Harry can hear the baby crying before he even knocks on the door. He smiles sympathetically, pulling out his phone and texting Louis that he's there rather than knocking and possibly further disturbing the baby.
The door swings open, and Louis is in a Harley Davidson t-shirt and some trackies. "Hi," Louis greets, leaning forward and briefly pressing their lips together. "You look beautiful today."
Harry beams. "Thank you," He giggles, stepping into the flat. The morning sickness hadn't commenced just yet, or else he probably wouldn't have made it over. He's sort of hoping he can skip over that part during this pregnancy.
Oh, fuck, he's pregnant.
The smile on his face falters as he follows Louis towards the lounge. Lottie is sitting on the couch, the baby in her arms slowly calming down. She looks up at Harry and gives him a weak smile. "Max stopped crying just for you," She laughs. "You should feel honoured."
"He's adorable," Harry grins. Just looking at the tiny baby gives him a warm feeling in his chest. There's one of these inside of him. Well, not actually. There's one of these that's about six times smaller inside of him.
"Do you want to hold him?" Lottie asks
Harry nods eagerly. "Yes, please."
He steps forward as Lottie gently passes Maxwell over, and he cradles the baby. He is gorgeous, and has a lot of the same features as Lottie. "His full name is Maxwell Louis Tomlinson."
Harry looks up at Louis, who's beaming with pride. "I like it," Harry smiles, rocking the baby a little bit.
"Me too," Louis nods, and Harry laughs. Louis steps over and puts his hand on Harry's back. "Handsome lad, yeah?"
"Yeah, he's beautiful," Harry sticks out his index finger and puts it near Max's little hand. Max grabs onto it, making him smile wider. He remembers the first time Lennon did that.
"Oh, I was talking about me," Louis says. Harry snorts while Lottie rolls her eyes. Lottie yawns, and Louis frowns. "You should take a nap, Lots."
"No, it's fine," Lottie waves him off.
"Seriously, 'm sure we can handle him," Louis scoffs before putting his hand on top of Maxwell's head. "Right, lad? When you're older, we're going to have all sorts of fun without Mummy. This is practice for when I'm going to sneak you out of school and take you to Disney, or something."
"Good luck with that," Lottie laughs wearily before sighing. "Okay, fine, fifteen minute nap. Behave yourselves around my baby."
"Let me help you up," Louis says quickly, rushing over to the sofa and helping Lottie stand up. Harry can only imagine how sore she is. "You need help to the bedroom?"
"No, Lou, 've got it," Lottie assures. Louis rolls his eyes and starts to help her anyways, and Harry grins fondly, Maxwell still in his arms.
Once they're out of the room, Harry slowly makes his way to the sofa, sitting down and smiling down at Max. "What a cute baby," He coos softly. "Your uncle's going to spoil you."
Louis comes back into the lounge, plopping down next to Harry and Maxwell. "Hey, little man," He greets, voice gentle and sweet as he grabs onto one of Max's tiny little feet. "Now that Mum's not here, maybe we can start causing some mischief."
"Not if I have anything to say about it," Harry warns. Louis pouts, wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulders.
"You're no fun," He mumbles, kissing the top of Harry's head. Harry feels something in his chest. He and Louis and a baby, all on the sofa. Holy shit.
"Heyyy," Harry huffs. Louis giggles into Harry's hair, tightening his grip on him. "I'm fun!"
"I know you are, baby," Louis coos. "I was just teasing you."
Harry can't help but smile. He leans his head on Louis' shoulder, feeling Louis nuzzle his nose into Harry's curls. "Can I...can I talk to you about something?" Harry asks softly. He has to do this. If he doesn't now, he doesn't know when he will.
"Of course," Louis says, concern lacing his words. Harry slowly stands and puts the baby in the travel cot next to the sofa, his stomach filled with butterflies. He sits back down on the couch, facing Louis, and rests his face in his hand.
"Do you want kids?" Harry asks cautiously. Louis gives him a small, worried smile. He turns so his body is facing Harry's, running his fingers through his hair and sighing.
"Yeah. I do," Louis nods, watching as Harry's face gets more and more nervous. "I always have."
"Yeah?" Harry inquires. Louis' eyebrows furrow.
"Are you okay, love?" He asks quietly, putting his hand on Harry's cheek and brushing it softly. Harry closes his eyes, biting his bottom lip. He feels tears coming, oh no. He doesn't know why this is so difficult for him. It's just, he hasn't had something this good in such a long time. He loves Lennon more than anything, despite the battles he has with her a few times a week, but it's so nice to get a break from it sometimes. And he's afraid that once Louis knows about this baby, it will all be too much for him, and Harry won't have him anymore.
"Yeah, I just..." Harry swallows thickly, a tear slipping out of his eye and down his cheek.
"Oh, baby," Louis breathes, scooting closer to Harry and wrapping him up in his arms. "Harry, darling, it's okay. I promise. You can talk to me, you can always talk to me."
"Louis," Harry chokes out, gripping onto Louis' t-shirt. "Louis, I..."
"What is it, pumpkin?" Louis asks soothingly, running his fingers through Harry's hair.
"I'm pregnant," Harry whimpers, feeling Louis rub his back. "I-I took a pregnancy test yesterday. I'm pregnant. I'm sorry."
Louis doesn't say anything for a few moments. "Oh," He whispers. "Oh, my God."
"I'm so sorry," Harry weeps into Louis' chest.
"No, no," Louis soothes. "Oh, God, Harry, no, don't apologise. It's not your fault, baby. I just didn't think...holy shit."
"What are we going to do?" Harry asks, wiping his eyes and looking up at Louis. Louis frowns and sighs, closing his eyes.
"I...I don't know," He admits, and this is the first time Harry has ever seen Louis look so genuinely scared. "This wasn't meant to happen."
"I know," Harry sniffles.
"You have Lennon, oh my God," Louis holds Harry's face in his hands. "You already have so much on your plate." Harry nods weakly. "Okay, okay, I need to calm down."
"I can't do this alone again," Harry chokes out. Louis' face softens. He presses his lips to Harry's, and Harry melts into him like he always does.
"You're not going to, you won't," Louis assures once they separate. "Just...what are we going to do?"
"I don't know," Harry admits. "I-I don't want to get an abortion."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do," Louis promises, wiping a stray tear from Harry's face. "It's your body, I can't tell you what you should do with it. What do you want to do, love?"
Harry just looks up at Louis sheepishly. Louis raises his eyebrow at him. "I-It's ridiculous, because we both already have so much going on," Harry closes his eyes, bottom lip trembling. "But I can't...I can't imagine giving a baby up, Lou."
Louis nods, understanding as always. "So let's have this baby," Louis says after taking a deep breath. Harry gives Louis a watery smile.
"Really?" He asks, sniffling. "Are you sure you're not just saying that?"
"Yeah, I'm sure," Louis smiles back, his face a mixture of fond and terrified. "W-We can do this. I've wanted kids for...for forever, and I...I care about you a lot, Harry."
"So we're doing this?" Harry's eyes tear up all over again. "We're having a baby?"
"We're having a baby," Louis nods, and Harry grins weakly as a few tears slip down his cheeks. Louis kisses Harry's cheek and wraps him up in his arms, and he can feel a huge smile making its way to his lips.
"This is crazy, you know that?" Harry mumbles into Louis' chest.
"When have we ever been normal?" Louis shrugs. Maxwell starts to fuss in his cot, and Louis kisses the top of Harry's head before standing up from the sofa to get him. "What's the matter, buddy? You upset no one was paying attention to you?" He laughs, lifting Max up. "You're definitely a Tomlinson, aren't you?"
Harry grins fondly from where he's sitting on the sofa, his hands shaky as he wipes the tears from his face. Holy shit, they're doing this.
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