The Final Horcrux
That voice. I know that voice.
"Rose? I...what?"
"I can explain." I said, stepping forward
"Don't bother. I'm not listening."
I looked back to Seamus before turning and following Draco.
"Draco, please." I pleaded
"I left, and this happens? I can't believe you. I thought you were different."
"I am differen't, Draco."
"You aren't acting like it."
"I knew i should've went with death! I should've stayed dead an saved everyone the pain! God knows i deserve to die!" I raged to myself.
"You what?"
What was i suppost to say? Oh, hey Draco, while you were gone killing my friends, i died and had a chat with death. Yeah! Great!
I looked up just in time to see everyone else file out of the building, course to the arrival of Harry and Voldemort. This is going to be even more sad now.
"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yelled, laughing "Now is the time to pledge your allegiance to me! I invite you to step forward...Or die."
"Draco. Come on. Now."
Draco looked anywhere but his father, or so it seemed.
"Draco. Now."
Still Draco did not move.
He stayed beside me the entire time. He didn't go to his fathers side. Instead, he grabbed my hand, and stayed put.
"I had hoped for better. What is your name?" Voldemort demanded from the front
"Neville Longbottom."
The entire other side laughed at him. You tell them, Neville!
"Well i'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks."
"I'd like to say something." Neville said loud and clear "Harry's gone, yeah. We loose loved ones every day. Rose, my parents, friends and family. But they're still with is! In here!" He jabbed his chest
The crowd gasped when Neville pulled out the sword of Gryffindor, Voldemort shot a spell at him, and Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms and made a run for it.
"He's alive!"
"Of course he's alive!" I said to the random kid.
"What do we do?" Draco asked me
"We fight. Ron! Hermione! Kill the snake!"
"We got it!"
I was pushed out of the way by Draco, causing the spell to sidestep us.
"Ow! Ferret." I said as i landed on my back
I smiled and stood up, now looking over the desolate courtyard. It had started to sprinkle, now making the ground darker.
"What's this about you dying?" Draco asked
"Long story we don't have time for!" I said quickly, searching for my wand. "Where's my wand!?"
"It flew out of your hand! Sorry."
"Your pride must be hurt. A Malfoy! Apoligizing! Ha!" I laughed sarcastically as i looked for my wand.
"Hey! Don't get sarcastic with me! Ma'am."
"Oh no you didn't! Ferret!"
"Weasel lover!"
"Pansy kisser!"
"Blood traitor!"
"Stupid pureblood!"
"At least i haven't gotten myself killed!" He retorted.
"Oh! Like that was my fault! You know my duty! I promised Dumbledore that i would risk my life to save others! I promise i would do whatever it takes! Frankly, I didn't care if i died! I deserve to die after everything i've done to hurt you and others!"
"Don't say you deserve to di-"
"I'll say it if i want to! Besides, it's true!"
"Quit being a little mangy fox and bloody listen!"
"Disgusting! After all this time, you still call us names? I thought you had changed!"
"And i thought you changed! I walk into the castle, and see the girl i love kissing someone else?"
"It wasn't my fault! He came to me! He asked me on a date! Do you know what i said? Do you? I said no! I said no, because i was thinking of you the entire time! All i've thought about for a while now is if you were safe, and if my family was safe!"
"Do you know what it feels like?" I whispered, raising my voice gradually "To feel like your world is crumbling beneath your feet, larger holes forming every second? Ever since my parents died that night, i knew my world wouldn't be the same. I was right. Nothing will ever be the same!"
He stayed silent, so i sighed and loked for my wand again. Finally, i found it sitting on a pile of rubbish.
"I'm leaving. Goodbye."
"Rose-" i stopped in my tracks as he spoke, but he stopped abruptly, and i kept moving.
"It's going to be okay, Rose."
"No it's not."
"How do you know that?"
"I just do."
I didn't even look up from my spot in the Great hall beside Hermione. I didn't care anymore. No reason to. And don't think i'm in a funk! I'm not. Honest.
"He's finally gone. It's over."
It is over. For me.
"What's wrong with Rose?"
"Don't know, mate. She came back from an argument with Malfoy like this."
"Did he do something?"
Harry kneeled infront of me, so we were face to face. I shook my head no.
"What happened?"
"I'd rather not talk about it." I said quietly, only Harry could hear.
"Not even to me?"
I met his eyes and smiled a little. He was making a pouty face.
I narrowed my eyes for a moment.
"Yeah! We'll be back."
He said something else to the group of people before we left, walking through the rubble an destroyed grounds in silence.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Honestly? No. But i will anyways."
"What happened?"
"I've realised that...well...i'm no use anymore. I'm a lost cause. Nobody needs me to save the day anymore. That i should've died. That i shouldn't be here anymore. I don't belong here. This isn't my place, Harry. I'm not needed. Nobody would cry to see me leave, now that i've done my duty. My job is done, so it's time for me to leave."
"I would cry to see you leave. And you shouldn't have died. You do belong here, with us. Your a wizard, you can't just forget it. Your job may be done, but what happened to becoming an auror?"
"That doesn't matter anymore-"
"Yes it does. And you know it. Your just having problems admitting it since you think your not needed."
"I just don't know anymore." I sighed weakly "Maybe i should pack up and leave. Try to be a normal person for once."
"You are normal."
"No i'm not. I've been through too much. And so have you guys. My life dissapeared when my parents died. End of. I had no choice but to come."
"You would've stayed in an orphanage alone? Not caring what happened in this world?"
"I was fourteen, so frankly, i never cared. I thought you were a character in a book series! What was i suppost to think?" I said "Anyways, off topic. How are you?"
"Fine. Dont change the subject. Plenty of people would want you to stay."
"But would the right people want me to stay?"
Yesh? Okay then....
"Let's go back. They're probably wondering where we are. Besides, this itches."
He pointed to a red scratch on his cheek before we started to walk back. I hadn't noticed we didn't travel as far as i thought, so it was easy to get back.
"There they are! Rose! I was worried sick!"
Tonks rushed over an embraced me in a hug.
"Wotcher, Tonks. Are you alright?"
"Is she okay?"
"Hey, Remus."
"Your all banged up! What have you been doing?"
"Little bits of this, that. You know." I shrugged "Do i look that bad?"
"All four of you do. Where's madam pomfrey?" Remus looked around the hall in search of her.
"No. We have some buisness to attend to." Harry patted his pocket and winked at me before beconing the rest of the trio with him.
"What buisness?"
"Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Weasley." I assured her "Where is everyone else?"
I was tackled from behind by two things. Or somethings.
"Guys! Can't breathe!"
"Oh well!"
"Boys! Get off of her!"
"Woah! Down Ginny! We're sorry." Fred and George backed off of me, their hands in the air.
"Thank you." I said to Ginny.
"Well...It's finally over."
"Yeah. I feel sorry for Filch, though. All the rubbish left over..."
"Don't worry. Hogwarts'll be up and running in no time." I said proudly "It'll be better than ever."
"About that." Remus said beside me "I think it's time, Rose."
I knew this was coming.
"How will they react? Those who don't know?" I asked
"We'll just have to see."
And so i began telling the 'kids' or those who didn't know, about my knowledge of the Harry Potter Stories.
Sorey! It's short. And i'm sorry for my absence here lately, alot has been going on! I started KPREP testing at school last week. Bleh.
Anyways, sequel information will be the next chapter, an it should already be posted by the time you finish reading this chapter.
Go check it out!
Keep calm and finish the battle
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