Chapter 2: Nothing to Fear
His head ached, a sharp throbbing pain in the back of his head.
"We found him near the portals. You think he's still dangerous?"
"We don't know for sure. He might be still corrupted and trying to trick us."
"What do we do with him, Captain?"
"Keep him in one of the cells for now. We'll observe and make sure he doesn't try anything."
"Yes, sir."
The two men clad in white armor began to drag him away, Sabre too weak to protest. As he was taken, he looked up at Light.
His expression was cold and distrusting. There was almost a hatred in his eyes. The familiar snow-like, fluffy sweater he always wore had been replaced by white armor similar to the others'. A spear was held in his hands, ready to strike.
This... wasn't the friend Sabre once knew.
What happened to Light...?
Sabre jolted awake. He would have thought the previous day's events were another dream, if it wasn't for the fact he woke up still in the comfy bed.
After a moment of half-awake confusion, he remembered how M had brought him there and got up. He looked out the glass door at the kingdom below, and it looked much different during the day. Red Steves of all ages were out and about, some in shops or market stalls while others seemed to just be taking a walk. Children played in the street, a few adults supervising. The trees surrounding the kingdom somehow had red petals falling from their branches, the wind carrying them down into the village.
There was a soft knock at the door, and Sabre jumped before turning to look.
"Hey Sabre, it's me. Are you awake?" He heard M call from the other side.
"Y-Yes, I'm awake." Sabre replies. "You can come in."
M opened the door and walked in, now wearing a different outfit. He had on a greyish-red shirt covered by a deep burgundy coat, which was similar to the cloak he wore previously. Light brown pants were tucked into brick-colored boots. He now had a small gold crown adorning his head, and fingerless gloves that were a similar shade to the color of wine. M smiles as he sees him.
"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" He asks.
"Better than how I did at the Library." Sabre says, smiling awkwardly.
"Well, of course an actual bed is gonna be more comfortable than the floor surrounded by broken furniture." M says, laughing a little. "Has your shadow bothered you?"
"Not yet, but he probably will." Sabre sighs.
M is quiet for a moment.
"Hey, did you ever decide on letting me take you to that friend...?" He asks. "Y'know, the one I said can get rid of the shadow? He lives in the kingdom, and it wouldn't take too long... if you're okay with it, of course."
Sabre thought about the offer. Shadow had been nothing but trouble, and not to mention he caused the other Chromatics' abandonment. The thought of seeing other people so soon made Sabre anxious, but in exchange for removing the last of the Darkness in him...?
"Don't even think about it."
"Screw you."
"I... I guess he could try." Sabre responded, smiling a little.
M grinned, and Sabre could tell that his answer made him very happy.
"Wonderful! We can stop by later today." He says, clearly excited. "For now though, do you want some breakfast? The castle chef makes great eggs."
Sabre goes to answer, but hesitates.
"Are... there gonna be a lot of people around?" Sabre asks, his hands shaking a bit.
"Well... there's only a few around this early. Just some cleaners and people going to run errands." M replies. "Is that okay?"
Sabre stutters a few words nervously, before M stops him.
"It's alright, I understand Sabre." He smiles. "You don't have to push yourself, I'll bring some to you. You can go at your own pace with being around everyone else."
"...T-Thank you." Sabre says quietly.
M leaves the room.
Sabre sat at the desk, holding his fork with one hand and the storybook in the other, reading while finishing his breakfast.
M was right, the food was great. He wished he had the courage to go downstairs and tell the chef so, but the idea of just leaving his room was already enough to make him anxious. Maybe when he's more adjusted to all of this.
As Sabre finished the last of his scrambled eggs, a familiar dark silhouette rose from the floor, frowning. Shadow had decided to show his incorporeal face.
"Why are you just allowing this?" Shadow asks with a harsh tone.
"Allowing what?" Sabre replies quietly, almost inaudible to anyone else.
"This Red Steve visits you for a few weeks, and you just let him take you to this... hidden kingdom?" Shadow continues, floating around Sabre. "You don't know him. He just wants you for something, like all the rest of the Chromatics. A different color doesn't change their nature."
"And why should I listen to you?" Sabre asks. "Anything is better than going back to the Darkness."
"Not if everything else only wants to use you." Shadow replies, now floating in front of Sabre.
Sabre tries his best to focus on his book, instead of the doppelgänger glaring at him.
"M isn't like that. And I trust him." Sabre grumbles.
"How'd that trust work out for you with the others?"
Sabre stays quiet.
"That's right. They put all my actions on you. They kept you locked away for how many days? Do you remember what they did while you were helpless and too weak to stand?"
Shadow placed a hand on the book and lowered it, making Sabre put it down and face him.
"None of them were really your friends, Sabre. They kept you close while you were useful, and as soon as they had an excuse, they treated you as a prisoner so they could throw you out. They all want you dead right now, and for what? You weren't as immune as they thought you were? You were a worn-out tool that had to be replaced?"
"...They're getting rid of you, you know." Sabre mumbled. He tried not to let his trembling hands be visible to his copy.
"They can't just get rid of me. I'm part of your soul, your very being. I have always been there, deep down in the back of your mind, growing stronger with each injustice done by the Chromatics. I am what you never wanted to act on, given form by the Darkness. These Red Steves can't just cut me out of you like some tumor."
"You sure feel like one-"
Sabre quickly sat up and turned his head to the door, hearing M on the other side.
"It's almost time to head to my friend's place, are you ready?" M asks. "The town will still be pretty empty if we leave soon."
"Yeah, j-just let me get my shoes." Sabre replies. "I'll be right out."
Sabre gets up from the desk, pushing the chair back into place as he walks over to the mirror. He left the new sneakers to the left of it.
"Excuse you?"
"You heard me."
Sabre quickly ties his shoes, and goes to head for the door, but an invisible pull backwards stops him.
Sabre sighs, turns to the left, and sees the sword still propped up against the side of the desk. A nagging sensation he knew all too well returned. Knowing he couldn't really argue without Shadow retaliating, Sabre took the sword and hung the scabbard on his belt.
He opens the door, and M was waiting there for him, leaning against the wall. Upon seeing him, M smiles and stands straight.
"Yep, let's go." Sabre says, a nervous smile on his face.
The two walk through the castle, walking down a staircase and passing the familiar hallways from the previous night and into unknown areas Sabre hadn't seen on his way in. The rest of the castle was as nicely furnished and neatly kept as the room he had been teleported into before. There were even a few small gold statues and trinkets on display in some of the halls. The rooms were illuminated by chandeliers and lanterns, and there were enormous windows that let the sunlight in when they got closer to the front entrance. The windows showed different views of the surrounding area, mostly the town. However, Sabre noticed a particularly ornate window having a view of a vast garden filled with rose bushes.
The front entrance felt like the lobby to some grand theatre. Sabre and M exited a large door that had curved staircases on each side, although Sabre didn't see what the staircases lead to. A massive skylight lit up the room, the sun's morning rays just starting to make a sunbeam in its corner. Red carpet lay on the wood flooring, making paths from one room or hall to another, but it more importantly pointed a path to the large, open double doors. Two guards in silver armor with red trim stood there at the entrance.
M greeted the two guards, who replied calling him 'sire'. Sabre waved nervously for a second, before continuing to follow M.
As they made their way through thankfully empty streets, Sabre stopped observing his new surroundings for a moment.
"So, M?" He asks.
"Yes Sabre?"
"Your name is actually Amaris?"
"Heh, yeah. My dad gave me that name. You can still call me M if you want, though."
"Really? You don't mind?"
"Nope. It's a cool nickname."
"...Are you sure it's okay?"
"Yes, I'm sure." M laughs. "I really do like it."
The two approach a more secluded building with a glass roof, a giant telescope pointing at the sky. The building is large, at least a few stories tall, and has a very uniform design.
"Here we are, Professor Red's lab." M says.
"Professor?" Sabre asks. "Like, the guy that butted in yesterday?"
"Yep, the one in the labcoat that started flipping out." M chuckles. "By the way, he's a little... eccentric, so if he comes off as a little weird, don't worry about it. I-"
Just as M was about to continue, an explosion that shot out a cloud of ash from one of the windows rang out. Both Sabre and M jump, caught off guard. As Sabre stares fearfully at the source of the blast, M groans and facepalms.
"It's not even noon yet..." He mumbles.
"...Is this also the guy you talked about that blows stuff up and is obsessed with fish?" Sabre asks, snapping out of his shock and slowly stepping behind M.
"Yeah, that's what I meant by 'eccentric'. Don't worry, he won't do anything to you." M sighs. "The worst he might do is badger you with questions about what you are since you're not a Steve. I'll still make him back off if he starts."
"Alright..." Sabre says cautiously.
"I told you they're not trustworthy."
"Shut up, Shadow."
Sabre and M walk up the path, heading to the entrance of the lab. Once they reach the metal door, M knocks and peers through the window.
"Hey, Professor?" He calls out. "Everything alright?"
After a moment, there's a bunch of crashing noises and a faint voice saying something about 'darned old equipment' and 'less gunpowder next time' coming from inside. The voice gets more clear as footsteps approach, and the voice stops as the footsteps get closer to the door. A few moments later, the labcoated Red Steve from before pulls a lever from inside and opens the door.
"Well, hello Amaris! What can I- OhmygoodnesstheCatalyst." The Professor says, interrupting his own greeting when he sees Sabre standing next to M. He has a shocked and thrilled expression.
"Before you get excited, Professor." M says, holding up a hand. "This is Sabre, and he has an issue that we need your help with. Could you-"
"Yes yes yes, of course, come inside." The Professor says, stepping out of the way for M and Sabre to enter. "We can discuss further in the lab."
M walks in, and Sabre reluctantly follows. Professor Red closes the door and walks down a hall, motioning for the other two to follow.
"So, what's the problem? Anything risky, or is it something I've seen before?" The Professor asks as he leads the two down the hall.
"Sabre was infected by the Darkness a while ago, and he was left with a remnant in the form of a shadow." M explains. "You remember those, right?"
"Ah yes, a more elusive kind of Darkness remnant. Very persistent, and frankly infuriating for the affected. Has it attached to anything else?"
"Apparently to the sword Sabre has."
"Oh, that's new. Now Sabre, did you already have this sword, or did the shadow come into possession of it while it was in control?" Professor Red asks, turning to look at Sabre.
"Oh- Uh, h-he got it while he was in control. Don't know from where." Sabre replies. "H-He won't let me get rid of it, or j-just let it out of my sight."
"What does this shadow do if you try?"
"He binds it to my hand, o-or does something that hurts my arm."
"Physical connection that it uses to its advantage in an attempt to keep control over the host. Must have had control for over two months if that's to happen, if I remember correctly."
The Professor led them downstairs to a more open room, with another staircase leading down towards an area with lots of equipment. A large computer was at the back of the room, and between the two flights of stairs sat a machine, seeming to be the kind that holds someone in place when activated. Sabre recognized a few components and structures from past machines he's built and seen.
The Professor walks over to the computer, and starts some kind of program. He then grabs a small wire-like tube connected to something that resembled a blood pressure cuff, and pulls a chair from its place under the desk.
"Just take a seat and let me place this on your wrist, alright?" Professor Red asks. "I need to do a few test in order to understand what methods would be risky and which would be safest. I promise, nothing's going to hurt, it's just gathering information."
"There's more than one way to get rid of him?" Sabre asks, sitting down in the chair and holding out his arm so the Professor could attach the device.
The Professor places the cuff on Sabre's wrist, and the computer starts showing basic information such as heart rate and blood pressure.
"Yes, shadows are finicky when trying to separate them from their host, so sometimes alternate methods are needed." Professor Red explains. "A treatment that works for one person might fail for another, because the shadow would be too stubborn for that method or what area that method is targeted at isn't something related to that shadow. These things are individual and have different things they react to."
Professor Red turns to the computer and clicks around for a minute, before looking back at Sabre.
"By the way, while you're here, is it okay if I run some other tests-?" He asks.
"Professor..." M says, giving him a look.
"I-It's alright. I'm fine with it." Sabre replies, shrugging.
M looks surprised.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yeah. Not like I have much to lose."
"But there's a lot to gain! Thank you for cooperating, by the way." The Professor says excitedly. "You are an intelligent species that the Realm has never seen before! Think of the possibilities-"
A voice coming from upstairs interrupts him.
"Professor? What was that explosion?" A familiar voice calls out.
"Oh, Leader! Good morning!" Professor Red responds.
The Red Leader comes down the stairs, looking curiously at the odd scene in front of him. As he walks over, the Professor continues talking.
"That little mishap earlier was just the fault of some older equipment, nothing to worry about!" The Professor says. "Just hadn't been used in a while and I had neglected to clean it out for a while."
"...And that caused an explosion?" The Red Leader asks.
"Well, brewing stands are more complicated than 'oh I forgot to clean that, now there's dust everywhere' equipment. Gunpowder buildup, specifically, makes them a bit more difficult."
The Red Leader just sighs, then turns to M and Sabre as the Professor goes back to messing with the computer.
"So, what are you all up to?" He asks.
"The Professor is just helping with an issue that Sabre has." M says, giving a small smile. "Nothing worrying."
Sabre stays quiet and avoids eye contact with the Red Leader, just staring at the floor. The Red Leader looks at him. Sabre glances up and notices, getting a bit more nervous.
"I believe we didn't get to properly introduce ourselves to you." The Red Leader says.
He extends a hand towards Sabre.
"I am Carmine, the ruler of this kingdom. My son Amaris has explained that to you already, correct?"
Sabre nods, and hesitantly shakes his hand. The Red Leader then motions to the Professor, who's still too focused on the computer to notice.
"That is Professor Red, the kingdom's main scientist. He leads most of the tech-related projects and is one of the most knowledgeable people here. Please excuse his... odd behavior. He really is calmer, usually."
"I'll take your word for it." Sabre says quietly.
That makes M laugh a little, and Sabre thought that for a split second, he saw the Red Leader smile too.
The meeting with the Professor wasn't too eventful, other than him becoming ecstatic when he saw how similar Sabre's biology is to theirs. He was already spouting theories under his breath when the Leader told him to calm down.
After a few more tests, the Professor said that they'd have to come back the next day to try something. At the moment, he needed to determine what would have a chance of working and what wouldn't based off the results he got, and that apparently took a while.
As they walked through the town again, it was significantly busier than earlier. People walked to and from buildings, some carrying things to take somewhere. Little stands now had their owners selling their items to people passing by. Friends conversed while a few children ran around nearby playing tag.
Sabre now wanted to get back to the castle as quick as he could, as while nobody stared at him, he still felt uneasy about the sheer number of people around. Even in the other kingdoms, he had never been around so many people in one place. Whenever there were big crowds, like while people were taking refuge in the Hub, he'd be off to the side or just stay inside somewhere. If he wasn't busy trying to help with the battle against Darkness, of course.
M seems to notice, and quickens his pace a little. However, the two are stopped when by pass by a florist shop. The shopkeeper recognizes M and calls him over.
"Oh, that's right, Amaryllis needed my help with something..." M says to himself, then turns to Sabre. "Can you wait here, please? I'll be right back, I promise, and then we'll go straight home. Alright?"
"O-Okay..." Sabre says quietly.
As M hurries into the flower shop, Sabre stands by the door and waits. After a few minutes, he notices a group of children nearby staring at him.
They whisper to each other occasionally, some shushing each other and saying not to be too loud. Sabre tries not to focus on them, until one of them suddenly sounds annoyed and starts talking.
"Are you all really just gonna sit there like a buncha goose butts?!" The kid says, practically scolding his friends. "At least don't just stare at him, that's rude!"
The red child quickly bounds over, smiling, and introduces himself. He's wearing rust-colored overalls over a coral-and-white striped shirt and dark grey slip-on shoes, and he's missing one of his front teeth.
"Hi! Sorry about my friends, they're just nervous. We've never seen someone that isn't red before!" The child grins. "My name's Ruby! What's yours?"
"My name is Sabre, i-it's nice to meet you." Sabre replies, a little quiet, smiling softly.
"Nice to meet you too, mister! Cool blindfold."
M then walks out of the florist shop.
"Alright, now we can- Oh, hello Ruby." M says, noticing the child.
"Hiya Amaris! Your friend is cool." Ruby smiles.
"Yeah he is." M chuckles. "Why don't you go back to your friends? We're just heading back home."
"Alright, seeya later!"
Ruby runs off, and M and Sabre continue through the town.
"He didn't give you trouble, did he?" M asks. "Ruby is nice, but he's a bit wild."
"Nah, he actually scolded his friends for staring at me. It was kinda funny." Sabre says, smiling.
"Heh, that's Ruby for ya."
Sabre and M walk back to the castle, Sabre now a little less anxious about the crowds of people.
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