The Well-Mellowed Rainbow Fruit Juice! / Pick the Rainbow Fruit!

We Open up at the world's Biggest Market where There are Miles and Miles of Land dedicated to buying and selling food where of course there as A Famous Woman who is interviewing A Man, who is selling fish.

Tina: I swear, That Fish can't be Fresh. Its Mouth is Open.

Cameraman: Um, we're still running.

Tina: Oh Yes, and this is Tina from the Gourmet Network signing off.


The Camera then got turned off as she then turned to the Man selling the Fish.

Tina: Look that Fish is not Fresh! Its Mouth is supposed to be closed!

Fish Monger: Are you selling fish? No! The Mouth should be Open!

Tina: Look Buster, it's supposed to be Closed! It being Open means it's not Fresh!

Fish Monger: I'm telling you; you don't know Fish Like I do!

Just then Komatsu showed up, and interjected.

Komatsu: Actually, The Fish's Mouth can be Open.

The Fish Monger Looked smug until...

Komatsu: But You're supposed to keep it Closed. It's to Lock in Freshness and keep the flavor in.

Tina: AHA! I Knew it!

Toriko: Hey, what can we sell this for?

Y/n: I say at least A Few Thousand.

You and Toriko were carrying some Sharkuerdon's you had both caught and Tina got excited.

Tina: Oh, My It's Toriko and his Little brother Y/n! This is A Double scoop with Sprinkles on top! May I Have an Inter-

Just then She was Grabbed some Agents and Dragged away.

Tina: Hey! I Just wanted an interview! Let me go!

One Agent then walked up to you two as Toriko smiled.

Toriko: Oh, Hello Johannes, what's up?

Johannes: We have A Mission for you two. Something special for the IGO.

Johannes (IGO Agent)

Toriko: Sure, what is it? We can handle it.

Johannes: We need you to collect some of the Rainbow Fruit.

Y/n: Wait, aren't those extinct?

Johannes: Sssshhhh! Look this Must be Secret. The Fruit is being Grown at 8th Biotope, but there is A Problem. It is being Guarded by A Troop of Troll Kongs.

Komatsu: Troll Kongs? But those are A Capture Level of 8!

Johannes: I Know and that's why we need you two.

Toriko: Well, An extinct fruit Huh? What do you think Y/n?

Y/n: I can eat some.

Toriko: Good Me too. We'll do it.

Johannes: Good, we'll provide Transporation immediately.

Time Skip!

You all soon ended up at the 8th Biotope where there was A Giant Concrete wall and A Massive Door with A Pair of Guards.

Toriko: Now this seems Fun!

Guards: Hold Up!

Y/n: Huh? Why?

Guards: There is A Troll Kong nearby and we can't open the doors if there is A Beast 50KM Or less away.

Just then you all heard A Loud beating A Noise as Komatsu got scared.

Komatsu: I-Is that Thunder?

Y/n: No. That's A Troll Kong.

Toriko: Well, if It's too Close we'll Just have to scare it off then.

He then Began charging his Aura as his arm became more Muscles and Pumped up!

Toriko: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! One! Two! Three! 3-Hit Nail Gun!!

He then hit the Wall 3 times in rapid succession as then A Huge dent appeared in the wall, and then two more Successive Hits caused it to crack and fall apart, like A Massive Hammer and Chisel!

Komatsu: W-What was that?

Toriko: You see that was pretty easy. I pumped up by Arm and hit that wall three times in Succession. The 1st Hit weakened the Wall and the other two cracked it apart and destroyed it.

Komatsu: Wow.

Toriko: Now Let's go. I can't hear that Troll Long anymore.

Y/n: Right.

All three of you then walk inside as Tina was Far back Hiding behind A Rock with Her Balloon Carrier Pidgeon Kuppuroh and A Camera in Hand.

Tina: Alright, this is going to be A Triple Scoop with Rainbow Sprinkles. I Just got to get in there and get to Film the Rainbow fruit.

Time Skip!

All three of you had continued to walk through the Wasted Landscape of Black Rocks and A Lack of real Life, as Komatsu turned to you.

Komatsu: So Toriko said you were stronger than him. Is that True?

Y/n: I don't want to Brag.

Komatsu: Are you two really Brothers?

Y/n: Well... No, but I don't know who my Parents are or what Happened to them. For all I Know they could have abandoned me.

Komatsu: I'm so sorry.

Y/n: It's good. I do have my brothers now.

Just then A Giant Monster and attacked!

Y/n: Troll Kong!


Troll Kong (Capture Level 9)

Toriko then Knocked it out with One Shot with A Shocking device as it fell to the ground beaten.

Komatsu: Huh? What was that?

Toriko: A Device that can Knock out Large Beasts. I don't Plan on Killing any of them. They're meat is stringy and Bland. I don't Kill what I don't eat.

Y/n: Exactly.

Komatsu: Oh Wow.

Just then The Troll Kong's tongue came out and slathered Toriko in Spit.

Y/n: Ew.

Toriko: Don't worry about it Lets Keep Moving on.

Y/n: Right.

Komatsu: Got it.

You all Just continued moving on forward as soon you had all came across An Army of Troll Kongs, who Guarded the Rainbow Fruit Tree!

Komatsu: Wait, why are they doing here?

Y/n: The Troll Kongs Must use the fruit to attract prey. Small Animals would go for the fruits and the Troll Kongs will eat them. It's A Trap.

Toriko: Then again, it's time to unleash my Intimidation.

He then revealed his Demon, but all of the Troll Kongs attacked, and he was forced to use Tool to stop some of them!

Komatsu: Wait why isn't this working!?

Toriko: The Scent of that Scout troll Kong Must have gotten on me. They run on A Hierarchy so they Must view me as A Weaker Member.

Komatsu: Wait, that was Just A Scout back there?

Toriko: Yes, and now we need to try and stop them.

He kept shocking more of them as he was forced to change the Battery and kept shocking more!

Toriko: Y/n we need you to Scare them!

Y/n: I'm not sure if I can. I-

Toriko: Don't worry I believe in you!


You then unleashed your Inner demon which seems to be A Massive Asura with Red Skin, Long Black hair in Ponytails, Gold jewelry, and Pure white eyes, along with Golden Indian hats, and All of the troll Kongs were intimidated! Komatsu then saw A Large, white, hairy, Troll Kong getting intimidated and began running away. 

Silver Back! Capture Level 10!

Just then it began to Rain washing off the scent of weakness of Toriko and he smiled.

Toriko: Alright! Komatsu do you see the Silver Back?

Komatsu: Huh?

Toriko: It's A Large white Troll Kong! It's pretty Much the Leader of the group!

Komatsu: Yeah! I saw it! I ran by the Tree!

Toriko: Good Job! Let's go!

Y/n: Right!

You both chased after the Silver Back with Komatsu on Toriko's Back, and soon you had all cornered the silver back and You and Toriko then unleashed your Demons which Made the Silver Back, back down, as All of the Troll Kong's did so as well.

You then saw the Tree and it was beautiful.

Toriko then Climbed the Tree and Grabbed two Fruits.

Toriko: Don't worry about it, I'm not taking every single fruit. Just two. You can keep the rest. I Know how it's Important to you.

Just then Tina showed up and filmed the entire thing.

Tina: Wow that is so amazing! I actually gotten footage of the extinct Rainbow- HEY!

Just then some Agents Grabbed her and Johannes Took the Camera away from her.

Johannes: This is now IGO Property.

Tina: Hey, You can't do that! Give that Back, right now!

The Agents then Began dragging her away, as Johannes turned to you Three.

Johannes: Good Job you Three. We'll be making sure to grow more rainbow fruits in the Future.

Y/n: Good.

Komatsu: I think it's now time to make some Rainbow Fruit treats.

Later at the Gourmet Hotel...

You and Toriko were in Nice Suits as There was A Huge Feast made for you two and Komatsu then walked out with A Tray.

Komatsu: Alright then, I had put everything I can to make this. I had to keep it at exactly the right Temperature at all times until now. Present to you two, The Rainbow Fruit.

Y/n: Wow! It's so Delicious and Colorful that it literally Created A Rainbow Above it! Look at it it's so Soft like Pudding but it's heavy Like Gold!

You and Toriko then Tasted some and it tasted Truly divine! The first four amazing Flavors hit your mouths immediately, and then the Acts of Chewing and Swallowing gave you both two more amazing Flavors, leaving you both to happy Tears!

Y/n: My God this is amazing!!

Toriko: I Know!! So Many Flavors going down your Throat at once!! This is my Full Course Menu's dessert!

Y/n: Mine too!

Toriko: Quickly everyone! Have some! Food can never be truly enjoyed unless it's shared with everyone!

Y/n: Yeah! Everyone have A Bite!

And then Komatsu and all of the other Chefs get to have some as well, as it was Truly a Dessert for the Ages!


A Man was Predicting the Future as he was Looking into A Crystal Ball.

???: Yes. Y/n and Toriko will be coming here soon. I can see it.

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