The Hands That Hurt Us - Part 3
"He what?! Hyung, why didn't you wake me up?!" Jimin yelled at Jin in the kitchen the next morning.
Everyone except Jungkook and Taehyung had woken up to get ready for work, and Jin explained what happened and how he brought the two to the hospital last night.
"I didn't want to disturb you, there's nothing you could have done Jimin-ah. Don't yell at me!"
Namjoon was also upset. "Is he at least okay? He shouldn't be going to practice today if he's injured like that."
"I already called manager Shik and asked about Jungkook staying home, he said he didn't have to participate in the dance practice but he still wanted him at the studio so that he's still part of the group and knows what's going on," Jin informed them.
"That seems fair, I guess. Did you explain how he got hurt?" Yoongi asked his hyung.
"Yes, he kept asking me a million times what happened. He seemed concerned," Jin told him before going to Taehyung's and Jungkook's room to wake them up. The two youngest quickly got dressed and strolled out to meet the others in the kitchen.
"My baby!" Jimin screamed as he ran to Jungkook and hugged him.
The youngest was still feeling the pain from those bruises, but thankfully they weren't as sore as last night. Jimin took Jungkook's wrist and kissed the brace gently.
"I'm fine hyung, really."
"Ah Jungkook-ah. I called and tried to get you out of practice but I guess you still have to come." Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed it.
Jungkook froze. "Who did you call?" he asked with wide eyes.
"Manager Shik," the eldest replied.
Panic shot through Jungkook's chest again. "What did you tell him happened?"
"I told him you got hurt at the gym and I brought you to the hospital," Jin informed him.
"No hyung I mean what did you tell him happened?"
"That you got hurt on some equipment and fell, why? Was I not supposed to?" Jin asked.
Jungkook's panic subsided a little bit. He hadn't told his hyungs the truth anyway so manager Shik shouldn't have an issue, right?
"No no, its fine," Jungkook replied.
"Alright well, we need to head out, hyung needs to stop for coffee." Yoongi made his way to the door and everyone followed him out.
Once they arrived at the HYBE building they headed straight to the dance studio for practice. Jungkook insisted that he was fine and could practice the dances, explaining that he can at least practice his foot work and he'll leave his wrist out of it.
"No, Jungkook. You need to rest for today," Namjoon demanded.
Namjoon had to make a lot of decisions when it came to being the leader, some more difficult than others. However one of the easier decisions he'd always had to make were the ones involving his members' health and safety. That always came first. It didn't matter where they were or when. If someone was hurt, they needed to rest. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
"But hyung, I..." Jungkook started.
Namjoon cut him off. "No 'buts' Jungkook, you're sitting out today."
"But hyung! I don't-" He thought about what manager Shik had told him yesterday and continued, "I just don't want to be the reason you all fall behind."
"Don't worry about that. Nobody is going to fall behind. Okay? It's seriously fine. Tell you what, you know what you can do? How about you give us constructive criticism on the routines and tell us where we can brush up. Think of it as being Hobi hyungs little dance leader assistant," Namjoon suggested.
Hobi overheard and came over. "Yeah Jungkook-ah, I'd love that."
Jungkook smiled, at least he didn't feel like a complete burden or waste of space as long as he had some kind of job to do.
The members danced through a few routines, with Jungkook and Hobi both giving pointers. Hobi called for a small break and they all dispersed around the studio to grab their waters. A few minutes later, manager Shik walked in the door. Jungkook was sitting against the wall and froze at the sight of him. He didn't know it was possible for one mans presence to be so terrifying.
"Ah, Taehyung, may I speak with you for a moment?" manager Shik asked, except when he asked he wasn't looking at Taehyung, he was staring right at Jungkook.
"Sure," Taehyung replied and started following Shik out the door.
Jungkook's heart started racing. No. Not Taehyung. I didn't tell hyungs anything. Not Taehyung! He can't hurt Taehyung?! What the hell does he want Taehyung for?!
He looked around at the rest of his members who were all very relaxed and hanging out.
They have no idea what could be happening to him right now!
Jungkook stared at the door, waiting, and waiting, for his hyung to return, unharmed. His anxiety grew worse the longer it was taking. He couldn't sit there anymore and do nothing. He had to go save Taehyung.
"I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom." Jungkook stood up and made his way out the door. As soon as he was in the hallway, Taehyung and Shik were nowhere to be found. He started running down the hallway in a panic. Where would he take him?! He was running around the corner when his body crashed into someone else's.
"Aish Jungkookie! Do we need speed limit signs in the hallways?!" Taehyung teased.
Jungkook grabbed both Taehyung's arms and frantically inspected him. "Where were you? Are you okay? What did manager Shik want?"
"He was just asking how you hurt your wrist. Although I don't know why he doesn't just ask you. Even though Jin hyung already told him like five times. And yes, I'm okay...why wouldn't I be? After he asked about you I went to the vending machine." Taehyung held up a handful of snacks that Jungkook hadn't even noticed him holding, "Do you want any of this? I got chocolate b-" he was caught off guard by Jungkook wrapping him in a tight hug.
"You alright?" Taehyung asked, confused.
"Yeah, fine. I'm fine." Jungkook let out a deep breath and thanked his lucky stars that his hyung was okay. Taehyung gave him a concerned glance, but figured Jungkook was still a little out of it from the long night. They headed back to the studio together and Taehyung offered snacks to everyone. The members quickly got back to work dancing.
While watching the members dancing, Jungkook was playing with his shoes before taking them off. He was wearing toe socks and decided to take one off and roll it up so only the toe's were sticking up. He was always pretty playful, and he thought it was funny. Hobi broke from the dance team and fell to the ground laughing hysterically when he looked over and saw what Jungkook did. Everyone turned their heads and fell to the ground laughing too.
Yoongi ran over and grabbed it while laughing. "What is this?"
"A boat!" Jungkook chuckled.
"Instead of a rowboat, it's a toe boat!" Jimin laughed and this caused everyone else in the room to roll around the floor laughing as well. Manager Shik suddenly walked back into the room, holding a wooden switch stick.
Jungkook felt immediate fear. "What're you all up to?" he asked.
Namjoon pointed to Jungkook's sock. "Making modern art," he laughed.
Shik gave Jungkook a look of disapproval. The maknae looked down to the ground trying to avoid eye contact.
"What's that for?" Taehyung asked, pointing to the stick.
"Oh this? I'm just in the middle of putting some furniture together in the office. Anyways, I need everyone in their studios to work on their mixtapes now," Shik commanded.
Jungkook looked around at everyone as they packed up, he didn't want them to be separated. He went to stand up but Shik put his hand on his shoulder and gestured for him to stay seated. "You. Stay," he whispered.
The members went to leave but Jin stopped when he noticed Jungkook hadn't gotten up. "Are you coming?" he asked.
"I'd just like to check out his wrist, go along now," Shik gestured for everyone to get a move on it.
They all scurried out and said goodbye and headed for their individual studios. The door slammed shut behind them. It was silent. Jungkook stayed seated on the floor, staring at the ground.
Shik grabbed Jungkook's wrist with the brace and held it up to look at it. "So. I see you couldn't keep your mouth shut."
"I didn't tell them anything, I swear," Jungkook replied with a shaky voice.
"Well a trip to the hospital proves otherwise."
"I didn't tell them it was you! I tried to cover it but they just happened to see it and brought me! I said it was an accident at the gym, you know that!" Jungkook was panicking.
Shik smacked Jungkook across the face. "Do better you piece of shit!" he screamed.
Jungkook fought back tears as his face began to sting. Shik picked up the sock Jungkook had been playing with. "And this? What the fuck do you call this?"
"I...I..." Jungkook didn't know how to respond. Sometimes he just did random things without thinking about them. This being one of them. Plus he enjoyed making his hyungs laugh."I don't know. Sorry."
Shik took the sock and held it in front of Jungkook's face. "Put it in your mouth," he demanded.
"What?" Jungkook knew he couldn't have just possibly heard that correctly.
"I said put it in your mouth." Shik shoved the sock right into Jungkook's face.
Shik kicked Jungkook's thigh, "No?! You're telling me no?! Do it Jungkook!"
"Why?" The youngest finally let his tears fall from his eyes.
"To muffle your screams."
Jungkook felt his heart pound harder and anxiety start running its course in full strength. My screams?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! He looked at the wooden switch Shik was holding...oh no.
"I should really get to the studio."
Shik grabbed Jungkook's face and pried the sock into his mouth, he tried to spit it out multiple times as it was making him gag. He was sure he was going to throw up. "Keep it in your fucking mouth, or I will take this switch and go beat the shit out of someone else with it. Do you understand me?"
Jungkook nodded through his tears, now being choked with the sock. He felt so humiliated sitting there in this position. I just can't do anything right.
He was still sitting against the wall, and Shik took the wooden switch and smacked him on the bottom of the foot with it. Jungkook screamed in pain, but Shik was right, the sock muffled it. He curled his leg up and grabbed his foot to cradle it in his hands, his sobs still being muffled by the sock he was being forced to keep in his mouth.
"I didn't say I was finished," Shik grabbed his ankle and pulled his foot back out from him, smacking the bottom of it again with the switch.
Jungkook couldn't handle this kind of pain. He ripped the sock out of his mouth and pulled his foot back. "Please! Stop! It hurts! Please!" he begged.
"I said I'm not fucking finished." Shik grabbed the sock and forced it back into Jungkook's mouth and smacked the bottom of his foot again. One time, two times, three times, until it bled.
Jungkook was on the verge of passing out at this point. His body had never endured something that painful. Not to mention he was lightheaded from not being able to breathe well, the sock making it difficult.
Shik finally backed away. "Alright. Good. Maybe that will teach you to not distract your members from their hard work. And to keep your mouth shut-" he went around the room and started smacking random objects with the switch which created loud banging noises just to scare the boy a little more. "Now get to your studio."
With that, Shik left the room like nothing had even happened. Jungkook finally spit the sock out and lay on the ground, cradling his now bloody and bruised foot in his hands as he sobbed. He wanted one of his hyungs to come. Anyone. Someone. But he was left there alone. He choked on his tears for a bit. Not understanding how something he'd so innocently done caused all of this. No more playing, Jungkook. You have to be smarter.
After laying there in his puddle of tears for a while, he slowly managed to put his sock back on, and then his shoe. He moved very slowly as the pain radiated through him.
Keep my mouth shut? It's hard enough hiding a messed up wrist, how am I supposed to hide that I'm limping?!
It's like Shik wanted to make his injuries obvious to the others so that they'd notice, and then Shik could scold and hurt him more for them finding out. He couldn't see a way in which he could win. He got up and started limping towards his studio, making sure to avoid running into anyone.
He didn't want anyone asking questions. When he got to his studio he threw himself down on the couch and pulled out the pain cream the doctor had given him for his wrist, he applied it to his foot and his wrist before getting in front of his computer. He tried to focus but couldn't. He was too anxious. He laid his head down on his desk and cried more until he realized he really didn't want to be alone.
Thankfully the pain cream on his foot had worked quickly, and he was able to walk around without limping so much. He grabbed his things and walked to his hyungs studio, knocking on the door.
"Come in!" Namjoon's voice came from the other side of the door. He walked in and dropped onto Namjoon's couch. "Oh hey Jungkook-ah, I was actually just about to text you. I need some of your vocals on one of these tracks. Are you feeling up for it right now?" Namjoon asked.
Jungkook was not feeling up for it, but he didn't want to disappoint his hyung. He felt like enough of a disappointment already.
"Sure." He went and grabbed a seat next to Namjoon. He may be hurting but at least he was safe here.
They started working on vocals when a little while later another knock could be heard on Namjoon's door. "Yeah?" Namjoon replied to the sound.
Shik opened the door. "Oh. Working hard Namjoon? Jungkook, you need to be working in your studio."
Jungkook wanted to vomit. He didn't know what to do, thankfully he was with his leader. "Actually he's working on some vocals for me," Namjoon replied.
"I need him working in his studio."
Namjoon turned to Jungkook and he could tell something was off. He could tell Jungkook, for whatever reason, looked anxious.
Namjoon turned back to Shik. "I have a strict deadline and he still has some leeway with his mixtape schedule. I need his vocals today."
Shik closed the door and left without reply. Jungkook felt a wave of relief, he knew he'd more than likely get a beating later for this, but at least for now he was saved. Saved by his hyung. He looked at Namjoon in awe, I have the best leader. He knew he was always safe if he was with his hyungs.
"You good?" Namjoon asked while rubbing the maknae's back, breaking Jungkook from his stare.
"Yeah, I just- I couldn't really focus on my own in my studio so didn't want to waste time going back."
"Ahh I get it. You should've just told him that, though. I'm sure he'd understand."
Jungkook replied with a nod.
Yeah, right.
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