The Knocking Master! Time to Taste the Puffer Whale!

Soon Komatsu and his Kidnapper met A Giant Devil Serpent who was about ready to eat him, so his Kidnapper threw him to the ground and began running!

Scumbag Gourmet Hunter: Goodbye Punk! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Huh? What is- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!

The Kidnapper was suddenly Eaten by Another Monster as Komatsu was forced to deal with the Devil serpent Himself!

Komatsu: Okay I need to Use that thing Toriko gave me!

Toriko then Pulled out some Huge Firecrackers as he remembered what Happened.


Toriko: Here Komatsu take these. These will keep you safe.

Komatsu: What are these?

Y/n: Firecrackers.

Komatsu: Firecrackers?

Komatsu: Yes, these will scare Most Monsters because these contain four times the recommended amount of Gunpowder, so make sure put on these Earbuds.

He then handed him some earbuds.

Komatsu: Thank you, Guys.

Flash Back End...

Komatsu then grabbed A Firecracker as the Devil serpent began getting closer and he then Pulled out some earbuds.

Komatsu: I need to put these earbuds on!

The Devil serpent then moved in Closer as he dropped the earbuds!

Komatsu: No time! Come On! Just Blow up! Just please Blow up!

He then Pulled on the String Making it Blow up in A Huge blast as his eardrums blew out and his heart literally stopped, but the Devil serpent Just moved in closer despite being blown back for A Moment.


Coco: Komatsu!? Komatsu are you here!?

Y/n: There he is!

Komatsu was Laying on the ground when you all showed up!

Toriko: Komatsu. Come on Buddy wake up.

Komatsu: Huh? Guys?

Coco: I thought you were going to die.

Komatsu: But I did die.

Y/n: Explain!

Komatsu: Well, I was saved by A Giant.

Y/n: A Giant?

Komatsu: Well, it happened when I Died.


Komatsu was Laying on the ground with his eardrums blown out and His heart stopped as the Old Man was earlier showed up carrying A Large Canister behind him.

Old Man: Hm? Oh That's the Boy from Earlier. Guess I better Return the favor.

He then stuck some needles into his arms and he Turned into A Giant, and then he Knocked the Devils serpent! He then Began checking over Komatsu.

Old Man: Oh Yes, I see, your heart has stopped, and your eardrums Blew out. Let me fix that.

He then Used Another device from his Coat to start Komatsu heart back up and and then used another to completely heal Komatsu's eardrums, as he then began to wake up.


He then began running away before the Old Man spoke up.

Old Man: Now is that anyway to treat the man who saved you?

Komatsu: Huh? You Saved me?

Old Man: Yep. I sure did. Call it A Thanks for giving me that Booze.

Komatsu: Wait, You're the Old man from the Train!

Old Man: That's right. Now I better get going. Till we meet again.

He then Picked up his Canister with two fingers and he walked off until he couldn't be seen anymore.

Flashback End!

Toriko: Wait, you Just met Jiro.

Komatsu: Jiro?

Coco: Jiro is A Gourmet Hunter so amazing his Full course Menu is Literally full of Items that are Impossible to obtain with Capture Levels so high. He is the Master of Knocking.

Y/n: I Know, He's amazing. We need to keep moving on, if we want to get those Puffer whales.

Toriko: Right! Let's go!

Meanwhile with Tina...

Tina: Yes! They made it! You Guys did it! Huh? Hey Take the Camera! I can't Miss this!

Komatsu: Oh, I almost forgot my Camera.

Tina: Yes! Perfect!

With you Guys...

You had all soon ended up At the Sea where the Puffer whales lay their eggs at and you, Toriko, and Coco all began to take off your additional clothes to get ready to swim!

Y/n: Let's go!

You all then Jumped into the Water as Komatsu leaves his camera Behind!


The Three of you ended up in The Water where There seems to be A Giant Puffer whale, but it soon split off into A Thousand Little ones.

Puffer whale! Capture Level 29!

Coco: Puffer whales tend to get small when they are exposed to the depths of the sea and are very sensitive to movement, so we need to lower our presence.

Y/n: Right.

 You and Coco began lowering your presence to appear invisible.

Toriko: Huh? Where did they go?

Soon You and Coco ended up by A Pair of Puffer whales and you both Knocked them.

Toriko: Oh I Get it. You're Lowering your Killing instinct to appear invisible to them. I Get it.

He then did so as well Just by watching Coco and he created A Single fork attack and knocked another out.

Coco: (Thoughts) Did he Just learn how to hide his presence Just by watching me? He truly is amazing.

Soon you had all ended up with about 15 Puffer whales as you had all them all on A Blanket as Komatsu prepared to cut them open.

Coco: Alright Komatsu what you need to do here is cut them open without cutting open the Poison Sac since that would ruin the entire thing. I shall help you.

Komatsu: Right.

Komatsu then got his Knives ready as they were perfect in sharpness and shininess.

Coco: (Thoughts) He keeps his Knives so perfectly kept and sharpened. He truly is an amazing Chef. (Out of thoughts) Alright Cut down the Center Meat for Exactly ten Centimeters.

Komatsu then did so and not another millimeter more.

Coco: (Thoughts) Amazing. He has such Skill and precision with A Knife. (Out of thoughts) Okay Now go down about 2 Centimeters.

He then cuts down, but he cut the Poison sack and the entire thing got ruined.

Komatsu: Oh No!

Coco: It's okay. We still have 14 more. Try again.

Meanwhile A Strange, furry, Black Creature was Moving through the sea carrying A Net full of Puffer whale. Soon after leaving one last puffer whale Un poisoned Komatsu had finally cut A Puffer whale Perfectly and it became Golden.

Komatsu: Woah.

Coco: There you have done It. Now Lets us make the Food.

Soon Komatsu had made A Bunch of Puffer whale Sashimi and even pufferfish Sake as you both smiled.

Y/n/Toriko: Thank you for this Meal!

You all then began to eat as it tasted divine.

Y/n: Oh, This Meat Tastes So Goddamn good! Ahahahahaha!

Toriko: And the Sake Tastes so divine!

Coco: Indeed. Good Job Komatsu.

Komatsu: Thank you.

Meanwhile the Old Man was back to Normal size continued to pull his Metal Canister and it then hit A Rock making it spill over and reveal Dozens of Puffer whales.

Jiro: Oh, I Better fix that. I Hope those Kids have done well. I see Great Potential in them.

Back with you Guys you call continued eating when suddenly something crawled out of the Water!

Komatsu: W-WHAT IS THAT!?

It then revealed A Furry anteater type Creature who was Dragging A Bag full of Puffer whales.

Its dark Aura stunned all of you as it then Turned to face all of you before it Just continued to walk on, and Tina's Camera had caught footage of it but it disrupted it!

Tina: Huh!? What is that thing!?

Just then the Cave in Just blew up as the Creatures Began walking through and it Just walked past Tina and all of the other Gourmet Hunters as it stepped on her Camera and destroyed Just continued to march forward. Tina's Computer was able to save A Split second of Footage revealing this Creature and it's dark Powers.

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