Chapter 2

Waking up startled from a horrifying nightmare of my father dying in front of Claire and me, my heart racing a mile a minute as I scream out for Dad, only to realize that I was in a strange room with no one there, not even Claire. Confused I walked out of the room to be mowed down by a kid running by.

 “What the…?” I question aloud as I try to regain my bearings, looking down to make sure I was okay, I noticed that my night shirt was different. I wonder if Daddy changed me for some reason, it could also explain the boy who knocked me down.

“Ow.” I hold my head, confused at the small aching headache that sprung giving me visions of the nightmare, Daddy on the floor with blood trailing down his face, coming from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth, fear clutched at my heart as I ran down the hall, looking for any sign of Daddy and Claire.

I run into a room where the scent of bacon being cooked and eggs being fried by the same boy who knocked me over. I look to the left, following the table that sat beside the boy to find Claire sitting there talking to a strange man.

“Claire!” I shouted, happy to see her, but confused as to where Daddy was, he always lets me cook breakfast unless I were sick. I skipped over to her, ignoring everyone else in the kitchen, the adults staring at me with strange emotions crossing their features, and Claire looking in my direction with a dark look. I stumbled; shocked at the look she gave me.

“W-what’s wrong Claire? Where’s Daddy?” I asked here, fear clutching my heart like a vice, my breathing started to pick up as tears formed. “Claire where’s Daddy?! He should have let me make breakfast; we should have woken up together! Where is our Father!!?” I yelled this time looking to the adults who looked saddened and stared at me with sympathy and pity.

“Ask Father Shiro.” Claire said, so cold and icy, while getting up to leave with a dead look in her eyes, while wearing an unusual color for her, black.

“Father Shiro, where is our Dad?” I asked, fear and confusion trembling in my voice, my body shaking as I fear the answer, tears slowly making their way down my cheeks.

“Your Dad had a heart attack last night, and sadly did not make it, he told me personally that if anything happened to him that I were to raise you as my own.” The man said while kneeling in front of me. I shook my head while saying no repeatedly, gaining the attention of everyone in the house.

“Daddy can’t die!! He promised to always be there!! He said that if I stayed good that he would get ice cream with us this weekend!! NO I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!!!” I shouted as tears ran down my face, running out the door to go and find some place to cope. I ran into the park that was not too far and ended up in a tree, crying away as I wrap my head around what Shiro said. My daddy wouldn’t have died, he was in great shape. Why did this have to happen?

I stayed in the tree almost all day long; no one came to get me. I was hoping that what Shiro said was a lie, and hoped that Dad would come and get me. The hope died, as my tears dried up. No longer caring, I climbed out of the tree, knowing that I would have to help bury my Dad, my family was broken.

“Oi! What were you doing in our tree?!” a group of boys yelled at me once I was on the ground. I looked lazily to them and shook my head, knowing that if they provoked me any further I would be in another fight, this time no one would stop me.

“Oi! I’m talking to you!! Don’t ignore me!” the ring leader shouted as he ran with the group to surround me.

“I just need to go, leave me alone or I will not be held responsible for any of my actions.” I said in a dead tone, no light shining in my deep blue eyes.

“Ah no, the tree is ours and we can’t let you just go on your way after staying in the tree for so long.” The leader said, anger evident in his eyes, as he got into a fighting stance, signaling the group to get ready.

I shrugged my shoulders, as I saw three of the boys lunge at me to grab at my arms, holding me still while the leader smirks. I felt them grip my arms, and pinned me to the floor as the leader laughs. A small light triggered in my eyes, and there was a spark of silver as I used my free legs to kick behind me, freeing my arms to allow me to jump up and face my opponents. I started swinging blindly as all of my anger and pain floods my system, tears falling once more as I beat the boys into bloody pulps.

Suddenly I felt arms restricting my body, holding me still as I sobbed and swung my beaten and bloody fists, trying to get free. All the boys ran away as fear was evident in their eyes. I felt my limbs finally numb as I stop, limply hanging there as I sobbed being held by a mystery person.

“It’s okay, I will always be here.” A voice whispered in my ear, sounding like my father, causing me to fall unconscious.

Third Person’s POV

 The girl stayed limp in the dark figures arms as they carried her towards the monastery. The figure laid her on the porch, knocking on the door and vanished into the night after kissing the young girl on the forehead; the monastery’s doors opened as a young boy with messy hair looked outside for the person who knocked. He looked then down in puzzlement and found the girl from this morning all bloody and unconscious. He yelled out to get help and swung open the doors to show some other people the girl on the porch. A young girl that looked like the bloody unconscious one ran up to her with dead eyes and started to cry. The bloody girl’s hand gripped onto the crying girl to try and sooth her while she lays unconscious.

“I-I’m s-so s-so-sorr-y Kana!!” the crying girl wept, as she gripped onto Kana’s hand. One of the adults in a priests outfit walked up to Kana and picked her up, allowing the crying girl to hold her hand as they went into the monastery.

“She will be fine Claire, we just need to get her out of these clothes and get her patched up. She will be just fine.” A boy with glasses said to the weeping girl, holding her other hand as a confident smile makes it to the boy’s face.

“Yeah! You heard Yuki! She’ll be fine!!” the messy haired boy yelled out, a grin on his face as he holds his hands behind his head without a care in the world.

Meanwhile the priest walks the weeping girl and carries Kana to their room and gets out an outfit to change the young girl, and looks to the weeping girl for help. The girl straightened up and got out one of Kana’s outfits and changes her. While changing Kana, she noticed a few older bruises, and tisked at the girl. With clean clothes on, the girl started to dress to the wounds on Kana’s hands, not noticing that the boy with glasses came into the room.

“Do you want some help Claire?” the boy said, coming close to inspect the injuries as Claire simply nodded, not trusting her voice. The boy started working on the other hand as Claire bandages up her hand making sure it was like how she was taught.

“C-claire. I’m s-so-sorry.” Kana whispered, her eyes still closed. “Daddy, why did you leave?” she whimpered as tears fell down her still closed eye lids. Her voice notifying the two kids that Kana was waking up.

Kana’s POV

            As I was waking up, I still felt that the stranger that held me was dad, but I could not understand as to how he was there. I should not mention this to Claire, she will only push me farther away than she is now. I open my eyes, only to see a boy with glasses and Claire sitting over my bed. I felt the throbbing pain in my knuckles next, wincing at the pain I got up, knowing that soon enough Claire and I will have to put Hitori Shimizuka, our father, into the ground. My heart beat heavily in my chest as I feel cold to the bone, knowing that Claire was my last family member as I was hers.

“H-hey Claire.” I said sheepishly, ignoring the hunger pains as my stomach protested, choosing that exact moment to growl exceptionally loud. I felt my cheeks grow warm as I looked at my hands noticing the bandaging.

“Hey Kana. Come on, let’s go eat dinner.” Claire said, holding out her hand with a small smile on her face, not judging me like she usually does after I come home with bruised or cut up knuckles. I take her hand, and we go, leaving the boy with glasses watching us while putting away the medical kit that sat at the bedside table, a faint smile could be seen on his face as we left.

I ate the entire omelet that was made by the messy haired boy, enjoying every bite as my tummy filled. I smiled my thanks as the boy huffed about creating two late night dinners instead of one big dinner for all of the people in the monastery. I yawned as Shiro ushered me to bed, tucking me in and saying that we would talk come the next morning.

That night, I could have sworn that I saw a dark figure looming over my bed with a creepy sharp smile, blood dripping down their teeth as his head swiveled, showing me his glowing blue eyes, whispering to me in a deep gurgling voice, ‘Princess, you have to come to Gehenna, Father is awaiting your arrival.’

A scream tore through my throat as the hand grabbed my leg, pulling me to the floor and nearing the bubbling ooze puddle.


Sorry for the long update, I am starting a new semester soon, and finally figured out what I wanted to write. I hope this chapter was good :) I didn't know where I wanted to go with it originally, but this makes better sense for what I have in plan later. Enjoy!! I will update as soon as I can, I may be able to do another chapter tonight, but no promises on the next update.

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