
"Gemma, you-" Harry stops to take a breath, Louis' lips attached to his neck as he leans back in the car seat. "You've got Lennon at your house, right?"

"Um, yes. Why?"

"Just curious," Harry practically whimpers, shooting Louis a look for making it so blatantly obvious what they're doing. Louis just smirks, stifling a laugh when Harry rolls his eyes. "C-Can you make sure you call before you drop her off tomorrow? Please?"

"...Harry, oh my god."

"Don't say anything," Harry hisses. "I am an adult, I am allowed to enjoy myself-"

"On the first date?!"

"He's really cute," Harry whines, forgetting Louis is there for a second. Louis snorts, his hand very high up on Harry's thigh. "Just, please, Gemma. Call before you drop her off."

"Fine, fine. Use protection!"

Harry rolls his eyes again. "Goodbye, Gemma," He sighs before hanging up. And, just like that, Louis is on top of him again, going back to where he left off on Harry's neck. Harry's breath hitches, hands going to Louis' hair.

"Louis," Harry pants, his fingers splayed out against the nape of Louis' neck. Louis just hums, not really paying attention to Harry. "Louis, c'mon, let's go."

"Eager, are we?" Louis laughs as Harry nods at the rhetorical question. He leans away from Harry, starting the car as Harry squirms at the blatant erection in between his thighs.

Louis' playing some alternative band from the nineties while Harry stares out the window, legs crossed and hands trembling with overwhelming excitement. Louis is driving a little faster than before.

"Say it ain't so, your drug is a heart-breaker," The speaker next to Harry's seat croons. Louis' hand is still on Harry's thigh, his other hand gripping the steering wheel. "Say it ain't so, my love is a life-taker."

"Interesting music," Harry says a bit breathlessly, setting his hand down on top of Louis' and entwining their fingers together. Louis nods, licking his lips before smiling.

"I can change it if you don't like it," He shrugs, pulling onto Harry's street. Harry shakes his head, but doesn't say anything.

They arrive to Harry's house, Louis exclaiming "race you!" before rushing to get out of the car. Harry tries his best, but he's not really wearing the proper shoes.

"No fair," Harry huffs like a child as Louis sprints toward the house. "I'm wearing boots!"

"Not my fault," Louis teases, getting to the house first. He sticks his tongue out at Harry as Harry giggles, pulling his keys out of his back pocket.

He unlocks the door and almost as soon as they're inside Louis is on top of him again, hands shoving the hem of Harry's shirt up so he can put his hands right on Harry's hips. He smashes his lips against Harry's, Harry's hands in his hair as they stumble into the house.

Louis kicks the door closed as Harry slips off his shoes, both of them still kissing like they had been deprived of each other for years.

"Shoes off, please," Harry mumbles against Louis' lips, causing Louis to laugh and kick off his Adidas.

"Upstairs?" Louis mutters, and Harry nods. He can feel Louis lean back from him, and before he knows it he's being lifted up bridal style the same way he was at the beach.

"Louis!" Harry practically shrieks as Louis carries Harry up the staircase, laughing loudly as Harry clings onto him.

Louis finds his way to Harry's bedroom, throwing him down onto the bed before practically climbing on top of him (after taking a second to be endeared by the floral duvet on the bed). Harry wraps his arms around Louis' neck, gently pulling his head down so he can press his lips to the older boys'.

And, wow, Harry is so, so lovely. His touch is so delicate, Louis' shivering with even the slightest feel of Harry's fingertips. He smells wonderful, too, the scent of flowers filling the air around him as Louis feels his pretty plump lips against his own.

"Do you have a condom?" Harry's asks bashfully, cheeks flushed and lips red and raw from Louis' beard. Louis thinks for a moment before nodding, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his wallet. He finds a condom, making Harry giggle as he whips it out and tosses his wallet onto the ground.

"Can I just say," Louis licks his lips as he looks down at Harry, smiling almost wearily. "You're so beautiful, holy shit."

"Lou," Harry whines, but he's beaming. Louis just smiles adoringly, taking in every bit of Harry and his glowing face as Harry grins back up at him.

Louis reaches for the hem of Harry's sweater, raising his eyebrows as if to ask permission. Harry nods timidly, and Louis pulls Harry's sweater over his head, exposing his torso. His eyes soften.

"Wow," Louis says under his breath. Harry looks up at Louis with a small, soft smile, and Louis practically whips his shirt off just at how angelic Harry looks.

"Kiss me," Harry practically whimpers. Louis doesn't hesitate. He practically dives into Harry, their torsos pressed together as he forces his tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry moans lightly, his arms around Louis' neck as Louis palms at Harry's erection.

Everything–the air around them, their skin, the bed beneath Harry's back–is so warm and comforting and lovely. The lighting of the room is very dim, the warm yellow glow covering the white walls and reflecting off of Harry's gorgeous face.

"Lube," Louis pants as he leans back from Harry's face. "We-We need lube. Do-Do you...?"

"Yeah, yeah, I do," Harry is totally out of breath, Louis feels pretty proud of himself. "Bedside table drawer."

Louis crawls over to the bedside table, frantically opening the drawer and pulling out a small tube, breathing in relief when it is in fact lube.

"Thank fuck," Louis huffs, and Harry laughs softly. Louis crawls back over to Harry, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "You sure you're ready?"

"I'm ready," Harry assures quietly. Louis gives Harry a gentle sort of smile, brushing a curl out of his face as Harry smiles back timidly. Louis slowly brings his hand down to Harry's trousers, undoing the button without even looking away from Harry's eyes. Harry's eyebrows quickly raise upward in interest, impressed. Louis does the same with his own trousers, leaning down and pressing his lips to Harry's as he kicks them onto the hardwood floor.

Louis toes off his socks, Harry doing the same while Louis hooks a finger on the waistband of Harry's underpants, Harry closing his eyes as they come of with one swift motion. Louis' eyes are hungry, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into Harry's thighs and feel the tips of Harry's fingers on his erection.

"What're you doing?" Harry's voice is wavering as he furrows his eyebrows. Louis has shifted onto his stomach, head in between Harry's thighs as Harry leans up on both elbows.

"We can't just go right into it," Louis replies, mock offended as Harry's eyebrows raise. "What kind of date do you take me for?"

Before Harry can think of a witty reply, Louis is pressing his lips against the skin of his inner thigh. He's a mess just from the touch, shuddering while Louis slowly starts to nibble at the sensitive area. His beard is rough against the softness of it, leaving scratches across the milky skin.

Harry is whimpering, it's all Louis can hear. The beginning of a bruise is forming once Louis pulls away from his thigh, and he gives the mark a smug smirk before moving on to a different spot.

"L-L-Louis," Harry stutters out, hands trembling as he places them in Louis' hair. Louis raises his head and looks at Harry, seeing how pitiful he looks.

"Relax, love," Louis soothes, rubbing his hand up and down the top of Harry's thigh. "You want to slow down?" Harry shakes his head. "Then let me take care of you, baby."

"Call me that again," Harry whimpers helplessly.

"Shh, baby," Louis' voice is husky, his smile smug as Harry looks absolutely defeated. "Be patient."

Louis looks back down. Harry's thighs look destroyed, covered in light bruises and scratches from the scruff around Louis' mouth. Louis slowly wraps his arms around Harry's shaft. Harry is shaking so hard Louis glances up at him to make sure he doesn't need medical assistance.

Louis starts to pump his hand up and down, Harry letting out a soft moan as he throws his head back. Harry's hands, still in Louis' hair, are now tugging at it lightly.

"Louis, holy shit," Harry gasps, taking his hands off of Louis and instead putting them over his face. He doesn't get this kind of pleasure from doing it alone, he needed a foreign hand helping out. And Louis is so wonderful at this, a natural.

Harry can feel more and more pressure building up as he arches his back a bit, breathing heavily while Louis' hand works faster and faster.

"'M close, oh my God, Louis," Harry pants, the despair in his voice not helping Louis' hard-on.

Harry releases into Louis' hand, moaning Louis' name as Louis continues to be smug. Harry feels as though he's melting, legs weak as they both fall from their folded position.

"Not too tired, are you?" Louis asks softly, and Harry opens his eyes to find Louis hovering over him with a smirk. He shakes his head miserably, making Louis laugh.

"Need you," Harry says breathlessly. Louis reaches over and grabs the lube from next to the pillow. He opens it and slicks some onto his fingers, trying not to get distracted by how fucking gorgeous Harry's face looks right now, holy shit.

"If it hurts too much, please tell me, okay?" Louis says lowly. Harry just nods, his eyes staying glued to Louis' as Louis leans down and kisses him, teasing him with a little tongue before pulling away and positioning his fingers near Harry's hole.

Louis slowly sticks two of his fingertips into Harry's hole, deciding to scissor him open. Harry's eyes flutter closed, his lips parting as he leans his head back.

"Good?" Louis asks, voice becoming huskier with his own manhood dripping in pre-come. Harry nods slowly, his trembling hands going up to touch Louis' cheeks. Louis wiggles his fingers in a bit deeper, slowly starting to separate his fingers before bringing them back together. Harry whimpers, the wonderful burning sensation he's feeling is so unfamiliar because of how long it's been.

Louis continues to keep up with this until Harry is practically in tears. Harry grabs his wrist. "Now," He chokes out. Louis raises his eyebrows.

"Are you sure?" He asks. "I've barely even-"

"Now," Harry repeats. Louis just does as told, reaching over to get the condom from near Harry's pillow. He tears the package open with his teeth and rolls the condom on, slicking on more lube as Harry watches pitifully.

"I'll go slow," Louis says quietly. Harry shakes his head almost immediately.

"Don't," He assures. "I-I want you to go fast."

Louis is the luckiest man in the world. "A-Alright," Louis nods, hovering over Harry with his bottom lip tucked under his two front teeth.

Louis' fringe is falling in his eyes as he very slowly enters Harry, still taking his time even though Harry said not to. Harry just looks up into Louis' eyes, wrapping his arms around Louis' neck and whimpering.

Louis continues to slowly enter Harry until his entire length is inside. Tears are filling Harry's eyes as he looks up at Louis.

"You still okay?" Louis asks, voice low and raspy as he slowly pulls back out. Harry nods, and as soon as he does Louis thrusts back in.

"Louis," Harry moans (quite loudly, actually. Not really helping the throbbing between Louis' thighs). Louis does the same thing, harder than the last time, and Harry leans his head back and moans Louis' name again, louder this time.

Louis can feel Harry's nails in his back as the thrusts hard and fast, practically pounding into Harry. "Louis," Harry chokes out, tears running down his cheeks as Louis grunts with each thrust. He hasn't felt this good in so long, holy shit, this is incredible.

"Fuck, Harry," Louis grunts as Harry claws at his back, no doubt leaving marks as he wraps his legs around Louis' waist. Harry is a mess, his face wet with tears and his curls slipping out of his headscarf.

"Lou, ah!" Harry practically sobs.

"I've got you, baby," Louis assures, voice gravelly. Harry comes, all over Louis' stomach. Louis releases just seconds after. Holy shit, that was the best sex he's had in years.

Louis pulls out, watching as Harry wipes his eyes, breaths heavy. Louis falls to the bed next to Harry, panting just as hard as Harry.

"You're amazing," Harry says quietly.

"Right back at ya," Louis pants. He sits up and rolls the condom off, standing up and tossing it into the rubbish bin near Harry's night stand.

"I-I don't want you to go home," Harry blurts out, and Louis can't tell if his cheeks are pink because he's still sexed out. Louis smirks, grabbing his boxers off of Harry's hardwood floor.

"You want me to sleep over?" Louis asks, and Harry nods sheepishly. Louis continues to smile, tossing Harry his briefs and pulling his own boxers on.

Harry wakes up with Louis' arms wrapped around him. His face is unbearably close to Louis' tan chest, his whole body radiating warmth that causes Harry to sigh in content.

He closes his eyes again, practically basking in the wonderful feeling of being held. The thing about Harry is he just adores having a good cuddle, but he doesn't really get to anymore.

Lennon obviously doesn't like being touched too much, and Harry doesn't blame her for that. He misses when she was a baby and he could just lay in bed with her for hours after he finished his work for uni online. She was the sweetest baby, with big green eyes and darling little dimples that she would show whenever she yawned or cried. She didn't smile, not for a long time, and that's when Harry started to worry.


Harry's nostalgia is interrupted by a low, raspy voice. He looks up to see Louis grinning sleepily at him, rubbing his eye with the hand that isn't against Harry's lower back.

"Good morning," Harry replies softly. The sun is peering into the bedroom from the windows Harry forgot to shut the curtains to. Louis' golden tan skin looks fucking delicious in the sunlight. Harry closes his eyes again, however, the rhythmic sound of Louis' slow breaths lulling him. He never wants to leave. Until he realises he in fact has a daughter.

"Oh, no!" Harry sits up and reaches for his phone on the bedside table, seeing that it's not there. He stumbles out of bed as Louis sits up as well, picking up his trousers off the floor and taking his mobile out of the pocket.

"What's the matter?" Louis asks as Harry opens his phone to see a few missed calls from Gemma.

"Lennon, Gem still has Lennon, it's almost noon," Harry explains, calling Gemma and holding the phone up to his ear.

"Good morning, sunshine."

"Holy-Gemma, I'm so sorry! I just woke up, I didn't even-"

"Harry, babes, it's alright. I understand. I took the day off from work, think me and Lennon are going to have a little girls' day."

"Are you sure? This is so irresponsible of me, I'm so so sorry."

"It's fine, H, I promise. You deserve some time off, yeah? I can drop her off later, as long as Louis will be gone by then."

Harry blushes. "Y-Yeah, okay, thank you."

"No problem, kiddo. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay," Harry exhales, trying to relax. "Bye."

"Bye, little bro."

Gemma hangs up, and Harry bites his bottom lip before setting his phone down on the nightstand. "All good?" Louis asks.

"All good," Harry sighs with a shy smile, rubbing his eyes. "Um, you can, I mean, we can have breakfast if you want. Lunch, more like."

"Sure," Louis yawns, standing up out of bed. Harry tries not to stare, Louis looks proper edible standing there in just his boxers. "Um, do you have any joggers or anything I can borrow?"

"Yeah, yeah, hold on a mo," Harry walks over to his dresser and pulls out two pairs of joggers, tossing one of them to Louis. Louis flashes him a small smile before pulling the joggers on.

Harry doesn't know how they ended up like this.

They're both in Harry's kitchen, making pancakes and screaming the lyrics to Grouplove's Tongue Tied. Harry is sure his neighbours can here the booming bass from his Bluetooth speaker, but he can't bring himself to care.

"Take me to your best friend's house, marmalade, we're making out, ohhh yeah," Both boys sing at the top of their lungs, Harry mixing pancake batter while Louis flips the pancakes already cooking. "Take me to your best friend's house, I loved you then and I love you nooooow!"

Louis hipchecks Harry lightly before walking away from the stove to grab a paper towel, his hands (somehow) covered in pancake batter. Harry just giggles. He's so happy right now.

There's a super cute and incredibly fit boy dancing around his kitchen without a shirt on, flipping pancakes and sharing sweet glances with him. Harry's stomach is filled with butterflies.

"I think there's enough for one more," Harry says as Louis flips the pancake onto the plate. Louis, still singing, reaches out for the bowl. Harry hands it to him, Louis pouring it into the pan and somehow getting a bit of it on his chest.

"Damn," Louis huffs, grabbing the paper towel he had used earlier. Harry stifles his giggles, but it's hard when someone is as messy as Louis. "Are you laughing at me, Styles?"

"Little bit," Harry shrugs cheekily. Louis sticks his tongue out at Harry before wiggling his hips to the end of the song. A new song comes on, and Louis wrinkles his nose as Harry smiles.

"What is this?" Louis asks.

"Downtown, we let it go," Harry's speaker croons. "Sunset high and our bodies low..."

"Lennon loves this song," Harry says, voice soft as he smiles and hums along. Louis flips the pancake with a spatula with furrowed eyebrows, seemingly listening to the lyrics while Harry rinses out the bowl he had been using.

"Dance with me," Louis practically orders, holding his hand out to Harry as the song talks about dancing with people. Harry shakes his head.

"Louis, the pancakes," Harry giggles and shakes his head. Louis flips the pancake in the pan before nodding and letting it fall onto the plate of pancakes.

"Little undercooked," He shrugs before holding his hand out to Harry. Harry bites his bottom lip. "C'mon, Harry, the pancakes can wait three minutes."

As if this is about pancakes. Harry rolls his eyes with a grin, taking Louis' hand and starting to laugh as Louis twirls him. "How're we doing this?" Harry says, stifling his giggles as Louis looks down at their feet and makes a face.

"I'm just kinda winging it," Louis shrugs, stepping back before stepping forward again with his right foot. Harry stumbles over Louis' foot, but Louis catches him.

"Oops," Harry practically squeaks.

"Hi," Louis chuckles before leaning down and pressing his lips to Harry's. Harry just melts into Louis, straightening his back a bit and putting his hand on Louis' cheek.

Harry is happy.

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