Chapter Eight
I sat on the steps outside Ayla's cottage, waiting for that ass, Xavier. My head in my hands, breathing slowly as my body trembled. What the hell was up with that? Invading my space and weaving her magic through me. She could have asked first. What was she looking for, anyway? I didn't feel sick.
Whenever I got sick, my mother would just give me herbal teas and broth. If I got terrible, that was when she used magic, and it never exploded like that. Was it because she was my aunt? I wish my mom was here. There's so much I don't know about magic.
Why did she keep all this a secret?
Closing my eyes, I reached into my core and touched the golden pool. It was like warm liquid silk that hummed with energy. My magic. It felt fine. In fact, it felt deeper than before. Did it have something to do with this place I'm in now? I came to realize I actually don't know where I am, just that I'm not on earth anymore.
I looked up and took in my surroundings. Tall snow covered pines surrounded the small village and snow-capped mountains rose above the treeline. Elven women roamed about with their children in tow, carrying baskets of strange colored fruits. They all wore long sleeve dresses with fur-lined cloaks. Some carried bows and quivers alongside men dressed in bleached leather. It hurt how much this place looked like home. Even the cabins looked similar to the one I grew up in. But then, my father built it himself. I guess he took the inspiration from home.
I should have never left.
Tears threatened to fall, and I stood up, shaking my hands. I had spent all morning crying. I was done with it. A shaky breath escaped my lungs as I squeezed my eyes shut. Trying desperately to patch the hole in my heart.
The creaking of the wooden door made me jump. Xavier stepped out and skipped down the steps. His blue eyes regarded me wearily. The inklings of emotions trickled into me again. But unlike before, they were muted. My heart raced like it had when I first laid eyes on him. It was such a strange experience, one that I had never had before. Though that could be because I had never really met anyone outside my parents and those strangers in the woods.
When I came down the hall, I started feeling them, and then when our eyes met in the living room, strange emotions slammed into me. Sadness, confusion, hope. Then it shifted to fear. Replaced by overwhelming guilt before the emotions abruptly cut off. Like turning off a spigot.
I assumed they came from Xavier. I didn't understand why I felt his emotions. What made Xavier so special? I didn't feel Ayla's—or my parents growing up. A sense of familiarity struck me as I gazed into his bright blue eyes. They seemed to draw me in with every breath I took. His black hair fell gracefully around his head in waves, framing his angular face. His skin was a rich sienna, like the precious stones my father used to bring me from the mountain caves. He wore a soft green sweater and beige pants that fit snugly against his toned muscles.
My mind wandered to what he might look like under those clothes, and I felt a blush creep onto my face. I coughed and lowered my gaze. "Shall we?"
He nodded and started on the path. We walked in silence along the snow dusted cobblestone towards what looked to be the village's center. My eyes followed the curving dirt between the stones, sneaking peeks at Xavier. He seemed relaxed, his hands in his pockets and his face serene. I wonder what he was thinking?
A burning question danced on my lips. I wasn't able to get much from Ayla because she hadn't been there. "So..." I began. "Ayla told me you and your father were the ones that found me... what happened?"
I saw him tense, and he turned his head away from me. "I was trapped with my father in that unfamiliar world. For three long years. We knew Willow could help us get home. When we found her she was untrusting and worried." he looked at me but then stared at the ground before continuing. "She gave us what we needed. Everything happened so fast. The next thing my father and I knew, Liam and Willow were dead. We found you in the hall."
"What... I don't understand. Do you know what killed them?" My heart rammed in my chest as I searched his face. His eyes closed and his brows furrowed. There was a great deal of pain etched into him. As if it hurt to recall that night. If only I could.
His fist clenched, and he ground his teeth. "A monster." He breathed.
He wasn't giving me much to go on. I understood it might be painful to recall, but I needed to know. "Did you and your father try to help? I need to know... what happened? Some explanation—not sugar-coated bullshit."
He let out a frustrated growl. "There was nothing we could have done." That was all I was going to get out of him. At least it was more than what I had before. His knuckles had turned white and his face twisted. I swear I saw a tear fall before he turned away from me. There it was again. The faintest inklings of guilt washed into me. Suddenly, I felt bad for asking. He felt guilty for not being able to save them.
I swallowed. "I'm sorry."
He sighed. "No, I'm sorry. You deserve to know. It's just hard to talk about."
We started walking again. The air was so thick I could slice it with a knife. Even with people stopping to greet Xavier with bright smiles and warm hugs. Though when their eyes landed on me their smiles fell and they would scurry off whispering to themselves.
Subconsciously, I picked at my nails and stared off in the distance. I still had so many questions. Why did my parents leave this place? What kind of monster killed them? Why didn't it kill me? I wish I could recall what happened... even if it hurts.
Elven children ran past us, chasing each other and giggling. Not a care in the world. A woman followed behind them with a bright smile on her face. I wonder what it would have been like to grow up here. Being around my kind and making friends. Helping the town with my mother and hunting with my father.
"Ivory?" Xavier said. I hadn't realized I had stopped walking. He looked at me with one brow raised.
"Sorry, my mind is all over the place. What were you saying?" I said.
"I wanted to apologize for Ayla's behavior. She acted without thinking and thought you might have the start of moon rot. Hearing voices is one of the early signs. It's a rare but very dangerous condition your people develop. We're not sure what exactly causes it. But those who have it become erratic and their magic unstable. The last case was in another tribe to the east. One elf almost wiped out the entire village. But even so, she should have asked first." He said.
I nodded. I guess I can understand where she was coming from. It sounded bad. "Is it curable?"
He looked down and sighed. "No."
"Why didn't you stop her?" I asked.
"She had already started the process, interrupting her would have hurt you. Did Willow never use that method of healing when you were sick?" he asked, but then froze. I could only imagine what my face looked like at the mention of my mother.
Xavier opened his mouth to apologize when a large commotion brought my attention forward. The villagers were carrying and depositing large bundles of stripped wood. Large gray and brown stone slabs surround a triangular structure of logs perched on end and leaned against one another. Bunches of twigs and leaves piled in the center. A bonfire? A couple of elves were standing around it, throwing what I assumed to be more kindling in the pile. They must be prepping for a celebration?
We had entered the village's center, which was dressed up as a marketplace. Various stalls lined up outside of people's homes, and many of the cabins had shops built into the sides. Sounds of various conversations and merriment filled the air. It felt like a very close knit community.
My chest burned as I glanced at Xavier. He looked away from me, but he walked with tense muscles. The thickness in the air was back, and I stared at the ground. Avoiding the eyes from curious onlookers and the sadness hidden behind Xavier's eyes.
They made it seem like I was so fragile that the slightest inkling of my parents and I would break into a thousand pieces. And they were probably right... I didn't want to be. But even as Xavier mentioned... her—I felt my heart sink and tears welled up in my eyes. It took everything within me to pull them back and push down my guilt and grief. I was already getting tired. Why did this happen to me?
The smell of smoked meat filled my nose as we passed a meat stall. My stomach rumbled loudly. I should have eaten what Ayla offered. I thought I heard the faintest chuckle escape Xavier as he eyed me. He turned to the man occupying the stall and pointed at different cuts, making strange motions with his hands. The man smiled as he responded, but not with his voice, but with his hands. I stood there awkwardly, watching the strange interaction.
As the man readied the order, Xavier patted his pants and then flinched. He quickly motioned to get the cook's attention and his fingers flew a string of hand gestures. The man nodded and then waved his hand dismissively, handing Xavier the sticks of meat.
Xavier touched his fingertips to his chin and gestured outward several times and dipped his head. He finally turned back to me, his cheeks slightly flushed, and handed me one skewer.
I took it and we continued to walk as we ate. "What was all that? If you don't mind me asking?" I said between bites.
"Oh, Mr. Delver can't hear, so we use our hands to talk. It took a while to come up with but it's fairly simple and it makes communication easier than him trying to read our lips. I uh, I hadn't realized I forgot my bag, so I didn't have any money. He told me not to worry about it, and I thanked him profusely. He's a good man. I'll pay him back later."
At the next stop, we found various strange-looking fruits and vegetables. Some were oblong and came in hues of pink. Others were star-shaped and a mix of red and blue. There was a woman tending the stall, humming quietly to herself as if in her own little world. Though there were many filling the square, I took note that she wasn't an Elf. She fiddled with a cloth band that wrapped around her head, holding her long gray locks out of her face. Honey brown eyes sparkled when they settled on us approaching, and she smiled.
"Xavier! I was wondering if you'd stop by. Hayden isn't here right now, and your father is inside speaking with Travis." she said, her voice sweet with a thick accent.
"It's good to see you, Mrs. Drake. It's been a while."
"Have you gotten taller? I swear you and Hayden were just boys now you've gone and outgrown my lap! I'm so glad you and your father are back. And just in time for Hayden's mating ceremony. Now we just need to find you a nice mate, hmm? Maybe you'll meet them at Fia's party!" Mrs. Drake said cheerfully.
Xavier chuckled, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Oh yeah, you never know! You said father was inside? I need to speak to him." he looked at me apologetically, "I'll be right back."
And just like that, he was gone. Leaving me alone with this woman. The woman—Mrs. Drake shook her head, and her gaze fell on me. "That boy, I swear, and who might you be, dear? I don't think I've seen you around, you from another tribe?"
"Ivory, ma'am." I said.
She shook her hand. "Oh! Pfft. No need for that, just call me Grace. Now, Ivory, would you like a pompae fruit? They're in season. Plucked them from my tree this morning."
"Oh no, I-I don't have any money."
She shook her hand and plucked one of the bright yellow round fruits from the bunch, placing it in my hand. "Nonsense, it's on the house. Where did you say you were from? Hun?"
I was about to make up some excuse when a motion caught the corner of my eye. My blood ran cold and my fingers dug into the fruit. Down the road was a wolf, bigger than anyone I had ever seen. Images flashed across my mind like a movie reel. My father's lifeless body in a pool of his blood, giant claw marks embedded in the wood of our home. My mother, hanging out of the mouth of a giant black wolf.
Fear paralyzed me. The fast rhythmic beat of my heart rammed against my ribcage, echoed in my mind. What was the meaning of this? Why isn't anyone doing anything?
The monster continued to stalk around the square, and no one lifted a finger to chase it off or capture it. I couldn't breathe. I had to get out of there. A gentle hand touched my shoulder, making me jump out of my skin. The woman Mrs. Drake had stepped out from behind the stand and was looking at me with concern.
"You okay, hun? Ivory?"
Lifting a shaking hand, I pointed to the wolf. "There's a-a wolf, and no one is doing anything about it."
She followed my finger and her brows pinched together. "Why... Yes, dear. That's Scott. He's the Tavern keep. Are you okay?" she placed the back of her hand to my forehead as if I were sick. I flinched away.
She was okay with it? I watched as children ran up and hugged the wolf. It danced around them and licked their faces before turning towards one of the buildings. Its fur rippled, and before my eyes, the wolf turned into a man. I must be seeing things? Right? Maybe Ayla was right. Maybe I did have Moon rot.
"Ivory?" Mrs. Drake's face came into focus as she blocked my view of the wolf-man. Worry marred her features as she searched my face.
"I should get b-back to Ayla's. T-thanks for the fruit." I ran. It made little sense. What was going on!? Images of that night flashed through my mind, burning holes in my heart. Deep growls echoed in my head—my mother's high-pitched scream haunted me. It was a wolf!
No, a monster.
Tears burned in my eyes as I made my way back to Ayla's. I've seen wolves before. The ones on earth were not nearly that big. Mother was skilled in magic and father was strong and fast. I've seen them take on bears and wolves before. My heart pounded in my head, pumping adrenaline through my body. It was one of them.
It had to be.
I barged into Ayla's cottage. The door slamming behind me. Where is she? I looked around the cozy cottage. She had cleaned the scuffle from before up and the tea no longer sat on the coffee table.
A shadow appeared down the hall and moved towards the living room. "How may I hel—Ivory?! Welcome back. Enjoy your walk?" Ayla said as she rounded the corner. She was holding a large stack of blankets and clothes.
"I know who killed my parents." the words tumbled out of my mouth in a rush as my lungs fought to catch up with my heart.
Ayla flinched, nearly dropping the tower. She carefully set the blankets down on the table before turning to me. Her eyes wide. Frightened. But she said nothing.
I collapsed on the couch, trying to steady my racing heart. "There was a wolf in town and... and then it turned into a man! I've never seen that kind of magic before. Images came flooding back to me. It... it was one of them!" I studied her face for any reaction. The only surprise to be found was mine. Her face fell, and my heart dropped.
"You knew?!" I yelled.
"I-Ivy—" she stammered.
"You knew! And you didn't tell me!" I felt my magic boil, inching its way to the surface. "First my mother and father kept secrets and now you! I am not a child!" Golden strands of magical energy seeped out of me, weaving around my body. "What else have you kept from me?"
My magic shot out from my clenched fists like shooting stars. It crashed into various objects around the room. Glass shattered. Wood splintered and snapped. The stack of blankets caught on fire. The destruction of her things barely fazed Ayla. She quickly doused the fire with a nearby bucket of water that sat next to the fireplace.
I needed to calm down.
I was angry, but I didn't want to hurt anyone. My jaw clenched as my fingers dug into my palm. It took everything in me to slow my pounding heart. Closing my eyes, I took several deep breaths and waved my hands slowly in a circular motion. Sweeping the magical strands that vibrated the surrounding air until they formed a condensed ball. I watched as it swirled in my palms. It was warm and felt like I was holding a swarm of butterflies.
Ayla's eyes widened. "Impossible..." she mumbled.
"What?" I asked. Ayla's brows rose as she studied the magic that leaked out of me and into the ball. I will admit. I was shocked, too. Never before had I been able to manifest my magic like this and not feel the strain. Instead, it seemed to fuel me more. I looked down at my hands, following the trail of glittering stardust that weaved between my fingers and wrapped around my arms.
"It's just magic." I said. "What else have you kept from me? I get that you just met me, but I deserve to know. They were my parents as much as they were your family. All I'm asking is for a bit of transparency. A little warning would have been nice."
Ayla's wide eyes softened, and she sighed. Getting up from her seated position on the floor, she slowly approached me and sat on the couch. She stared at the magical ball in my hands and then turned her gaze to the crackling fire.
"That isn't just magic." She began and waved her hands in front of her stomach in a pulling motion. Silvery strands like before seeped from her hands. "Elven magic is silver in color. There are some variations, though, like your mother. Hers was a royal blue. She possessed great magic—"
The door slammed open, and Xavier came barreling into the living room. A man who looked like an older, scruffier version of him followed behind. Their eyes were wide, and they seemed ready for a fight.
"We were on our way over when we heard the commotion. Ivory, are you alright?!" Xavier asked breathlessly. I could feel the inklings of fear and worry drift into me. Reminding me all too well of the strange connection I had with him. Did it have something to do with my magic?
The man who I assumed to be Xavier's father stepped forward, his eyes glued to the magic in my palms..
"Ayla?" Xavier's father breathed. "What is the meaning of this?"
"It would seem the goddess works in mysterious ways. Ivory is Lunaris." Ayla replied.
©2022 Jessica Powell. All Rights Reserved
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10/11/22- I am currently reworking some things in the previous chapters. Updates will resume soon as I try to get ahead of updates as well.
Weekly updates will resume February 3rd, at 10am CST.
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