Chapter 19

Chapter 19

I ran blindly into the forest, fixing my gaze only in front of me, my heart setting determinedly in front of me. I didn’t dare to look back, didn’t want to. I knew if I did, I would slow down my footsteps, and then I would turn. I would walk back to those walls, and I would return to the bedroom I knew well.

I would end up executed, without my head. Without my head, I cannot protect. Without my head, I cannot watch over her.

Watch over her… Her, my princess…

My footsteps began to slow, and I slowed down to a reluctant walk. Each step brought me further away from the walls. Each step brought me closer to freedom, to a future where there was no princess, a future where I could only wake up without the sight of familiar red hair and familiar smile or frown.

I stopped.

I must turn back. I must go back and tell Seraphina that I won’t ever leave her side. Even if I am caught. I will not leave her side. Yes, I will go back bravely to the kingdom. I gave up so much to stay in Lucifer. I hid my heritage from Seraphina for so long. There is no point leaving like this. Lorcan can protect her, but no one can protect her as well as I can. If Lorcan fails, Seraphina will have no one.

I turned, and faced the forest trail that I’d made behind me. Broken branches spoke of my presence. Freshly overturned soil led a steady, unhidden trail straight to me. Any guard of the kingdom who wants to follow me can follow me directly.

If I want to go back and damn all consequence, I will follow this obvious route back. I will backtrack, and return to the crying embrace of Seraphina. I will go back and stop her tears, and hold her and tell her that even if she marries Lorcan, I will still be her escort.

I am foolish.

I stop my first step back towards the kingdom walls before any harm can be done. I close my eyes, and try to sieve through my thoughts. Through the tangle of mess, the feelings for Seraphina that I have, the desire I have to stay beside her and protect her, I find a voice that is practical.

I am foolish, but I will not put Seraphina at risk. If I am revealed to be Dragos while I am still in service, then they will overthrow their princess. Seraphina will suffer. If I am to be beheaded… then I would not have truly protected her heart.

I turn around again, facing my original course –away from the kingdom walls. I must do this. I have promised. I have promised both Seraphina and myself. I will change the kingdoms for her. I will fight Dragos. I will fight my own kingdom, my birth kingdom, and I will destroy everything that will harm Seraphina. I cannot bring Seraphina to safety, then I will bring safety to Seraphina.

Taking my first step out again is easier now that I know what to do, and I pick up pace again, running away from the kingdom walls with new determination in my heart. I know what I want now. I take care to cover my trail more thoroughly this time, and continue my run through the forest. I am nearing the Pit. I recognize this place.

I will hide out in the Pit for the night, then scrape whatever I can find as supplies. I am sorry to steal from the kingdom, but I have to survive.

The Pit is empty. I wandered in, and walked down a familiar hallway again. It has been forty years since I fought my last battle here. Nostalgia hits me, but I don’t dwell on it as I turn into the lounge. There, I grab whatever I can, and packed it all in a rucksack.

I stood in the middle of the Pit, looking out at the stands. The full moon shines on top of me, and I squint up to look at the royal dais. It feels almost like yesterday that I was standing in this Pit, looking up and seeing Seraphina for the first time.

I look down at the sword I have in my hand. This is my only weapon now, my only companion as I set out to destroy Dragos. I might have only been an escort, but I have been around in enough meetings with Seraphina to know the basics of infiltration.

If I am to destroy Dragos completely… then I have to face my own brother. My parents are dead, and Linus has taken the throne.

I clench my fists. I… hadn’t been there when my parents died. I remembered how they’d cried when I returned through the doors of Dragos as a man. A prisoner from the dungeons had told me to go to Dragos, that they wouldn’t attack me. He had told me that I would find my answers there. Stupidly, the Kain 150 years ago followed those instructions, and I met my parents again.

I remembered their looks of utter shock and disgust when I told them I was returning to Lucifer. They couldn’t understand that I was indebted to the Valents. They couldn’t understand that, in my heart, I am a Luciferian. How ironic, a Dragos prince being a Luciferian in heart.

When they died, I had tried to return, to pay my respects. No matter how much I hated Dragos, they were still my parents. They still loved me. But Linus… Linus didn’t let me in. He’d called me a traitor, and refused to allow me to step into Dragos territory.

I look down at my hands. I am a Dragos. I am the son of Dagon Dragos.

I should be more powerful than this.

I try to reach for the power inside me. I can feel it, sleeping inside me. But I don’t know how to wake it up. I have not tried, for I have feared it. I know that power belongs to the Dragos side of me, and me being a Luciferian, I am afraid of unleashing it. But now… now I am free. I am not Lucifer nor Dragos.

I can let it free.

It stirs at my newfound freedom, and the power flexed when it realized I’d let it out of its cage. It jumps to my fingertips. I feel strange.

I feel…


I think fire, and it bursts forth from my fingertips like an explosion. It shocks me for a moment, but I feel nothing. Nothing, except terrible power. No wonder it had scared me before. It would have scared any normal Luciferian. It would have scared Seraphina.

I think water, and it begins to rain around me. I look up, and realize that the rain is only happening in the Pit. No water is touching the spectator stands. The rain is only around me. I think air, and a cold brush of wind almost knocked me off my feet. My breath comes out in fogs, and I blinked in surprise when the rain turns to soft snow that lands at my feet, settling in a layer over sand.

I think earth, and the ground rumbles beneath me. I stumble a little at the tiny earthquake, but roots burst forth from the Pit floor. They gather together, and I watched as a tree grew upright right in front of me.

I am still marveling at my own handiwork when I sense the presence of two other vampires that I haven’t sensed before. I cursed beneath my breath, and tried to think the tree away. But losing focus made me lose control, and I watched helplessly as two vampires who looked distantly familiar shuffled from behind a door.

Their wide eyes told me they saw everything. My heart sinks. I am going to be caught, and dragged back. I am going to be killed, and Seraphina’s heart will tear to pieces.

No. I grabbed the sword that I’d dropped on the floor and raised it. My anger and fear makes my power burst forth, and fire engulf of sword. I startled a little, but pretended I knew it was going to happen.

“You saw everything.” I accused the two of them as they inched forwards, awe in their eyes. Wait… awe? I distantly recognize the girl. She is a maidservant to Seraphina, isn’t she? And the male… I’ve seen him guarding the castle before… Why are the two of them here? What are they doing here?

“That was… amazing!” The woman exclaimed, a hand pressed over her mouth in surprise. The man remained silent, taking everything with his eyes. “We didn’t know you could do that. Though I guess I should have expected it from you, Master Kain.”

Expect? Why should they expect that I have the abilities of Dragos? Unless…

“You two are Dragos?”

They nodded.

“We were sent as undercover spies to bring back information. My name is Mila, Master Kain.” The woman said, bowing quickly. The man followed suit. “I am Gabriel.”

I shook my head. They mistake me, like how the prisoners mistook me. “I am not loyal to Dragos. Don’t bow to me. I am your enemy.”

Gabriel looks up with wide eyes. “But you are our prince, Master Kain.”

I shake my head again, more insistent this time. “I am no prince. Don’t call me ‘Master Kain’. I am your enemy. My heart lies in Lucifer.”

Mila looks up too, but she doesn’t look as shocked as Gabriel is. Instead, she smiles.

“I guessed that, Master Kain. We understand. The truth is, we have grown to become attached to Lucifer. We do not desire this war. We desire to end it.”

“It has nothing to do with me.” I lower my sword, but leave it flaming because I’m not sure about them at all. What if they’re lying? What if they are Dragos, and want to kill me, to make sure that Linus is the only one for the throne?

“Word has spread that you are leaving to end the Dragos by yourself, Master Kain. The others think you stupid, but they do not understand that you actually have the power to stop your brother. You have just displayed it yourself, Master Kain. We are here to join you on your quest. We are your aid and assistance.” They inched even closer, and I see sincerity in Mila’s eyes. Gabriel’s eyes are wary, but I can see that they come together. Whatever the relationship between the two of them, it is bound by silent love.  Love… that I was never able to share with Seraphina properly.

“I don’t trust you. You could be loyal to Dragos. You could be spies.”

Mila laughs a little. “But we already are, Master Kain. What can we do to show our loyalty to your cause?”

“Tell me where Linus is so that I can kill him.”

Gabriel’s eyes widened even more. “You want to kill your own brother?”

“For Princess Seraphina.”

Mila nodded. “Linus hides away in a secret chamber that is led from his bedroom in the Dragos castle. I have a friend who works for him who told me. You cannot truly believe that you will be able to get to Linus like this?”

“I have to try.” I gritted my teeth. Even a mere servant knows I cannot compare to my brother. Linus has received training from young to wielding these elements. All I am doing is… experimenting. This is my first time since my memory loss 310 years ago that I’ve been in touch with these elements. Even if I received training before… I have forgotten it all.

“You are on a suicide quest, Master Kain. Linus has mages in his castle to hide him. You have nothing.” Gabriel reminded.

“I can’t do nothing. I promised the princess.” I gripped the hilt of my sword tighter. I promised… I cannot turn back before I even tried anything.

“You have time, Master Kain. Let us follow you on your journey. First, we need to get out of here before Luciferian guards find us.” Mila steps even closer.

I still don’t trust them, but I’ll have to make do. Two Dragos-turned-Lucifer-vampires as companions are better than none. I’ll do something about their way of addressing me as Master Kain some other time. Right now, we need to run.

“Let’s go.”


It has been a few months since our escape from the kingdom. We are still staying close, trying to keep ears open. I don’t exactly know what we aim to do, but I know I soon will. We are all slowly trying to pick up the norms of the human world.

Being a rogue vampire is not easy at all. In the kingdom, we are free to be as vampire as we like, but out here, we have to learn to conceal ourselves. We have to think of how to hide our fangs, our diet. We have to hide our sleeping spots, considering that fact that we don’t breathe when we sleep. We have to learn to seem normal.

I am standing in a queue at a café. Though I don’t exactly drink coffee, I have to blend in with the crowd, so I pretend to slump lazily while waiting in line. The door opens, and I smell a whiff of something familiar. I shrugged, figuring it for someone’s faintly familiar perfume. Maybe it is the newly famous ‘Rosy Charm Girl’ perfume that’s getting so popular with the women.

I order my coffee and took a seat near the counter to wait for my drink. A hot caramel macchiato would taste great… if I could still taste it.

“The last time I saw you, vampire, you wanted to be a fighter. If you’re still alive, it means that either you became a long-time champion, or you ran away before you could get killed.” A voice whispered beside my ear, and I jumped, turning around. We were in a human café, so I couldn’t show my vampire speed or strength, but he knew I was ready to hurt, for he took a calm step back.

The mage from before stood before me, with the same unchangeable sense of clothing. He grinned widely at me, arms wide spread as if inviting me for a hug. I raised a brow. I had never expected to see him again.

“I didn’t get a ‘thank you’ card for getting you a master, darling boy.”

‘Darling Boy’ is a fresh change from ‘Master Kain’, though I don’t like it equally much.

“I was pretty much convinced you were never returning to Lucifer territory. Why send some poor vampire halfway around the globe looking for a mage who dresses weirdly?”

He looked down at himself, then laughed. “True. So which were you? A champion or a quitter?”

I thought about it longer than I should. Then I grinned at him. “Both. The Lucifer Princess took me in and claimed me as her escort.”

His mouth dropped open as he gaped outright at me. How a mage was so familiar with the character of my princess –I would never know. “You didn’t. She doesn’t have an escort!”

“Well, I am.” The mage picked up his coffee, and followed me out the café. I guess it was okay for us to be talking like this, considering we were old acquaintances. Sure, mages were supposed to be out there, killing any vampire they could see, but I had somehow made friends with this happy-go-lucky one. Yes, he seemed to hate the vampires’ attitude towards his kind, but when I shared the same sentiments as he, he seemed to have totally forgotten that I was a vampire too.

“Hey, I never asked you for a name. Can’t keep on addressing you as ‘vampire’ now, can I, darling boy?” The mage asked as he took a drink from the piping hot liquid, then smacked his lips in satisfaction.

“My name is Kain…” I wondered a little about what to say for my surname, “…Valent.”

He raised his brow, taking another sip. “I’m Ren. I didn’t figure for a Dragos prince to have such a cute surname, darling boy.”

I stopped at his words, a chill setting in my spine. He walked on for a few more steps, then turned around as if surprised that I’d stopped at all. “What’s the matter?”

My instincts told me to run. He knew I was a Dragos prince… but how? How had he known, when the whole of Lucifer hadn’t known of a thing for 310 years?

“Y-You… know that I am Dragos?”

He looked at me with a confused expression. “Yeah, why?”

“You’re not supposed to…” I don’t know how to complete my sentence, completely dumbfounded by Ren’s pool of knowledge. Exactly how had he known that I was a Dragos prince? Who else knew?

“Master Kain!” Mila’s voice called, and I turned to see her and Gabriel running towards me with the best human speed they could make. There was a wild look in their eyes, and Gabriel’s gaze focused on the mage standing a little ways beside me.

“Oh dear, vampires out for our lives!” Ren exclaimed, and before I knew what was happening, I saw the tip of his cane point towards the two vampires. My companions flew back as if they’d been hit by an invisible wall. “Come on, Kain Valent! It’s time to run!”

His hand grabbed my free one, and I watched as he tossed his half-drunk coffee behind him; his aiming perfect as it hit Gabriel in the face, then spilled all over my companion.

“Kain!” Mila shouted, trying to help Gabriel, but trying to save me from Ren too. I understood my companion’s panic, for they had naturally assumed this mage Ren to aim harm at me. They didn’t know Ren, nor that he was my friend. Likewise, Ren didn’t understand that my companions weren’t trying to capture us.

For a mage, Ren had strength that kept me stumbling behind him.

“Come on,” He urged as I pulled him back, slowing him down, “pick up those legs and run before those horrid vampires catch us. Don’t you think a Dragos prince with the heart of a Lucifer is bound to be hunted on both ends?”

I pulled him to a stop, staring at him with open wonder. How does he know these things?

“Those are my companions, Ren. My followers; if you will. They think you’re the harm.”

The confusion cleared up quickly from his face, and he actually laughed before Mila reached us, pushing the mage away and wedging herself between me and Ren.

“Are you alright, Master Kain? We rushed down the moment we felt you disappear off our senses.” Mila reported, and Ren gave an uneasy smile.

“I’m sorry, I do have that effect. Vampires who come close to me are naturally enclosed in my cloaking abilities.” Ren admitted, raising his hands, palms outward to show surrender.

“Mila, Ren is a friend.” I put in quickly before she could do any real harm to the human mage.

“If he is, he would not attempt to kidnap you.”

“He thought you were vampires hunting after me. It is all truly a misunderstanding, Mila.”

“Mila?” Ren interrupts. “That’s a lovely name for a lovely lady.” The mage flirts, taking the vampire’s hand fearlessly as he places a kiss on the back of his hand in a polite manner.

Whatever flirty words the mage had ready was cut off when Gabriel tore Ren’s hand from Mila’s, separating the two of them with a shove towards the mage who stumbled a few steps backwards.

“Keep your hands off her.”

Ren grinned. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to flirt with your girlfriend. I was just wondering how such a lovely lady like Mila here could be single.”

Gabriel looked away, letting go of Mila. I swear I could see faint blushes rising from both parties. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Great! I’ll be able to flirt with her then.” Ren exclaimed, as if truly glad.

“No!” Gabriel’s exclamation was a little too loud and explosive, and I suppressed a knowing smile. “I-I mean Mila doesn’t appreciate flirting from a mage like you.”

I took Ren’s hand to draw him away from the flustered couple just in case something bad turned out.

“So,” I said, handing him my coffee considering his was spilled all over Gabriel, “what are you doing around here?”

Ren shrugged. “The usual. Trying to live. You know; I heard about someone from the Dragos family trying to stand up again Linus Dragos. You know who it could be?”

I wondered where he heard such news from. If it was common news back in the supernatural world, then I was in a whole lot of trouble.

“It’s me, Ren. I’m going to go against my brother.”

“Really?” The mage turned to me, pretending to be surprised when I saw the knowledge in his eyes.

“You know it well, Ren. Why are you bringing this up?”

“Well… I’m looking for entertainment. And I’m interested to see how a fight between Dragos brothers will turn out. I am an elemental mage, so you’ll understand when I’m up for a little show between vampires who descended from one of the best elemental mage.”

I frowned. “My life is not a show for you, Ren.”

“I’ll give you my services for free?” He pleaded in a child-like voice.

“You could be killed.”

“I’m nine hundred and sixty years old, Kain Valent. I think I can handle myself.”

I give him a second look. 960? This guy looked no older than 30, probably in his early twenties. Twenty-two, if I were to give my best guess.

“It’s obvious you don’t know a lot about mages. Aren’t there a harem of mages working for your brother? You need my expertise, darling boy.”

I will admit, I did need his expertise. “We have to consult Mila and Gabriel.”

Ren stretched his arms, then took another sip from my caramel macchiato. “If you agree, they’ll agree.”

We certainly would gain lots of new information from the mage. Besides, the mage had been out in the human world for so long; he could teach us things to help us be used to the outside world better. The faster we were settled with the outside world, the faster we could start planning to overturn the Dragos kingdom.

“Fine. You’re in.”

He pummeled his fist into the air, holding on tightly to his cane, looking like a ten year old boy who’d been allowed to go to a concert of his favorite band.

“Go Team Kain!”

I groaned.

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