Chapter 1
I got into a fight with two boys around the block from where we live, dad, Claire and me. I was constantly being bullied and fought my way through the days, believing what they said at night, but holding my own when needed. That day was my birthday, well Claire's too because we were twins, and I was not going to let some little punks ruin my special day. I was turning ten, the big year that marked my decade of living, but these boys wanted to berate myself and pick a fight just so they can say that they won against me.
"C'mon Kana, let's fight! No one is here to save the little girl demon!" one of the boys said as I launched myself at him, catching him off guard. I fight them all, earning myself a few cuts and bruises, giving them many bruises but hardly any cuts.
"Let's get outta here!!" the weakest one of the group said, while running his back on the group, running away already. I look at him and shrug my shoulders, intending to continue. However, that was before I suddenly was hanging in the air by my shirt collar. I turned my head and saw my father, Hitori Shimizuka. He is a strong and handsome man, able to stop my tantrums with just a look and helps me when ever I need the guidance.
"Hi Daddy." I say, looking to the ground, knowing I was in trouble.
"Do not 'Hi Daddy' me. You young lady are in big trouble once we get back home. Claire is worried sick about you, never mind the fact that dinner has yet to start because we all know that you wanted to make dinner tonight to surprise Claire." He said, while walking towards our home.
"Sorry Daddy. I didn't mean to get into a fight today, but these boys won't let me go until they are done with me." I cried out, a few tears falling. Yes I am a Daddy's girl, and I cry in front of him when these things happen. Dad is really good at bringing inner peace to me and calms me down by hugging me.
"What happened today, sweetie?" He asked, carrying me in his arms as I cried.
"They called me a demon girl." I wailed into his shirt, "They also said that you are not my daddy and that mommy was a witch. Why do they keep picking on me Daddy?" I looked to him, my big blue eyes full of tears, staring at his deep brown ones.
"I don't know honey, but I want to see my baby girl's smile, otherwise Claire-bear will cry at your tearful face. Now how is the birthday girl going to prepare dinner?" he said with a soft smile and twinkling in his eyes.
"I'm making her favorite food; Chicken Alfredo with Foccacia bread and for dessert a cake for the both of us!!" I smiled, my troubles forgotten at the moment while I squirm out of daddy's hold to run into the kitchen to prepare the food. Out of the three of us, I was the one who inherited mommy's cooking skills as dad likes to say.
After dessert, Claire and I both yawned and got ready for bed. We curled up into the master bedroom with daddy because it was a birthday tradition. After night falls, I had this strange feeling that something was staring at me while I slept. So I woke up to find a strange man staring at us with distorted facial features that made him look demented. So doing the smart thing, I screamed, waking dad and Claire who also screamed. The thing smiled, at least showed his teeth in a gruesome smirk, at me.
"Come princess, it is time for you to follow us to the gate." He said in a husky, scratchy, and soul trembling voice.
Dad leapt off of the bed and into action, reciting something from a scripture. The thing squirmed and screeched in pain, finally disappearing from the bedroom. Then dad stopped talking.
Blue flames erupted around his figure, while Claire and I screamed, fear consuming us as we watch our dad being consumed in the fire. He turned to us, an evil grin plastered on his face as blood seeps from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. I hold onto Claire as she fainted from the gruesome sight.
"D-da-daddy-y? W-wh-what's g-going o-on?" I shakily got out, fear and worry the only two emotions in my system.
"Why my dear little one, daddy is no longer here, I am your father, and we are returning to Gehenna together!" he cackled, in a voice so different from Hitori's kind and gentle speech.
"You are not my father!! Now leave Daddy alone and be gone!!" I yelled at this thing in front of me. Surprising myself and this demon.
"Well my princess, you do not know who I am, do you? I am Satan, which makes you Satan's daughter." He smiled evilly while holding his hand out, creating a big puddle of blood on the floor. "Now, will you go in easily, or do you want to go the hard way?" he asked.
"I will not leave! Now get out of my Dad's body!!!" I screamed.
Next thing I heard was horrible screaming, and realized it was Satan's. I looked to my dad and saw blue, purple, and silver flames attacking the other blue flames that encircle my dad. I looked to my own hands and see the same flames crawling all over my body. I ran to dad, and hugged him, pleading with God that he could be spared, begging for him to live. I felt him collapse on the ground, just then I heard Claire wake up. She looked on at me horrified, seeing my fire engulfed body holding our limp, bloody father.
"Daddy? Please wake up daddy. Please, please wake up!!" I sobbed into his shirt, not caring if his blood seeped into my clothes. "Daddy PLEASE WAKE UP!!!" I screamed out into the night.
Claire sat numbly staring at me sobbing into our dead father's shirt, only to notice that there was another man in our room with many crosses around his neck and glasses. He seemed defeated when he saw the little girl crying over her father's corpse, while the flames danced across her.
"Well, time to clean up." He said out of the blue, shocking the sobbing girl. She looked to him, tears streaking down her face, showing the pain and sorrow within.
"Clean up?" I hiccupped; confusion swirled into my mind, as a swishing sound caught my attention. A black tail was behind me, curling up against Hitori's body, trying to give attention to it. It swirled around, noticing the attention, and retreated into my shirt, wrapping around my body and resting on my broken heart, almost like it were to protect me from pain.
"Yes my dear, clean up. Now then can you stand?" the old man asked.
"W-who are you? Why are you here?" I asked, getting to my feet, as I looked to the man, noticing a fondness in his eyes. He reminded me of dad, but also seemed quite scary.
"I am Shiro Fujimoto, I was a good friend of your father. Here, let's get you out of those clothes okay?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"O-okay." I said, walking to him.
"Now then, how about you young one, would you like to come along?" he asked my sister Claire, who nodded numbly, crawling to get off of the bed and grabbed Shiro's other hand.
"I'm Kana, and this is my twin sister Claire." I said, introducing us so that no one had to call us girls or young ladies. Shiro smiled, and walked us away from daddy's room while others cleaned up the room.
"Now then Kana, Claire, you both will stay with me and my family at the monastery. How does that sound? You both have to share a room, since there are not many to begin with, and the people there are mostly boys, but I think having you two around will liven up the place." He smiled, laughing while bringing us to a car.
He suddenly stopped, and ushered Claire into the car, while taking me away. I noticed that he had a serious face on, and that scared me. I looked at myself, and saw my favorite outfit, black skinny jeans, my oldest pair that have a few holes around my knees, a purple top that has blue and silver sequences, and my black flats. However, this outfit was covered in the flames that still won't disappear.
"Mr. Shiro? Why am I being taken away from my sister? Is it because of the weird flames surrounding me?" I ask in a small voice, fear suddenly taking over.
"Kana, I am just taking you to a very dear friend of mine. Whenever you are in trouble, or when you meet my boys and no one is safe, I want you to remember this man. He will help and protect you when I cannot. Okay?" he said, eyes searching for someone.
"Okay!" I chirp, skipping alongside him, curious about this man.
"Mephisto!! I know you are here!" Shiro yelled into the night. Not even five minutes passed when a man wearing flashy and bright clothes walked out, swinging a cane.
"Why if it isn't Shiro. How may I be of service?" this strange man asked.
"Mephisto, can you seal her powers?" Shiro asked, pulling out two swords that seemed to glow to my eyes.
"Shiro? Can I hold those swords?" I asked in a small voice, staring intently at the swords. Out of curiosity, Shiro handed me the swords.
"Ah, the katanas speak to her. They were made for her you know, Shiro. Her father made sure there was a back up plan if he were unable to keep the seal on her himself." Mephisto said, looking at the little girl as her flames jumped at the dual katana.
"Hitori made sure his children were taken care of?" Shiro whispered, awe struck him as the katana's registered Kana's flames and reshaped their size into smaller katana's made for children.
"Look Shiro!! They changed!" I jumped around, noticing that the swords are light and easy to move. "Shiro!! My flames are gone! Whoa these are the best things in the WORLD!!" I exclaim excitedly, a smile gracing my face.
"Why the sudden interest in this girl Mephisto? It is unlike you to act this way for a demon's child." Shiro said, staring at me jumping around and playing with my swords.
"Well, I think that the future is going to be interesting, and besides Rin may like her. It will be interesting to have two children of Satan under the same roof. Although her power will be under control, she will need to learn discipline and anger management. It is also doubtful that she will remember this while under seal, but once broken she will remember this night." He said, and then disappeared.
"Shiro, I'm getting tired. Where did that strange man go?" I asked as a yawn escaped my lips, and my tiny fist rubbing my eyes.
"He went away for awhile, but you will see him again. Come Kana, I will carry you and those Katana, okay?" he held out his hands, and I jumped in them, seeking comfort from the crazy night I had. After returning to the car, I fell asleep against Shiro.
This is my second FanFic, although I still have no feed back from the first, I am trying a different way to go about my story. Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter!! :D
I also do not know when I will update next....
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