Chapter 10 - Family Reunification?
I walked into my room and gathered my favorite outfit before changing into it. The outfit consisted of black ripped up jeans, black combat boots, and tight blue tank top with a silver crop top over it, a black belt wrapped around my waist as I shrugged on my purple coat. Putting on the hood I walked back out, heading back to the room Satan said the portal to Assiah was waiting for me. With a small breath I jumped through the gooey portal in disgust.
Opening my eyes I noticed a bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds. Stretching out I realize I was in a field, a grassy field with a few flowers surrounding the edges. Standing up I check my surroundings and see a massive building that reminded me of a castle, almost like that of Gehenna. Smirking softly I begin the walk over to the building, making sure to hide my tails under my tank top.
Finally I reached the steps to the massive building, only to realize that there will be more steps which means far more walking. Groaning inwardly I begin my assent to a room that I felt a familiar presence in. I sighed softly as I reached a large door, knocking on it I received a ‘come in’ from the other side. Opening the door I was met with a bright and colorful room with none other than…
“Mephisto!” I said shocked as I looked at the man. “So I am at your school then. True Cross Academy right?” I asked as I looked at him in curiosity.
“Princess Kana? Why are you here so soon?” he asked with shock in his voice, sitting down on his lavish chair.
“Satan wanted me to teach Rin how to control his flames since he apparently has no control over them yet. Which is why he broke our contract and allowed me to come back to Assiah rather than wait for a month.” I said softly as I sat unceremoniously on his couch, relaxing on the plush cushions.
“Ah, well alright then, I guess we have to sign you up for classes.” He said as he quickly got out papers. “What name do you want to go by?” he asked as he brought out the papers.
“Kana Pheles. I think it would be more appropriate to stay away from my human last name, after all I don’t know how well Claire will react to me coming back, let alone how much I have changed.” I muttered darkly as I stare at the demon principle. “I might as well steal your last name and play as your long lost daughter. After all you are my guardian while I remain in Assiah.” I smirk as I stood up, picking up a piece of candy with my nails.
“Very well, what grade are you prepared to take?” he asked while I munch on his candy stash.
“Well, I was taken right before my first year in high school, and I have been reading up on what first years learn, so might as well stick with being a freshman.” I said softly as I walked around the room.
“Alright, you will be attending Cram School, which is the training process exorcists go through in order to defeat demons. You will need this key, and your dorm will be the same as Yukio’s and Rin’s dorm. Here I will show you to the place.” He said as he floated across the room to walk me through the campus, ending at an old dorm house.
“This is the old dormitories, isn’t it? You put Rin here because of his inability to contain his power right?” I asked with a tick mark on my forehead.
“Yes it is!” he smiled out, creeping me out slightly as his flamboyant nature slowly started to overwhelm me.
“Great. Well, thank you for walking me through the campus, I will start my classes tomorrow.” I said as I began to walk through the doors, only to be stopped by his voice.
“You have Cram School in about an hour, I will be back so I can sit in on your first day.” He said before poofing after saying eins, zwei, dries.
“That wasn’t weird at all. Well might as well go and relax for a bit and make sure that I have something to wear since I only have this one outfit and my katanas, Kage Akuma Sureiyā.” I sighed out as I picked a room on the second floor. Yawning I open the door to see a lot of the stuff I had back in Gehenna, shocked I looked around for the culprit and found a note on the desk.
I hope that you enjoy your stay with Rin, Yukio, and Claire. I made sure that you had a room fitted to your style in a likely place that you would choose on your own. I made sure that everything was just like your room in my castle. I do care for you, my precious princess Kana.
Your father,
A soft sigh escaped my lips as I finished the note, a small smile on my lips at the thought of him taking care of my room to mirror it like the one I had in his castle. I walk over to the closet and open the doors, laughing at the amount of blue, purple, silver and black was inside. Closing the door I went to the bed and sunk down into the mattress and sleep for a good thirty minutes.
Yawning as I got out of the comfortable bed, I walk over to the mirror in the room to look over my appearance. My clothes were slightly wrinkled, but not so much so that I would change; my hair was black, silver, purple, and blue in even amount of streaks while my eyes were the same way. Looking in my reflection I realize that I had changed from my time in Gehenna, the fangs, nails, hair and eyes, everything has changed in one form or another.
“Kana~! Are you ready yet?~” a sing song voice came through the door.
“Come in Mephisto, I have nothing to hide from you.” I said as he walked through the door with a Cheshire grin.
“Alright, do you have your key?” he asked before I opened my hand, “Good, let’s get going now.” he said as he gestured me to go first, I put the key into the key hole and turned the knob only to notice that instead of the old hall way I was in a glamorous hallway.
“Wow, this is just like Gehenna.” I muttered as I noticed the styling was like the castle I lived in. “So you do miss Gehenna Mephisto.” I smirked out as I looked into his eyes, noticing a slight glare from the talkative man. “To each his own.” I said in a sing song voice.
He just led me to another door, before he changed into a little dog. Staring at the white dog in amazement I tilt my head before entering the classroom, causing all conversations to cease as I felt eight pairs of eyes land on my form.
“Yo. I am a new student.” I stated blandly to Yukio, and Claire, who seem to be the teachers of this school. “Here are my papers.” I said curtly before sitting in the farthest corner of the room, able to watch over everyone in the room.
“O-okay.” Claire stuttered out as she got out of the initial shock of my entry.
“Kana Pheles, that is your name right?” Yukio stated while looking directly into my eyes.
“Yup.” I stated before I flashed a toothy grin, showing him my fangs.
“Very well, let’s continue with the lesson.” Said Claire as she continued the lesson I interrupted about various demons, I was barely able to contain my sigh as I already knew nearly all of the demons they were learning plus quite a few they did not know about. Smirking to myself, I gladly zoned out their voices as I looked over each student taking in Rin’s appearance.
Class finally ended and I stretched out, ignoring the looks I was receiving from a pink haired male, a dark haired male with a blonde Mohawk, a bald kid, a blonde kid with a bunny puppet, a blonde girl, and a girl with dot like eyebrows. I also ignored the look from Rin as I continued to sit in my seat relaxing before Mephisto decided to nudge his nose against my arms, annoying me as he tried to get my attention.
“Kana Pheles, can you stay for a moment after class? You too Rin.” Yukio said as he dismissed the rest of the students.
“What do you want Yukio?” I asked blandly as I looked into his blue eyes, my own eye color swirling together in the reflection of his glasses.
“Who are you really?” Rin asked darkly, noticing that I was something different.
“Ah so have you three figured it out yet?” I asked playfully as I leaned against the desk while the three people stood around me in a circle.
“Now, now my children. Don’t fight on my watch.” Mephisto said in his dog form, hopping onto the desk by my side.
“What is the meaning of this Mephisto?” asked Yukio as he glared at me.
“Oh it is so sad that you know this girl, yet have forgotten who she is.” He said cryptically.
“Although I don’t particularly care, but it might be because I have changed drastically due to something that has recently happened.” I said as I sighed, annoyed that we are having the reunion so soon. “You have a clue, although I don’t blame you for not two and two together. Kana Pheles is not my real name, my real name is Kana Shimizuka. I am back from living in Gehenna for the past month or so.” I said as I look into their eyes, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I wait for the news to hit them completely. Their eyes widen in shock as they look at my figure, Claire was the first to snap out of her thoughts as tears fell from her eyes, her arms wrapping around my shoulders while I stood there unmoving.
“Kana what happened?” she sobbed into my shoulder, relief and happiness in her voice at having me back in her life.
“I lived in Gehenna for about a month. What do you expect to happen? Did you think that I could have made it back here without going through changes?” I said as I pushed her back, annoyed at the thought. “I knew when I entered the portal that I wasn’t going to be able to come back without going through something. Turns out I was right, since right after I changed I was sent back here to train Rin for Satan’s pleasure.” I said as I resumed leaning against the desk with a cold and defensive mask.
“We were going to come and get you out of Gehenna.” Claire whispered out, sounding broken.
“Well, turns out even through the training Shiro put me through to control myself, I turned into a demon once and for all.” I said darkly, allowing my tails to swing out of their hiding place, shocking them all as the tri-colored tails caught their attention. “I’m not completely human anymore, and I'm not completely demon either. But I am not half like Rin, I have more demon blood running through my veins than him because of Gehenna. But I also learned control, so that is why Satan sent me back to save his precious son.” I said as I stood up straight, taking off my purple coat and began the enchantment on my katanas by biting my thumb to draw blood.
“Come forth to the light, and brighten this dismal world, Kage Akuma Sureiyā.” I said as I ran my thumb across the markings on my left arm, the sheathed blades coming from the red sealing light. “Let’s go train Rin.” I said as I put my katanas on my shoulder, ignoring the stares at my back.
“She’s different.” I heard Claire whisper out before breaking once more against someone’s chest. My guess would be Yukio’s since I heard Rin’s footsteps following behind me. My three tails hid once more as I left the classroom and entered the hallway only to bump into the pink haired boy.
“Well hello there cutie, what’s your name?” he smiled flirtatiously at me.
“Kana, now please get away from me before something bad happens.” I said darkly before walking to the empty dorms, Rin apologizing to the pink haired boy behind me as he followed silently. I felt the questions burning in his mind as he glared into the back of my skull.
“If you are going to glare at me with inquisitive eyes, I would rather you speak your mind. It is quite a nuisance to ignore your intense glare.” I growled out as we reached the empty dormitory.
“What happened in Gehenna to make you this way?” he asked as he stared into my eyes.
“I found out that not even Satan who claims to be my father wants to keep me around, so I decided to stop caring about everything. My last shred of humanity was hanging on a thin thread, and it is just so close to snapping that I know I will give into my demon blood and forego this appearance. As it is, I miss the three friends I made back in Gehenna. They treated me with kindness when I felt so alone, yet no one could save me from the King of Rot and my anger.” I said looking into the night sky, smiling softly.
“Enough chit chat, I was sent here to help you train your flames. Let’s begin.” I said as I unsheathed the katanas, releasing my tri-colored flames changing me into the demon that I was in Gehenna. “Your turn.” I grinned out as I licked my lips, excitement over fighting soon coursing through my veins. He released his blue flames, earning a chuckle from me.
“Ah, you really need to be trained on how your flames work.” I sighed out as I sat down on the floor. “Listen Rin, what emotion do you get when you see your blue flames?” I asked as I looked into his eyes.
“Emotion?” he asked confused with a tilt of his head. Groaning I got up and hit him on the head.
“Yes emotion. Never mind, listen I want you to transform from your human self into your demon form in front of a mirror. I want you to look deeply into the mirror and understand what emotion you harbor when in that state. Once you understand that, your flames will become stronger and more controlled.” I said with a sigh, my tails flicking in different ways in annoyance.
“I still don’t understand.” He said as he looked at me puzzled.
“Alright, since I have three flames, there are three different emotions that are within each that make them unique. My silver flames are pure unadulterated anger, my blue flames are of indifference, and my purple flames of maniacal amusement. They each have specific emotions that cause them to spike in power, when I grasp onto each emotion I can control the flames at will. If you imagine the emotions as threads within your body you can basically see which one is coated with your flames and grab a hold of it before it consumes your mind. This is how you unleash your full demonic side, after you do that, then it is temperature control and how to make other people not be affected by your flames.” I said as I got off of the ground, dusting myself off before heading inside.
“Where are you going Kana?” he asked as he saw me get up.
“I want to go to sleep sometime tonight, after all I did travel between the two worlds today and I am quite exhausted after that let alone revealing that I am the Kana that disappeared the night that Shiro Fujimoto died.” I said dully before continuing into the dorm, sheathing my katanas and quelling my flames as I walked on the old wooden floors to reach my bedroom. “Goodnight Rin.” I said softly as I went into my room, curling onto my bed before falling into a dreamless sleep.
Sorry for the long wait, and the short update, I am currently working on Chapter 11 and hope that it will be a lot longer than this chapter. Enjoy and please comment, vote, and follow!! :D
(I do not own anything from Blue Exorcist.... I only own my plot and my OC's)
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