Opening her eyes, Marion looks around a very modern room. It's a beautifully decorated room, her favorite light blue color on the walls. Pictures all around the room though they were a bit blurry now. The door to her left opens and there stands her mother, the most put together that she had ever seen in her life.
"You awake honey? I know you went to bed with a headache last night, but I was hoping you would be well on your wedding day after all." Jackie smiles as she touches her daughter's head.
"Come on pumpkin, the world is waiting for our beautiful bride, the groom is anxious too." an elderly voice calls from the door.
What looks like an old man smiles as he comes into the room, she gets a sudden vision and sees that this is Adam just much older now, almost too old for some reason. Marion smiles as Jackie helps her to stand up. Unlike being forced to do this, it felt natural to Marion. Her mother helped her put on her wedding dress, a beautiful mermaid with lace and sparkles all over it. Her hair was put up and a small tiara put on her head to hold the vail.
"Can I have a moment with her?" her grandfather asked.
Jackie nodded and walked out of the room. Her grandfather came over and opened what looked like a large jewelry box in front of her. There sitting on the dark blue velvet was an emerald necklace. A remarkably familiar looking one too.
"This was my sisters, your aunt, she was my much older sister, but she left this to you, her great niece. She said it was something that reunited her with her love, so she hoped it would do the same for you." her grandfather told her as he put the necklace on her. "She's still around you know."
The grandfather pointed to the mirror and there Marion saw Melanie and Jake smiling at her and waving in a happy and loving way. Marion smiled as she waved back at them. Grandfather then led her out of the room, and down to the ballroom. He led her down the aisle she had walked down twice alone, she couldn't help but hold onto him just a little tighter before her gave her away.
Marion hadn't seen her groom's face when he took her hand until it was time to lift the vail. It looked like Jasper but there was something different about him. He kept his eyes on her as if he were afraid, she would disappear right before him.
The priest pronounced them man and wife as Jasper grabbed ahold of her and kissed her deeply on the mouth. Marion smiled into the kiss and held him back. The crowd cheered behind them as cheers and yells were coming from both sides of the aisle.
They finally had a moment alone, out on the front porch of the rebuilt manor as Jasper turned to Marion and smiled at her. He could tell there was something bothering her though. Gently caressing her cheek, he had he look up at him.
"What's bothering you, my love?" Jasper asks concerned.
"I haven't seen Will, I thought he would be here with Melanie and Jake. I hope he's all right wherever he is." Marion sighs.
Jasper smiles as he watches Marion walk to the edge of the porch and sigh. Stretching his arms out, a bright light came from him and that caught Marions attention. Surprised she rushed over to him and could tell it was Will standing right before her.
"Let's just say, my spirit was in two places in one time once, I did save you more than once after all darlin." he said as he placed his forehead against hers.
"Will?" she questioned as he smiled with a slight nod before leaning in and kissing her.
"How is that possible?" she asks as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I was a lost soul as Jasper until you found my spirit, my old spirit that is. You made me come back to my new body." he tries to explain even though he didn't utterly understand.
"So, will was your past life that just needed to be woke up?"
"I think so, I was like a zombie before then, but you found me, in both times may I add." Jasper smiles again as he kisses her.
"Trust us he wouldn't shut up about it." Melanie's voice called out from behind Jasper.
Turning to them both, Marion and Jasper smiled to see both Melanie and Jake were appearing right there. Though they were spirits now, they felt more comfort know they were able to at least visit them. Arthur showed up too, with spirit drink in hand.
"We have tried to figure it out, all we can say is that it was fate. That was why he felt the need to save you. When he saw you in the cavity in that white dress, he started referring to you as his future angel, none of us knew why at the time but now it makes sense." Arthur said as he took a drink.
Marion smiled as she looked to Jasper.
"What about before we found the cavity? Or when you both were down there?" she asked wanting to know more.
"That was what is called a split, the spirit can occupy its reincarnated body and still appear it spirit form. It was me all along, but you just called him a different name." Jake shrugged.
"So, it was you all along." Marion smiled as she looked into Jasper's eyes.
"What can I say? I couldn't have you then, but I can now." Jasper said as he took hold Marion again and dipped her back giving her a long passionate kiss.
Melanie smiled as she hugged Jake, while Arthur looked down and then away for a few minutes. Standing her back up, Will began to dance with Marion on the porch right there in front of everyone.
"I've married you twice now, because I need you, I'll treat you right, be mine forever?" Jasper asks Marion as he spins her out and pulls her back in.
"How could I say no to the man who chased me down in two lifetimes?" Marion smiles as she leans in and whispers in his ear. "Yes."
Jasper grins as he spins her again and then continues to dance with her.
A few months later, Jackie finished putting the last of her things in the trunk of her car. Turning back to the manor, she saw Marion walking forward with Jasper holding her hand. They walked down to the car as she shut the trunk lid.
"Just for a few months, I feel like a fog that has been in my brain has finally cleared up. Traveling is something I always wanted to do. I promise I'll be back before the big day." Jackie smiles as she hugs Jasper and then looks at her daughter. "Promise me you'll try to hold out till I get back."
"I'll do what I can." Marion smiles as she hugs her mother.
"You all keep an eye on her too, this place is booming with people now. I don't want anyone taking advantage." Jackie talks to the spirits of Jake, Melanie and Arthur who wait on the porch.
"My dear you insult us; we have all the skill in the world to scare anyone away." Arthur comments with a chuckle.
Jackie smiles as she pulls away and get in the car. Marion and Jasper watch as she drives out of town. Going inside, followed by the spirits, Jasper puts his hand on Marion's slowly growing stomach.
"If it's a girl, I hope she'll be just like you." Jasper smiles and kisses the top of Marion's head.
"That's all we need." Arthur comments with an eye roll.
"She'd be adored by all." Melanie smiles.
"Protected by all around her." Jake speaks up.
7 Years pass, Marion and Jasper have a healthy baby girl they name Melanie after the Melanie that brought them back together. She had the same gift of seeing spirits like her mother does and grows up alongside the ghosts of the house. Melanie teaching her how to be a true lady. Jake teaching her how to get dirty. Arthur showing her all about books and fine teachings as he calls them.
A normal day is happening in the manor, Marion dancing in the ballroom with Jasper, Mélaine and Jake is spirit form joining them as Arthur sits on the floor beside young Melanie as they watch the dancing when suddenly the doorbell rings. A cold chill does through the house, and everyone freezes. Jasper and Melanie comes to the door as a black letter in placed through the letter slot. Confused, Marion picks it up and opens it.
"What is it?" Arthur asks.
"An invitation but it looks so old." Marion says as she hands it to Jasper.
He holds the invitation up and sees it's a wedding invitation with the bride's name being Constance Hatchaway. The minute he sees this, one of his older memories as Will comes forward and he looks right to Jake.
"Uncle Hightower's wife?" Jake asks confused.
"This was years ago..." Jasper says looking at the date as a black piece of paper falls from the envelope. Marion picks up and begins to read it aloud.
"Death is not as permanent as it seems, with the help of Constance, I will regain my fortune and be reborn. Signed the phantom." Marion says looking at the group.
"Here we go again." Arhtur sighs.
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