Nova's Goodbye
The group watched as the bruised and batter Nova reappeared. She offered them a weak smile.
"Goodbyes are the hardest, you know?" She spoke. "That's partially the reason why I left my locket. I know if I saw any of your faces, I wouldn't leave. I would stay and we can't have that. As of right now, I'm being tracked. Heavily tracked.
"It probably doesn't help I'm running through the woods shouting his name at the top of my lungs, hoping to distract his lapdogs from the innocent," Nova shrugged. "As I said before, each of you will have your own recording. I suggest you watch them in private before I expose the fuck out of you.
"I'm not dead . . .yet, but I figured I might as well have this in case I do," Nova stated. "I knew since I was fifteen I might not survive, and I continue to accept that. Just because I'm alive, doesn't mean you come and look for me. I'm very good at not wanting to be found and you'll be spending your days focusing on something useless
Nova in healed deeply.
"Just don't come looking for me," Nova stated. "There's a message at the end for Potterwatch."
A list appeared showing the order in which people were getting their goodbye.
First were Molly and Arthur.
"Hello, Mister and Misses Weasley," Nova sent them a small smile. "I just wanted to thank you for being my parents before I found my dads. You took two kids that knew nothing about what a family was, and you should them. You showed them the downsides and the positives.
"You have seven strong children. Seven children that I have no doubt will change the world. They are each different with different motives and aspirations." Nova stated. "They each have their own hopes and dreams. They each have the willpower and the tools to get where they want to go. Let them.
"I know it can be hard to lose a child," Nova oddly choked up, but she clear her throat and continued. "But you shouldn't let your fear restrict them.
"You guys are amazing parents. You've opened your home to me. To Hermione. To Harry. You've done so much for me, and you don't even know the half of it." Nova smiled at them again. "Don't even think I took your hospitality for granted. It was always appreciated. It was always a comfort knowing I could go to the Burrow. Thank you."
Nova paused.
"Percy will come back, Molly," Nova said softly. "Just give him time. He never had a sibling her was closest to. You is the loner of the Weasleys. It just takes him longer to realise you guys love him. Be patient."
The next to go, was Minerva. Hesitantly, the stern woman went into the room to only leave several minutes later with tears in her eyes.
"Hello, Professor McGonagall," Nova mocked in a posh voice. She tried keeping a straight face before laughing. With sad eyes, Minnie watched as her laugh turned into a wince. "Damn. I think my rib is still broken . . .
"Anyways," Nova gave a soft smile. "You've always been my favorite Professor, Minnie. Even before Hogwarts. You came to the Orphanage, most likely under Dumbledore's order, and you sat with me. You sat with the freak of the Orphanage."
Minerva did go see Nova under Dumbledore's order. However, she was only supposed to go once a year. Not nearly twice a month.
"As pathetic as it sounds, you were my first friend," Nova said quietly. "You were the first person that didn't see me as the murderer's daughter. Even at Hogwarts, you continued to impact my life. Everyone spoke of Professor McGonagall; the sternest of stern teachers. You intimidated most of them.
"But to me, you were Minnie. You weren't the woman that intimidated me. You are the woman I look up to. You are one of the people that shaped me into who I am. You gave me books on fairytales and told me stories of the Marauders." Nova smiled as her eyes were glossed over with tears. "When I came to Hogwarts, you were this eptimone of strength. You fought for your students and their treatment, but you never let them walk all over you.
"Minnie, you were my mum," Nova's lips quirked up slightly. "You were the one person I dreaded disappointing. You were the first parental figure I ever had. Out of every single person in my life, you perhaps caused the biggest impact. I love you, Min Min."
Nova disappeared for a moment before returning to a crying McGonagall.
"Also, I was the one who put litter boxes in your class room." Nova grinned sheepishly. "And if I die, Shadow, my cat, goes to you."
Oliver Wood, who was already crying, sat in the room. He waited patiently for Nova to appear.
"'Ello, Oliv!" Nova grinned. "Whenever you become a big shot quidditch player and all the girls are claiming they received your first autograph, you best tell them I was that person. As you little sister, I would shine all of them.
"I know you're crying right now," Nova stated sadly. However, as she continued, her voice became stronger. "But you, sir, need to keep your head up. I might be dead. So fucking what? Get the hell up and fight! I don't care if you need time to mourn. You're going to stand up, wipe the tears off your face and kick some arse."
Bill, Fleurs, and Charlie's messages were rather short, but got to the point.
"Listen, Dean," Nova stated. "You're going to marry Seamus. And Don't you dare give me that, 'he doesn't like me back' shit. You're right. He doesn't like you. That son of a bitch is in love with you. It's high time you get your head out of your arse and tell him. People are dying, Dean, don't wait."
Lune came in with her usual dreamy look in her eye.
"Luna . . ." Nova said quietly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you there. I-I shouldn'r have l-left you there."
"You don't need to apologize," Luna insited, forgetting it was a recording.
It would appear that was all Nova had to say because the screen faded.
"Wotcher, Gin-Gin," Nova grinned. "I'm proud of you. I'm proud you came out to your family. I'm proud that you are who you are, despite what anyone thinks. And I'm hella prud of you for taking over the D.A. and raising hell."
Silent tears fell down Ginny's face.
She wasn't normally one to cry, but the thought of Nova not being there when Ginny needed her, it struck her down to the core. Not to mention Nova had a way with words. She could make someone cry of pain, feel like the best person on the planet, or make someone cry of sadness. Hell! Ginny wouldn't be surprised if Nova gave a speech that kept an army fighting.
"I know we planned on playing professional quidditch. I know we were going to become this unbeatable duo. The chaser team of two that can face a whole team and still win," Nova said sadly. "But we might not get a chance to do that. I need you to continue to play. Gin, don't stop your dreams. As my little sister, I need you to be happy. I love you, Gin."
Ginny left and Fred and George came in.
"Gred. Forge." Nova nodded. "Which one of you fuckers ate my chocolate? I know it was one of you."
"He did!" the twins said in unison pointing to the other.
"I'm just kidding," Nova smirked. "I ate my chocolate."
The twins watched as she inhaled sharply.
"Listen," Nova began. "Don't ever stop laughing. Don't stop making jokes. Don't stop being you. Especially now. Especially after the war."
The twins shared a glance, both instantly agreeing.
"I remember Ced saying how Gryffindor was like one big happy family," Tears began to form in Nova's eyes once more. "And we are. WE fight like cats and dogs, but in the end, I know that if I needed help with something, I could come to you and you'd help. No questions asked. I know if I needed a shoulder to cry on, I could come to you. Why? Becasue. You. Are. My. Older. Brothers."
Nova laughed humolessly.
"I told myself I wouldn't cry," Nova wiped a tear away. "I haven't even made it to the ones I know I'm going to sob for and I'm already crying.
"I love you, Fred, George," Nova stated with a small smile. "Now go run Potterwatch. Go cause mischief or whatever you two do today."
Tonks passed Fred and George who were fighting the tears.
"Wotcher, Dora!" Nova grinned. "I hope everything is going alright."
Tonks looked up at Nova's projection, wishing it were the real her.
"I want you to know that you aren't a rebound." Nova stated slowly. "My Pa loves you and Da the same, but differently. Da was his first love, and he will never forget him. But you're his last. He chose to spend the rest of his life with you, and for good reason. Don't think you are Da's replacement for anyone. You aren't. You're Dora Tonks. Don't think you betrayed Da. He's probably in heaven trying to kick you for thinking such."
"She isn't wrong!" Sirius laughed.
"Why can't all exes be like him?" Alex groaned.
"Because he's a special breed, even amongst special breeds," Regulus grinned.
"You mean a lot to him," Nova stated. "I love you, Dora. You are amazing."
When Dora left, Blaise and Theo came.
"Listen ya lil fuckers," Nova stated. "Your lil midget you adopt produce or whatever the hell you do to have a baby better hear about their Aunt Nova."
Nova's mouth twitched. It went from a smile to a frown and back again. It look like she was struggling to not to cry.
But she failed.
Tears started flowing freely down her face.
This only caused the boys to cry.
"I love you guys," Nova said as she finally pulled herself together. "You were the first people that showed me kindness after I went to the Morgensterns, minus Dray. You two stuck by me through everything.
"That's all I could've asked more," Nova stated with a small smile that was already fading. "Remember Operation Pride still needs to be set into play. Don't forget who you are, boys."
Remus sat before the projection of his daughter, already holding off tears.
"Don't feel guilty for moving on," She said. "I'm sure Da is proud of you for being brave enough to open your heart again.
"Pa," Nova said softly. "I love you and I'm proud to be your daughter. Yes, that includes your werewolf half. I'm proud to be the daughter of a man that is willing to fight for the side that has been shunning him for years. I'm proud of the man that has enough personal strength to keep fighting, to keep fighting after nearly everyone you ever loved died.
"Pa, I'm proud to be your daughter," Nova repeated. "Teddy will be proud to be your son. You are worth more than you think, Mr.Chocolate Man. You have one of the purest hearts none to Merlin. Don't think you're some monster that lurks in the shadows. You are a wonderful man."
Ron sat in the chair.
"Ronald, you are not the forgotten Weasley," Nova said. "Not to me. You never were. You never were too anyone. You are an amazing friend and person. Yes you have your flaws, but everyone does. I do.
"I have two things for you to do," Nova stated. "If I die, look after Harry and Hermione. Hermione will drown herself in her work until she drops. Don't let Harry isolate himself. Don't let him turn to drugs and alcohol.
"Second, ADMIT YOUR FEELINGS YOU ABSOLUTE WANKER!" Nova shouted. "You should tell Hemione how you feel." A smirk grew on her face. "Rose Granger-Weasley has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Ron rushed out of the room with a face redder than a tomato.
Hermione sat in the chair Ron vacated.
"Hello, 'Mione," Nova grinned but it faded almost instantly. "I was going to lie to you. I was going to act like everything's okay. But even as I'm starring at my own damn reflection to record this, I can't lie to you."
Hermione fought the tears as she saw her sister begin to break.
"I'm not okay. I don't want to die. I want to live," tears formed in both girls' eyes. "I'm afraid to die, Hermione. I told myself hat if I say I'm not afraid, I won't be afraid. That clearly isn't that case. I'm terrified. I'm terrified of leaving everyone behind.
"I can't die!" Nova stated. "I've been through too damn much to just accept death!"
Tears were falling freely down Hermione's face.
"But if I do die before I can say this in person," Nova began. "Hermione, you are my sister and I love you. You are brilliant. Ron, Harr, and I might not even be alive right now if it weren't for you. I need you to know you will always be one of the most important people in my life."
The last message was for Harry.
And it was the hardest.
"'Ello, Harold!" Nova grinned. "I know. I know. 'My name isn't Harold'. Boo who." She mocked before her smile fell. "I'm not sure if you remember or not, but you once referred to me as your wife.
"Harry," Nova said softly as tears formed in her honey eyes. "I would've loved to marry you. Hell, I would've proposed myself. But with the current happenings in the world, we can't. I might be dead by the time you are viewing this. Who knows, maybe we're kicking back and laughing as we watch me attempted to say goodbye. Maybe you're the one that's gone and I'm simply here to listen.
"Perhaps when the war is over, we can have that fantasy life in story books," Nova said sadly. "But the reality is . . .I could be dead. And if you are view this after my death. . . "
Nova paused and swallowed.
"Move on, Harry," Nova said. She shut her eyes for a moment, but when she opened them, tears were more pronounced than before. "Don't be miserable. Live your life. Don't mope around. Allow another person into your heart."
Harry couldn't even fathom the idea of another person taking her place in his heart. She had already stolen it completely. She had stolen it before either of them knew.
"Don't pull a Romeo and ill yourself after my death," Nova stated. "If you do, I will personally kill you myself.
"Besides, I could always ride in on my dragon in the knick of time." Nova paused, allowing the tears to fall from her eyes. "I love you, Harry James. And there is nothing anyone can do about it."
As a bruised Nova's projection faded, Harry's tears fell rapidly down his face.
He knew in his heart Nova was still alive. He knew she's out there kicking ass.
But it's the thought. It's the possibility of Nova's death that brings tears to his eyes.
It's the life that comes after her death. It's nothing. He can't picture anything.
Even before they were dating, before Harry realised Nova stole his heart, she was always in his future. Also there by his side.
That's how he imagined it.
But what happens when the person you need to survive, to be happy, to live, is no longer there?
Nova fell to the forest floor.
The leaves crunched under her weight as she moved off her shoulder. It was dark and the light was limited.
Blood seeped from three different wounds; her shoulder, her leg, and her bicep.
She had just escaped Snatchers.
The fatigue that has ben chasing her for months, finally caught her.
Nova's world went black.
"Alex," Sirius grinned. "Looks like you'll be meeting my daughter sooner than we thought! And she won't be dead!"
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