Chapter 5

We ran across rooftops, only to be ambushed by a pack of dogs. They smell horrible! As I thought that, Rin said it. Shiro started talking about how these dogs were possessed by demons, calling them ghouls. After getting past the ghouls, Shiro leans against the door, sighing softly talking to his self. After some more running we all made it back to the monastery, Rin and I were both curious as to what goes on in the place that we live in, noticing for the first time the markings around the walls, the markings on the floors as ghouls tried to get into the monastery, only coming up to the invisible barrier that surrounds the building.

“What is going on?” I nervously whispered to Rin, knowing that he had no clue as to what was going on, but just needed to ask out loud before I begin to lose my mind.

“I don’t know.” Rin replied confusion in his voice as he too looks around.

“Come with me.” Shiro said, walking down a stairwell hidden behind a shrine. We follow, quickly catching up to Shiro as our curiosity burns, my head throbbing as something pushes at my memories, feeling that I have forgotten something very important and crucial.

Shiro unlocks a red chest, something that neither Rin or I have seen before, but the aura around it screamed as though it were containing something important within. As Rin and I peer over Shiro’s shoulder we notice a sword within a blue sheath.

“The Koma Sword. Also known as Kurikara. It’s a legendary demon-slaying sword from ancient times. I have transferred your demonic powers to this sword, and sealed them in its scabbard.” Shiro said, pulling out the blue sheathed sword. I look over Shiro’s shoulder to notice that there was another item in the chest that was black in color, but had flames in the colors from base to top blue, purple, and silver. The handle had a beautiful sapphire right at the hilt of the sword with amethyst surrounding the sapphire gem; the rest of the hilt was covered in a silver cloth material that looked so soft yet extremely durable. Shiro picked up the sheathed sword, showing me it as a throbbing headache appeared full force.

“This is Kage Akuma Sureiyā, also known as Shadow Demon Slayer. Your father, Hitori Shimizuka, forged this dual Katana for you and sealed your powers into them.” Shiro said my head throbbing as a memory surfaced.


            After night falls, I had this strange feeling that something was staring at me while I slept. So I woke up to find a strange man staring at us with distorted facial features that made him look demented. So doing the smart thing, I screamed, waking dad and Claire who also screamed. The thing smiled, at least showed his teeth in a gruesome smirk, at me.

            “Come princess, it is time for you to follow us to the gate.” He said in a husky, scratchy, and soul trembling voice.

            Dad leapt off of the bed and into action, reciting something from a scripture. The thing squirmed and screeched in pain, finally disappearing from the bedroom. Then dad stopped talking.

            Blue flames erupted around his figure, while Claire and I screamed, fear consuming us as we watch our dad being consumed in the fire. He turned to us, an evil grin plastered on his face as blood seeps from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. I hold onto Claire as she fainted from the gruesome sight.

            “D-da-daddy-y? W-wh-what’s g-going o-on?” I shakily got out, fear and worry the only two emotions in my system.

            “Why my dear little one, daddy is no longer here, I am your father, and we are returning to Gehenna together!” he cackled, in a voice so different from Hitori’s kind and gentle speech.

            “You are not my father!! Now leave Daddy alone and be gone!!” I yelled at this thing in front of me. Surprising myself and this demon.

            “Well my princess, you do not know who I am, do you? I am Satan, which makes you Satan’s daughter.” He smiled evilly while holding his hand out, creating a big puddle of blood on the floor. “Now, will you go in easily, or do you want to go the hard way?” he asked.

            “I will not leave! Now get out of my Dad’s body!!!” I screamed.

            Next thing I heard was horrible screaming, and realized it was Satan’s. I looked to my dad and saw blue, purple, and silver flames attacking the other blue flames that encircle my dad. I looked to my own hands and see the same flames crawling all over my body. I ran to dad, and hugged him, pleading with God that he could be spared, begging for him to live. I felt him collapse on the ground, just then I heard Claire wake up. She looked on at me horrified, seeing my fire engulfed body holding our limp, bloody father.

            “Daddy? Please wake up daddy. Please, please wake up!!” I sobbed into his shirt, not caring if his blood seeped into my clothes. “Daddy PLEASE WAKE UP!!!” I screamed out into the night.

            Claire sat numbly staring at me sobbing into our dead father’s shirt, only to notice that there was another man in our room with many crosses around his neck and glasses. He seemed defeated when he saw the little girl crying over her father’s corpse, while the flames danced across her.

“Mephisto!! I know you are here!” Shiro yelled into the night. Not even five minutes passed when a man wearing flashy and bright clothes walked out, swinging a cane.

“Why if it isn’t Shiro. How may I be of service?” this strange man asked.

“Mephisto, can you seal her powers?” Shiro asked, pulling out two swords that seemed to glow to my eyes.

“Shiro? Can I hold those swords?” I asked in a small voice, staring intently at the swords. Out of curiosity, Shiro handed me the swords.

“Ah, the katanas speak to her. They were made for her you know, Shiro. Her father made sure there was a back up plan if he were unable to keep the seal on her himself.” Mephisto said, looking at the little girl as her flames jumped at the dual katana.

“Hitori made sure his children were taken care of?” Shiro whispered, awe struck him as the katana’s registered Kana’s flames and reshaped their size into smaller katana’s made for children.

“Look Shiro!! They changed!” I jumped around, noticing that the swords are light and easy to move. “Shiro!! My flames are gone! Whoa these are the best things in the WORLD!!” I exclaim excitedly, a smile gracing my face.

“Why the sudden interest in this girl Mephisto? It is unlike you to act this way for a demon’s child.” Shiro said, staring at me jumping around and playing with my swords.

“Well, I think that the future is going to be interesting, and besides Rin may like her. It will be interesting to have two children of Satan under the same roof. Although her power will be under control, she will need to learn discipline and anger management. It is also doubtful that she will remember this while under seal, but once broken she will remember this night.” He said, and then disappeared.

“Shiro, I’m getting tired. Where did that strange man go?” I asked as a yawn escaped my lips, and my tiny fist rubbing my eyes.

End of Flashback

I gasp, my head completely clear of fogginess as tears fall down my cheeks, Shiro realized that I remembered and gave me a soft but firm hug, trying to calm me down so he could face what lies ahead. As I was in the flashback, Rin and Shiro talked more about Rin’s powers and why the sword must never be drawn. Pulling away from Shiro, I realize that we were under attack by Satan and one of the kings of Gehenna, Astaroth. A large thunderous sound ricoshed off of the walls, letting us know that they broke into the monastery; I couldn’t help but run out of the room. But Shiro stopped me, yanking me and Rin back into the room and launching his self out, closing the door behind him, locking us in. We banged on the door, demanding to be let out, trying everything to open the door. Rin stopped banging with me, lost in thought. I banged even harder, putting all my strength into every hit, and slowly I felt it give way. Rin finally snapped out of it and helped me heave the door open, allowing us to stop the attack for now against the monastery. Rin ripped into Shiro, yelling at him as he grew angrier, that’s when Shiro slapped Rin across his face, leaving a bright red hand print. I gasped in shock, running to Shiro, hoping that he would not break his will power, praying for him to draw upon his strength.

However, as soon as Rin started to walk away, Shiro fell to the floor. I shrieked out, fear consuming me as memories of my father doing something similar when I was ten, my hands covering my mouth in fear as I backed up, knowing that I was unable to help. Rin turned around as he heard Shiro drop to the floor. The lights all went out, sending us into darkness as Shiro urged everyone to stay away. That’s when the demonic chuckles sounded from Shiro, fear clutched my heart as I held onto my Katana, a growl lowly emanating from my chest as Satan slowly took over Shiro Fujimoto.

“We meet at last, my son. So good to see you grow up, my daughter.” Satan said through sharpened teeth in a demonic voice, causing my growl to deepen.

“Stay away from SHIRO!!” I shouted, anger surging through my veins.

Blue flames engulfed Shiro’s body, at that point I knew it was too late. Shiro will die tonight, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. That realization caused me to sink to my knees, drowning out the conversation between Rin and Satan. Blood ran out from his eyes and nose, seeping out of the corners of his mouth as well, reminding me of that night five years ago. Satan caused blood to drip down Shiro’s hands and onto the floorboards, creating a doorway into Gehenna once more. A horrifying roar erupted from my throat, shaking the entire monastery to its foundation. Shocking Satan, Rin and anyone who still lived within the monastery; Satan had a hold of Rin as his blue flames erupted around himself, Satan merely shrugged his shoulders, and tossed Rin into the Gehenna gate. Rin screamed out for help as he flailed within the nasty living goo that is the gateway to Gehenna. I lumbered to my feet, and with a flash I ripped Rin out of the gateway, shocking Satan as he curiously looks at me laughing manically, then Shiro brought back control, just long enough to plunge a necklace that doubled as a knife of sorts into his heart, and fell into the gate goop. Rin lost control as I sank further into the gateway, I saw him pull out Kurikara from its scabbard, igniting a brighter blue flame around Rin. I smiled softly as I fell into the abyss of Gehenna, clutching onto the dual Katana as I fell into the darkness.

Rin’s POV

No! Dad! I must get him out of here! I pulled out Kurikara from its resting place, changing myself as I saved my father, breaking the Gate’s hold of us. My only thought, don’t die on me old man. As I sliced open the Gate, cutting off the life force that kept it here, releasing the old man and me from the clutches of Gehenna.

Once free, I sheath the sword, noticing that dad had not survived. I wept for my father’s death, when I heard Yukio’s voice, then felt him run to dad.

“Where’s Kana?” I heard Claire ask from across the room, recognizing the chaos, as she searched for her sister. “Rin where is she?!”

That’s when I realized that Kana stood in the gate the longest, saved me and tried to protect us from the gate by letting it swallow her whole. My eyes flew open at this realization, looking into Claire’s eyes I knew that she still loved her sister dearly.

“I-I don’t know.” I whispered, in shock.

“What happened here Rin?! Was it Satan?!” she shouted, fear in her eyes as tears streamed down her face, knowing the truth before it was uttered.

“The gate had her, he was here.” I found myself saying, tears flowing faster as I knew I was responsible for her sister’s disappearance.

“No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! How could she? She was stronger than this! What happened, what went wrong?” Claire wept as she fell to the floor, feeling all alone in the world as her sister is now out of our reach.

Kana’s POV

I stretch out, feeling like I had slept for days. Waking up, I realize that I was no longer in the monastery, when all the memories flooded once again. I started to weep, knowing that I was now all alone in Gehenna. I pulled myself together long enough to realize that I was in some sort of castle room, on a soft downy queen sized bed with a canopy of blood red satin surrounding the bed. After looking at my immediate surroundings, I looked to my hands and saw my Katanas still clutched tightly, I laughed softly knowing that it was impossible to pry anything from my hands. I felt the need to do something that I knew deep inside and pricked my thumb, causing blood to well up and started to draw symbols across my left forearm, a circle at the end of it and said “Return to the dark, hide in the shadows until I call again” and poof my Katanas disappeared as a red shimmering light glowed across my skin, marking the symbols into my skin painlessly.

That’s when I started to cry once more, only to fall asleep with tears constantly pouring down my face, oblivious of the flaming blue eyes and sharp toothed smile in the corner of the room.


Sorry for the wait!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please Vote and Comment, I do enjoy reading them!! Thank you and have a good day, night, or evening!!

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