047. And The Moon Comes Up
It's been a strange couple of days to say the least. For starters, Mia and Jackson have become closer and spend everyday together, which means starting to get along with the rest of the pack. It's been refreshing being able to head to the reservation without being afraid of the ocean anymore. While she hasn't fully moved on from that traumatic night, she now understands the water can't ever reach her and she's safe.
Due to the telepathy between shapeshifters, it didn't come as a surprise when the pack already knew of her magic loss. Jacob kept apologizing, but Mia didn't hold any resentment. If anything, it was relieving not keeping this secret any longer. There's a sense of freedom that comes with it and she detests not having thought of confiding in them sooner.
Which brings her to a secluded part of the beach, where she's standing in front of the ocean with her hands extended while the pack is gathered around her. She's unsure as to why she agreed on giving her magic one more chance when she's just bound to end up disappointed, but the pack insisted that she should give it a shot.
Who knows?
Maybe she'll be surprised.
"I want you to concentrate on the water," Jackson gestures to the calm waves, his voice low yet also loud enough for the others to hear. "Imagine you're their controller. Hold the waves and imagine how you want to shape them. Forget about everything and only focus on this."
"Try not to create a tsunami and drown us," Jared jokes, the support in his voice and tone becoming more noticeable.
Mia doesn't have faith in being able to control the waves. Let alone create a natural disaster. His sarcastic comment is appreciated, but a part of her is also afraid of the smallest possibility that she could make everything worse. Nothing good ever happens to those around her, so practicing her magic with them terrifies her more than anything.
"I give you permission to drown Embry," Paul whacks the back of his head, earning a shove from him.
"Nah, you should do it to Jake," Quil intervenes as he attempts to push them apart. "He's been too annoying lately with his thoughts."
Embry agrees, "His breakup with Bella really has taken a toll on him. He should just tell her already."
"Couldn't agree more," Mia's been trying to convince him to tell her the truth. Considering Bella already knows about the existence of the supernatural, learning her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend is a shapeshifter, won't seem like the greatest shock. Sure, it'd be temporary, but Bella's always been good at handling the strange and unnatural.
Jackson rolls his eyes and slams his palms together for their attention, "Alright, enough. Let's get back on track. Jake will tell her when he's ready, but let's worry about this right now."
Mia shakes her head, "Oh, I'm more than happy to discuss Jake's love life instead."
"Where is he?" Jared looks around, curious on why he's not present.
"I'm right here," Jacob approaches them with Sam by his side. "I could hear your annoying voice all the way from the forest."
"Damn it," Mia complains, wishing he had stayed away to keep having a conversation about him and avoid doing this.
Jacob scoffs in offense, "Nice to see you too."
"Sorry, it's just that I was really hoping not to have to do this," she gestures to the ocean, a sense of dread consuming her and preventing her confidence from resurfacing.
"You can do this, Mia," Sam encourages her.
"We believe in you, Grey," Jackson squeezes her hand two times, a secret gesture between them to express their support and care for the other. "No matter what happens, you got us."
Mia takes a deep breath and slowly raises her hand. She focuses on the spell and concentrates on creating greater waves. The water remains calm, simply unmoving and not receiving the smallest ounce of control. She repeats the spell, urging the words to express the power and follow her guidance.
Nothing is happening.
"Don't strain. Trust your magic to do the work," Jackson reassures her, his gaze switching between her and the ocean.
Mia's hands tremble to an extremity. She wills her entire strength and concentration on this one thing. If she can't perform the simplest of spells, how will she be able to handle more? She needs to do this. She needs to salvage herself and find her worth as it's the only thing keeping her afloat.
However, something strange happens. There's movement in the water and it's not correlated to mother nature. This is linked to her. It's a small step, but her magic is now fighting to escape its barricade.
"You got this, Grey," Jackson smiles with pride, his heart warming up and becoming full with joy.
"Our girl is getting there!" Jared applauds her, him and the rest of the pack staring in amazement at the waves starting to take the form of an intricate shape.
But as expected, the euphoric feeling doesn't last.
Blood starts dripping from her nose and her trembling is no longer focused on just her hands. Her entire body quivers under the pressure as the strain of her magic creates an internal tear. It's painful to endure it, but Mia refuses to stop. She's afraid that if she does, her magic will return behind bars and never set foot into the light.
No matter how much pain is felt, she needs to continue.
"That's enough," Jackson demands, but she refuses to listen.
"I can do it," Mia tries convincing him, but is mostly trying to convince herself. "Let me do this."
Jacob and Sam move forward at the same time, both of them attempting to get her to stop. "Mia, you're hurting yourself. It's enough."
Nothing they say matters now. She's so close to reaching paradise, so close to placing the key and entering the gates. Stopping would return her to purgatory and she would rather die than stop trying when she's nearing heaven.
"Mia, stop!"
Jackson tries bringing her hands down, but it's her stubbornness that outweighs his strength for the moment. She's too engulfed in her thoughts to listen and consider that she might die from putting too much strain on herself. It's only now when he starts doubting that maybe suggesting practicing her magic had been a mistake. Maybe it's only creating more harm than good.
"Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!" Jacob pleads, but his voice goes in one ear and out the other.
"Mia!" Sam attempts to regain her attention, failing along with the others.
The pack watches with unease and constantly looks at her and the water, noticing her strain is causing the waves to move chaotically as if a hurricane were about to impact. They're stunned in silence with eyes wide and mouths agape, afraid this activity could bring a tragedy to occur.
While Mia is aware this is becoming too dangerous, she doesn't dare stop. The adrenaline her magic brings is starting to run through her veins, filling the hole in her chest that had been threatened to remain empty. The waves are taking the form of the shape she orders it to. They're rising slowly, but it's happening. It's all occurring because of her, so how can she dare stop now?
However, the water soon starts to lower. Her control is starting to fade and the same empty feeling she's carried for months returns. She had flown too close to the sun and now her wings have burned. She's the new Icarus being forced into an eternal life of affliction, but the thing is, she's not letting the fire put a cease to her triumph.
Mia closes her eyes and concentrates solely on the spell. She ignores her friends' pleas and focuses on envisioning the waves rising and forming an intricate pattern, but that's when it comes. The voice in the back of her head returns, but has now brought more companions.
Edward's words begin repeating constantly like a broken record, "Every time I look at you, I see them. I see the darkness starting to consume you and turning you into a monster."
Her mother confirming how afraid she is that Dimitri's essence lies within her, "Because of you, they found you and now you'll become a monster like your father!"
Mia tries shaking their words from her head, but they're resilient in staying. They're forever engraved in her and no amount of attempts will prevent their truth from torturing her and reminding her of who she truly is.
"Don't expect him to love you, darling... you're not meant to be loved," Dimitri's harshness pierces her soul, preventing her control to be maintained.
Everything that was told returns to her like a cruel joke. She's being reminded of her truth and the betrayal she's faced by almost every person. Her father is a different case, but having been given those words by Edward and her mother is something entirely apart. They were the ones who were supposed to love her and assure her the light is what she emanates, but they convinced her that only the obscurity has a home from within.
"All this time, I've been lying and you didn't even notice."
How foolish she had been to have trusted his word. The months by his side had been wasted and she no longer believes anything he might have said before was the truth, but his final words, they're the only thing she's certain about.
"Acting like this is what makes you just like your father."
Isobel throwing her insecurity to her face shouldn't surprise her. It's all she's ever known and while she knows her mother loves her, it's undeniable that having Dimitri's reflection in her eyes serves as a reminder of the worst years of her life.
"You're nothing without your powers. You put a disgrace to the Grey name."
Being a Grey has been her sentence. From her first breath and first look at the world, she's been condemned to a life full of unwarranted burdens. She's been forced to carry a cross meant for another and forced to endure the resentment and isolation from everyone. By refusing to accept her given destiny, she's always been a disgrace to the Grey name and not a part of her is regretful for it.
If she's meant to be the villain of someone's story, then so be it. She would follow the plot until the very end without stopping.
"Mia!" Jacob shakes her shoulder, causing her to shove his arm off without hesitation.
Despite the blood continuing to pour and her entire body riveting with pain, she forces herself to continue regardless of everyone's begs. The waves are getting stronger and starting to form into an intricate shape. They're no longer just a couple feet high, but have reached a higher altitude that is unusual for this beach.
"Mia, stop-"
The shock in the pack's expression is undeniable. They have never seen anything like this and witnessing it beforehand leaves them stricken and at a loss for words. Amazed, their gaze remains intact and set on the ocean.
"Well, I'll be damned," Jared breathes out, nearly passing out from disbelief.
Hearing their amazement makes her feel better in spite of the pain. She urges her magic to keep the tide up, but the amount of strain she put herself through is starting to take a toll on her. Her surroundings start spinning uncontrollably and a tightness gathers in her chest, preventing her from breathing with ease and enjoying this triumph.
Mia considers ignoring it, but remaining upright has become harder to withstand. When her hands lower, the waves come crashing and splatter against the few that got too close. She tries keeping her balance steady, but the hint of magic that emanated left her weaker and crumbling down like a fallen soldier.
"I got you," Jackson catches her before she falls, quickly placing her into his arms and carrying her away from the beach.
"We're taking her to my place. It's closer," Jacob sprints toward his house while the rest of the pack continuously ask her questions about her well being.
They mean well, but it's only making her headache worsen and causing her to start falling into unconsciousness. She rests her head against his shoulder and for a fleeting moment, her thoughts send her back to the feeling of being held in Edward's arms. It's pathetic, really, but in spite of her hatred, she can't immediately forget her love just as quickly as he did.
"You did good, M," Paul softly says as he squeezes her hand before she's brought into the house.
A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips, especially when realizing the grumpiest of the pack has offered her congratulations. She tries to thank him for it, but before she knows it, she's placed onto Jacob's bed before falling into a slumber.
When Mia awakens, she's welcomed by the sound of knocking on the front door. She sits up and rubs her eyes to rid them of the tiredness. Thinking the rest would have recharged her, she wastes no time in standing up, but is instead welcomed by her vision turning dark for a moment before regaining normality.
"Bella," she hears Billy say with hesitance.
Standing still like a statue, a sense of awkwardness surrounds her considering she and Bella haven't spoken much after the incident at Port Angeles. It's all her fault since after saying those hurtful words, she couldn't face her and thought it'd be best to let time pass and hopefully, the memory of that night will be forgotten about.
"I need to see him," Bella states through a firm and assertive tone.
Billy denies her request, "He's not in."
Mia's not sure what to expect, so it comes as a surprise when Bella barges in with determination in obtaining a word with Jacob.
"I'm sorry, but I need to see him," Bella's footsteps get nearer, each step becoming louder and matching her need for answers.
Mia considers that maybe she finally figured out the truth and is coming to confront him. It would make perfect sense as to why she sounds incredibly serious and has entered without a care.
"Bella!" Billy calls out to her in hopes of preventing her from continuing.
However, it's the sound of laughter from the pack arriving that makes her stop. Mia looks out the window, already sensing nothing good can come out from this. She knows how Bella can get when secrets are kept from her, especially when she believes it was all due to the pressure of others. Her protectiveness is her greatest strength, but also leads to reckless behavior.
The sound of the back door slamming open definitely sends warning signs through her head. Quickly, she puts her shoes on and ignores the pain ricocheting through her body. She flinches on the way to her friend, quickly putting on a stoic expression to keep up appearances that she's alright.
"Bella," Mia calls out, causing her to turn around in wonderment.
"Mia? What are you doing here?" Bella narrows her eyes in curiosity, but her expression falters into worry when noticing how pale and weakly she looks. "Are you okay? Did they do something to you?"
"Bells, I'm more than alright," she assures her, but the Swan girl's stubbornness refuses to believe that the pack didn't have something to do with her weakened state.
"I'm going to kill them," Bella grits her teeth and storms in their direction, wasting no time in shoving Sam. "What did you do? What did you do to them?"
"Bella!" Mia attempts holding her to take her away from the pack, but she's still weak from her magic that it prevents her from successfully dragging her back to the house.
"Watch it!" Jared defends the alpha and gets closer, but Sam stops him from becoming involved.
"Easy," he orders him and Paul, holding his arm up and preventing them from getting closer.
"He didn't want this!" Bella loudly says as she gets closer to them for a confrontation.
"What did we do?" Paul gets close to her face, his obvious anger starting to become apparent. "What did he do? What'd he tell you?"
"Paul!" Mia shoves him back and grabs hold of Bella, knowing how unsafe it is to be around a shapeshifter about to lose their temper. "Just let it go. Come on."
Sam tries being the voice of reason, "Both of you calm down."
Refusing to let this go, Bella moves closer with smoke coming out of her ears, "Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you."
That's enough to cause Paul and Jared to laugh, which definitely does not go well with Bella. Now, Mia's not entirely sure what her friend's next step will be, but it certainly wasn't her hand slapping Paul across the face.
Mia runs a hand through her hair in frustration. Out of all people, Bella chose to hit the most temperamental one. Paul easily loses control, which is enough to make her start dragging Bella away as any moment now, the truth will officially be witnessed.
Paul starts trembling with anger. His eyes that were once a bright brown have now turned into a pitch black. His face starts turning into a beet red as he breathes heavily, his chest pumping up and down uncontrollably and fists clenching.
"Too late now," Jared remarks as he takes a couple steps back.
"Bella, Mia, get back!" Sam orders them and attempts to help Paul control his temper, but like Jared said, it's already too late. "Paul, calm down. Now."
Within the blink of an eye, Paul's body distorts into an unnatural shape. His hands transform into paws, his torso transitions into an animal form, and the last of his human-like features takes on the figure of a gray and white wolf. Growling, the wolf raises its paw in a challenge and snarls its teeth.
Mia knows better than to attempt using her magic again, especially when it weakens her and leaves her in an agonizing state, but she can't allow Paul to hurt Bella. She extends her hand forward and thinks of a defensive spell, the pain returning just as a surge of power impacts Paul and sends him crashing to the ground.
That's more than enough to burn her insides and make her feel as if her soul is tearing apart. She stumbles back and nearly crashes to the ground, but Bella holds her upright and grabs her hand. Without thinking, she starts running in the direction of the house, not noticing how challenging it is for Mia.
"Bella!" Jacob jumps over the railing of his house and sprints in their direction.
"Run!" Bella desperately demands, but he keeps running toward them while Mia struggles to keep up. "Jake, run!"
Jacob transforms into a wolf midair, his teeth snarling and growls being exchanged between him and Paul. Assertively, he presses his paws into the ground as both of them deliberate their next move before launching forward in an attack.
"Unbelievable," Mia struggles to catch her breath as she falls to the ground. She glances at Bella, who's staring at her ex-boyfriend fighting with Paul in a wolf form.
Based on her expression, it doesn't take a genius to know how much this revelation is turning her world upside down. Even if she's aware of the supernatural, finding out the greatest secret from those closest to you will be a lot to handle.
Jacob and Paul attack the other through intricate movements. Bites, scratches, and growls are exchanged as they tumble around with no means of stopping. Paul manages to get an advantage, but it's his hubris that allows Jacob to take the winning shot and improve his chances at defeating him.
"Paul!" The pack attempts to regain his attention, but his terrible temper prevents him from listening to their demands and now take the fight into the woods through various tumbles and growls.
"Hey, take Mia and Bella back to Emily's place," Sam orders the rest before he turns around in the direction Jacob and Paul went in.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag."
Mia takes a deep breath and uses her remaining strength to stand up. She offers her hand to Bella, who takes it despite continuing to stare into the woods with a fearful and shocked look. Well, it looks like it's going to take a lot of explaining, but what brings her comfort is knowing that it will all fall on Jacob's shoulders.
Now that she's grateful for.
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