The Burrow

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Lupin asks

"Look, i know it sounds crazy, but-"

"Has it occured to you Harry, that Snape was simply lying to find out what he was up to?" Remus argued

"Perhaps Harry's right, Remus." Tonks added

"It all comes down to wether you trust Dumbleodrre's judgement. he trusts Snape, therefore i do."

"Dumbledore said it himself, he makes mistakes-"

"Your blinded by hatred-"

"No, i'm not! Ask Rose." Harry denied

Mr. Weasley, Tonks, Remus and Harry all turned to where i was standing in the doorway, listening.

I sighed "Look, Remus, i agree with you-"

"Aha!" Remus leapt to his feet in victory, and Harry slumped in his chair

"I wasn't finished." I said "Harry is right. Draco is up to something-"

"Told you guys so." Harry cheered, a smug look on his face

"Quit interrupting me guys." I said "Anyways, we'll talk about this later. I have more pressing matters to attend to."

I walked out of the room but stopped short, and said over my shoulder "Harry. Do. Not. Leave. The. Burrow."

SIghing, i sat down at the kitchen table beside George and Bill.

"What's wrong?" Bill asked

Just then, Phlegm came and sat beside Bill, joining the conversation.

"Vhat is ze matter?" She asked

"I need everyone to come in here. George, can you....?"


He pulled out his wand and sent a patronus around the house. He had to do it because i was still underaged.

"What's wrong? Why do you need....." Mrs. Weasley stopped short of what she was saying, catching the look on my face. Soon, everyone joined us in the kitchen, all looking puzzled.

"I have to say this quick, they're coming." I said "The burrow's going to be attacked. Remus, Tonks, Anybody else who can do magic needs to put protectve charms on just the house-"


"Harry, do not leave the house, no matter what, okay? I'll take care of them. Go!"

"Take care of who?"

Bang! Bang!

"Hurry! Someone give me permission to use magic!"

"Granted!" Remus yelled


I pulled out my wand, and made my way to the front door, looking in the sky. I could feel the last charm being put on the house, just as the fire ring went around it, setting fire to the feild.

"Hahaha! I killed your parents! I killed your parents!" Bellatrix yelled

"Rose! No!"

I ran after her, i was on her tail. Just.....a little...bit closer...

"Stupify!" I yelled. She dissapperated before it hit her.

I cursed aloud, whipping around  in my spot when i heard rustling.

"Harry! I told you to stay!" I hissed

"Oh well."

"You idiot! Go back! You'll-"

A low growl inturrupted me, and i turned around.

"Fenrir Greyback." I whispered to Harry

"This is for Remus!" I yelled "Incendio! Stupify!"

He blocked, so i thought hard about my spells.

"Incarcerous!" I thought "Turreculito!"

"What the-"

Fenrir dropped to the ground, motionless.

"That was for Remus."

i kicked him in the face, before turning around to meet Harry, Remus and Tonks.

"Hi, guys." I greeted "We should get back before Bellatrix comes."

"Good idea."

We turned and ran through the feild. It felt like i was running through a thorn bush, getting cuts and scrapes everywhere. I recon it took about five mineuts for us to get back, and it was a bit hectic.


Hermione and Ron were back to back, i mentally awwed, as were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Ginny was with Fred and George, whom a large poof of black smoke was dicipating around them.

"Expelliarmus!" I thought, pointing it at the Death Eater, Dolohov. I caught him by surprise, disarming him. That gave Ginny a chance to rid of him.

Bellatrix was laughing maniacally before she dissapeared behind Dolohov. The burrow was unharmed, and the fire was out. The ministry can't get us for underage magic, i'm sure of that. If they did, i'd give them a peice of my mind.


I was caught off guard by Remus; He had tackled me in a large, suffocating hug.

"Can't breathe...." I gasped

"Thank you, Rose." He said once he pulled away.

"For what?"

"You gave Greyback a bit of a tassle. I heard what you said." Tonks and Harry nodded behind him.

"I should've killed him. No doubt he's gonna kill even more this year." I said "Always despised the man."

"Well, he deserved what he got. Let's go inside." Tonks said


"So, what is Malfoy up to?"

I was sat at the kitchen table again, everyone but Bill and Fleur here.

"Erm......." I said, trying to explain it.

Apparently, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione took it the wrong way.

"If you won't say because he's your boyfriend, then that's betrayal to-" Harry started

"He's not my boyfriend!" I shreiked "I was trying to think of a way to tell you guys without you wigging out."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Okay, i'll start at the Vanishing cabnet, I will forewarn you, i will not be responsible for any heart attacks, okay?"

"Go on. We'll be fine."

"There is a vanishing cabnet in the Room of Requirement, as well as there is one in Borgin and Burkes," I cast a knowing look to the trio "Drake- sorry- Draco has been ordered to mend it for Voldemort, in threat that if he failed, him, his mom, and dad, would die."

"Drake? Really?" Ron asked, earning a slap from Hermione.

"Why would he want a Vanishing cabinet repared then?" Asked Mr. Weasley

"Next part. There will be an attack on hogwarts, in less than a month. Several death eaters will attack Hogwarts."  i explained

"Is that all?" Fred asked

"That's not much." George finished

"I wasn't done." I said "Anyways, you know Severus? Snape? Yeah, he kills Dumbeldore in that attack. Voldemort knows Draco won't do it, so Snape does it in the end."

As i thought, several people fell out of their chairs, gasping in shock. Yeah, i bet you all trusted Snape!

"Snape?" Remus asked

"Snape. He still works for Voldemort, He's been smuggling information to him the past thirteen years." i said

"Wow.....We trusted him!"

"But.....surely you can stop Dumbledore know..." Tonks asked

"No. I won't." I told them

"Why not?" Several people raged

"I've asked Dumbledore. He says if it's his time to go, then he shall go. Believe me, i've tried arguing with him, but it's no use."

"But....why would he....?"

"That, i don't know."

"What'll happen when he's....." Mrs. Weasley asked

"Voldemort, will be at his almost full power."

"Don't say the-"

"I'll say the name if i want to. I'm not afraid of him." I inturrupted Ron

"Who are the Death Eaters?" Tonks asked

"Amycus, Bellatrix, Greyback, Dolohov and Alecto." I said, recalling their names from memory.

"How do you remember all that?"

"I don't know."

"I've heard of all those people. They're a right mess." Mr. Wealsey said

"I suggest we all get some sleep. Unless anybody has anything else to say?" Mrs. Weasley said

"I believe we had an unfinished conversation eairlier, Rose, Harry?" Remus said, still seated

"But we just-"

"Yeah, we'll stay up a bit longer." I inturrupted Harry. He shot me a look in wich i just smiled back at him smugly.

"Now," Said Remus once everyone had gone "Are you sure about Snape?"

"Yea, i am. That reminds me, Harry, Snape is the half-Blood Prince."

"What?" He shreiked

"Didn't you ask me the day Draco erased my memory?"

"He what?" Remus asked, wide-eyed

Oops. Didn't mean for that to slip.

"You heard of the girl who got cursed?" Harry asked Remus, who nodded, "Well, Rose tried to stop Malfoy from doing it, but instead failed because he modified her memory."

"That little peice of-"

"Calm down, it's fine. I don't really miss the morning anyways. Nothing spectacular happened from hat i've heard."

"But how did he modify your memory that well?"

"I recon his dad." Harry said

"His dad, is in prison, waiting for escape in wich i will kill him." I said nicely

"What did he do for you to want to kill him so bad? And what would Draco say about it?" Remus asked

"Well, he hates his father now, so no big deal on the Draco part. The first question....well..."


"Lucius Malfoy was the Death Eater that killed my parents."

"Oh. I see. Well, that doesn't mean you have to kill him."

"I;m not doing it just for me, or for the satasfaction, Remus. i;m doing it for everyone who's ever lost a love one to Death Eaters or Voldemort. I'm going to fight back, or die trying. And i'm going to take as many Death Eaters with me as possible, starting with him."


Little inspirational speech to end the chapter, if you will. Exciting enough for you? Psh, wait till next chapter, you may or may not hate me for it.

We'll just have to wait and see.

It'll probably be out tonight, the new chapter, so keep your peepers peeled.

Keep calm and get revenge for Remus


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