The White Swan

"No. I—can't. I'm too scared."

"You joined our cause, let yourself embrace the changes that we've done to enhance you, vowed to get revenge on those that cause you misery, claimed to be fearless, and now you are standing here, saying you are scared?"

Silence. Nothing but silence ricocheting off the stone walls that surrounded them.

"I just don't think I'm ready to face this. The scars and pain might be too much."

A snort. Full of disappointment and amusement.

"But you've already gained many scars, my dear. The ones inflicted upon you by those you despise, the pain you embraced as you were enhanced, and the mark you bear on your face."

A point to the mark on the left side of her face, bearing the signature scar used to show her loyalty and the side on which she stands on. Shame, guilt, and sadness exploded within her as she winced at the realization.

"Oh, you mustn't be so discouraged my dear. You are a powerful asset to our organization. And you are even more powerful with all the pain you have been through. You are certainly extraordinary and will be the downfall of our enemy."

"Is that all that I am to you guys? Just a 'powerful' asset? Just a playing card?"

"And what else would you be? Would you rather be a nobody? Lonely, friendless, parentless, nothing at all? Life is certainly does not favor you in the blessing game. And you certainly have a knack for wanting people's approval, do you not?"

A painful stab to the heart, but the truth was spoken. And a slow nod was forced.

"If you do not go through with this and rather refuse, then you shall be exactly what life has made you to be. A pitiful, disappointing failure. And everything you have endured would not be of your benefit, but rather in vain. You don't want to be this weak, fragile being you have fought hard to define you are not, and prove to everyone you are this failing person, am I right? And what would become of the people who had made your life miserable? You wouldn't want them to be in control again, would you? Why not suffer this pain and train so you can watch them burn and fall in pain by you for all they have done to you? Now that sounds like a wonderful idea, is it not?"

Another slow nod. A great idea indeed. And hope was blooming, those images of the ones who made her suffer, suffering to what she had inflicted upon them flashed in front of her eyes. And they felt good. And a hunger was forming.

"But it takes time and practice. It is up to you. Choose the training and let yourself get revenge or choose the coward path and let yourself keep getting hurt. Make your choice."

It wasn't much of a choice.

But it didn't need to be.

A slow smile spread over those lips. A heart raging with emotions. Ones of joy and anger and vengeance all waiting to explode. A heart once worried by the fears of the scars and trauma, now hardened through the thoughts of revenge and the suffering that was yet to come. And a bitter laugh escaped her lips, a maniacal sound emitting, changing her within completely.

"I choose . . . revenge."

His lips formed a small smirk, and his eyes radiated a malicious look as he stared at his creation in front of him, a proud and wicked feeling rising in him.

Oh, how the tides were about to change.

"Let's us begin."

A spark of fire erupted at the sound of a clap and the room plunged into darkness. Illusions and past scars coming to light.

But the screams weren't screams of terrors from her.

The screams were of terror and pain she had inflicted upon them.

A dark evil was born that day, and it was all about to change the world.


"The fires are raging all over the place. Where's Marie when you need her?" Felix growled from where he stood at his place in the center of the pasture of where they landed on, a few feet away from the rest of the group.

"You know, you could do more than just stand there and watch us put the fires out." Beatrix scowled at him as she threw more quicksnuff onto a fire before it could greedily consume the grass. "Always have to slaving us to do your dirty work for you."

"Don't be such a pain. You're just mad that I was the last one to wake up from being unconscious and didn't have to do hardly anything, since you had already put most of them out when I did come to conscious." Felix remarked, a tight smug on his lips.

"You mean the only person knocked unconscious. Don't take that as a compliment. Shows just how soft you are. To be knocked out that easily is saying something." Beatrix snorted, rolling her eyes at her brother, turning and throwing more quicksnuff on the last fire in her area.

"You're the one to be talking," Felix snapped back, "I wasn't the one who let myself be subject to being an easy target and allow them to scar me."

Beatrix whirled around, eyes ablaze with fierce anger. The comment had snapped something in her. It was an insult, one about a mistake she had made long ago that haunts her to this day. That day had forever changed her. And it was something that she did not tolerate being insulted about.

She lunged for her brother, despite him being her kin, and tackled him to the ground. Felix felt the sharp edge of a knife digging into his throat as he stared into that identical shade of dark peacock eyes.

"Don't you ever dare try to insult me about that." Beatrix snarled in his ear. "You're lucky I'm being merciful this time by not killing you. Next time, you won't be so fortunate."

"Ooh, I'm so scared," Felix mocked, making a mocking scared face before smirking. "Believe me I think I can kill you faster than you can bat an eyelash."

"Wanna bet?" Beatrix snarled, a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

"You're on."

"Can we ever a day where someone is not threatening to kill someone else? Much less having bets and competitions on who can kill each faster," Theo scowled, his voice breaking the tension between the siblings.

"Oh, shut it, Silver Tips. You're the one to be talking. You threaten to kill each and everyone of us in our sleep and make it long and painful for us every single day." Kane said, stalking over.

Theo flexed his jaw in anger and annoyance. "I told you once and I'll say it again; do not call me by that name."

Kane shot him a smile stating he wasn't listening.

"Well, now that the fires are distinguished and out of our way now, we can now find out where this place is and what this world is that we landed in." Wade said, drawing the attention towards him.

"The better question is where the Everseen headed to. They must have light-leaped elsewhere to find out the whereabouts of that flower. They landed here because I can feel their traces. They still linger amongst this pasture despite the storm and fires," Sage spoke, strolling up to the group. "We have to follow them while their tracks are still fresh and before we run out of time."

"What about the place we're at right now?"

"Don't bother, I already know this place and I rather not stay here any longer. There is nothing here for us." Sage dismissed, a twitch in her movement.

Confusion rippled through the group. It was unlike Sage to be like this. She always insisted inspecting it and then trashing it if there was nothing of value here before moving on. Unless . . . it was a place she's been here before. And it gave her an experience or experiences that she rather light leap away than staying to keep from reliving it.

It dawned on Kane in that moment. "It's Havenfield isn't it? That's why you want to get away from here."

It would explain her fidgety and the twitch in her movement.

Sage drew a sharp breath and exhaled it, trying not to lose her cool while the others were murmuring their "ohs". "No, what I want to do is burn this place to the ground and destroy every last remnant of it, but this place-version-is different than what I'm used to. And it's giving me . . . weird vibes." More like it was giving her trauma.

She shuddered as flashbacks were coming back, trying to shake them off to not break down and turned away. And Kane took the opportunity to his advantage. "Aw, is the fearless Moonlark scared of being here? Is the trauma too much?" He patted her shoulder, his tone mocking as he stretched out his arms. "Don't worry, I'm here for you, I'll give you all the hugs and kisses you need. Cause I know you love those."

Silence hung in the air for a second before Sage grabbed his wrist, threw him over her shoulder, and pinned him to the ground. "Listen here, you bastard. I'm not here to play games and I will get rid of you if I have to," She got closer, hissing in his ear, "We have a mission to finish and I prefer to finish it, no matter the stakes. In addition, I am ordered not to kill you-which you are lucky-but if you give me any reason to, I will go through with it and I will enjoy it."

Kane smirked and pulled out of her grip, standing up and fixing his clothes. His eyes glimmered something Sage couldn't detect. "We know, Foxlin, that you will do anything to get rid of me and I gladly share the mutual feeling. Maybe we can be killer buddies together." He raised his eyebrow with his mocking smirk.

"In your dreams."

"Well, sorry to butt into your conversation, but referring back to Sage's statement of light leaping now, I think it's best to stay here at Havenfield. I found the lingering traces of the Everseen, and I think I found where the light was positioned when they light leaped. However, it is going to take me some time to find the exact coordinates and pin them down. And working with light anyway takes a long time." Dan informed as he walked up, spinning a device of his.

"How long are we speaking?" Sage inquired.

"As long as it takes me. This type of light is different. It feels different than back in our world, which confirms that we're in another universe. And the particles in the air could take me two weeks max to figure out." Dan estimated, making every nerve in Sage's body explode.

And the emotions raging inside her weren't helping.

"Alas, this also could be our hideout space as we navigate and accomplish our mission," Wade suggested. "And it would be a great way to plan out our strategies and create ways for us to blend in."

The others murmured their agreement and Sage blew out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. But Dan, I expect you to get this light leaping situation figured out as soon as possible and pin the Everseen down. Our success depends on it and your life depends on it."

He nodded his agreement and gave his word.

She stalked forward, leaving the group and teleported all the way to the door of Havenfield before slamming it open to enter to inspect it. She was the Moonlark, she was the one going to take over the property and make it theirs. Only for her to flip backwards to avoid a melder shot and whip out her dagger to deflect a second one as she landed in the spiderman pose in the grass. Sage sprinted forward, jumping and twisting mid air to avoid three goblin throwing stars and clashed her dagger with Cadoc's sword.

So, someone was definitely home. And they just so happened to have a bodyguard. That was lovely.

She twirled her dagger with Cadoc's sword to free hers and bent backwards on Cadoc's right to duck his swing. Sage flipped herself over to pop up behind the goblin and drag the sharp tip across the back of the creature, creating a deep gash in the skin. Cadet let out a sharp roar in pain and swung his sword as he turned around.

If she wasn't fighting, Sage would've snorted and scoffed at this. The goblins in this world apparently have terrible fighting techniques.

I could do this in my sleep. Sage sneered in her mind, internally laughing at the pathetic fighting this goblin was throwing at her. For the next few minutes, they exchanged blows and swings back and forth at each other before they had backed up to the table in the house.

Cadoc had Sage in a lock and Sage begrudgingly was admitting that the goblin may have cornered her. His sword was digging into the center of Sage's dagger as she held each end in both of her hands, trying to hold the large sword at bay. She took a deep breath and summoned all the extra energy in her mind and body and pushed it forward through her arms, pushing the bodyguard back and throwing him off balance.

Sage flipped backwards onto the table before jumping off and away before Cadoc could chop her legs off. She rebounded off the wall next to the stairs and barreled straight into his back, sending him crashing into the table before slumping to the floor unconscious.

Sage moved off the bodyguard twirling her dagger smirking and shaking her head. The bodyguard may have thrown some unexpected twist in there and fought with more than Sage expected, but he was easy to take out. And hitting his head hard enough to make him pass out had already done the job for her. Now on to exploring more to see who else was hiding.

If there was a bodyguard defending, surely he was protecting something. Something like someone. Bodyguards stay true and close to their charge, do they not? So, who was he defending?

In a flash, her left hand shot out behind her and deflected the device flying into the wall and exploding with another dagger. The dagger in her right hand-the one she used to fight Cadoc-was thrown right at the red-hair lady who stood behind her, trying to defend herself.

Edaline dodged the knife and watched it stick itself deep into the wall. She snapped her hands and more of Dex's secret weapon stash gadgets appeared in her hand. She flung it rapidly at the intruder, hoping one of them would knock the person out.

But Sage was not one to be underestimated by. Nor one to hope to defeat. And the second she set her eyes on the person, she felt anger and determination to take Edaline out. She didn't care if Edaline looked fragile and incapable of doing such things, but Sage knew that she was.

She'd seen it happen with her own adoptive mom. And what Lady Euphoria could do and did were things Sage rather bury in the past and burn to the ground. Just like how she wanted to burn Havenfield to the ground.

Because if her adoptive mother could be capable of such things, Sage had no doubt that the alternate version of her could as well.

Let's just get this over with quickly. Sage sighed as she sliced the gadgets in half, making them unworkable.

She took out a device of her own and flung it at Edaline. It gripped onto her head and injected a small dose of the soporidine into her, making Edaline collapse to the ground in a heartbeat.

"Easy just like that," Sage muttered as she stalked over to the unconscious body of Edaline.

"Well," she said to the group as they stood at the doorframe, cautious to come in. She turned around with a dark smile on her face and a dangerous malicious glint in her eyes. "I think things are getting interesting. And I think I'm enjoying it."

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry the update took so long. This one did take me a while to write and I have been super busy, so I'm sorry. This chapter was definitely harder to write, but I think I enjoy this >:) I think I'm finally getting into character with these. Well, I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for my next update!

(P.S. You'll see the alternate versions of the characters referring to the actual names of the places in the series to their world because I was lazy to come up with Alternate names for the places and that would only make my brain more confused since I've already had enough of the alternate names. So I made it simpler and to help you guys keep track on where the places are in the actual world and the alternate world.)

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