(86.) Anakin x Boba Fett Long Lost Brothers?

Author's note: Well if you can read the title your probably thinking what the hell? Anakin and Boba Fett = brothers? JOIN ME once again as I write to you innocent and very curious nerds the untold truth about Star Wars the prequels!

If you get the uploaded picture then your a real awesome nerd! Comment down below who said it and extra points if you can quote the full quote! (It's literally the only reason why I went to the beach by the way)





Anakin & Boba Fett brothers?

George Lucas never had a detailed story in mind when he announced the Prequel Trilogy. Rather, he had a backstory of broad action and random details about Anakin's birth and life. In actuality, most of that backstory only pertained to Anakin's downfall and with Palpatine.

One particular blank in Lucas' outline though concerned Anakin's early life. Where did he come from, and what became of his family? Lucas toyed with an idea during development of The Phantom Menace of giving Anakin a half brother—Boba Fett. Fans have often remarked at the eerie rapport the two have with one another in The Empire Strikes Back, and Lucas realized that Fett had become a fan-favorite character. Lucas had also considered giving Fett a more prominent role in the Original Trilogy, when Return of the Jedi would have led into the scrapped Sequel Trilogy (now replaced by The Force Awakens). Ultimately though, Lucas decided on a different Boba Fett storyline for the prequels, as he deemed the Fett-Anakin fraternity too corny.


Episode: The Phantom Menace almost featured an older Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Lucas wrote the general story for the film that would become The Phantom Menace during the 1970s, first as backstory for Star Wars, and later during development of Empire. He further expanded the story in the 1990's during the so-called Star Wars Renaissance that release of the Special Editions. In its earliest form, The Phantom Menace, under the working title The Beginning, featured a similar story, but with several key differences.

For one thing, the film introduced Anakin Skywalker as a 15-year-old slave. It's possible that Natalie Portman was cast under this pretense. Padme's relationship with Anakin would have flourished more in Episode I that it does in the final movie. Anakin would also have taken a more active role in the action, and he and Padme shared a dogfight scene in which the two pilot a starfighter together to destroy the Trade Federation ship. Obi-Wan too would have had a bit of a different story. In this early draft, he was the only Jedi Knight dispatched to mediate negotiations between the Trade Federation and the Naboo government. Qui-Gon Jinn would have appeared as well, though as a Jedi closer in age to Obi-Wan, and would not make his entrance until the characters arrive on Coruscant.


Attack of the clones underwent the most restructuring during editing.

George Lucas took a brief vacation with his family before starting work on Attack of the Clones. Lucas hired Jonathan Hales to help him write the screenplay, when the director realized he'd locked himself into a time crunch before production would need to begin. Perhaps this hasty writing period caused the problems that Lucas would have focusing the story of the film.

After viewing a rough cut of the movie, Lucas felt dissatisfied. He thought the film focused a bit too much on Obi-Wan tracking down the origins of the clone army rather than the romance between Anakin and Padme, which played out on her family homestead on Naboo. Lucas decided to heavily alter the plot—mostly the second act—of Attack of the Clones in reshoots. Lucas scrapped the scenes of Padme's family, and instead decided to show Anakin and Padme alone on a romantic adventure. Lucas also added a red herring to the plot. Originally, Obi-Wan learned of a Jedi called Sio-Dyas, who had commissioned the clones on Kamino. Lucas thought it too obvious a link to Darth Sidious, so he created the character Sifo-Dyas to enrich the mystery of the clones. He'd hoped to resolve the mystery in Revenge of the Sith, though when that plot proved too dense, it would take until the Clone Wars TV series for fans to get a proper explanation of the clone origins.


Is Palpatine Anakin's father?

Anakin's parents raised a few eyebrows upon release of The Phantom Menace back in 1999. Just as intriguing, the character Palpatine would introduce the story of Darth Plagueis, a Sith who could manipulate the Force to create life—even eternallife. Just how do these story threads tie together, and what subtext does Palpatine try to convey Anakin?

Early drafts of Revenge of the Sith used a far less subtle approach to the subject. Originally, Palpatine would not have just revealed himself as a Sith to Anakin. In a scene that mirrors the famous moment of Empire, Palpatine would have revealed himself as Anakin's "father," the one who manipulated the Force to conceive Anakin back on Tatooine. The scene would have further drawn parallels to Luke Skywalker's story in the Original Trilogy, and underlined the different choices made by father and son. Luke resisted his father's offer of power, while Anakin would have succumbed to it.

Lucas dropped the scene in rewrites, preferring instead a more ambiguous approach. Even with this indistinct outlook, the possibility of a Palpatine-Anakin-Luke family reunion give the final scenes of Return of the Jedi an eerie new resonance.

FACT FIVE: (Last Fact)

Count Dooku had a more elaborate backstory that was cut

The character of Count Dooku, as played by Sir Christopher Lee, actually had a backstory that made it all the way before the cameras on Attack of the Clones, before getting dropped during editing.

As Lucas envisioned, Count Dooku had studied under Yoda himself before becoming a flamboyant Jedi himself. Having trained under Yoda's tutelage, Dooku would have so trained young Qui-Gon Jinn. Following Qui-Gon's death, Dooku would have left the Jedi Order in disgust for their failure to anticipate a Sith attack, or discover its origins. He'd then join the Sith himself as Darth Tyrannus, and help Palpatine engineer the Clone Wars.

Much of this backstory later made it into novels, comics and the Clone Wars TV series, albeit tweaked to fit with more established canon. In any case, the story adds a larger mystique to Dooku's character, making his brief appearances in the movies something of a missed opportunity.




A/N: So there's some cool facts about the prequels of Star Wars! You can always PM (private message) or and message me on my board any Star Wars facts. I'm more likely to see your fact through PM so that's why I write most of time ONLY PM :)

Next week or possibly maybe the week after that week I'm starting an actress chapter of some female actresses in any Star Wars Films (there not all going to be actresses just a couple, then after that for awhile I'll do an actor chapter:)) But to start things off for the actress chapter, in honour I'm starting with the lovely Carrie Fisher.

So stay tuned nerds <3

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