Chapter 8- Preparing For Battle

"You did what!?", Nasuada screeches from the inside of her red tent, standing up so quickly her chair goes scraping back with a loud grinding sound. "Do you realize what could have happened if that failed? The end of the Varden, the end of this war, the end of your freedom! I want you to swear-!"

"That I will never do something that idiotic and just plain stupid ever again? Yeah, Saphira already.... Spoke, to me about that. And as I already told her, I will do what I have to to win this war.... Even if that means putting some things on the line. We can't always play it safe, you of all people should know this", Eragon says almost lazily. He was tired of people treating him like a child. He had made it out alright hadn't he? He had thought all the consequences through and saw the posibilities were in his favor.

"Yes, well that is true, we must risk some things for victory, but what you did was just plain foolish! What if your plan hadn't worked out? Then you would have been taken captive and the Varden would have fallen! We cannot win without you Eragon!", she says barely quieter.

"Yes Nasuada", he says deciding not to argue.

Sighing to herself, Nasuada luckily changes the subject saying, "so Leora is bigger?"

"Bigger isn't the word for it", Eragon says amused.

Nasuada looks thoughtful as she says, "can I see her?"

Instead of answering, Eragon extends his mind to Leora and requests her to come inside the tent, she obliges immediately, snaking her long body inside the flap. Nasuada says nothing but instead stares in shock and slight horror.

'Hello Nasuada, I see from your expression you were not expecting this... Growth', Leora says amused.

'I can honestly say I did not', Nasuada replies slowly.

'Nasuada, I am still the same. Just bigger. There is no need to fear me, unless you threaten me or Eragon which I doubt you shall do', Leora says with a gleam in her eye.

'Yes, you're right I shall not do that, but I am wary of how you have grown so much in such a short amount of time. Does this mean you shall be Saphira's size in a matter of weeks?', she asks back curiously.

'Maybe, maybe not. It depends on the amount of danger. I doubt I will be her size that quick, but with the chance of injury in the next battle, I predict there will be another growth spurt by tomorrow', Leora says nonchalantly.

Nasuada says nothing but instead stares into the mirror on the side of the pavilion, before answering thoughtfully, 'interesting... Very interesting. This gives us much more of an advantage that's for sure. But how to keep you out of danger?'

'I can take care of myself Nasuada, but thanks for your concern', Leora replies curtly back, though not too rudely.

'No, I meant no disrespect, but seeing as it is your first battle and their is a chance Murtagh and Thorn may return, no matter how small, we must keep you safe. We don't want you getting over your head', Nasuada says quickly.

Leora says nothing but blinks her eyes to show she has heard.

"Well, if that is all Nasuada I think-", Eragon starts but it cut of by Nasuada.

"You are not going anywhere Eragon! You need to face the consequences of your actions!"

"Consequences? For what!", he exclaims hotly.

"For putting your life on the line and being so reckless! I agree we must take risks but that was just plain stupid! I need to make sure you won't do it again!", she says loudly but stops when a low warning growl ripples deep in Leora's chest. Nasuada glances at her before saying, "nothing like that obviously. The normal punishment for this would be lashes, but one, having the Varden see that would crush their morale, the symbol of the Varden being lashed on a pole. And second, I just don't want to do it! So, instead I will forbid you from.... No we need you... So instead I'll...... Ugh! Damn you Eragon! Just please, promise me you will not do something that stupid again!"

"I promise", he mumbles struggling not to smile. Eragon knew it was not a funny situation, but seeing her struggle for a punishment made him feel slightly giddy.

"Don't be surprised if I do figure out something though! If I can, I will", Nasuada says in warning. Leora makes a coughing sound that Eragon realizes is laughter, causing him to not be able to hold it in any longer. He busts out in laughter and after a few seconds, Nasuada cracks a small smile before saying, "now get out of her Eragon."

"Yes Nasuada", he says still chuckling before pushing out of the tent, Leora following close behind.


'You were lucky I didn't stick my head in and suggest a few things.'

'Oh shut it Saphira', Eragon says playfully back.

'I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that!', Saphira says turning her large blue eye onto him.

As Eragon starts to retaliate, Leora cuts in, saying, 'will you two stop bickering already! It makes my scales itch!'

Instead of answering back, Saphira turns her large head to Leora and let's out a deep growl. Eragon is shocked until he realizes it is nothing but play. Sensing this as well, Leora crouches down and let's out her own higher pitched growl. Saphira also crouches low to the ground, giving Leora the chance to bound forward.

Stretching her purple wings she pushes up and over Saphira, attempting to get over her, but Saphira follows her with her head, letting out a thin, weak stream of blue fire. Leora spins and twists around it, showing amazing agility skills. Dodging around the last bit of flame, she lands on Saphira's back with a light *THWUMP*. It does not last long as Saphira snakes her head around and picks her off her back as if she would a child. Leora twists and squirms, trying to get out of her jaws, but to no avail. Saphira drops her on the ground, and the second she's free, Leora twists upside down and lands on her back, letting her face Saphira. And as Saphira's claw comes down to pin her onto the ground, something amazing happens.

Leora breathes a long, bright stream of purple fire.

Saphira freezes, her talons stretched out in midair, before slowly lowering them to the ground and stretching her head over Leora, her eyes wide.

'How have you breathed fire young one?', Saphira asks curiously.

'I.... I don't know. I've never heard of anything like this before.... Of all the abilities I possess, this should not be one of them.... It is curious and can only mean one thing....', she replies just as curious of the predicament.

'Which is what?', Eragon asks.

Leora gets up off the found and walks over to him before answering, saying, 'it means that in the next day, I will have to breath fire to be able to save your life.'

'Talin', he mumbles back in a shock.

'What about it?', Saphira says back.

'Shes going to need to save my life during the siege, it's the only answer!', Eragon replies, realization dawning on him. But, the thing was, at what point would he be separated from Saphira in a way where she couldn't help him, and about to die? It was definitely a curious question to ponder.


Preparations for battle were evident everywhere, from the men hollering orders to each other, to the people sitting around hand drawn maps planning tactics, and the women helping the men oil and shine their armor. Eragon had already done all this, and now spent his time in a tense silence.

Saphira's feelings were almost a complete opposite to his. He was slightly excited but mostly worried whereas Saphira radiated excitement in huge waves that pounded against Eragon's head. He suspected it was her excitement that slightly enhanced his own.

But yet he sensed nothing from Leora. She sat in silence most of the time, and on the rare moments when she talked, it was in a monotone voice. She never spoke of how she felt, nor what she expected in the oncoming battle. Instead, she just answered the question then kept to herself once more.

The only one who seemed to be able to get her to speak was Solembum. The werecat had came around and the two of them had started a conversation at once, though both had kept their minds strictly closed. Now, Solembum stuck around more with her than with Angela, which was surprising seeing as Eragon had never seen Solembum away from her more than a handful of times.

One other person had come around once to speak with Leora. Just once and her presence had set Eragon on edge for the whole time she was around.

Prowling by the edge of the tent, her purple eyes blazing under her black hair, she stalks up to Leora who watches intently the whole way. Placing her tiny hands on Leora's head, Elva bows her head and closes her eyes.

But, this time instead of shutting her mind away, Eragon hears her clearly say, 'you must stop your worrying. You are well prepared for this tomorrow and you mustn't worry about failing your duties. Yes, your ancestors have failed before you, but you cannot predict every outcome and your abilities will be able to help you in the moment. In that we are quite alike. I feel your pain.... Literally.'

From where Eragon is standing he can feel Leora relax immensely. Elva's words helped her in ways no one else could. He felt slightly frightened the way her words could manipulate someone, even a dragon.

Leora then opens her eyes and stares straight into Elva's, silver into purple, then says, 'and you must let to of your anger child, it shall consume you until there is nothing left. People make mistakes, but you mustn't let it define you. It will destroy you.'

Elva closes her eyes, and Eragon swears he sees a tiny tear slip out, but it's gone so quickly he wonders if he imagined it. She nods her head then says, 'thank you..... Véurr.'

The shock that radiated from Leora was tremendous, but before she had time to ask a question, Elva was gone, dashing away back into the shadows.

Walking over towards Leora, Eragon places his hand on her shoulder and pushes his thoughts out to her. For the first time she lets him see everything. And before he could speak she says, 'I'm sorry Eragon.'

'For what?'

'I've been ignoring you. It's just I've been so worried lately about if I'd be able to protect you. It is not impossible for me to fail, there are many accounts of guardians losing their charges. I can't allow that. If I am breathing fire, that means I will need every resource to save you and I can't help but wondering, what is going to happen? It worries me every second of everyday. I can't lose you Eragon', she confesses, her head dropping in shame. But Eragon does not feel shame towards her. In fact he is honored that she thinks of him and only him.

'I forgive you Leora. Elva is right, what happens will happen and worrying about it will do nothing. I trust you with me life and I know you will protect it.'

Instead of saying anything, she stands up, now after a day and a half she reaches his mid chest with another foot or two in length, and roars her joy to the heavens. The worries recessing and the excitement of battle coming to the forefront of her mind, more like a dragons feelings now.

Smiling at her sudden change in attitude, he quickly hugs her outstretched neck, then turns and starts to head to his tent, but then quickly changes his mind and turns back around saying, 'wait! Leora, what does véurr mean?'

She looks him straight in the eyes then says with a toothy grin, 'it was the title given to the Guardians long ago. Literally it means protector but we have adopted it as our own. I must say, it was quite shocking to hear the star-browed-child use it.'

'I can imagine, thank you'

And with that, he turns once more and head towards not his tent, but now Nasuada's tent, planning to discuss the tactics for tomorrow's siege once more.



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