Bad Boy Abuser Test (Reports)

Example One:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 8 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 169 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to the worst situations), this situation is a 8. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse, substantial violence, and even homicide. This situation definitely carries a high risk for Protagonist, and steps to enhance safety and wellbeing are called for. Consider learning about immediate options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider his substance abuse. Consider that he resolves conflict aggressively. Consider Love Interest's threats to use violence. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist. Consider that Protagonist has fear of being killed by Love Interest. Consider the severity of Love Interest's violence.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.

What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there has been violence, which is sufficient reason to conduct an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist occasionally overnight together at one residence, but they maintain separate residences.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Several direct adversarial interventions have been applied, and yet Love Interest's inappropriate or abusive behavior continued.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, between four and six months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected the relationship to go on forever.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has none.
Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Three, four, or five of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
He blames others for the results of his own actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Unfavorably, Love Interest is described as being in this category.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. He has an identity independent of the relationship, and this is favorable.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). One or two of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has inappropriately contacted people around Protagonist as part of his pursuit. Men in this category sometimes plead, intimidate, accuse, or threaten.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
He uses intimidations and/or threats to influence events.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
He has extreme mood swings or appears sullen, angry, or depressed.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
Love Interest has made it difficult for Protagonist to see friends and relatives.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist reports fear of being killed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's behavior or statements that would lead a reasonable person to fear being killed.
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying one or two of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
Individuals who engage in frequent violence also tend to engage in more severe violence. In this case, there have been three or more incidents.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Two:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 6 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 165 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 6. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.

What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there are feelings that caused enough concern to prompt an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist occasionally overnight together at one residence, but they maintain separate residences.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Protagonist has applied one explicit rejection and has refrained from responding to, contacting, and communicating with Love Interest after that rejection.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, thirty days to three months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected the relationship to go on forever.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Three, four, or five of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
He blames others for the results of his own actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally uses alcohol, but without adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is said to blame others, argue, or deny.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. He has an identity independent of the relationship, and this is favorable.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). One or two of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has contacted people around Protagonist for the purpose of gathering information, communicating messages, enlisting support, etc.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people use intimidations and/or threats to influence events, including threats to do physical harm to others. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears moody or temperamental.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist expresses fear of being killed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of his behavior or statements. Protagonist uses expressions like "He hasn't come out and said it, but I know he will kill me," or "I just have a gut feeling."
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying one or two of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
There have been two incidents of violent behavior.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Two, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: throwing things at the victim; pushing, shoving, grabbing, pulling hair, dragging; open hand slapping; and biting.
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Three:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 6 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 150 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 6. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his substance abuse. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider that there are many indicators of suicide risk involving Protagonist.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.

What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there are feelings that caused enough concern to prompt an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist occasionally overnight together at one residence, but they maintain separate residences.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is 16 or older. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that both parties felt comfortable with the pace, and neither felt that things were moving too quickly.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Several direct adversarial interventions have been applied, and yet Love Interest's inappropriate or abusive behavior continued.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, within the last thirty days.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected a serious, long-term relationship.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has several.
Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest displayed occasional jealousy.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
He suffered abuse as a child.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. One or two of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. Ideally, a person accepts and understands what is happening, as appears to be the case with Love Interest.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest accepts responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is reluctant to constructively resolve conflict.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. A disproportionate amount of Love Interest's identity is tied to the relationship.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). One or two of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has contacted people around Protagonist for the purpose of gathering information, communicating messages, enlisting support, etc.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people use intimidations and/or threats to influence events, including threats to do physical harm to others. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears moody or temperamental.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has conducted extensive research to learn about Protagonist's habits, movements, schedule, or location.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use;
You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying seven or more of these indicators.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level One, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: verbal and emotional abuse, throwing things, or punching walls.
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Four:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 5 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 151 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 5. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 151 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 151 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence.
Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there are feelings that caused enough concern to prompt an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is under 18 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist maintain separate residences, however, they frequently overnight together at one residence.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that both parties felt comfortable with the pace, and neither felt that things were moving too quickly.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Protagonist has applied one explicit rejection and has refrained from responding to, contacting, and communicating with Love Interest after that rejection.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, within the last thirty days.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected an undefined or uncommitted relationship. This usually means less emotional investment.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest displayed occasional jealousy.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Six or seven of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. Love Interest attempted to negotiate a way to continue the relationship.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest does not accept responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally uses alcohol, but without adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is said to blame others, argue, or deny.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. He has an identity independent of the relationship, and this is favorable.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). One or two of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has not used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has contacted people around Protagonist for the purpose of gathering information, communicating messages, enlisting support, etc.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people attempt to manipulate events by such strategies as guilt, lies, projected helplessness, neediness, one-sided agreements, or negotiations. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears moody or temperamental.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has sought out information that could be used to succeed in an unwanted encounter.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
Love Interest has made it difficult for Protagonist to see friends and relatives.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying one or two of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
In this situation, only one incident of violence is reported. While even one incident is too many, situations with frequent violence tend also to involve more severe violence.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Two, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: throwing things at the victim; pushing, shoving, grabbing, pulling hair, dragging; open hand slapping; and biting.
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Five:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 7 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 173 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 7. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 173 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 173 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.
The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider his substance abuse. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist. Consider that there are many indicators of suicide risk involving Protagonist. Consider the severity of Love Interest's violence.
Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there have been threatening expressions that provide sufficient reason to conduct an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist live or used to live together.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are currently married or living together as intimate partners.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
One adversarial intervention has been applied.
Is Protagonist currently in a new intimate relationship?
Yes, and this issue can affect situations in different ways. In some cases, a new relationship provokes jealousy or anger, worsening the situation. Sometimes, however, the fact that one person is involved in a new relationship helps the other person let go and move on. Protagonist is probably in the best position to assess the possible impact on this situation.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, between four and six months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected the relationship to go on forever.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has several.
Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest's outlook on life is paranoid. Unfavorably, he appears to see others as "out to get him."
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
Do reports or evidence indicate that Love Interest has been violent toward animals/pets?
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Three, four, or five of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest accepts responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is said to blame others, argue, or deny.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. Love Interest's entire identity is dependent on the relationship.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). Three of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has contacted people around Protagonist for the purpose of gathering information, communicating messages, enlisting support, etc.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people attempt to influence events by threatening to damage a person's reputation. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears even-tempered, optimistic, or upbeat.
Does Love Interest possess any weapons (weapons refer to firearms, explosives, exotic weapons, including knives, swords, etc.)?
He possesses knives, swords, switchblades, throwing stars, etc.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
No, weapons do not appear to be a substantial part of Love Interest's persona.
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist expresses fear of being killed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of his behavior or statements. Protagonist uses expressions like "He hasn't come out and said it, but I know he will kill me," or "I just have a gut feeling."
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist has attempted suicide in the past.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
There have been two incidents of violent behavior.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Six:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 6 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 165 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 6. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).
The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist.
Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there are feelings that caused enough concern to prompt an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist occasionally overnight together at one residence, but they maintain separate residences.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Protagonist has applied one explicit rejection and has refrained from responding to, contacting, and communicating with Love Interest after that rejection.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, thirty days to three months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected the relationship to go on forever.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
Do reports or evidence indicate that Love Interest has been violent toward animals/pets?
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Three, four, or five of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest accepts responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is said to blame others, argue, or deny.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. Love Interest's entire identity is dependent on the relationship.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). Three of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has contacted people around Protagonist for the purpose of gathering information, communicating messages, enlisting support, etc.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people attempt to influence events by threatening to damage a person's reputation. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears even-tempered, optimistic, or upbeat.
Does Love Interest possess any weapons (weapons refer to firearms, explosives, exotic weapons, including knives, swords, etc.)?
He possesses knives, swords, switchblades, throwing stars, etc.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
No, weapons do not appear to be a substantial part of Love Interest's persona.
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist expresses fear of being killed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of his behavior or statements. Protagonist uses expressions like "He hasn't come out and said it, but I know he will kill me," or "I just have a gut feeling."
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist has exhibited none of these.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
There have been two incidents of violent behavior.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?

Example Seven:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 8 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 171 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to the worst situations), this situation is a 8. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse, substantial violence, and even homicide. This situation definitely carries a high risk for Protagonist, and steps to enhance safety and wellbeing are called for. Consider learning about immediate options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 171 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 171 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider his substance abuse. Consider that he resolves conflict aggressively. Consider Love Interest' threats to use violence. Consider his recent acquisition of a weapon. Consider Love Interest' special interest in violence. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist. Consider that Protagonist has fear of being killed by Love Interest. Consider indicators associated with Protagonist and suicide. Consider the severity of Love Interest' violence.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there has been violence, which is sufficient reason to conduct an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest' age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist live or used to live together.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Several direct adversarial interventions have been applied, and yet Love Interest' inappropriate or abusive behavior continued.
Is Protagonist currently in a new intimate relationship?
Yes, and this issue can affect situations in different ways. In some cases, a new relationship provokes jealousy or anger, worsening the situation. Sometimes, however, the fact that one person is involved in a new relationship helps the other person let go and move on. Protagonist is probably in the best position to assess the possible impact on this situation.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, within the last thirty days.
What were Love Interest' personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected the relationship to go on forever.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest' life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest' outlook on life is paranoid. Unfavorably, he appears to see others as "out to get him."
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Six or seven of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
He blames others for the results of his own actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Unfavorably, Love Interest is described as being in this category.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. A disproportionate amount of Love Interest' identity is tied to the relationship.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). All of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has inappropriately contacted people around Protagonist as part of his pursuit. Men in this category sometimes plead, intimidate, accuse, or threaten.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
He uses intimidations and/or threats to influence events.
How would you describe Love Interest' temperament?
He has extreme mood swings or appears sullen, angry, or depressed.
Does Love Interest possess any weapons (weapons refer to firearms, explosives, exotic weapons, including knives, swords, etc.)?
He has acquired a weapon or has made additions to an existing weapons collection within the last ninety days.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
Yes, Love Interest has used isolation or confinement to control Protagonist.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest' statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist reports fear of being killed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest' behavior or statements that would lead a reasonable person to fear being killed.
Has Protagonist made references or threats about committing suicide?
While Protagonist did not make threats about suicide, Protagonist has expressed ideas likely to provoke a response of concern, fear, worry, upset, or attention.
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying three to six of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
Individuals who engage in frequent violence also tend to engage in more severe violence. In this case, there have been three or more incidents.
How severe was Love Interest' worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Eight:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 7 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 174 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 7. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 174 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 174 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider his substance abuse. Consider that he resolves conflict aggressively. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider the severity of Love Interest's violence.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.

What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there are feelings that caused enough concern to prompt an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is under 18 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist occasionally overnight together at one residence, but they maintain separate residences.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
One adversarial intervention has been applied.
Is Protagonist currently in a new intimate relationship?
Yes, and this issue can affect situations in different ways. In some cases, a new relationship provokes jealousy or anger, worsening the situation. Sometimes, however, the fact that one person is involved in a new relationship helps the other person let go and move on. Protagonist is probably in the best position to assess the possible impact on this situation.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, thirty days to three months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected an undefined or uncommitted relationship. This usually means less emotional investment.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has none.
Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest's outlook on life is paranoid. Unfavorably, he appears to see others as "out to get him."
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
What is his history of criminal behavior or contact with the police?
MOSAIC considers the number and type of police contacts a person might have had, as well as criminal or violent behavior whether or not it involved police contact. Love Interest has had a history of frequent or regular criminal activity for non-violent crimes, but that did not necessarily involve police contact.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
He witnessed abuse of others when he was a child.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Three, four, or five of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
He blames others for the results of his own actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Unfavorably, Love Interest is described as being in this category.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. He has an identity independent of the relationship, and this is favorable.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). Three of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has not used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has had some contact with the people around Protagonist, however, he did not make an attempt to enlist them in his efforts.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people use intimidations and/or threats to influence events, including threats to do physical harm to others. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
He has extreme mood swings or appears sullen, angry, or depressed.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
No, weapons do not appear to be a substantial part of Love Interest's persona.
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has harassed Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist expresses fear of being killed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of his behavior or statements. Protagonist uses expressions like "He hasn't come out and said it, but I know he will kill me," or "I just have a gut feeling."
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying one or two of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
Individuals who engage in frequent violence also tend to engage in more severe violence. In this case, there have been three or more incidents.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Nine:
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there has been abuse, which provides sufficient reason to conduct an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist maintain separate residences, however, they frequently overnight together at one residence.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 16 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that both parties contributed to a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Protagonist has applied one explicit rejection and has refrained from responding to, contacting, and communicating with Love Interest after that rejection.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, between four and six months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected a serious, long-term relationship.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest displayed occasional jealousy.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest accepts responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is said to blame others, argue, or deny.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. A disproportionate amount of Love Interest's identity is tied to the relationship.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). One or two of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has had some contact with the people around Protagonist, however, he did not make an attempt to enlist them in his efforts.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people attempt to manipulate events by such strategies as guilt, lies, projected helplessness, neediness, one-sided agreements, or negotiations. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears moody or temperamental.
Does Love Interest possess any weapons (weapons refer to firearms, explosives, exotic weapons, including knives, swords, etc.)?
He possesses one firearm.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
No, weapons do not appear to be a substantial part of Love Interest's persona.
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
Favorably, he has not shown interest in these themes.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has sought out information that could be used to succeed in an unwanted encounter.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Even though Protagonist reports little fear about being harmed by Love Interest, there are indications of fear. Protagonist may occasionally be minimizing the risk.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist expresses fear of being killed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of his behavior or statements. Protagonist uses expressions like "He hasn't come out and said it, but I know he will kill me," or "I just have a gut feeling."
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level One, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: verbal and emotional abuse, throwing things, or punching walls.
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Ten:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 7 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 168 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 7. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 168 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 168 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his recent, adverse contact with police. Consider his substance abuse. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there have been threatening expressions that provide sufficient reason to conduct an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist live or used to live together.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 16 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that both parties contributed to a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
One adversarial intervention has been applied.
Is Protagonist currently in a new intimate relationship?
Yes, and this issue can affect situations in different ways. In some cases, a new relationship provokes jealousy or anger, worsening the situation. Sometimes, however, the fact that one person is involved in a new relationship helps the other person let go and move on. Protagonist is probably in the best position to assess the possible impact on this situation.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, within the last thirty days.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected the relationship to go on forever.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
What is his history of criminal behavior or contact with the police?
MOSAIC considers the number and type of police contacts a person might have had, as well as criminal or violent behavior whether or not it involved police contact. Love Interest has had adverse contact with the police within the year (including this case).
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
What is Love Interest's history of compliance with court orders?
He has failed to respond appropriately to notices to appear sent by the court.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. Three, four, or five of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically, showing little outward reaction, as has Love Interest.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
He blames others for the results of his own actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Love Interest is said to blame others, argue, or deny.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. Love Interest's entire identity is dependent on the relationship.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). Three of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has had some contact with the people around Protagonist, however, he did not make an attempt to enlist them in his efforts.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people attempt to influence events by threatening to damage a person's reputation. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
Love Interest appears moody or temperamental.
Does Love Interest possess any weapons (weapons refer to firearms, explosives, exotic weapons, including knives, swords, etc.)?
He possesses knives, swords, switchblades, throwing stars, etc.
Has the use of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has sought out information that could be used to succeed in an unwanted encounter.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
There have been two incidents of violent behavior.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Two, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: throwing things at the victim; pushing, shoving, grabbing, pulling hair, dragging; open hand slapping; and biting.
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Eleven:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 7 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 171 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 7. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 171 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 171 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider his substance abuse. Consider that he resolves conflict aggressively. Consider Love Interest's threats to use violence. Consider Love Interest's special interest in violence. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist. Consider that Protagonist has fear of being killed by Love Interest. Consider that there are many indicators of suicide risk involving Protagonist. Consider the severity of Love Interest's violence.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments Emma RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, there has been violence, which is sufficient reason to conduct an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is between 18 and 29 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist live or used to live together.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are currently married or living together as intimate partners.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who cold be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 8 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Protagonist has applied one explicit rejection and has refrained from responding to, contacting, and communicating with Love Interest after that rejection.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, seven to twelve months ago.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected a serious, long-term relationship.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has several.
Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest's outlook on life is paranoid. Unfavorably, he appears to see others as "out to get him."
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest exhibited unfounded jealousy of people or activities that took time or attention away from the relationship. He attempted to keep Protagonist "on a tight leash." Often, men in this category are suspicious or paranoid about people or activities a partner gives attention to, or require that time spent away from them be accounted for.
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
Do reports or evidence indicate that Love Interest has been violent toward animals/pets?
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. One or two of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest does not accept responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He occasionally abuses substances with some adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Unfavorably, Love Interest is described as being in this category.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. He has an identity independent of the relationship, and this is favorable.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). All of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has contacted people around Protagonist for the purpose of gathering information, communicating messages, enlisting support, etc.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
He uses intimidations and/or threats to influence events.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
He has extreme mood swings or appears sullen, angry, or depressed.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
Love Interest has made references to weapons (ironic comments, passing remarks, or jokes about weapons).
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
He has an interest in themes of violence.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
Yes, Love Interest has used isolation or confinement to control Protagonist.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist reports fear of being killed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's behavior or statements that would lead a reasonable person to fear being killed.
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying seven or more of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
Individuals who engage in frequent violence also tend to engage in more severe violence. In this case, there have been three or more incidents.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

Example Twelve:
ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 6 on a scale of 1 to 10
Based upon the information you have provided, and with a quality level of 179 out of a possible 200, this situation appears most similar to cases that -have- worsened and escalated. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being assigned to situations that have most of the factors experts associate with escalation), this situation is a 6. Some similar cases have escalated to include worsening abuse and substantial violence. Though not in the worst category of cases, this situation can escalate to the point that a future assessment would produce a higher number on the 1 to 10 scale. Accordingly, learn more about options and resources by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline: or 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

QUALITY OF THIS ASSESSMENT: 179 out of a possible 200
The quality of any assessment depends upon the accuracy, value, and amount of information considered. Since information is not all of equal value, points are assigned to each question; the more points, the higher quality assessment is possible. Based upon the questions you were able to answer, the quality of this assessment can be expressed as 179 out of a possible 200 points. Generally speaking, fewer than 125 points will not provide sufficient insight for a quality assessment.

The best assessments are based upon many factors considered together in context, however there are sometimes individual issues that call for attention on their own (no matter what results you might get on a scale of 1 to 10). Consider the ways children can be affected by the situation. Consider his recent, adverse contact with police. Consider his refusal to accept rejection. Consider his substance abuse. Consider that he resolves conflict aggressively. Consider his possession of a firearm. Consider that he has stalked Protagonist. Consider the severity of Love Interest's violence.

Following are the specific factors considered in this assessment, along with any comments RadioSpirit might have elected to add.
What prompted this assessment?
In an intimate relationship, a situation might call for assessment as the result of a person's intuitive feeling of risk, or because of threats or other sinister expressions, or because of violence, or because of verbal or emotional abuse, or because friends or family are concerned about danger. In this case, disconcerting ideas have been expressed, causing enough concern to prompt an assessment.
How old is Love Interest?
Love Interest is under 18 years old. Persons of any age might act violently, so Love Interest's age is not a very important factor on its own. Still, it is weighed in the assessment.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist live together or share personal possessions?
Love Interest and Protagonist both maintain separate residences and possessions, and always have.
What is the current status of the relationship?
Love Interest and Protagonist are not married to each other and have never been.
Do Love Interest and Protagonist share formal or informal custody of children?
They do not share custody of children.
Children in the environment:
The youngest child in the environment who could be affected by inappropriate behavior is under 16 years old. Studies show that children do not sleep through the violence. They hear it, they see it and, all too often, someday they feel it, either on purpose or by accident. Little boys learn to hit, little girls learn to accept being hit.
At what pace did the relationship with Love Interest develop? Did either person try to push the relationship at an unnatural or uncomfortable pace?
The way the relationship initially develops can provide insight into its subsequent evolution. Some relationships could be described as a whirlwind, with issues such as living together, marriage, or children prematurely on the agenda. In this relationship, it appears that Love Interest was responsible for a whirlwind pace in which things moved along at unnatural speed.
How close is this evaluation date to dates that might be significant to Love Interest?
The proximity of major holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or other dates known to be significant to an individual might slightly increase the likelihood of escalation. Approaching dates for emotionally charged events (e.g., court hearings for a restraining order, finalization of divorce or separation, court decision on custody, employment hearing) can also increase the likelihood of escalation. In this situation, there is a recent or approaching date that might be of significance to Love Interest.
What interventions have been applied to Love Interest to get him to stop his abusive or inappropriate behavior?
Protagonist has applied one explicit rejection and has refrained from responding to, contacting, and communicating with Love Interest after that rejection.
Is Protagonist currently in a new intimate relationship?
Yes, and this issue can affect situations in different ways. In some cases, a new relationship provokes jealousy or anger, worsening the situation. Sometimes, however, the fact that one person is involved in a new relationship helps the other person let go and move on. Protagonist is probably in the best position to assess the possible impact on this situation.
Has Love Interest recently experienced stressful life events other than the investigation, charging, or arrest in this case?
Yes, within the last thirty days.
What were Love Interest's personal expectations for the relationship? (If no actual relationship ever existed, what were his projected expectations?)
Love Interest expected an undefined or uncommitted relationship. This usually means less emotional investment.
How many of these inhibitors are present in Love Interest's life that might reduce the likelihood of his inappropriate behavior escalating?
Ideally, a person has most of the inhibitors below; Love Interest reportedly has one, two, or three. Calm, reasonable disposition; Steady employment; Favorable reputation; Support system of family and friends; Other intimate partner(s); Stable routine; Dignity.
Does (or did) either party exert control over the other?
Love Interest was or is the dominant party in the relationship. The dynamic of the relationship reportedly supported or supports his continuing dominance.
How does Love Interest view the world (based on his statements, behavior, or the observations of others)?
Some people view life with optimism and hope, while others see it with pessimism and hopelessness. On the basis of reports about his statements, behavior, or the observations of others, it appears that Love Interest views life with pessimism, negativity, or hopelessness.
Has Love Interest expressed or exhibited jealousy involving Protagonist?
Love Interest displayed occasional jealousy.
What is his history of criminal behavior or contact with the police?
MOSAIC considers the number and type of police contacts a person might have had, as well as criminal or violent behavior whether or not it involved police contact. Love Interest has had adverse contact with the police within the year (including this case).
Did Love Interest suffer or witness abuse as a child?
No evidence has been discovered that he suffered or witnessed physical abuse during his childhood.
If Protagonist has tried to get out of the relationship, how many of these strategies have been applied?
People seeking to get out of an abusive relationship try such things as letting the other person down easy, negotiating the matter, discussing the past, continuing to have contact with the other person's friends or family, initiating confrontational interventions (i.e., police warnings, court orders, threats/counter-threats, etc.), sending others to warn or "talk sense into" the other person, or suggesting counseling. One or two of these strategies were tried without success.
How did Love Interest respond to or react to the ending of the relationship or to efforts to end or resist a relationship?
Some people react by refusing to accept it, others seek to negotiate the matter, and still others react stoically. In the least favorable situations, as in this case, there is a refusal to accept the rejection.
Does Love Interest take responsibility for his behavior or does he blame others?
Love Interest does not accept responsibility for the results of his actions and behavior.
How would you describe Love Interest's use of alcohol and drugs?
He frequently abuses substances with numerous adverse effects.
How does Love Interest resolve conflict?
Some people are reluctant to discuss conflict. Others blame, argue, or deny. In the worst situations, abusers immediately apply intimidating, aggressive, or even violent behavior to resolve conflict. Unfavorably, Love Interest is described as being in this category.
What does the loss of the relationship with Protagonist place at stake for Love Interest?
This question helps assess what is at stake for Love Interest if things don't go his way. He has an identity independent of the relationship, and this is favorable.
Regarding Love Interest, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Love Interest is displaying one or two of these indicators.
How many beliefs associated with violence have been expressed by Love Interest?
There are four major beliefs often associated with violence (the belief that violence is justified, that there are no alternatives, that the consequences are favorable, and that the person has the ability to deliver harm). Three of these beliefs appear to have been expressed by Love Interest.
Has Love Interest used male privilege?
"Male privilege" means treating the other person in the relationship like a servant, being the "Master of the House," making all the big decisions, and defining the roles of all members of the household. Love Interest has not used male privilege.
Has Love Interest contacted others as a part of his efforts to control, research, influence, learn about, communicate with, harass, intimidate, manipulate, or stalk Protagonist?
He has had some contact with the people around Protagonist, however, he did not make an attempt to enlist them in his efforts.
Does Love Interest use threats, intimidations, manipulations, or escalations as strategies to influence or control events?
Some people attempt to influence events by threatening to damage a person's reputation. Love Interest's behavior is in this category.
How would you describe Love Interest's temperament?
He has extreme mood swings or appears sullen, angry, or depressed.
Does Love Interest possess any weapons (weapons refer to firearms, explosives, exotic weapons, including knives, swords, etc.)?
He possesses one firearm.
Has the possession of weapons or reference to weapons been a substantial part of Love Interest's persona?
No, weapons do not appear to be a substantial part of Love Interest's persona.
Does Love Interest have a special interest in, or fascination with, themes of violence, power, revenge, militarism, or workplace violence incidents?
Favorably, he has not shown interest in these themes.
Has Love Interest shown up uninvited, followed, stalked, or undertaken destructive acts?
He has stalked Protagonist.
Has Love Interest used isolation or confinement as a way to control, punish, or abuse Protagonist?
There has been no isolation or confinement.
Is Protagonist concerned about being seriously harmed by Love Interest?
A victim's intuition about the level of risk should always be considered. Protagonist reports fear of being harmed by Love Interest, and the fear is easily supported by examples of Love Interest's statements or behavior.
Is Protagonist concerned about being killed by Love Interest?
Protagonist expresses fear of being killed by Love Interest, though the fear is not easily supported by examples of his behavior or statements. Protagonist uses expressions like "He hasn't come out and said it, but I know he will kill me," or "I just have a gut feeling."
Regarding Protagonist, how many pre-incident indicators of suicide are apparent in this situation?
These can include . . .
A change in eating and sleeping habits
Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
Violent actions
Drug or alcohol abuse
Uncharacteristic neglect of personal appearance
Marked personality change
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms associated with emotions (e.g., headaches, fatigue, stomachaches)
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
Inability to accept praise or rewards
Giving verbal hints (e.g., "I won't be a problem for you much longer; Nothing matters; It's no use; You'll miss me when I'm gone")
Putting affairs in order (e.g., giving away favorite possessions, throwing away important belongings)
Protagonist is displaying one or two of these indicators.
Which answer best describes the frequency of Love Interest's violent behavior?
Individuals who engage in frequent violence also tend to engage in more severe violence. In this case, there have been three or more incidents.
How severe was Love Interest's worst incident of violence against Protagonist?
MOSAIC assigns levels of severity to each situation. The worst incident of violence by Love Interest falls into MOSAIC Level Three, which is assigned to situations that include any of the following: hitting with closed fist, kicking, beating up, brandishing a weapon, unwanted sexual contact coerced through intimidations, fear, or threats.
Has Love Interest ever subjected Protagonist to unwanted sexual contact by forcing, intimidating, threatening, or drugging?
Has Protagonist ever sought shelter or refuge in order to be safe from Love Interest?

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