Working on it

Working on it

What made Rissa wonder was what she would do now that their parents are off to their honeymoon for the weekend. Callyx was not really around because he seems to spend a lot of time stuck in the office then dashing out when he has the chance to drive off to somewhere she doesn't know.

Not even the higher nobles were around in the palace making it rather peaceful. Aside from the occasional guards and maids carrying papers to offices to the office wings of the place, she was bored. Not even Sir Maximus was around to teach her royal manners and things of that sort.

In the red and white lace dress she's in, she stood out among the pillars, walls and the floors of the palace which was of white marble and gold finishing. Her hair of vibrant red made her catch people's attention by the corner of their eyes.

Despite having so much freedom to roam around, she couldn't settle at one place. Not the throne room, not the ballroom neither at the garden. So she decided to go exploring around the library.

Yesterday, Alicia mentioned that it was lonely in the library because everyone seems tto be upgraded with tech in the palace for work or reading needs. The lady seem to know a lot about the library so assuming she got her hunch right, there is a royal library and Alicia is often found there. Maybe other people hung around there too.

With a few instructions from maids and butlers, she found the library at last. Huge doors of pine greeted her with gloom by the well-lit hallway. She pushed it open to enter, stepping in to a different world.

The whole room smelled like old pages and new leather, jasmine incense and cold air conditioning as well, the floors were deep brown polished marble, walls lined with shelves upon shelves of books. It impressed Rissa as she never saw this much books in one room. Even high up, there were selves with thick leather bound books and the room seem to stretch on for a mile. Large windows flooded sections with light, large chandeliers high from the ceiling to give better lighting and lamps built in on each table for non-existent readers. The second floor were simply walls of books and ladder cases to get to them.

By the door, a desk was situate and behind it is a brunette that Rissa just had the pleasure of knowing yesterday. Buried behind books her eyes behind a pair of glasses, the red head recognized Lady Alicia immediately.

"Lady Alicia, is the library open?" Rissa asked, looking around in awe as she approached the desk.

The brunette behind the desk was startled when she was spoken to, the book in her hand almost falling off. "Yes, yes it is." The brunette looked up to meet Rissa's eyes with surprise. "You came!! You found the library!"

Rissa didn't know why Alicia was very glad to see her here. Perhaps lonely that there was no one around here but the caretakers of the books?

"I had nothing much to do. Cal ran off after doing work, I think. He sent me a message that he's heading to town." Rissa informed her which made Alicia pout a little.

"Don't mind him. He's always messing around in town and the king is fine with it. What can I do for you, your majesty?" Alicia asked with a smile.

Rissa didn't know what to answer. All she knew was that she just wanted to read something or get a book to read as she looked around the palace.

"Recommend me a good book to read? I still have etiquette and manners books in my room, sorry about that. Can I read more of those sorts?" She asked of.

"You're odd. Why would you want that? We have all sorts of books that could entertain you." Alicia pointed out and started searching books through her computer. "Romance, tragedy, original book manuscripts...Why read etiquette?"

"Good question. I just don't want to embarrass myself in court, is all. Besides, I don't know when the next event or tea party might be or whatever nobles do around her. I just want to prepare." Rissa answered.

Alicia looked at her I awe. "You know, I remember my classes for the same thing and I hated reading these books but, if you wish to do so...."

Rissa shrugged, waiting for Alicia to finish by the desk. After printing something on a paper, she stood up and got a card and paper for Rissa to fill in. "Write out your details for your library card and I'll go get your books, alright?" Alicia handed her a pen and ushered her to take a seat among the hundreds of empty tables, the brunette gallivanting later into the archive of books they have.

Rissa filled in the paper and got the books quickly. She also got language books from Alicia as she recommended. "Just so you can communicate with ambassadors if you need to."

Thanking her friend, she headed out of the library, clutching a bag full of them for her to read. She picked one and read as she walked down from the higher floors. A maid volunteered to bring her books back to her room but not before she took another one.

Rissa decided to spend half the afternoon in the garden alone, guards soon spotting her and guarding her as she read in a pavilion by the rose bushes.

Maids brought her tea and snacks without being asked and she appreciated that because she must have skipped lunch from reading a lot.

She was fascinated how much rules there were, how many things royalty were not allowed to do, how they should dress and act outside and many more things.

Her phone later rang. Rissa was surprised that someone would even call her. It was a little past noon and she ate half the snacks given to her, the tea done and empty.

She answered her phone with a little dread. "Hello, Callyx?"

"Hey, baby sis! How are you doing? Dying of boredom yet?" he asked with a light hearted voice from the other line.

Rissa plucked a petal from a nearby rose and clipped it between the pages she just left off and closed it. "I'm reading books. Where are you anyway? Shouldn't yu be the one doing the crown work when King Sage is not around?"

Callyx laughed. "You seem to be picking up the rules around there! Yes, I should be the one doing that but I finished most this morning. I just avoided the meetings."

"That's half the job!" She complained and guessed.

"Nah! They won't miss me! How about you do work for me instead?" he offered. Rissa rolled her eyes.

"And what would this work be?" She asked, drinking a glass of water. "If it's a meeting, forget it."

"Nah! You'll just welcome an ambassadress! She should be there by now." Callyx informed her.

Rissa was confused weather her step-brother was lying or not. It made her panic and anxious. "Are you serious, Calllyx?! Please tell me you're not!"

"I'm serious!" He laughed as if this was a funny joke. "She's from Atria. Do you know where that is?"

"Of course I know!" She shrieked and stood up from her table in alarm.

The kingdom of Atria is the closest partner of Cedhia in terms of trade and investments. Rissa knows this well as she was planning to visit there one day. Well, that was until she was dragged to the royal mess she's in.

"Where do I meet them?! Cal, you little--"

"Woah there, little sis. Don't get your locks tied in a knot just yet! I'm at the next town over doing work as well. I asked you because none of the ministers or nobles seem to be very eager to meet with her either. You're not busy so why not?" Cal explained. Rissa ran to the closest thing she could see her reflection in and fixed up, handing the books to a butler to place it in her room.

"Will the ambassadress stay in the palace? What do I do after I welcome them? And how long will they stay?!" She asked Cal for details quickly and from a slight peer from the window, she saw a limo pull out from the front steps of the palace.

"She'll stay in the palace, you'll have to have dinner with their party and discuss a few things about our trading system. They'll stay for a while, as long as they need. Left wing guest quarters." Cal explained.

Rissa ran in the halls and got down as fast as she could. "You owe me big time for this, you little runt." She didn't have time to hear Cal complain and ended the call.

She saw the current Royal Adviser stand in front by the steps to welcome the ambassadress and was surprised to see her there as well. She took deep breaths and calmed herself, giving a small bow to the adviser.

The adviser smiled at her. "Your majesty, you didn't have to come and welcome them." The lady seem to be doing this a lot alone.

Rissa sighed. "Yes I do." She replied in a hushed tone. "I read it in a book just now."

The adviser was impressed that she was reading about these things. She kept her silence and let Charissa take over the welcoming party.

The ambassadress came out of the car with a grin on her face. Charissa took in details of her like a scanner. Eyes of light blue like the sky on a clear day, skin fair like hers, long black locks for hair, a well-defined jaw, lips and eyes that seem to show how mischievous she is, a small nose, cheeks tinted pink, tall, lean and well composed, respectable and shaped to be a royal or to work around royalty.

Chariassa took note of the guards with her as well, an older man, the same age as the king but he kept his distance from the ambassadress like he was there to watch.

To say that the lady is a beautiful and high spirited lady from first glance is quite easy but what Charissa was curious about is her manners. If her looks corresponded well to her attitude that is.

"Welcome to Cedhia, ambassadress." She greeted with a small curtsy. The ambassador smiled, a hint of surprise seen in her eyes. "I'm Lady Charissa Clementine ."

The ambassadress smiled and took her hand, kissing the top of it. This made her smile, flustered even as no one did that just yet on to her. "Thank you for the welcome, milady. I heard of you recently."

The adviser started speaking to the security detail of the lady. She seem to be a little older than Rissa which makes sense at the same time not.

"I hope nothing bad is what you heard of, milady?" She asked, worried that her efforts to be well-mannered in the court was not enough. Rissa started walking inside, showing the lady around for a while as they had the conversation.

"As a matter of fact, it's the opposite. You adapt well in the royal life as the critiques say and a rather mysterious lady from what I have heard." The dark haired lady pointed out.

"Please. I am not mysterious. I'm an open book if not evident yet." She negated, chuckling. Rissa led them to the long way around one of the parlours, taking the scenic route where the windows showed the gardens and the forest behind it.

The red head spared a look up at the lady and found that she had met eyes with her, blue eyes that seem to make her feel confusing things. "I beg to differ from your words, milady. You're not easy to read."

Rissa smiled. "I didn't say I'm an easy book to read, milady. I just said I'm an open book." She lead on, turning her head away from the direct burning gaze of the ambassadress.

"My name's Lady Elina Nova, The ambassadress of Atria. I came here to check on you and what you offer to the kingdom, Lady Charissa. It seems that I have my work cut out for me." She heard the ambassadress say. It made her smile knowing she can have fun around with the people she meets.

No many know of her, what she does or what kind of person she is. Most can't really find her interesting, others she makes friends of but she's ever fleeting. Wandering and looking around.

Charissa liked being unknown yet heard of. Well, likes the thought of it anyway.

"If so, why not have a cup of tea with me for the mean time and I can show you personally to your quarters?" She inquired, smiling nicely.

Lady Elina smiled. "How can I refuse an offer like that?" Rissa opened the door to the parlour and led the pair inside.

The man with the adviser was discussing hard. Things about security and threats that might rise. He seem to be anxious but the adviser seem to cater to him and his questions well. Rissa left her to do her job and her to mind Lady Elina.

She invited them to sit with her and asked a maid to bring them refreshments and for their luggage to be brought up to their rooms. The Royal Adviser excused herself and left Charissa to show them their hospitality, no doubt testing her of her skill to socialize and discuss with guests and important personnel.

"Lady Charissa," Elina called on to her. Rissa turned to her with a soft smile, welcoming and warm. "How long have you stayed in the palace?"

"Less than a month?" Rissa casually replied, taking a seat adjacent to the ambassadress. "Why ask, milady?"

"You seem to be a lady raised in the royal family with your manners." Lady Elina noted. Rissa had mixed feelings about her words and how she wished to reply to that.

"In the court, I read well that people are as good as hungry beasts that will pick on you from a single mistake. One cannot be naïve around the people here after all." Rissa respectfully replied, sitting properly as she had tea poured for her. "Knowledge is my armour."

Lady Elina grinned from her words. It scared Rissa that the people outside of Cedhia would be as vicious if not more as the people here.

"I'd love to know what's underneath your armour, Lady Charissa." Lady Elina said which creeped the red head out. She made notes to herself that she has to keep her guard up and higher around the ambassadress.

Rissa pouted playfully at both her company, placing her tea cup by her lips. "I'd rather you not, milady."

The red head watched Elina who looked at her like she was a candidate for execution, hard and very much judging her actions. The man beside her kept silent as they had the exchange, eating and drinking with them.

"Please introduce me to your company, Lady Elina. I'm afraid I ahven't heard of his name just yet." Rissa said to break the growing cold silence in the room despite the warm afternoon sun streaming from the large window.

Lady Elina looked up at her, "Forgive me. I forgot."

The man placed his cup down at the table and stood up to bow. "I'm Sir Alexander Devine, Head of security of Atria, your majesty."

Rissa returned the gesture, making him sit once more. "Pleasure to meet you both. I admit, it's making me quite nervous to discuss with you in the same room." She confessed. "But seeing that I have no time to adjust, adapting and doing well is my best actions."

Lady Elina chuckled. "No time to adjust? How so, your majesty."

Charissa didn't really like telling the story of how messy her life began so she playfully placed a finger upon her lips. "Perhaps I'll say at another time, milady."

She finished her tea and not long after, Lady Elina and Sir Alexander did as well. From the contented looks on their face, they seem to be ready to retire and rest before dinner.

"You must be tired. I had your rooms prepared." Rissa stood up and the two followed, heading out of the door. "My maids will lead you up as I have to make an important call."

Lady Elina turned to Charissa before they left for their rooms. "We'll talk more over dinner, milady. I'm rather curious about you." Lady Elina took her hand and kissed the top of it once more before heading to her room.

After she was left alone, she dismissed her maids and asked them to prepare for dinner soon. Only then did she melted down at the floor, taking quick and hard breaths.

She was flustered to say the least and Lady Elina made her feel things! It wasn't something nice but not unwelcome either which was rather odd. She never had a woman kiss her hand like that nor have a gaze directed at her with such fire and curiosity.

Charissa covered her face and tried to shake off the feeling and sensation she had in her chest. Confusing, hot and so irritating. She then decided to take the way around her room and flopped on the couch in front of the television.

"Oh this is annoying!" She pulled her phone out and called Callyx, very much irritated.

When he picked up, she tried not to shout. Key word: tried.

"How's the welcoming party for the ambassadress, sis?" Callyx asked. Rissa didn't know how to answer--to rant or shout.

"You didn't tell me she's very intimidating! It's annoying! I felt like I was playing mind games with her and she's so nice and gorgeous!" She said, giving her brother a general idea how it went.

"So it went good! Yes! I know I can count on you!" Cal laughed. "How are you after that?"

"Annoyed, confused and very much tired." She complained. "When are you coming home? Can you make it util dinner? When is mom and the king coming home? And when can I hide from them?" She asked rapidly, hiding her face under a pillow.

Callyx laughed harder from the other line. "You can calm down and just breathe. No one's gonna eat you up."

"She might just do that." Rissa stated and groaned on to the pillow. "She's intimidating and annoyingly good looking."

"And what's wrong with that?" He asked.

Was there something wrong with good looks? No. But using good looks to intimidate and make her very much anxious? Yes.

"I don't know. It's annoying, I guess." She sighed in defeat. "Anyway, come home soon. I hate doing royal duties."

"That's just your first royal duty! Cheer up." Cal chuckled. "I'll head home tomorrow. Have a good night, sis."

"You too." Rissa replied and ended the call.

After that, she headed to take a cold shower to clear her mind, body and soul with whatever she's feeling and hopefully focus at the task in hand. She prayed dinner will be less tense as tea time. 

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