[ did we get a post notif? I think wattpad's New Year's resolution should be to get better about sending post notifs ]



"LOVE, YOUR RECORD COLLECTION IS WICKED," Sirius said, an impressed look in his eyes as he picked up the vinyl copy of Queen's 'A Night At The Opera'.

"Thanks," Ilona said with a grin as she stood behind Remus, who was hanging up a tapestry on her wall, so tall that he didn't even need a ladder or step stool. "Play anything you want. 'The Works' is my favorite of theirs — only because it gave us 'I Want to Break Free' though."

All of Ilona's boxes had been unloaded fairly quickly now that she had three men helping her. And she never broke a sweat, just directing them where to take each of the labeled boxes. After the truck was empty, Sirius so kindly offered for them to help unpack some.

Ilona expected James and Remus to protest, them not wanting to spend a Friday afternoon doing more work, but they were happy to aid her. So, the four of them started in her living room, getting it set up and decorated.

While Remus was putting up wall decorations, James was trying to figure out how to wire the second-hand TV that she'd bought literally on the way to the house. And Sirius was in charge of setting up her record player and sterio that would play her huge stash of CDs.

Ilona loved music, listening to it on any format — CD, vinyl, cassett player. She had music from nearly every genre but specifically loved older rock and disco music. Though she did have a weakness for Madonna and Boyz II Men, which Sirius made fun of when he came across those.

Much to her delight, Sirius took her up on her suggestion to play music, and a moment later, he'd sought out the album she mentioned. Of course, her favorite song didn't play right away because it was the sixth one in the order, but she still loved 'Radio Ga Ga', swaying to the music as she focused on Remus.

"Maybe a little higher on the left?" she suggested, eyes on the bright yellow, floral tapetry that he was hanging. She'd found it two years ago when visiting a Muggle craft fair.

Remus adjusted it and then looked back over his shoulder at her, ready to put the pin through it and in the wall. "Good?"

"Perfect," she beamed, making him smile as well because hers was infectious. Then she turned around, checking on the third one. "James, are you doing alright?"

"Uh, yeah, not, I've got it — fuck!" James swore as he shocked himself.

Ilona giggled, looking at the man whose hands were tangled up in a mess of wires. She quickly rushed over to him, kneeling next to him on the floor. Gently, she held one of his hands and used her other to untangle the wires.

James' lips parted a bit, looking down at her with wide, blue eyes, his glasses a bit crooked on his face. He couldn't help but admire her green eyes and plush lips. Her touch was so soft, and now that he was close, James noted that she smelled like fresh apples — it made him a bit self-concious given that he certainly smelled of sweat and beer after drinking all day and then moving boxes.

"Here you go," Ilona said after a moment, finally freeing James.

He blinked a few times before nodding. "Thanks, love," he said, the term slipping out as easily as it had for Sirius when he was flirting. "I've almost got the TV. Just not used to doing stuff like this."

Even after living with Harry in the Muggle world for twelve years, he still struggled with modern technology. Sirius did as well, which Lily and Remus made fun of constantly.

"Yeah, I get that. My best friend is horrible with electronics," she said while taking over fixing the TV. Millie didn't even understand how things like batteries and headphones and movies worked given that she was raised by such strict Purebloods. "See, you plug this one into that one because the colors match. It makes the sound work. Then this one is for visuals."

"Right," James nodded, not really paying attention to what she was saying as he stared at her.

Behind them, Remus and Sirius shared amused looks. Sirius was particularly delighted because the other two had made fun of him for eyeing the young girl from the moment he saw her. But now James was getting just as distracted by her looks.

James couldn't recall a girl turning his head since Lily their final year of school. And he'd been so impulsive then that he married her in the middle of a war. Merlin only knew what stupid things he'd do for Ilona's attention now.

Remus, seemingly the only one with a head on his shoulders, just cleared his throat. "I think we're almost done in here? Want us to move on to the study?"

Ilona instantly frowned. All her wizarding things were going to be stored in the small office space that was down the hall. She had all her books from school and her broom, not to mention potion supplies in the boxes labeled 'STUDY'.

"Oh, not right now, but you're so sweet for offering," she told him. James had stood and then offered her his hand, helping her up. "I figured you three have done plenty. Besides, my friend is on her way to help. I wouldn't want to take up more of your day."

"Nonsense," Sirius said, pushing his long hair back with his hand. The motion distracted Ilona for a moment, thinking he looked so handsome, but she quickly pushed that thought away. "We don't mind helping."

"Well, maybe you all can take a break and then work on the kitchen then," she suggested, knowing she didn't have anything incriminating in those boxes.

"Sounds like a plan," James nodded. "I've got some beers over at mine. Do you fancy one?"

Ilona scrunched her nose up in an incredibly adorable way as she shook her head. "I'm not really one for beer, but you enjoy."

"We've got tea and lemonade too," Remus said with a small smile. "Come on. You've earned a break as much as we have."

"Sure, I have," she laughed, knowing she'd hardly done anything.

She let them lead her outside and across the street to James' front porch where he had a few nice rocking chairs, all of them painted a pristine white color. James house was easily twice the size of Ilona's. The cooler of beer was melted, but Sirius and James didn't care as they each grabbed bottles.

Remus moved to go inside and get something for himself and Ilona, but someone beat him to it, opening up the door and barrelling out.

"Dad, Hermione took the Game Boy from Ron and won't let us — Ilona?"

"Harry?" Ilona said, looking at the small boy with wide, surprised eyes. And two other kids scurried up right behind him, their wide eyes landing on her. "Ron. Hermione!"

"Wh - what are you doing at my house?" Harry asked, tilting his head a bit.

Ilona looked over at a confused James, his expression matching Remus' and Sirius' as well. "James, you're Harry's father?"

"How do you two know each other?" James asked with a frown.

"Dad, she was only the most popular girl at Hogwarts," Harry said, scoffing. "You know, Ilona Doherty? I wrote to you about her. She caught the snitch every time we've played Hufflepuff. You don't read my letters?"

James scoffed and crossed his arms. "Of course, I read your letters. She didn't say her last name."

"But what are you doing here, Ilona?" Harry then asked again.

Ilona beamed at the younger boy, suddenly so excited that she now really knew who her neighbor was. Not to mention she now knew James was the ex-husband of Professor Evans, one of the kidnest souls she'd ever met.

"I've moved into the house across the street. Your father and his friends have been helping me with my boxes."

"She's a witch," Sirius said flatly. "We could've been using magic to lift everything this whole time."

Remus rolled his eyes, because of course, that would be Sirius' first thought.

"This is wicked," Ron spoke up, smacking Harry's arm. "Harry, I can't believe your neighbor is the Seeker for the bloody Irish National Quidditch Team!"

The three grown men looked at Ilona with wide eyes but couldn't get a word in before Hermione scoffed. "Ronald, she was your Herbology tutor. Don't act as if you've never seen her before."

"Shut it, Hermione," he snapped. "This is different!"

"Ron," Ilona laughed. "I'm still the same Ilona. I mean, I haven't even made it to my first practice with the team yet. That's tomorrow."

"Hold on," Remus said, putting his hand up. "Did he just say what I think he said?"

"You're the Seeker of one of the best Quidditch teams in the world?" James asked in awe.

"Newly made," Ilona said with a proud smile, rocking back and forth on her feet a bit.

"You're fucking amazing," Sirius breathed out. "I mean, all the news outlets' sports reporters are betting on your team making it to the Quidditch World Cup next year."

"Well, that would be a dream," she said, her cheeks pink from excitement. "But I think I'll just take things one match at a time."

Then Ilona looked back at the kids who were still marveling at her. Her eyes landed on Hermione, who smiled at her. "Hermione, are you feeling better after what happened?"

After all, they'd only been cured from being petrified a week ago. Final exams were canceled, and then they were all sent home for the summer vacation.

"I'm much better," Hermione nodded. "And you?"

Ilona dramatically shivered. "I think I'll have a fear of snakes for life," she told her. Then she grinned at Harry and Ron. "And I never had the time to thank you both for your bravery. I don't fancy the idea of remaining a statue for all my life."

"It was no trouble," Ron said, blushing a bit from her attention, making Harry snicker.

"You were one of the ones petrified?" Remus asked with a concerned frown. "How horrible. Your parents must've been beside themselves."

"My parents hardly cared when Professor Sprout wrote to them," she admitted with a careless shrug, not aware how alarming it was to everyone else. The only one that could even relate was Sirius, who knew his parents wouldn't have given a damn either if anything like that happened to him in his youth. "But my best friend, Millie? Oh, they told me she was hounding the professors and Lockhart every day after I was attacked."

"She made such a scene at the dueling club," Harry informed her. "Called Lockhard a 'fucking dolt'."

"Harry," James chastised. "Watch your language."

Harry innocently looked at his father, who sighed and relaxed, not really all that mad. But if Lily had heard him, he'd have gotten his Game Boy taken away.

"I have to ask you go easy on him," Ilona said softly to James. "You've raised a hero, you know? You should be very proud of him."

"I am," he nodded while squeezing a bashful Harry's shoulder.

"How is moving going?" Hermione then asked Ilona.

"Well, much faster now that I know I can use magic in front of my new niehgbors," she said, smiling. She looked at Remus apologetically. "I think hanging all those photos and other decorations would've gone much quicker."

"I don't mind the hastle for you," he said, nodding to her with a gentle look in his warm eyes. "And it taking so long just meant we had more time to get to know you."

"Ilona, is it true you got one of those new Firebolts now that you've made the team?" Ron then asked, mind back on Quidditch.

"I did," she nodded. "Everyone on the team has one. I've been riding on the school brooms my whole life, so I won't know what to do with myself when I'm on it."

"Wicked," he breathed out, his eyes wide.

"Can we see it?" Harry asked, just as excited.

"In a bit, boys," Remus told them. Ilona noted that Sirius and James both deflated, them also wanting to see the broom. "We're taking a break from unpacking." Then he looked at Ilona. "Made some fresh lemonade for the kids. Want some?"

"I'd love a cup," she said. "Then we can all take turns on the Firebolt." Ilona looked pointedly between Sirius and James, who had excited glints in their eyes. "All of you."

[ hehehe -illyrian made me a gif and I love it so much. like, it's art and the phantom of the opera gif is immaculate with the great war lyric 'my hand was the one you reached for' ]

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