A bit cheesy but I just had to. Please enjoy, and comment if you want. This epilogue is longer than most but please bare with me. I'm proud of myself because of my progress in writing. Being a creative writing major has its perks. I did my best, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes!
Every person in this world has at least one thing that makes them happy- something that, no matter what people think or do, no matter what the world throws at you, still makes you smile without even trying.
I had always thought that I was useless. A loser. A freak. My wings were something I cherished, sure, but they didn't always make me smile. When I was younger, I sometimes wished I could just cut them right off of my back. At least then I would be normal.
Now I know that even if I had chopped off my wings, I wouldn't be normal. My encounter with M.E.C.H and the Decepticons proved that easily. There was something inside of me that just wouldn't go away. The power that makes me who I am, and what I was meant to be- a tool for war- couldn't just disappear with the snap of my fingers.
It's who I am now. A powerful being that was manipulated and used for her power. It's funny to think that before all of this, I was a weak link that was beaten for her lunch money. It's kind of funny, but not at the same time.
While I was waging war against the Decepticons, I was also fighting myself. The person I was meant to be. The destiny I was going to face. And it scared me- it scared me beyond belief knowing that I could destroy my friends, no, my family. It was scary, not quite knowing what would happen to me in the future. But in the past year, I discovered something even scarier.
Losing my new family.
That was terrifying. It shook me to the bone and rattled my core. There was nothing scarier than my family being taken away from me. The Autobots were the ones that rescued me. They took care of me after years of being alone. My human friends who stuck up for me at school and stayed by my side when I was injured or scared.
That's why, in my last moments as a human, I did what I did.
I destroyed Megatron.
I sucked out every ounce of dark energon that lay dormant within his body and watched as his twisted smirk fell off of his face as he offlined. I risked my life to end the war. To save my family.
That's something I didn't realize all those months ago before I met the Autobots. The one thing more painful than not having people to care about you is watching the ones that finally do get hurt.
So yes, I killed Megatron and risked my life. I didn't know what happened after that. Honestly, it was all a dark smear. I would hear panicked voices for a while, but eventually, it just went silent. From time to time, I would sometimes hear a choked voice hover over me.
"Why would you do this to yourself? To your body. I-I.. You.. Y-You needed that."
It broke my heart.
Being in total darkness for long periods of time really makes you think. Your mind whirls and you try to make sense of what is what, and in the end, you really can't do much more than wonder where you are.
In my darkness, I thought about my past. About the misery and heartache, Macen brought upon me. About Vince and the bullies at school. About M.E.C.H and the Decepticons, and the fake Wheeljack. Everything.
Lying down for five months straight really puts your mind in the gutter.
But at that time, I also thought about my happiness.
Optimus Prime, and his soft smile. Miko, and her crazy midnight monster fests with buttery popcorn. Jack and his calmness, despite the obvious chaos that continuously wreaked havoc. Raph, and his cute obsession for knowledge. Ratchet, with his soft spark (despite how hard his wrenches were). Arcee's loyalty. Bumblebee's kindness. Smokescreen's determination to make Optimus proud. Bulkhead's attempts at fixing things, despite his clumsy stature. Ryan, and his brotherly love.
Wheeljack, my guardian.
I thought about him a lot, too. The word guardian is really all I can use to describe him, because he is everything and beyond what a guardian should be. In my toughest times, Wheeljack went out of his way to make sure I was happy. Despite my past, despite my timidness and reluctance to talk, he was always there. Patient. Kind. Caring. So, so much more.
What was he thinking? I would wonder. What is he doing now that I am stuck here?
When I thought of happiness, I thought of him. He was the only one who could make me smile, no matter how much I wanted to cry and sob and scream my lungs out. He was always there, even in the times I wanted him to disappear because I was selfish and wanted to be alone.
When my eyes opened for the first time after all of that time, and I saw him, I smiled and just knew. He was the one that would always make me smile. He would always make me happy, no matter what he did.
Even if it was saying goodbye.
..... 3 months earlier.....
"You know kid, if you wanted to fly her, you could have just asked."
I froze immediately in my place and let a sheepish grin cross over my face platings while slowly turning around. "H-hey Wheeljack. What's g-going on?..."
Wheeljack gave me a humorous glare. "If you broke the Jackhammer I would have sent your aft to the moon and back, you know that right? Do you even know what you are doing?" he stepped farther into the cockpit and took a seat next to me.
I rubbed my neck with my digits sheepishly. Sure, I spend most of my time in my holoform, but I was still wanting to explore what my Cybertronian form could do. I wasn't allowed to help with the Autobots back on Cybertron as they began to fix their old home, so I figured there was no point.
But I hadn't tested out my jet form yet, and Agent Fowler had allowed me to gain access to one of his own top-secret military bases for a vehicle form. Wheeljack helped me pick out the form, but it was too bad I couldn't drive myself to school-
I snapped my attention back to Wheeljack, who gave me a knowing smirk. "So just what were you thinking when you climbed aboard?"
In reality, I'd wanted to fly to the grand canyon and test out my vehicle form. But Wheeljack was busy, or at least, I thought he was busy, and decided to sneak off. Something I wouldn't have normally done in the past, but being carefree and not worrying about being beaten every second of the day or being disintegrated slowly from the inside out really made you do things you wouldn't have done before.
Also, maybe I have been around Smokescreen too much...and Ryan.
And Miko.
"Do you even know how to fly it?" He pressed, already knowing the answer.
I snickered. "Autopilot?"
Wheeljack rolled his optics and pointed to the touchpad in front of me. "Press this and then that button, and pull back on the handles, real gentle."
My own optics widened. "You can't be serious." He was actually letting me fly her?
"I trust you more than anything, kid." Wheeljack's face platings softened. "And you're an Autobot now. You should know how to transport yourself if you're ever in space."
Space. What a crazy thought.
Wait, I can breathe in space, right? I'd forgotten about that.
"Kid." Wheeljack laughed as he tried to get my attention. I snapped out of my thoughts and grinned at him, doing as he instructed and taking hold of the handles. I have to say, though, my excitement went a little overboard, and we may have gone the wrong direction.
"GENTLE, GENTLE I SAID!!" Wheeljack yelled in panic as we crashed into the earth.
He shot me an annoyed, but amused, glare as he caught my servos just as the Jackhammer nearly touched the ground. "Slowly. That way. Yes-no. Up. Pull up- do you know your directions?!"
We reached the grand canyon safely. Sure, we were a bit banged up, and it took two hours longer than usual, but we were there.
"Hope, you're also going to learn how to fix a cybertronian spacecraft." Wheeljack murmured as he ran his servo along the side of the Jackhammer, staring at the dents in distaste. He glanced back towards me. I was standing at the edge of the cliff, nervously staring down.
Sure, I wasn't scared of heights when it came to my human body. I can control my wings just fine. But If I fell now, I could ruin my Cybertronian body and actually offline. Fear ran through my body and I took a peek at Wheeljack as he approached me.
He had a small smile on his face as he placed his servo on my shoulder.
"Kid, you know that human saying that parental units tell their kids?"
"Uh, I didn't have parents." I reminded him.
Wheeljack coughed nervously and shook his helm. "It's, if at first, you don't succeed, try try again. You know that one, right?"
I nodded slowly. "Sure I do."
"You won't be able to do that here. If you don't succeed this first time, it's over."
Way to crush the mood, Wheeljack. Way to crush the mood.
"Yeah, on second thought, I'm not sure I want to do this anymore." I stepped away from the cliff in fear and turned towards the Jackhammer. "Let's just head back to base, I'm sure I can try another day-"
Wheeljack grabbed my other shoulder and twisted me around while pushing me closer towards the edge. "Relax, kid. It will be easy. Just take a deep breath. You've been practicing transforming, right?"
I nod timidly, and he smiles. "Great. The rest just sort of comes naturally, I guess. It's just like driving a car-"
"Wheeljack, I've never driven a car, let alone a jet."
"Well, I haven't flown a jet either."
"That isn't making me feel any better!" I frowned and crossed my arms. With nervous optics, I peeked over the edge again. How did this come so easy in my other form?
"Kid, listen to me." I turned back towards Wheeljack as he continued. "It sounds crazy, but it really does just come naturally. I didn't know how to drive a car either when I first arrived. I just transformed and let it happen. Your processor memorized the instructions when you first scanned your vehicle, you'll just know."
"A-are you sure?"
"I promise."
I leaned forward and hugged him tightly, placing my face in the crook of his neck. This was a new experience that I always took advantage of when I was in Cybertronian form. While I hated being something I wasn't used to, it was possible for me to give him hugs. It felt right, and was better than trying to wrap my arms around his digit.
To my surprise, Wheeljack hugged me back, tighter than he'd ever done before. "You'll do great kid." With a smile, he stepped away from me and nodded. "Now all you have to do is transform."
I nodded in return as he stepped away, and I closed my optics, trying to focus. Ratchet had insisted on me going easy those first few months after I woke up, saying I needed to recover and rest. It was easy enough to do- I was so far behind in school I could practically swim in all of the papers that lay in my room. But after a while, he gave me the okay to transform.
When I got home from school, I would just stand on top of the base and transform over and over again. Trying to make it feel natural. Sometimes the others would help me in their free time. It was funny, watching Optimus transform with me into that huge semi. It was obvious he grew tired of it but he never let me know that.
Ryan would always come up and complain that I was making his head hurt. He could see better than ever now, but his other power still worked, and the constant thumping and vibrations apparently shook his second vision.
Who knew I would get the hang of being an annoying little sister so easily.
With a deep breath, I cleared my thoughts and again focused on transforming. It was easy now, and I smiled in my head as I finally finished and sat there in my jet form.
: This is awesome: I comm linked Wheeljack and he nodded. "It will be even better when you fly." he laughed. Fly. Right. I had almost forgotten about that part.
: I'm not so sure about this anymore:
"You'll do fine. If worse comes to worst, just fly up. There's nothing you can hit up there." Wheeljack snorted.
I concentrated and went back through my processor. This was easy, this was easy. Sure, I had never even ridden a bike before, but this had to be as easy as almost riding a bike several times... hopefully.
With wishful thinking, I focused on starting my engines. To both mine and Wheeljacks surprise, they did just that. Wheeljack took a step away and I did just as he instructed me to do. Let it happen. Within seconds, I was hovering above the ground.
Sure, this wasn't so hard. Just like making all of that synthetic energon when I was being tortured on the Nemesis. It just happened. It was natural. Not dangerous at-
"KID!" Wheeljack sputtered.
I would have screamed if I could have. Without meaning to, I gunned the engines and took off with a trail of smoke behind me.
It's a powerful feeling, being above everyone else. I always enjoyed looking down upon the people as they walked when I was flying, but this was something completely different.
And I loved it.
I twisted and turned, tilting my wing this way and that as I flew around the sky, watching the world below me. Wheeljack was right, just as he promised.
: Hey Kid!:
I did a loop and twisted around just to find Wheeljack in his vehicle mode, following me on the ground. He went no further than the edge, but went full speed as I explored the air above him.
If I giggled I would have. : This is awesome!: I replied in excitement.
Wheeljack eventually stopped following me and went to repair the jackhammer while I flew for hours.
It was hours later when I stared at the night sky, watching the shooting stars. I held my head up and smiled softly and I rested my head against Wheeljack's. He turned his helm a little and looked upon my little figure as I yawned.
"Have you had a good day?"
"Pretty good. I received a detention though. That's why Bulkhead had to pick me up while you were on Cybertron."
He raised an optic ridge as I adjusted my wings, letting them stretch as I yawned. I was back in my human form, cuddling up further into his neck platings. Despite his body being made of metal, he was surprisingly warm and comfortable.
"A detention? What on earth made you do that?"
"Vince was picking on me today and tried his usual stuff." I hummed tiredly.
Wheeljack clenched his fist. "So how did you get a detention?" He asked with grit denta.
"I punched him in the face." I spoke innocently, glancing up at him.
Wheeljack almost threw me off his shoulder with how hard he laughed. I laughed along with him. It seemed impossible, compared to who I used to be, but I took down a Decepticon warlord and stopped a war that had been going on for thousands of years. A war that destroyed an entire planet and the majority of the population.
It made you feel powerful.
"How much energon I would have given to see that." Wheeljack's laughter died down and he stared up at the stars. I nodded in agreement.
"It was pretty funny."
There was a peaceful silence before Wheeljack placed his hand up beside me. "Kid?" his voice was softer now, and laced with something else I couldn't quite point out. That perked my interest, and I immediately stood up.
"What's wrong Wheeljack?" I stepped forward and onto his servo and he pulled me far enough away to look me directly in the eye.
"I've just had something on my mind, and I wanted to talk to you about it."
"You know you can talk to me about anything Wheeljack." I placed my small hand against his digit, and he smiled.
"I know kid, I know." He closed his optics before looking to me again and clearing his throat. "How have your nightmares been?"
My body stiffened, but I immediately relaxed. It threw me off was all. "They are fine, Wheelajck." I whispered softly. "Not as bad as they were. I only have them every once in a while."
Being surrounded by darkness with just your thoughts can also make you think of the scary things too.
I had short nightmares soon after waking up, in both my human and Cybertronian form. Ratchet informed me that it was normal, and would go away with time. The others said they could talk to me about it if I wanted, but besides Wheeljack, Optimus was the only one I informed about my dreams.
He was the brother of Megatron, before the war started. It felt right to talk to him about my dreams that were littered with the dead warlord.
Optimus told me stories about his past to take my mind off the present. He spoke about his old life back on Cybertron, and his friends and family. About Megatronus, and his gentle spark before it was hardened and ripped apart by lust for power.
Megatronus actually seemed like a good mech. Optimus always looked sad when he spoke of him.
Eventually, the dreams ceased and only popped up occasionally. I wouldn't be left screaming in the dark, with tears running down my face. I would normally just wake up breathing heavily, and then lie there thinking long and hard about it.
At one point, Megatronus came into my dreams and saved me from Megatron. It felt nice, and put me at ease.
"So you've been doing better." Wheeljack mumbled, more to himself than to me.
"W-what's the matter?" I asked quietly. He was acting strange. With a soft sigh, he glanced at me.
"Optimus is planning on bringing others back to Cybertron... to fix the damage caused by the war. There are others out there," he trailed off, looking up towards the sky.
I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced up with him before making contact with his optics again. "I don't understand what you mean. Why are you upset about that?" I questioned quietly.
With a frustrated sigh, he looked at me. For the first time since meeting Wheelajck, I saw tears in his eyes. He gave me a sad smile.
"Optimus wanted someone to scout the galaxy and find our brethren. And I... I volunteered."
"You can't stay mad at him forever, Hope. He's leaving in three months. Do you really want to waste the time you could be spending with him?"
A hand ran through my hair, and I leaned into the warmth of it. I sniffled and quickly wiped my eyes away. I hated this feeling. It was supposed to go away. I'm stronger now. I can handle something like this.
"I don't want him to go." I sobbed, leaning into my brother as he sat on my bed. "Why does it hurt so much? I just want him to stay."
Ryan sighed and placed his head on top of my own, pulling me into his body and wrapping his arms around me. "We all do things we don't want to do Hope, whether we like it or not." he spoke softly. "It will be hard, but he's doing it for the greater good. He's doing it for his home."
That's what made it worse. I knew he had to go. He was doing the noble thing. He was re-writing history and bringing everyone back. It was the right thing to do. It was what he had to do.
So why did it hurt so bad?
Miko found me eating lunch in the bathroom with fat tears running down my face. In reality, I had walked in there just to throw everything away and hide. It was pathetic, but in the past few days, it had become hard to hide my emotions.
She didn't say anything, but just sat there and hugged me until someone started pounding on the bathroom stall.
I laid in bed for most of the week following Wheeljack's confession. Part of me knew I was being an idiot, and the other part just wanted to take a break. Ryan was right, I needed to spend more time with Wheeljack before he left. I wasn't going to stop him from leaving. But I knew I would break down the moment I saw him.
How selfish could I be?
I shouldn't be thinking of me. I needed to be thinking of him.
With a sigh, I rubbed my tears away and sniffed, rolling out of bed and opening a groundbridge for the top of the base. I'd rather everyone not see my disgusting face. This was worse than my hormones during my period.
Wheeljack had went out on a scouting mission with Arcee earlier in the day, insisting that he needed something to do. In reality, he was just trying to give me some space. Rubbing the remaining tears from my face, I closed the groundbridge from behind me and looked ahead.
I jumped when I spotted the cherry red mech standing at the edge of the cliff. Upon seeing me, Knockout jumped as well, shooting straight up and chuckling nervously as he tried to hide a small metal machine behind his back.
"H-Hope. I didn't realize you would be up here."
My eyes trailed to the machine, which appeared to be a buffer, that was still poorly hidden behind his back. The sun reflected several scratches that layered the left side of his body, while a small portion of his right side was smooth.
I swallowed nervously and nodded my head. "I could say the same."
After Knockout joined the Autobots, he was placed under intense supervision as Ratchet's medical assistant. Ever since the war ended, I had never seen the red mech away from the old bot. And though I didn't see him because of school and his afternoon drives, I would sometimes hear the two bickerings and arguing.
It would be funny if he wasn't the mech who helped torture me on the Nemesis.
But forgive and forget right?
Surprisingly enough, Wheeljack had finally given in to him staying at base. He claimed that Ratchet would be the first to pound some dents into him if he ever did something wrong.
"Uh-" Knockout coughed awkwardly, noticing the tears in my eyes, "are you okay?" He sounded genuinely concerned, and that set me off more. I held back a sob and walked over towards the edge, dangling my legs over the side.
"Not really, no. I'm just a little sad is all."
More like drag your heart through the mud depressed.
The sun was beginning to set, and the sun began to fall over the horizon. Knockout glanced towards his scratched platings and huffed, plopping himself down right next to me. "I get what you mean, femme. I get what you mean."
"How could you possibly know what I mean?" I mumbled, glaring at him. He huffed again and pulled the buffer out from behind his back and closer towards his face platings.
"Do you ever just want to trap one moment in time forever so it won't ever leave you?" he asked quietly. My eyes widened in surprise, while his own optics narrowed and clenched the tool in his servo. "Sometimes, I just wish time would stop. Sure, there will always be hard times in your lifecylce, but it's hard to get rid of the good stuff."
You may have been a pain in my aft, but I miss you Breakdown.
I almost gasped as the thought drifted into my head, but I immediately pushed it out. Despite my lack of practice, it was getting easier to control my thoughts around me. But sometimes they slipped through. Even though it was none of my business, though, I was still happy I had heard the thought.
He misses his partner.
But his partners gone forever. Mine will still come back... right? Or will he leave me? He wouldn't leave me.
"You want some advice, Hope?" Knockout asked. He loosened his grip on the buffer and slowly turned it on. He continued without waiting for a reply. "Bad things happen in our lives. But hold on to the good. Don't let it slip through your digits." He turned slightly, looking me directly in the eyes. "Don't let him go and regret never saying goodbye."
Silence spread between us as I took in his words. Knockout started to buffer out his shoulder plating and I got lost in my thoughts, trying to imagine a life without Wheeljack. I'd lived in hell without him, and it scared me to know that might happen again.
But that was before. You know who you are now. You are stronger than you were. Don't let your emotions get the better of you.
Wheeljack was leaving, sure. But that wouldn't stop me from making new memories with him in the few months we had left together. I wasn't going to be an idiot and let him slip through my fingers. He was my guardian. He watched over me, took care of me, and protected me no matter how hard it was or how bad it hurt.
Now it was my turn to do the same. No matter how bad it would hurt to say goodbye.
"Do you think he will like blue or black better?" I asked frantically, shoving the package of balloons in Jack's face. He winced and leaned back as I gasped. "No, that can't be right. He will be surrounded by black forever, I'm sure. Maybe something like Purple or pink? Too girly! How about yellow-"
A hand slapped over my mouth my already frantic eyes turned towards Miko, who glared at me. "I swear Hope if you say anything else that has to do with colors I will make you a colored smear on the floor."
Ryan immediately removed her hand from my mouth and glared at her before turning towards me. "Don't stress so much over this, Hope. It doesn't matter."
My heart clenched at his words, but I merely raised an eyebrow. "It matters to me. I need to make this special, Ryan. I want him to have fun before he's stuffed in a tin can and shot off into non-existence." Ryan rolled his eyes but his face softened as he took the balloons from my tight grip and set them onto the shelf beside us.
The day after my talk with Knockout, I had convinced Miko, Raf, Jack, and my brother to help me plan a surprise party for Wheeljack. My nerves were going through the roof. I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted it to be memorable.
I didn't want him to forget me.
"That's not what I meant, Hope." Ryan said.
"That's what I thought you meant." Miko huffed grumpily. Jake elbowed her in the side and she growled in reply.
"I was supposed to be at a SMASH-athon hours ago, and I'm dragged away to plan a party." she cried dramatically.
"Stop thinking of yourself for once-"
"I will shove this twinkie so far up your aft-"
"I think what Ryan is trying to say, Hope, is that Wheelajck doesn't care what colors the party is decorated with, or what the party looks like at all. As long as you were the one to plan it." A small voice peeped from beside me.
I glanced down and watched as Raf adjusted his glasses. He smiled and picked up a package of baloons. "Personally, I like the black and yellow."
"Okay, Hope, take a deep breath." I swallowed and turned back towards the party decorations. They were right. Wheeljack didn't care about party's anyways, as long as he got to spend time with his friends. His family.
With a small smile on my face, I took a deep breath and studied the decorations in front of me before reaching forward and making my decision.
"Come on, Jackie. Lighten up." Bulkhead slapped the side of my helm, to which I replied with a less than amused glare.
Sure, exploring the galaxy had always been my dream. Back then, I was doing it for kicks. Now, I was tasked with finding my bretheren. So much rested on my shoulder platings. Hope was disapointed, I knew, but she was getting better at hiding her emotions. Something I strongly suggested against.
"You do realize you offered to do this yourself, right Jackie?" Bulkhead joked.
"Of course I know that. Don't be such a lughead."
Bulk vented and turned towards me completly. "I would feel the same if it was Miko. So don't think I'm taking this lightly. I know how hard it must be."
I nodded and glanced at the stars above us. He had offered to go on a drive to talk things over, since Hope had been mostly away talking to Ryan about the whole situation. The two had grown closer over the past year. Everything was changing so quickly. Including her.
"I know, Bulk. But I need to do this. I need to go find everyone. Tell them the good news." I looked away from the sky, trying not to think too much about how amazing the galaxy would look from the Jackhammer.
Bulk glanced away for a second, then nodded his helm. "Ratchet wants us back to base. Says Prime needs something from you."
I let out a dry chuckle. "What does boss bot want from me?"
Bulkhead also chuckled, turning towards the swirling vortex that opened to the side of us. "Who know Prime can be all mysterious." He had a knowing look on his faceplatings. I began to grow suspicious, but said nothing as we passed through the vortex.
The first bot I saw was Prime. Ratchet was slinked away in the background, bent over and talking in a hushed voice. From the other side of the room, Arcee, Bee, Smokescreen, and Knockout were standing in a group in front of the second floor where the kids normally play video games.
"What did you need from me, boss-bot?" I glanced around the base one more time before locking my optics with his.
Prime looked uncomfortable as he said, "I do not require anything from you, but Hope requested I stay this time."
"Hope? Stay for what?"
"SURPRISE!" Several loud voices screeched from behind the other Autobots. They all stepped away from the railing just as the kids released a large banner that read 'Happy Early Fairwell Party/Goodbye Party Thing!!'
And there I stood, confused as Jack and Raphael began to pester Miko about changing the words on the banner. Ryan laughed at the three of them bickering. From beside them, Hope was smiling in her holoform.
I let out a laugh. "What on earth is going on?"
Hope gave a shy smile. "Well, since you helped plan a birthday party for me, I decided to plan a farewell party for you." Her grin was wide and unfaltering, and I wondered if she was over everything so quickly.
She stepped off the railing and flew over to me, landing in my servo as I placed it out to her. "Are you surprised?"
"Well, yeah I am." I was still a little shocked, but a grin covered my face as I watched Miko urge Ratchet to pull on a small piece of rope.
"I am a medic, not some birthday sham!" Ratchet sputtered out frantically.
"I don't even know what that is, for one," Miko growled out, "so pull on the freaking rope before I clobber you! We talked about this already, and you agreed."
"Well now I feel utterly ridiculous," Ratchet muttered out as he gently pulled the rope.
White and red balloons, along with confetti fell from the ceiling. Ryan was already taking care of the music, while Miko grabbed for her guitar.
"Let's get this party started!"
While I had no experience being the center of attention in a human party, Optimus Prime was having it worse than any bot. He stood stalk still in the corner of the base, staring at everyone with large optics as me and Bulkhead tossed a giant hunk of metal. Miko was playing her favorite metal song, Raphael and Bumblebee were doing the robot dance, Arcee was fighting with Smokescreen on some ancient history of Cybertron, Ratchet was grumbling about the number of medical supplies being broken, and Hope was flying around the room, dropping a bag of glitter on her next victim.
Knockout was completely out of place, almost looking as terrified as Prime, but eventually started laughing as Bulkhead got knocked in the head with my tosses. Ryan was eventually passed out on the couch, and no one decided to bother him this time.
After a few hours, the kids were sent home and the Autobots went back to work searching for energon mines. Which left me and Hope sitting on top of the base, staring silently at the stars. She seemed nervous, which was one thing that had never changed over time. Hope always fidgeted before she had a talk with me, and I always teased her for it.
"So... how has your day been?" she started off awkwardly. I laughed and her face went red. "Stop laughing at me! That's how you generally start a conversation!"
"Right." I playfully roll my optics at her, and she smirks at me as my hand raised up and gently knocked me in the side of the helm.
She was getting better at controlling her powers, and it became a regular nuisance to the Autobot who got on her nerves. Mainly me, but that was my number one job as a guardian.
"I'm sorry for staying away for a while. But I figured running away from my problems was pretty stupid. It isn't the wrecker way." Hope smiled at me. "I want to spend as much time with you as possible in the next couple of months, okay?"
Tears were in her eyes, but she didn't wipe them away. I vented softly. "you know, I'll be back often. It won't be forever. I can promise you that."
"I know. I'm happy you are going to see all of your old friends. I want you to be happy, so I will be happy for you." She pulled out the projector I gave her a year ago and turned it on before staring happily at it.
"When you get back, I want you to tell me what space is like, okay?"
I opened my mouth to agree, before an idea hit me. It was a long shot, but I could at least try. As I suggested it, Hope's eyes lit up in excitement. Suddenly I knew things were going to be okay.
A couple of months later
"That is so not fair! I want to go to space!" Miko complained. "Why does Hope get to go?"
Jack pretended to think for a moment. "Well, I guess it's because of her Cynertronian body, that allows her to even survive in space. Or the fact that she is part Cybertronian. Or maybe because she has powers. Oh! And she killed Megatron. You know, the whole reason why Cybertron was destroyed. And countless Autobots tried to kill him but failed-"
He yelped as Miko launched herself at him with no mercy. Before she could reach him, I stepped between them and engulfed her in a hug. The usually chill punk girl broke down into sobs.
"That's not fair! I'm going to miss you!"
I smiled as I hugged her. "You know I'm only going to be away for a few months. Just until summer vacation is over."
Even though I'm eighteen now, I still have one more year left as a Highschooler. June demanded that I be back before Senior year, which Ratchet and Optimus both strongly agreed with. So I would only be gone with Wheeljack for a few months before I came back. After graduation, I would be free to help the Autobots on Cybertron and even Wheeljack off in space more often.
"Kid, you ready yet?" Wheeljack poked his head out from the Jackhammer. "We don't have much time left before we have to go. I'm picking up a signal and we have a few minutes before it's gone."
I figured he was talking about another Autobot, and nodded. I had already said goodbye to everyone, including Knockout, who seemed more relaxed that the one keeping him in check was going to be far, far away.
I released Miko from my grip and turned to Ryan. "Good luck, sis." He refused to cry, apparently, but seemed closer to the verge of tears now than ever. I felt tears in my own eyes as I hugged him tightly.
"I love you. Good luck in college. And tell Amy I said hi, would you?"
Ryan released me before nodding and wiping away a few tears he had finally released. At the mention of his girlfriend's name, his whole face lit up. The two had met in college a few months ago. Agent Fowler made sure Ryan would get the education he wanted and needed, since he excelled in high school so quickly in such little time. He refused to stay there forever since he was already eighteen, and ended up going to school in New York. Ratchet simply groundbridged him for class everyday.
"I'll let her know you'll be away for a while."
I nodded before slowly backing towards Wheeljack. I smiled up at Optimus, who was staring at me.
"By Optimus."
"Goodbye, Hope. If you ever need anything or feel homesick, you can use your commlink to contact any of us."
"It will only be for a few months, but I swear if you do not call me, I am forcing Bulkhead to shoot me off into space to find your sorry aft!" Miko warned.
I one hundred percent believed her threat, so I nodded quickly and turned towards the Jackhammer. Inside, Wheeljack was sitting behind the controls. I glanced up at my Cybertronian body that was sitting next to him, and finally turned off my holoform.
"I think I'm ready."
Wheeljack smiled at me and gently lifted the Jackhammer off of the ground. Soon, we were in the air and shooting off into space.
"Okay, kid. Lesson one in space. You DO NOT take off without me in the Jackhammer, because you will get lost, and then I will have to find your sorry aft, knock some sense into you-"
But I was barely listening. I was staring off into a void of beautiful darkness.
I was with Wheeljack, exploring the galaxy with him.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
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