Rise of The Cybermen

The TARDIS team find themselves in a parallel world where everything is different. A world where zeppelins are commonly used transport, there's a president for the UK and Pete Tyler is still alive.


The Doctor and the others hadn't spoken about Reinette since they left the spaceship floating in space. Though Willow was upset that she didn't understand what happened when the Doctor went to collect her, she tried her hardest to move on. She kept reminding herself that it was just another trip and they meet people all the time. All she could do was march on.

Willow leaned on one of the coral pillars, listening to one of the Doctor's stories. Both he and Rose laughed at their reminiscence of past events. Mickey attempted to follow along with their story whilst holding onto a button on the console. "And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes? Do you remember? the way she looked at you! And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!"

"I thought I was going to get frazzled!" Rose admitted, guffawing.

"Yeah. One minute she's standing there, and the next minute roar!" He spat.

"Yeah. where was that, then? What happened?" asked Mickey.

The Doctor hesitated, gathering himself. "Oh, it was on this er, this er planet thing. Asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there." His eyes surveyed the button on the console Mickey had been pressing for about thirty minutes. "Er, what're you doing that for?"

"Because you told me to." He replied.

In an instant, the Doctor seemed to have returned to reality and realised what he had accidentally caused. "Er, you can let go now."

Rose giggled a little under her breath but slammed a hand across her mouth so her boyfriend wouldn't see. Eventually, Mickey let go, bewildered by the situation he now found himself in. "Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?"

The Doctor nervously paused, fishing for a good answer. "Ten minutes? Twenty?" He bit his lip, still thinking of what to say. "Twenty-nine?"

"You just forgot me!" accused Mickey.

"No, no, no. I was just, I was... I was calibrating." He lied. "I was just- no, I know exactly what I'm doing." said the Doctor before something blew up behind them.

Their relaxation ceased as the Doctor jumped to his feet, examining the problem. Although, Willow had been thrown off the pillar and into the main console unit. "What was that?!"

He stared at the small computer screen that was built into the TARDIS, telling him what was going on outside. "The time vortex is gone. That's impossible. It's just gone. Brace yourself! We're going to crash!"

The group hung onto the console unit as they felt the TARDIS twisting and turning out of the universe they once knew. Abruptly, the TARDIS came to a sudden stop whereupon the light inside console dimmed to black, old gas masks dropped from the ceiling as everything shut down around them. Once the calamity was over, the Doctor checked on his companions. "Everyone all right? Rose? Mickey? Willow?"

Rose nodded, stumbling to her feet as Mickey mumbled a response. "I'm fine. I'm okay. Sorry. Yeah..."

"She's dead. The TARDIS is dead." His eyes widened as his trusted ship had finally met her end.

"You can fix it." Rose told him.

"There's nothing to fix. She's perished." He muttered, sorrowful. "The last TARDIS in the universe. Extinct."

Willow widened her eyes at the machine, which was once one of the most marvellous things in the universe, now silent. "There has to be a way to fix her. There's always a way."

He shook his head. "There's nothing we can do. No one can help. We fell out of the vortex, through the void, into nothingness." The Doctor described. "We're in some sort of no place. The silent realm. The lost dimension."

However, Mickey, who had already opened the TARDIS doors, disagreed. "Otherwise known as London."

The trio paused, staring out at the natural light shining through their doors. One by one, they strolled out onto Lambeth Pier near a normal London street. They were all ok. "London, England, Earth." Mickey continued until a newspaper caught his eye. "Hold on." He picked up the discarded newspaper, reading the date aloud. "First of February this year not exactly far-flung, is it?"

"So this is London?" The Doctor queried with some uncertainty.


He searched his surroundings, still curious at how they managed to land here. "Your city?"

"That's the one!" Mickey exclaimed with a smug simper, thinking he was right.

"Just as we left it?" He pressured, knowing something didn't feel right here as did Willow.

"Bang on!"

Instinctively, the Doctor gazed up at the sky, curiously spotting a passing Zeppelin. "And that includes the Zeppelins?"

Once the others heard the Doctor's question, they too shot their eyes towards the airship. "What the hell?" blurted Mickey in shock.

Rose smiled up at the marvel. "That's beautiful."

There had to be a reasonable explanation to why a Zeppelin, which hasn't been common since World War II, was in the sky. "Okay, so it's London with a big international Zeppelin festival."

"This is not your world." The Doctor stated.

"But if the date's the same, it's parallel, right? Am I right?" Mickey questioned, wishing for confirmation. "Like a parallel Earth where they've got Zeppelins. Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?"

"Must be."

Rose's eyes fluttered away from the sky and onto a nearby billboard which clearly fascinated her. "So, a parallel world where..."

"Oh, come on! You've seen it on films. Like an alternative to our world where everything's the same but a little bit different, like, I don't know, traffic lights are blue, Tony Blair never got elected."

"And he's still alive." She finished, attracting the group's attention to an advert for Vitex Lite, starring the one and only Pete Tyler. He held an energy drink in one hand while he was doing a thumbs-up with the other. Willow's eyes widened at her uncle, who had died so many years ago, alive and well. "A parallel world and my dad's still alive."

Rose stepped towards it as the Doctor tried to stop her. "Don't look at it, Rose. Don't even think about it. This is not your world." He noticed Willow next to him, staring out at the ad, remembering she once had a very close bond with him. "Willow, you know it's not really your uncle."

She turned her head, facing him. "I know," insisted Willow, wandering forward. "But he's right there." She lifted an arm, touching the screen. 

Suddenly, the ad sprung to life and Pete started moving. "Trust me on this."

"Well, that's weird," Rose muttered. "But he's real."

"Trust me on this." The Pete in the advert repeated.

Her cousin couldn't help but smile. "He's a success. He was always planning these daft little schemes. Health food, drinks and stuff. Everyone said they were useless. But he did it."

Willow took her hand, trying to take her eyes off the screen. "Rose, listen to me. That is not our Pete. Not the Pete we met in our world." She gazed back at the screen, still smiling. "Stop looking at him and listen to me. Pete died over twenty years ago. For all we know, he has his own Jackie and his own daughter who isn't you."

She sighed, looking away. "Just because you knew him and I didn't-"

"Rose, I barely remember him as a kid." She bluntly lied. "But at least you got to know him a little on the day he died. This man is not him!"

The ad kept playing the same words, almost tempting Rose into wanting to see him. "Trust me on this. Trust me on this. Trust me on this. Trust me on this."


In this world, the Tyler household did not live in a flat but in a mansion where they were simply spoiled every day with riches galore. However, not everything is bright and shining.

A luxury Lexus car pulled up on the driveway, the number plate saying 'PETE 1'. A smart businessman and well-known entrepreneur Pete Tyler hopped out of the car with a bouquet of flowers. 

When walking inside, he observed the house being decorated by their staff for an upcoming party later tonight. "Hello? Sweetheart? Only me." He called out.

Coming down the large staircase was Jackie Tyler who was in the middle of getting ready for her birthday party. "Oh, the bad penny. Was this your idea? Don't deny it. It's got your fingerprints all over it. Trust me on this!" She did his signature thumbs-up to mock him. "Oh, I can trust you all right. Trust you to cock it up."

He rolled his eyes at her, visibly annoyed by his wife. "What have I done now?"

"Have a look." She said, leading him into the living room and showing him a large birthday banner saying: 'Happy 40th Birthday'.

"What's wrong with that?" Pete asked.

She snarled at him, upset. "Forty. It says forty."

"You are forty." He responded.

"Well, I don't want the whole world telling, do I?" argued Jackie.

Pete raised an eyebrow. "You're having a party tonight."

"My thirty-ninth!" She exclaimed. "My official biography says I was born on the same day as Cuba Gooding Junior, and that makes me thirty-nine, thank you very much. Rose!" Jackie wandered back out into the entrance hall, calling out.

He followed her out, displaying the bouquet of flowers. "These are from the girls in the office. Happy birthday."

However, Jackie didn't seem too impressed. "I've got hand-sculpted arrangements by Veronica of Reykjavik, and your secretary stopped off at a garage? I don't think so. And if you're giving out presents, where's my Zeppelin? Everyone else has got one. Rose? Come on, Rose!" She looked back at him, pointing at her ears. "Look, you didn't even notice, did you? Special delivery. Got sent round today."

In her ears, like Pete's similar accessories, were earpods with diamond studs. "Birthday present from Mister Lumic. Latest modal. Diamond studded. Pick up signals from Venezuela." She bragged.

Pete squinted, confused. "Why would you want to pick up signals from Venezuela?"

"Well, I don't know, but now I can find out!" She replied.

"Because Latin men are hotter?" A voice said. The squabbling couple turned their attention towards their staircase where their adopted daughter, Indigo Tyler, stood with their lapdog, Rose, in hand. "I found her hiding in the laundry room again." She told Jackie as she came down the stairs.

Her adoptive mother smiled as she removed Rose from her arms. "Oh, she needs a good bath before tonight. She's going to be honking."

Indigo grinned at her as she was soon distracted by her little pet. Then she faced Pete and her grin soon faded. "Hi, Dad."

He grew hesitant for a moment. "Indy."

"How's working for Lumic working out?" She wondered.

His right hand moved up to his head, scratching the back of it. "Yeah, fine."

"So he's not listening in to any of our conversations then-"

"Indy, I've told you plenty of times before." started Pete, interrupting her. "The earpods aren't used for Lumic to listen in. They are for downloading information."

"They could also be used for brainwashing as well-"

"Indigo, stop with this nonsense!" He raised his voice, startling her. She grew silent as Pete began to get a call on his earpods, activating them. "Mister Lumic! Jackie was just saying thank you."

Pete wandered away from his daughter who was still suspicious of Lumic's motives. Ever since she was small, she never trusted him even if he did technically help her to be adopted by the Tylers. She knew he was up to something and she'd find out soon enough. However, no one seemed to believe her.

However, she wasn't determined to give up.


Rose wandered away from the TARDIS conflicted yet feeling unknown to the new world she found herself in. By an embankment, she sat on a bench and watched the water in the Thames flowing past. Above, the sound of Zeppelin propellers thrummed slowly. One passed overhead, casting a large shadow over Rose. 

As soon as it appeared, her phone beeped. She removed it from her jacket pocket, reading a message from the Cybus Network: Welcome! Free Trial Period. Rose's eyes lit up as she managed to access the news on her phone. "And it's good news for Great Britain as John Lumic returns to the country of his birth. Mister Lumic, the inventor of high content metal, has denied allegations of ill health." The newsreader stated.

The news transitioned to a feed where Lumic was talking to the press. "We're all flesh and blood, but the brain is what makes us human. And my mind is more creative than ever."

"With shares in Cybus Industries doubling in price, Mister Lumic is-" The newsreader's words were blocked out by the rotors in the passing Zeppelin. " In other news, the Torchwood Institute published a study claiming that..."

"Hey." A female voice said, making Rose jump. Luckily, it was just Willow. "Sorry, I was just checking on you."

"Don't you ever leave me alone?" She asked.

She shook her head. "Not when my cousin needs me." Willow strolled over to the bench and sat beside her. "Anything interesting?" questioned Willow with curiosity. 

"Just the news," Rose answered. "If I can't see him, couldn't I just search him up?"

Willow was a little anxious but still smiled. "Why not? I mean, if he's on an ad then he should be somewhat relevant here."

She shared a smirk with her, searching up his name. The browser took her to a biographical page, telling them everything they needed to know about him in this world. Although, when reading it, Rose frowned. "His life is basically the same, except he's a millionaire and..." She stopped, bowing her head. "He doesn't have a daughter named Rose."

"Is he still married to Jackie at least?" She wondered.

Rose nodded, reading more. "They adopted a kid though."

Her eyes widened. "Really? Did they even bother trying?"

"It says she was adopted from a charity by John Lumic or something when she was seven." She mentioned. "Indigo Tyler."

Willow snickered. "Who names their kid after a colour?"

Rose squinted, turning her head. "I'm named after a colour."

Her laughter ceased, awkwardly. "Yes, but you're also named after a flower. 'A rose by any other name WOULDN'T smell as sweet'."

"Oh, look at you, changing quotes just for me!" She laughed, lifting her spirits.

"You're my cousin after all, and the closest friend I'll ever have!" Willow told her.

"Closer than the Doctor?" 

She rolled her eyes. "I've told you before, the Doctor and I are just friends. There's nothing going on between us!"

"Oh, shut up! He's totally into you!" insisted Rose.

"It'll never happen and probably won't work out anyway!" She argued.

"We practically live together on one ship. It's perfectly normal." She protested. "My mates' brother fell in love with a girl he met at uni after living with her."

"Are they still together?"

Rose bit her lip, recounting the story quite well in her head. "Not exactly."

"Then, it's not going to work out between me and the Doctor!" Willow stated.

"There you two are!" They faced the Doctor and Mickey who was walking down the embankment to join them. She awkwardly shifted positions as if to avoid attention. "You all right? No applause. I fixed it. Twenty four hours, then we're flying back to reality." He noticed Rose glance back at her phone, still upset. "What is it?"

"My phone connected. There's this Cybus Network. It finds your phone. It gave me Internet access." Rose informed him.

He huffed. "Rose, whatever it says, this is the wrong world."

"I don't exist."

"What do you mean?" The Doctor queried.

"There's no Rose Tyler. I was never born. There's Pete, my dad, and Jackie. He still married mum but they never had kids of their own. They adopted."

"Give me that phone." He ordered, but Willow stood in his way.

"They're rich. They've got a house and cars, and everything they want. But they haven't got me." She said, despondent.

"I probably exist, but I could have been adopted by another couple." She theorised. "I must have another name and all."

"I've got to see him." Rose blurted out unexpectedly. 

She faced her cousin, shocked. "What?"

"You can't." The Doctor responded.

Rose leapt off the bench, prepared to find him. "I just want to see him."

"I can't let you."

"You just said twenty-four hours!" She yelled, walking away.

"You can't become their daughter, that's not the way it works." He said.

"Mickey, tell her." Willow commanded but he was already backing away.

"Twenty four hours, yeah?"

The Doctor widened his eyes, bewildered by his companions' actions. "Where're you going?"

Mickey shrugged. "Well, I can do what I want."

"I've got the address and everything." Rose said.

Willow couldn't understand the situation they were in. The Doctor was right, a parallel world was dangerous. "Stay where you are, both of you. Rose, come back here! Mickey, come back here right now!"

"I just want to see him." She repeated.

"Yeah, I've got things to see and all!" He added.

"Like what?" The Doctor queried.

"Well, you don't know anything about me, do you? It's always about Rose and Willow. I'm just a spare part." responded Mickey, truthfully.

"I'm sorry. I've got to go." She replied, apologetically.

"Go on, then. There's no choice, is there? You can only chase after one of us. It's never going to be me, is it?"

Without a second thought, the Doctor chose her over him. "Back here, twenty-four hours!"

He ran after Rose with Willow trailing behind before Mickey muttered to himself with a sly smile. "Yeah. If I haven't found something better."


"Mickey's mum just couldn't cope," explained Rose, detailing Mickey's past. "His dad hung around for a while, but then he just sort of wandered off. He was brought up by his gran. She was such a great woman. God, she used to slap him! And then she died. She tripped and fell down the stairs. It's about five years ago now. I was still in school."

The Doctor sighed. "I never knew."

"Well, you never asked." She responded as they walked through the busy city.

"You never said." He pointed out.

"That's Mickey. I suppose I, we just take him for granted." Rose thought. "Do you think she's still alive, his gran?"

"Could be. Like I said, parallel world, gingerbread house. We need to get out of here as fast as we can." Before he could continue, a loud beeping sound forced everyone to stand still, including a policeman.

The Doctor, Willow and Rose stopped in their tracks, stunned by the sudden stop. "What're they all doing?" Willow asked with a slight tone in fear in her voice.

"They've stopped." The Doctor said, pointing out the obvious. He eyed one of the earpods, noticing it was flashing blue. "It's the earpieces. Like Bluetooth attachments, but everyone's connected together."

Rose received another notification on her phone. "It's on my phone. It's automatic, look." They glanced down at random words appearing onscreen. "It's downloading. Is this what they're all getting? News, international news, sports, weather."

"They get it direct. Downloaded right into their heads." He speculated.

"TV schedules, lottery numbers." Rose continued.

"Everyone shares the same information. A daily download published by Cybus Industries." The next download was a joke, causing the people around them to simultaneously laugh before carrying on with their business.

It certainly freaked the trio out. "Well, that's totally not creepy at all." Willow spouted.

"You lot, you're obsessed. You'd do anything for the latest upgrade." The Doctor exclaimed.

Willow slapped his arm defensively. "Oi, this isn't our world. We don't have things in our ears that download messages into our brains!"

"It's not so far off your world. This place is only parallel." He gazed back at Rose's phone, looking into Cybus Industries. "Oh, look at that. Cybus Industries, owners of just about every company in Britain, including Vitex. Mister Pete Tyler's very well connected." Rose eyed him, silently pleading. The Doctor dug his teeth into his tongue, unsure what else to say. He glanced at Willow who sighed and reluctantly nodded, accepting that Rose wanted to see him. "Oh, okay. I give up. Let's go and see him."

Rose's grin widened, happy that she was about to see her father as a successful millionaire and having everything he could ever want, except his own daughter.


By the time they reached the Tyler house, the sky had blackened and the stars were shimmering above. Stars from another universe. Whole new constellations in the sky. It felt strange indeed but enlightening.

The trio crouched in the shrubbery, admiring the cars and limos that drove past. "They've got visitors."

"February the first," Rose remembered. "Mum's birthday. Even in a parallel universe, she still loves a party."

"Well, given Pete Tyler's guest list, I wouldn't mind a look. And there is one guaranteed way of getting inside." The Doctor whipped out his secret weapon from his jacket pocket.

Willow grinned at him. "Psychic paper! Oh, I am so glad that we travel with you!"

"Who do you want to be?"


Willow held her irritation deep inside as they wandered out of the kitchen area and into the foyer, dressed as the staff. They each held a tray of canapes and champagne for the guests. The girls wore the same maid outfits while the Doctor was smartly dressed in a black suit. "This isn't exactly what I imagined to be."

"We could have been anyone." Rose added.

"Got us in, didn't it?"

"You're in charge of the psychic paper. We could've been guests. Celebrities. Sir Doctor, Dame Rose, Dame Willow. We end up serving. Did enough of this back home." She ranted.

"If you want to know what's going on, work in the kitchens." They moved into the living area, admiring the other guests who didn't take any notice of them. "According to Lucy, that man over there-"

"Who's Lucy?" Willow interrupted, interrogating with hidden envy.

He seemed a little dumbfounded for a moment until nodded in the direction of a young girl who was beaming away at the guests. "She's carrying the salmon pinwheels."

"Oh, that's Lucy, is it?" 

"Yeah. Lucy says that is the President of Great Britain." He pointed to a middle-aged black man who was talking with the other guests.

"What, there's a President, not a Prime Minister?" Rose asked as a guest took a glass of champagne from her tray.

"Seems so."

Willow eyed Lucy curiously. "Or maybe Lucy's just a bit thick." She waltzed back into the entrance hall with Rose and the Doctor following behind.

On the stairs now stood Pete Tyler, proud and tall. Beside him was Indigo, smiling at the guests. "Excuse me! Thank you very much. Thank you if I could just have your attention, please?" He certainly caught Rose's attention as she glimpsed at him with awe in her eyes. "Thank you very much!"

A few men in the area yelled a few words that he had acknowledged as he attempted to continue. "Um, I'd just like to say thank you to you all, for coming on this, this very special occasion. My wife's thirty-ninth."

"Don't believe that one!" A man commented.

"Trust me on this." He did a thumbs-up, reciting his famous catchphrase. "And so, without any further ado, here she is, the birthday girl. My lovely wife, Jackie Tyler."

Making her grand entrance, dressed in a skintight black dress to small applause, was Jackie Tyler. There she was. Rose's mum and Willow's aunt all dolled up in a way they never expected. For once her hair was tied up in a large bun and she wore heels that supported her. This certainly wasn't the woman they knew back home.

"Now, I'm not giving a speech." She stated. "That's what my parties are famous for. No work, no politics, just a few good mates and plenty of black market whisky. Pardon me, Mister President. So, yeah, get on with it. Enjoy, enjoy." Jackie encouraged her guests.

They soon went on their way, being entertained by friendly chatter. Rose was still mesmerised by Pete. "You can't stay." The Doctor asserted. "Even if there was some way of telling them."

She nodded in recognition of his words. "Course I can't. I've still got Mum at home. My real mum. I couldn't just leave her, could I? It's just, they've got each other. Mum's got no one."

"She's got you," Willow told her, trying to be reassuring. "You know, since you were born, Jackie cared for you as much as she could. Losing you would break her heart."

Rose gave her a kind smile before another voice intruded. "Rose!" The sound of her name turned their heads in confusion, finding Jackie fondling her small dog. "There's my little girl! Come to mummy, come to mummy!" She picked it up before walking off. "Yes, good girl! Good girl, aren't you?"

Willow's eyes were widened, surprised while the Doctor burst out in laughter. Rose glared at him while her cousin behind shook her head at him, clearly advising he'd stop. In response, he gulped before apologising. "Sorry."


Indigo stood to the side, watching as guests passed her by, oblivious to the young girl. She didn't mind it though. She was just a pretty face, only seen and never to be heard. 

A young blonde maid appeared beside her, offering her champagne. "Would you like something, Miss Tyler?"

She gazed at her, surprised someone was talking to her. "Oh, no thanks."

The maid lowered her tray, understanding. "You not enjoying yourself?"

"Not really," Indigo admitted. "I've don't usually feel like I belong in places like this. I'm only here for show. Everyone wants to see the Tylers' charitable work in the form of a young girl."

She paused, having a moment of thought. "You know, my cousin was adopted." Indigo lit up all of a sudden, interested in their conversation. "The thing is, my aunt and uncle never told her because they cared for her so much. She doesn't talk to me much about it but I know deep down she feels hurt. I'm sure my- the Tylers care about you because they chose to, don't just think of yourself as their burden."

"I... I never thought of it that way." She replied. "How did she find out?"

The maid sighed. "She was accidentally told by my aunt and she hasn't been the same since."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok." She acknowledged. "She's here tonight actually, just look out for strawberry blonde, slash, ginger girl. We're not quite sure what to call her hair colour." The maid left the room, continuing to serve the guests.

Indigo felt a little better, but it still didn't make her confident to talk to other people. Then again, at least someone was friendly to her.


Willow had been separated from Rose and the Doctor, she didn't care though. She stood off to the side-lines, watching as her aunt was laughing with the President. She hadn't seen a glimpse of her mum anywhere, she probably didn't exist. 

"I remember her twenty-first. Pint of cider in the George." Pete said, approaching her from the side.

She was a little star struck that he was talking to her. "Sorry. Champagne?" offered Willow.

He smiled at her, shrugging. "Oh, might as well. I'm paying for it." 

Pete took the glass from her tray, drinking from it as Willow continued the conversation. "It's a big night for you."

"For her," Pete said, correcting her. "Still, she's happy."

"She should be. It's a great party." She commented.

"Do you think?" 

She put the tray of champagne on one hand as she did a thumbs-up with her right hand. "You can trust me." 

He giggled, doing a thumbs-up himself. "You can trust me on this."

"That's it, sorry." Willow apologised awkwardly, feeling slightly embarrassed. "So, how long have you two been married?"

"Twenty years."

"And you didn't decide to have any kids of your own?"

"We kept putting it off. She said she didn't want to spoil her figure," responded Pete. "I mean, we don't have to now since we were given Indigo."

She shrugged. "Well, it's not too late. She's only forty."


Willow chuckled. "Oh, right. Thirty-nine."

"It's still too late. I moved out last month, but we're going to keep it quiet." Pete confessed truthfully. "You know, it's bad for business." He squinted at her in realisation. "Why am I telling you all this? We haven't met before, have we? I don't know, you just seem sort of..."

"What?" All of a sudden, an overwhelming feeling brushed over her as if she was being gunned down. Was there a possibility that parallel versions of people can recognise those who don't exist in their own universe? However, he'd feel it more with Rose since she is his flesh and blood but with his adopted niece? She didn't think so.

"I don't know. Just sort of right." He muttered, staring at her. Nevertheless, his attention was stolen by another. "Stevie! How's things? How's it going at Torchwood?" Pete walked away, leaving Willow feeling heartbroken.

She thought that she had gotten over him now. Willow knew that he loved her as much as he loved Rose. He was even planning to take her on holiday before he died. The sadness overwhelmed her and being in a room full of people from a parallel universe felt nauseating. 

In the end, she abandoned her tray of champagne, running into the nearest bathroom. Once inside, the tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes. All of the memories of him before he died were coming back to her as if she were watching it back. The memories where she thought of Pete more as a father than her own. She came at a bad time in her parents' lives and she got too attached to her aunt and uncle.

There had to be a reason she was left on the Hughes' doorstep, there just had to be.


Eventually, Willow gathered herself together and managed to leave the bathroom, heading back to the main hall. Unexpectedly, the Doctor charged in front of her. His eyes widened the moment he saw her. "There you are! Something's happening!"

Without further explanation, he pulled on her hand and yanked her to the nearest window where Rose met up beside them. They looked out into the main garden, watching as metal men marched towards them. "It's happening again." He informed.

"What do you mean?" asked Rose.

"I've seen them before."

As they came closer, Willow could see the light bouncing off their metal skins. "What are they?"

"Cybermen." He stated as the windows in the drawing-room forcibly shattered as the Cybermen climbed through. 

The guests observed, terrified for their lives as they all gathered together in a massive group. Meanwhile the Doctor, Willow and Rose stuck together in the crowd. Their whole body was made entirely out of metal with handles in their heads. Their eyes were black and teardrop-shaped while their mouth was a small slit that lit up when they spoke. The President's phone started to ring whereupon he furiously answered it using his earpod. "Mister Lumic."

"Mister President," Lumic answered. "I suppose a remark about crashing the party would be appropriate at this point."

"I forbade this." He spat.

"These are my children, sir. Would you deny my family?"

"What are they, robots?" Rose questioned with concern.

"Worse than that." The Doctor replied.

The President gazed into their soulless black eyes, unable to see the humanity past them. "Who were these people?"

"Doesn't matter."

Willow gasped in fear. "They're people? Not aliens?"

"They were until they had all their humanity taken away. That's a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body, with a heart of steel. All emotions removed." He described.

"Why no emotions?"

"Because it hurts."

Indigo stood off to the side, silently into their conversation and wondering how they knew so much while she knew so little.

The conversation between Lumic and the President proceeded. "I demand to know, Lumic. These people, who were they?"

"They were homeless and wretched and useless until I saved them, and elevated them, and gave them life eternal. And now I leave you in their capable hands. Goodnight, sir. Goodnight, Mister President."

Lumic signed off, leaving the Cybermen to do what they were programmed to do in a room full of humans. "We have been upgraded." One spoke.

"Into what?" demanded the Doctor.

"The next level of mankind. We are Human point two. Every citizen will receive a free upgrade. You will become like us." It explained.

The President eyed each one curiously as his hatred for Lumic only grew. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what's been done to you but listen to me. This experiment ends tonight."

"Upgrading is compulsory." The Cyberman declared.

"And if I refuse?"

"Don't." The Doctor attempted to tell him.

"What if I refuse?" The President repeated.

"I'm telling you, don't."

However, instead of listening to the Doctor's suggestions, he carried on. "What happens if I refuse?"

The Cyberman's mouth lit up again. "Then you are not compatible."

"What happens then?"

"You will be deleted." It answered, placing a hand round his neck and electrocuting. His eyes clearly showed fear as he descended to the ground, dead.

There were gasps and cries all around as the Doctor grabbed Willow and Rose, dragging them to safety. Indigo followed them, though worried for her family still. They leapt out of the broken window, nonetheless, Rose attempted to run back in. "There's nothing we can do."

"My mum's in there!" She protested.

"She is not your mother! Come on!" He pulled her away as they ran off. 

However, they were soon stopped by an incoming row of Cybermen. The trio turned back to run around the other side of the house just as Pete and Indigo jumped out. "Quick! Quick!" Rose yelled, causing them to follow.

"Pete, is there a way out?" The Doctor demanded.

"The side gates." He told them. "Who are you? How do you know so much?"

"You wouldn't believe it in a million years." Just as they made the side gates, another group of Cybermen cut them off, making them turn back.

Abruptly, two armed figures ran across the lawn, silhouetted in the floodlights. "Who's that?"

"Get behind me!" A man, sounding like a tougher Mickey, yelled to them. Since it was their only chance of protection, they did what he said and ran behind them.

One of the men was a spiky-haired blonde while the other was Mickey. They opened fire at the Cybermen, but all the bullets did was bounce off. Although, the metal figures did stop. "Oh my God, look at you," Rose said as Mickey stood up, hugging him. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

However, he soon pushed her off unexpectedly. "Yeah. No offence, sweetheart, but who the hell are you?"

Suddenly, the real Mickey ran up behind them, shouting Rose's name. "Rose! That's not me. That's like the other one."

Willow couldn't believe her eyes, there were two Mickeys. You could tell them apart from how they acted, one acted like a coward while the other was acting tough. The Doctor couldn't believe his luck. "Oh, as if things weren't bad enough, there's two Mickey's!"

"It's Ricky."

The moment she heard his name, Willow let out a little gasp. "Oh my-"

"Isn't anybody going to explain what the hell is going on?!" Indigo questioned, frightened.

"But there's more of them." Mickey stated, observing more Cybermen coming from behind.

They came from all sides, blocking every exit. "We're surrounded."

"Put the guns down. Bullets won't stop them." commanded the Doctor. Notwithstanding, the blonde started shooting at them again, but the Doctor stopped him. "No! Stop shooting, now. We surrender! Hands up." He told everyone who unwillingly obeyed as the Cybermen came closer. "There's no need to damage us. We're good stock. We volunteer for the upgrade program. Take us to be processed."

"You are rogue elements." One of them stated.

He squinted, bewildered by their accusation. "But we surrender."

"You are incompatible." It described.

"But this is a surrender."

"You will be deleted."

The Doctor raised his voice, trying to make them agree. "But we're surrendering! Listen to me, we surrender!"

"You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cyberman, but you will perish under maximum deletion." Every Cyberman held out their hands, ready to kill the group swiftly by electrocution. There was nothing they could do to stop them. "Delete. Delete. Delete!"

This was it. This was the end.


Well then! That's 'Rise of the Cybermen' done!

So, I introduced a new and never before seen character in the mix. Introducing Cara Delevingne as Indigo "Indy" Tyler, the adopted daughter of parallel Pete Tyler and Jackie Tyler. I have given some subtle clues of her backstory but you'll learn more in 'The Age of Steel'.

Also, quick query. If I was to make another Doctor Who fanfic that was completely unrelated to this series, would you read it? My idea is that, instead of the Doctor travelling around the universe, it's his wife who continues his legacy. After surviving the Time War and being the one who destroyed it, leaving the Doctor behind on the godforsaken planet, his wife decides to continue to fight monsters and make new friends along the way.

It's in early planning stages so, perhaps after I've finished this book, I'll work on it along with 'The Girl Who Forgot spinoffs'. How does that sound?

Hope you enjoyed this! I'm attempting to start a little writing schedule so I can get chapters out quicker.

Thanks for reading!

- Alice ❤

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