The clever, old vixen was none too pleased with the rude awakening she had just been given. Andy was obviously smitten by (Y/N), therefore, it made absolutely no sense that he had taken off at a speedy jog when he had awoken to find her pressed against him. It seemed further confirmation that males of all species were oafish!
She took a moment to scratch at her chin with her hind foot before deciding that Andy definitely needed to be sorted out. That sort of behavior just could not stand! His repressed naïveté was more than just bizarre, it had become downright bothersome. No grown reynard, no matter how wet behind the ears, would scuttle off and away from a clear mating opportunity, much less squash others in his hasty attempts at escape! Glancing at (Y/N) and seeing that she appeared to be dozing back off again, Damica loped after Andy, following his scent as she growled softly to herself.
As she drew near where Andy knelt behind a tree, completely absorbed by his powerful, repressed desire for (Y/N), she slowed. Sniffing as she listened, she approached stealthily, filled by an inexplicable sense of apprehension. She was unsure why Andy would smell a bit like desperate, human fornication, as he was alone. When she finally caught a glimpse of him, frantically attending to his neglected, frustrated sexuality, comprehension dawned.
Before being accepted as adults, but after reaching physical maturity, kits engaged in similar behaviors quite often. Andy appeared to Damica to be an adult human, but perhaps she had been mistaken? Was his inhibition and reproductive awkwardness a product of juvenile inexperience? She had assumed that both (Y/N) and Andy had a certain, rudimentary worldliness... A horrifying thought occurred to her; were they both totally unpracticed?
Overwhelmed at the prospect of having to guide two celibate anthropoids (that apparently had not the first clue how mating was initiated) into one another's arms, Damica scowled and walked back towards where she had left (Y/N) at camp. She had no desire to watch Andy make a fool of himself, especially so needlessly.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) had woken abruptly from her drowsing, realizing she was utterly alone. Though Damica's absence concerned her, she was completely terrified to find Andy gone! What if he had wandered off somewhere, hypothermic and delirious!?! He was a human villager; even fully possessed of his faculties, he had no clue how to take care of himself when surrounded by nature, unaided by the comforts and tools of men. And he had just nearly drowned!
Quickly, she skidded across the ground, vaguely recalling the direction from which she had heard Andy calling to her earlier as he had left camp. What had he said? Why had she not paid more attention?!?
Damica spotted (Y/N) skating rapidly towards her, very obviously distraught at having lost track of Andy. In seconds, (Y/N) would skitter past her and come upon Andy, who she could smell had just discharged onto the mossy ground. The spunk of human males had a rather unmistakable, foul odor.
The elderly vixen knew she had to make a decision, and quickly. Should she step aside, allowing (Y/N) to discover Andy in the aftermath of his ministrations, when he was at his most vulnerable, and his carefully masked feelings were laid completely bare? Or should she interfere, gaining Andy more time to disguise his lubricious deed and maintain his affectation of solely platonic interest?
Though reason told Damica that she should facilitate as much courtship activity as possible... her gut told her that unexpected, abrupt exposure was not the right way for her incredibly repressed friends. Andy, (Y/N), they were both so inept, so ignorant of how to copulate like reasonable adults. Perhaps they might be set back even further if they were jarred from their natural, drawn-out path towards coupling?
Rolling her eyes, Damica sprang at (Y/N) with a yip, grasping the gorgon's tunic in her teeth to slow her down and get her attention. (Y/N) fell awkwardly to the ground with a grunt before rolling quickly to right herself. Staring at Damica in shock, (Y/N) huffed to catch her breath. "Why?" Her serpentine hair writhed angrily under her helm and her eyes flashed.
Damica already regretted having interfered. Even when she had changed tactics and tried to help those clueless tadpoles do things their own, blundering way, she was still treated ungratefully! Her snout in the air, she flung a few dead leaves at (Y/N) with her tail before turning about and trotting back towards their makeshift camp.
Too confused to be angry, (Y/N) watched her vulpine friend leave for a moment before remembering her urgent undertaking. Just as she gathered herself back upright to coast along the ground after Andy once more, they caught his scent in the air, and strongly. But... it was different from usual. Now it was as it had been the first day they had met. The now-familiar smell of Andy was paired with that of human, male ejaculatory fluid.
(Y/N) felt her face, her shoulders, and her chest all flush hot at the thought of Andy in an aroused state, experiencing sexual gratification. When they had met, his involuntary ejaculation had been of little significance to her. If anything, it had been an irritant. She had grown accustomed to human males reflexively reacting to the sight of her with a climax, but she certainly didn't care for it. Most men had come to her caves with deadly intentions, and had died during or shortly after spending themselves for their trouble.
But everything had changed since then. (Y/N) realized she felt differently, very differently, about them detecting Andy's fresh release than she had before. She was curious, excited, titillated... Confused and uncertain, she hesitated in her pursuit.
Andy had finished cleaning himself up and was riddled with guilt and embarrassment over his completely inappropriate loss of control. He grimaced to himself as he tightened his trousers across his lean hips, worrying that he had been gone from camp for far too long to pass off as a response to nature's call. Fretting, he rounded the tree that he thought had surely concealed his shameful act, only to be faced by an unusually subdued (Y/N), blushing and gawking at him.
As Andy and (Y/N) faced off, Damica shuffled about in the grass at their campsite until she had found a suitably comfortable spot and position. Alone, and with time to reflect, she sighed in frustration. Her two hominine friends were absolutely impossible!
She knew that (Y/N) and Andy were different in certain, key ways. She also knew that an attempt to resolve those disparities was why they were traveling in the first place.
But you couldn't fool a fox, especially not a crafty, old vixen. And Damica was the cleverest of them all. If there was one thing she was certain of, it was that (Y/N) smelled far more human than anything else, enough that she was certain her friends were compatible despite their differences. What she did not know was what more she could possibly do to help them see that for themselves.
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