Sun kissed beginning

   As Annalise was waking up she could feel a big cold breeze coke through out her room. She looked over and seen that her window was as opened. Annalise got up and went to go shut the window.

  She wanted to go see if Sadie was awake. She opened her door and went down the hall to her sister's room. When she got to her sister's room she just walked into her room.

"Do you need something?" Sadie asked

  "I came to see if you was up" Annalise said

  "I'm getting ready. Mom is heading over to Susannah's place." Sadie said

  "I'm going to go over there but first i'm going to take a swim down at the beach" Annalise said

  "Have fun" Said said

  Annalise gave the girl a smile. She then went back to her room. She went to her closet then grabbed a bathing suit. She hurried up and threw on the bathing suit. Annalise then grabbed her towel and ran down the stairs.

  "Why are you such in a hurry?" Ezra asked walking downstairs

  Annalise at first didn't say anything. She was still a little pissed off at Ezra from last night. "I'm going down to the beach." Annalise said

  "Don't start another fight" Ezra said chuckling

  "Fuck off" Annalise spatter at him while walking off to the door

  Annalise then made her way down to the beach. When she got there she laid her towel down so that she could lay on it. She wanted to tan first before she got in. Annalise laid there for a while but then she heard talking. She looked back and she seen Jeremiah and Belly.

"Hi guys!" Annalise said smiling

Jeremiah and Belly didn't notice that Annalise was on the beach until they came closer.

  "Ana why are you here all by yourself?" Jeremiah asked

  "Just wanted to go for a quick swim before I came over to your guys house" Annalise said

  "Well, why aren't you swimming?" Belly asked

  "I'm tanning. I was about to get in" Annalise said

  "Let's get in then" Jeremiah said

  All of them started running towards the water. Annalise jumped in. Jeremiah still was standing up. She then got up and pushed him in. Annalise was dying of laughter. She was having the best time of her life. Jeremiah then got up and wrapped his arms around Annalise. He pushed his was down into the water making them both go down together. Belly then started to splash them both. They all started to laugh. They were all having so much fun that they didn't want to leave the beach.

After a while they all started to head up to Susannah's. Annalise didn't even go back to her place to get dressed. As Annalise walked into the house she wrapped the towel around her. As we all walked into the kitchen Susannah, Laurel, and Reese were in there gossiping.

  "What have y'all been up to?" Susannah asked

  "We just went for a swim" Jeremiah said then after he walked away to go upstairs

  Annalise was about to go upstairs until her mother stopped her. "Anaslise, me and Susannah have been talking about this" Reese said

  "We want you to join the deb ball" Susannah said blurting out

  Annalise face froze for a second. "You want me to what?" Annalise asked

"Honey you don't have to join if you don't want to" Susannah said

  "No, I want to. It'll be fun" Annalise said smiling

Annalise didn't really want to join. She thought they would've asked her sister. This kind of thing was more of her sister's style.

"We need to go shopping for your guys dresses" Reese said

"Wait who else is joining?" Annalise asked with confusion

  "We asked Belly" Susannah said

  Annalise felt relieved that Belly was doing it with her. She didn't want to do this type of thing alone.

Laurel then called for Belly. "BELLY" Laurel shouted

  "Jeez Laurel that was my ear" Susannah said

  Belly came running down the stairs into the kitchen.

  "Yes?" Belly asked

  "We're going shopping for the dresses" Laurel said

  Belly then looked at Annalise and smiled. You could tell Belly was really happy she wasn't doing this alone either.

Annalise and Belly started to walk out to the car. All of them were in the car. Susannah then drove off.

Susannah then pulled into a parking spot. All the girls had gotten out of the car. Susannah then wondered her eyes somewhere else for a minute then took a look back at the girls. "Where do you girls want to start first?" Susannah asked

Belly and Anaslise then looked at each other to try and think. "We should probably get our dresses first" Annalise said looking back over at Susannah

  Susannah then walked towards the door where the dresses were. She had opened the door for the girls.

When Annalise had walker in her whole face had lit up. She was so impressed how the dresses were designed. She had wondered off somewhere else. She had separated from Belly, Susannah, Laurel, and her mother. She was looking at all the dresses to see which one she was interested in more.

After like twenty minutes she had found a dress. She instantly knew she wanted this dress. She loved how it had sparkles all on the top of the dress. It was very long and elegant. She just knew this was the dress.

Annalise then picked up the dress and made her way over to her mother and the others. "How is this?" Annalise asking with a smile

"Honey that is beautiful. You have to try it on" Reese said

I then went into the changing room to try on the dress. When I had finally put the dress on I came out of the changing room to show the others. When I stepped out of the changing room everyone's face had lit up. "That is gorgeous on you" Susannah said

"You think so?" Annalise asked smiling turning around to look in the mirror

"You need to get it" Belly said excitedly

"Belly have you found yours yet?" Annalise asked

"I still need to find mine" Belly said

"Let me help you" Annalise said

Annalise had realized that she was still in the dress. "First let me get out of this dress" Annalise said laughing

Annalise then went back into the changing room to change. When she was done she came out of the changing room. Annalise and Belly then started to find a dress.

They were still looking for a dress after forty minutes. Then Susannah picked up a really big sparkly dress. I then looked at Belly and she didn't seem interested at all. "Belly you need to try this on" Susannah said

Belly then went into the dressing room to try on the dress. When she came out I could tell by the look her face that she didn't like it. "You look like a princess" Susannah said

"She looks like the tooth fairy" Laurel said

Annalise then started to chuckle.

"Or what about this one?" A coworker said holding up this satin silky white dress

Annalise could see how Belly's face lit up when she seen that dress. She knew she wants that one.

"Oh no, no, no, that one's much too simple" Susannah said

"But it does seem more like Belly" Laurel said

"Laurel trust me these girls go all out" Susannah said

Annalise then saw Belly's smile disappear. She could tell that she really wanted it but she didn't want to disappoint Susannah so she just went on with what she said.

"Are we ready girls" Reese said

"Yes" Annalise said

While Susannah, Reese, and Laurel was paying for the dresses Annalise and Belly already headed out to the car.

We finally left and went back home. Annalise and Belly made they're way into the house. Belly headed her way to the stairs. "I'm going to go change for the deb ball meet" Belly said looking down at Annalise

Annalise smiled and then made her way to the kitchen. "Hey, Conrad" Annalise said

"Hi, Annalise" Conrad said turning around

  "Where is everyone?" Annalise asked

  "Well everyone mostly has a summer job now. Steven and Jade are working together. And Jeremiah, Pearl and Sadie are life guards at the pool." Conrad said

"What about you?" Annalise asked

  "Well, me? I'm just at home doing nothing" Conrad said

  "Why don't you have a job?" Annalise asked

  "I'm not in the mood for a job" Conrad said

  "You seem like your never in the mood for anything" Annalise said

  "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the deb ball meet you have today?" Conrad asked

  "Well that's a good way to change subject" Annalise said giggling

  "Go get ready before Laurel leaves you" Conrad said

  Annalise then rolled her eyes. Annalise then started to walk to the door then paused and turned right back around. "Conrad would you mind walking me over to my house?" Annalise asked

"Yeah that's fine" Conrad said walking towards the door

Annalise and Conrad then made their way to Annalise's house. Annalise then opened her door. "Wait here i'm going to go change real quick the. we can back over to your place" Annalise said making her way to the stairs

Annalise then walked into her room and went straight to her closet. Susannah told her to wear something nice like a beautiful dress. So she tried to find a beautiful dress. She was looking through her closet then when she found a pink flower medium long dress that went down to about her knees. She hurried up and threw it on. She rushed downstairs to where Conrad was. She knew she was running late so she tried to hurry. "Are you ready?" Annalise asked

"Are you? Laurel is going to leave you if we don't hurry back to the house" Conrad said walking to the door

"She's going to leave me. I blame you if she does" Annalise said

"How is this my fault Annalise?" Conrad said turning his head do so quick to her

"I'm messing with you" Annalise said laughing

Annalise and Conrad finally made it back to Susannah's. Annalise then started to run out to the car where Belly and Laurel was waiting for her. "Finally" Belly said

"I blame Conrad" Annalise said

The two of the girl then started to laugh at the comment Annalise had just said.

Laurel then pulled to the side and let the two of the girls get out of the car. "Girls you both know if you don't want to do this then you can still back out" Laurel said

"Mom" Belly said annoyed

"It's okay Laurel but thank you" Annalise said smiling

"I mean it Belly if the girls are mean or the food is even bad you can call me" Laurel said

"You remember our code when you were little?" Laurel asked

Belly then looked at Annalise. Belly seemed embarrassed. "Lemon jelly Belly" Belly and Laurel said at the same time

Annalise then smiled. "Thank you Laurel"

"You have fun girls" Laurel said then after driving away

The two of the girl then made there was to the building. When they were walking they couldn't but help to notice that Jeremiah was walking towards their way with a bunch of towels in his hands. "Jeremiah" Annalise said walking closer to him

Jeremiah didn't even notice that the two of the girls were walking his way, matter face she didn't even notice it was Belly and Annalise. "Ana and Belly I didn't even notice it was you guys" Jeremiah said

"Well this is where you spend your hours?" Annalise said

"Yes, I have a job now" Jeremiah said

"Oh really I didn't notice" Annalise said in a sarcastic way

"Well do we look stupid, be honest?" Belly asked

Jeremiah then looked at both of the girls. He chuckled to himself. "I'm sorry, no, you both look lovely" Jeremiah said trying not to laugh

Annalise then playfully smack Jeremiah in his shoulder. "Don't be an ass" Annalise said

"Ouch, that hurt" Jeremiah said

"Suck it up" Annalise said

"Let me walk you both over" Jeremiah said

Belly then looked at Annalise and then looked back at Jeremiah. Jeremiah knew the two of the girls was talking to each other by with their eyes. "What?" Jeremiah asked

"Nothing" Annalise said pushing Jeremiah

"Let's go" Jeremiah said walking the two of the girls over to the meet

While all of three of them was walking into the building they made their way up the stairs and into the room where everyone is. All three of them were laughing really loud so everyone turned their heads to them. All the girls were just staring but then Paige the instructor came over to all three of them. "Jeremiah, Where's your shirt?" Paige asked

"Paige, always a pleasure" Jeremiah said taking her hand and kissing it

Paige then looked at both of the girls waiting till Jeremiah introduced them. "This is Belly and Ana, I mean Isabelle Conklin and Annalise Whitman. The two young beautiful ladies my mom told you about" Jeremiah said

Paige then smiled at them. "They're late" Paige said

"I'm sorry that would be my fault" Annalise said smiling

"You both are at table two" Paige said

"You two have fun" Jeremiah said leaving the room

"Well at least we're doing it together" Annalise said

Belly then smiled at her. They both made their way to table two. "Hi, everyone" Annalise said

"Hi!" All the girls said back

Belly and Annalise then both sat down. Then some girl next to Annalise that had really long black hair was looking at Annalise. Annalise then looked over at her confused. "I'm sorry but aren't you the girl at the bonfire. Didn't your brother get into like a fight?" Shayla asked

"Yes, that will be me" Annalise said smiling

"So is this your guys first time coming to Cousins?" one of the girls had asked

"No, we've been coming here for like our entire life's" Annalise said chuckling

"Yeah, they're both like family friends with Conrad and Jeremiah" Nicole said

"So, like Annalise are you and Jeremiah a thing or are you going to take him to the ball?" Gigi asked

"Oh my god Gigi back off" Nicole said laughing

All the girls started to laugh. Belly had her mouth stuffed but she kind of choked when she heard her ask that.

"It was a question" Gigi said

"They're basically related. You don't have anything to worry about" Nicole said

"I'm not worried" Gigi said

"Keep telling yourself that babe" One of the girls said

"Gigi has had this thing for Jeremiah" Nicole said

"Ever since he got abs" Shayla said cutting into the conversation

They all started to laugh. "Relax i'm not into Jeremiah Fisher" Shayla said laughing

"Yea, and you're noticing his abs?" Gigi asked

"No, she's to busy eye fucking the waiter" One of the girls said

"Dude that's belly's brother" Shayla said widening her eyes

"Ew, that's gross" Belly said

Annalise then laughed.

"So, what's it like to live with Conrad and Jeremiah?" Conrad is so mysterious" One of the girls asked

"He can be like that. Come on it's Conrad" Annalise said

"So, like are you two close?" Nicole asked

"Well not like that we're best friends though" Annalise said

Nicole then smiled to herself . Annalise could tell she was relieved.

"You have nothing to worry about" Annalise said

"Hello debutantes" Instructor said loudly

Everyone started to be quiet and listen to Paige. "A few rule I would like to go over" Paige said

Annalise then noticed that Shayla had a silver flask in her hand.

"We have a lot of looking forward to this season" Paige announced

"Now i know some of you girls might think that debutante is outdated and your only joining to please your families. But you all will passed this down to your daughters one day" Paige said

Annalise and Belly looked at each other. Then they both looked at all the girls passing around the flask with whiskey in it.

"At each table is a big sister who will guide you through the season. So, please introduce yourself's" Paige announced

Annalise then turned to Nicole. Belly also turned to Shayla.

"Hey little sis" Nicole said pouring her some of the whiskey into her cup

"Honestly my parents made me do it last year because basically all the girls have done it in my family but my big sis was great. So, just have fun. Don't be nervous." Nicole said

"Do you want some?" Nicole asked pushing the flask towards Annalise

"Yes, thank you" Annalise said watching Nicole pour it into her cup

Annalise then seen Belly getting up to leave. Annalise was really confused. "Did she say where she was going?" Annalise asked Shayla

"No, she just said she'll be back" Shayla said

Annalise then looked back at Nicole and smiled. She then picked her cup up and started to drink her whiskey.

After the whole debate ball meet Annalise was tired. She went back home to change and then went back over to Susannah's. Annalise went up to Belly's room. She then slightly knocked on the frame of the door because the door was already open. She was trying to get Belly's attention. "Annalise?" Belly said turning around

Annalise couldn't help but notice that Belly was all dressed up. "You have somewhere to be?" Annalise asked

"Well I am going on this date with this boy Cameron. I actually have known him for a while but I reunited with him at the bonfire." Belly said

"Belly has a date!?" Annalise said excitedly

"How do I look?" Belly asked

"Gorgeous as always" Annalise said

Belly and Annalise then went downstairs. Belly was going to go let the boys she was going out on a date. When they both went into the living room all the boys were on the couch and Jade and Pearl was in the kitchen. "See you guys later" Belly said trying to get their attentions

Jeremiah then looked back and seen Belly. "Damn" Jeremiah said getting up leaving Steven and Conrad to okay by themselves

"Are you kidding me. Fine, just banned the game completely Jere" Steven said trying to look back at them while focusing on the game

"" Jeremiah said twirling Belly

Annalise then looked at them both. She was kind of  jealous that he was giving Belly attention.

"Hey, hey stop flirting with my sister" Steven said

"Steven shut up" Pearl said shouting from the kitchen

"You shut up" Steven said shouting back

  "She looks good though" Steven said looking back at Belly

"You have fun with Laurel and my mom" Jeremiah said

"She's not going to the book club. She's going to the drive-in" Annalise said

"Oh, really?" Jeremiah asked

"Yes, Bells has a date" Annalise said smiling

"You have fun Belly" Jeremiah said

Belly then made her way to the door. The she got a message from Cameron that he was outside.

"Better be good Belly" Annalise said shouting

Belly then laughed and left. Annalise then felt like going for a swim. "I'm going back over to my place" Annalise said

"See you later Ana" Jeremiah said

Annalise then made her way back to her house. Annalise walked into the house and heard her parents in the kitchen. Annalise then went into the kitchen. Annalise's parents noticed that she was in the kitchen so they stopped talking. They seemed like they were hiding something. "What's going on?" Annalise asked

"Nothing sweet heart. What are you up to today?" Micheal asked

"Well, Annalise did have her Deb ball meet today" Reese said

"Yea, all the girls are really nice to hang around" Annalise said

"That's really nice. I'm glad they're all treating you right" Micheal said

"Well i'm going to go for a swim" Annalise said walking out of the kitchen up to her room

  Annalise went to her room to throw on a bathing suit. When she was ready she went down to the beach. Annalise then went for a little swim. After a while she went back to her place to change. Annalise then went to her sister's door and knocked. "Sadie?" Annalise said

"Come in" Said said shouting

  Annalise then went into her room and seen her on her bed. "So, Belly went to the drive-in with some boy. I was thinking we should go to go watch a movie. I have nothing to do right now." Annalise said

"Belly has a date?" Said asked shockingly

"You sound surprised too" Annalise said

"Yes, we can go" Sadie said

  Annalise and Saide then went downstairs and slipped their shoes on. "Shit I didn't think to who is going to drive us." Annalise said

"Why don't we just ask Jeremiah" Said said

Annalise didn't really want to ask any of the guys because she knows how they will be. But it was the only option at this point. So both of the girls walked over to Susannah's. They went to go find Jeremiah. "Jere" Annalise said

"Ana?" Jeremiah said

Annalise seen that Jeremiah was with Conrad and Steven. She didn't want to take all of them. "Could you take us to the drive-in?" Annalise asked

"Wait that would be fun actually. We should all go" Steven said

Annalise then kind felt like she should of never asked Jeremiah that question. With all of them together it's just total chaos. "Let me get my keys and then we all can go"  Jeremiah said

All of them then got into the car. Annalise all the way there she was regretting asking Jeremiah. She knew this was a bad idea.

We finally pulled up and Belly was in the car right next to us. I seen that she was about to kiss the boy she had came with but then we pulled in and her face got all red. I seen that belly was saying something to Cameron and then he got out of the car. Steven and Jeremiah were making kissy sounds and pretending to kiss mid air.

Belly was really angry. She got out of Cameron's car and opened Steven's door. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Belly asked

"Oh, just catching the end of our favorite movie" Steven said

"You no right, you have to go" Belly said

"Come on Belly relax. We was just joking around" Jeremiah said

"Come on yall this isn't funny. Let's just leave" Annalise said

Belly seen that Annalise and Sadie was in the back with Conrad. She looked very disappointed in me. "Let's go come on" Annalise shouted

"Really? Your the one who wanted to come Ana" Jeremiah said

Jeremiah then drove off. I knew Belly was really upset. Annalise couldn't help but to think about this whole situation on the ride back home.

Annalise then after a while was sitting in Belly's room waiting till she got home. She wanted to apologize. Annalise then heard a door shut. Annalise decided to go downstairs into the kitchen and seen Belly. "Belly?" Annalise said

"Really?" Belly asked

"Belly I know your upset you have every right to be" Annalise said

"I mean really Annalise? I told you I was going on a date and you guys had to come ruin it" Belly said

"It wasn't like that Belly. I tried to tell Jere to take me and Sadie but he tagged all of them along" Annalise said  

"Whatever" Belly said walking away

  Annalise was confused. She really did try to apologize to Belly but she didn't accept it. Belly just had left Annalise there to think about her actions.

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