No one pov.
After acquiring the evidence many things happened in a short span of time. Gianna confronted Lilith. Lilith in turn convinced Lorik Qui'in to use his evidence against Anolies. Then in turn he was arrested and dragged from the station. "Shepard! I demand you arrest this bitch!"
"You have the right to remain silent. I wish to God you exercised it." Gianna complained as he kept struggling. He almost got loose at one point only to receive a right hook from 6.
"Oh a silent politician. I love the sound." 6 sighed happily as Gianna lifted the light unconscious salarian.
"I owe you 2 a drink." Gianna said handing a pass to Lilith. "Good luck."
"Let's go steal a car!" 6 threw his hands in the air and walked towards the garage besides Lilith and Liara. As they entered the garage the sound of machine echoed out along with the sound of clicking
"Geth are here!" Lilith cried firing at a geth that flew from wall to ceiling shooting beams at them. 6 jumped behind some boxes as Liara fired at a grth destroyer rushing her. Lilith pushed Liara out of the way barely missing it before it getting shot down by unknown gunfire.
6 looked back to the door to see 3 officers who were confused. "What the hells going on?"
"Geth attack obviously. Brought by Benezia." Lilith says getting up. She walked over.
"Oh that's not good." The head officer said. "If they were brought here then there are much more." They warn before the trio run off to find a mako. 6 stopped right before getting on.
"You know how to drive this right?" 6 asked Lilith as she got in the driver seat. "If you're anything like John then I should worry."
"What?" Lilith scoffed with fake offense. "I'm a better driver than my brother."
"Sure." 6 says sitting down and looked at a piece of tough clothes. "Whats this thing with this metal on it?"
"It's known as a buckle. You put it in its slot to keep yourself safe incase of a crash." Liara explained as she demonstrated how to use it. 6 nodded and strapped in unaware of the ride that would ensue.
A half hour ride was all it took to convince him of how good of a driver Lilith really was. Truth be told she wasn't. If this was the norm of driving like with those old nuclear cars back in the Mojave he swore never to touch them. They arrived at peak 15 labs with 6 jumping out and throwing his helmet off puking into the snow. Guess that's what happened when you're raised on a navy ship.
"It wasn't that bad." Lilith rolled her eyes looking to Liara. "Right?" Liara walked off the mako shaking with fear. "Okay work on driving... noted...."
They entered into the station after regaining themselves only to be ambushed by krogan and Geth. Being nothing new they easily dispatched them continuing on only to get stopped by a voice stating the damage of the station. They continued getting to a checkpoint with turrets facing towards the facilities door. "Why are they pointed the wrong way?"
"They wanted to keep what they were making from getting out." 6 said getting familiar vibes. "I swear if I see anyone with spores coming out of there back I'm making a flame thrower and burning this bitch down."
"I'm sorry what?" Liara questioned getting no answer. They entered an elevator going down in silence only to come to an empty hallway with an observation window into a glacier cliff.
"Oh wow a window to watch ice freeze! Almost as fun as watching paint dry." 6 mutters to himself as they enter into a large lunch room getting ambushed once more by geth only to be destroyed with ease. That's when they heard howling and roars. They got into a triangle aiming in all directions as Lilith noticed 6 pulling out a lighter flicking it and a can of hair spray.
"Do you hear that?" Liara asked as Lilith responded.
"Could be wind." She said unconvincing.
"Don't pull that it's the wind shit." 6 said before looking over to see a giant bug with tentacles screening at them. 6 responded accordingly.
(Just the scream)
Pip-pad update. Adverse effect phobia of bugs.
6 let off a spray of flames not letting up as tiny versions of the bugs attacked. They burned to crisps as 6 advanced with his wall of flaming death. Liara and Lilith watched with concern as the said bugs died.
"You good?" Lilith asked as he shook with either anger or fear for neither could tell.
"Get me as much flammable gas as you can." 6 said gripping the can furiously. They then continued forward having to do stupid shit as 6 would say due to his promises of a fiery death for every damned bug and cazador cousins of theirs in the station. After restoring power to the VI and the tram lines they came upon another station as 6 scanned around vigilantly for bugs.
"I think we're okay exterminator." Lilith said stifling a laugh.
"Right. You'll thank me for when I blow up this place." 6 said not dropping his guard as they came to elevators with only one set working. Seeing their only option was to keep going they took it down to come face to face with survivors.
6 pov.
"Hold your fire!" The commander cried as I lowered my makeshift flame thrower. "Sorry glad to not cause any bodies death." I zoned out as I heard the light sounds of metal being banged on by chitten legs of a hellspawn. My head frantically scanned the room and looked back at the vents to focus on it. I held up my flame thrower as a loud screeching noise spewed from it as if from hell it self.
"DIE SPAWN OF SATAN!" I cry as 2 burst from the vent getting roasted by me. Gunfire hit the charred corpse of the bugs as I grinded my teeth.
"Uh.... he going to be okay?" The leader asked as I turned to see Lilith shrug before we entered into the remaining survivors living space. Lilith talked around and made a deal with a doctor to create an antidote or something to some bio weapon made by them.
They descend deeper in the facility with me being on edge every step. I did not live this long to be taken out by some insect. We entered a medium sized room after getting off another elevator. Lilith lead the way to another door only to be stopped by a guard who told us to fuck off. Lilith in turned convinced the dude to step off to the side. I followed flicking my lighter lid open and close while she made the cure or whatever. I finally started to calm down as I heard the door open again to see asaris with geth.
"What the fuck? who are you?" Lilith asked as she said she was here to take us out. I look down at my flame thrower shrugging and sprayed fire at our attackers. Lilith fired at them as Liara threw a vortex making them fly limblessly. Minutes later they laid dead as we exited. A volus approached and pointed to a locked door saying they came from there.
"Alright if that's the case I'll watch the door to make sure no more geth come while you get the key." I say sitting down breathing slowly as she left. The thoughts of buzzing cazador filled my head as I keep aim feeling I'm almost out of fuel in my hair spray can I stole my Ashley's locker.
"Are you okay?" Tbe volus asked as I didn't realize my foot was tapping rapidly inpatient.
"Nope gotta kill all these fucking bugs." I say as I hear the elevator come back and look over seeing Lilith walking back nodding as I nod back standing up. "I don't got much left."
"That's fine just use it sparingly." Lilith warned as we went through the door showing a tunnel of ice. I heard a screech ahead and yelled a war cry and ran forward spraying flames indiscriminately getting the one bug in the hallway. I stopped breathed heavily. "Quite sparingly." Lilith chuckled.
"Whatever I got enough to burn whatever is giving birth to this things at least." I argue as we continue forward with no more resistance. We then came to a large with another one of those bugs in a giant tube and I think the asari we are after. I don't pay attention watching the bug making sure it couldn't escape before realizing I was frozen by some biotic abilities.
Time skip
It took minutes to defeat the waves of geth and Asari commandos when we confronted Benezia herself. She revealed that saren has figured out mind control and had one last touching moment with her daughter before we killed her. By kill her I mean try setting her on fire only to realize the can was empty and me chucking it at her head as Lilith and Liara shot her. Now all that was left was the bug who can APPARENTLY TALK THROUGH DEAD PEOPLE CAUSE IT WAS TALKING TO US THROUGH A DEAD ASARI COMMANDO!
"Will you kill us or set us free?" It asked Lilith as she considered it.
"The krogan went to far in making the rachni extinct. This is our chance to correct that." Liara argued Lilith turned to me.
"You already know my stance due to hair spray. The decision is yours." I say tempted to push the kill button.
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