building's flooring while Jella then moved pinning Meredy to the ground. "Natsu might be Gildart's right hand but that's because he's the poster boy" Jellal spoke keeping Meredy slammed face down on the ground.
Making sure she wasn't able to move or break free from his grip. "Where are the others?" Jellal then asked harshly getting Meredy to only laugh like a madman. I was in shock to see her act in such a way. I didn't know her in the rebels but everyone treated each other like family. Juvia, Levy...everyone couldn't see one of their own betraying them and yet here she was. The mole, laughing and trying to kill Jellal. Jellal only gave out a sigh. "And here I was, hoping to retire soon" Jellal mumbled getting Natsu to go 'what' in confusion.
I turned my head fast, checking up on my brother to see he had Hades pushed back at the other side of the room. Laxus.
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