The Empty Child

1940s London wasn't the most safest place, especially since a lone child wearing a gas mask starting wandering the streets. A dead child looking for his mummy and he'll never stop.

The Doctor, Rose and Willow need another brain on their side, an American brain with the name Captain Jack Harkness.


The TARDIS ricocheted through the time vortex like a toddler rocking their toys from side to side. Willow hung on for dear life as the Doctor was surveying the screen.

"What's the emergency?" Rose questioned, rocking her feet to try and stand up straight.

He replied. "It's mauve."

She was bewildered "Mauve?"

"The universally recognised colour for danger." He stated.

"What happened to red?" asked Willow.

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing." He rambled on before returning back to what was at stake. "It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Where it goes, we go."

She tumbled forward; managing not to hit my face on the console "And that's safe, is it?"

"Totally." He said in a sarcastic manner.

All of a sudden, the TARDIS sparked as it headed further into the vortex. Willow hastily stepped away from the console but was soon forced back by the motion of the conveyance.

"Okay, reasonably. Should have said reasonably there." However, his face lit up with panic. "No, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks, getting away from us."

Rose glanced at the screen, observing the missile shaped object that travelled through the vortex. "What exactly is this thing?"

The Doctor smirked a little, whilst shaking his head. "No idea."

"Then why are we chasing it?" Willow queried.

"It's mauve and dangerous," The Doctor eyed them both. "And about thirty seconds from the centre of London."

They headed towards Earth, stalking the ship intensively. Finally, they materialised on solid ground with a slight hop. Exiting the TARDIS, the trio found themselves in a small alleyway between two terraces with darkness looming above them.

"Do you know how long you can knock around space without happening to bump into Earth?" He remarked, treading on the damp tiles of floor beneath their feet.

Rose checked her watch. "Five days? Or is that just when we're out of milk?" She joked.

He laughed. "Of all the species in all the Universe and it has to come out of a cow."

Willow giggled for a second until suddenly feeling a chill. She looked up at the skies, searching for any sign of life. It felt like something was staring at her, it was strange. In fact, it was as if someone had walked over her grave.

The Doctor interrupted her thoughts. "Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago. Maybe a month."

"A month? We were right behind it." Willow said, pointing out the facts.

"It was jumping time tracks all over the place. We're bound to be a little bit out. Do you want to drive?" He reasoned.

Rose crossed her arms. "Yeah. How much is a little?"

"A bit."

"Is that exactly a bit?" nagged Willow.


Rose exhaled, heading down the path. "What's the plan, then? Are you going to do a scan for alien tech or something?"

Reaching an entrance, the Doctor started fiddling around his pockets "Rose, it hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. I'm going to ask."

He pulled out his psychic paper and handed it to Rose who read it with surprise "Doctor John Smith, Ministry of Asteroids."

"It's psychic paper. It tells you-"

Rose rolled her eyes at the Doctor, interrupting. "Whatever you want it to tell me, I remember."

He sighed. "Sorry."

The door they arrived at said 'Deliveries Only'. Technically speaking, they were the new deliveries.

"Not very Spock, is it, just asking." She said, remembering one of her favourite TV shows: Star Trek.

The Doctor put his ear up to the door, listening for anything. "Door, music, people. What do you think?"

"I think you should do a scan for alien tech. Give me some Spock, for once. Would it kill you?" Willow said, consequentially.

After a while, he opened the door with the sonic screwdriver and ignored her statement. Before heading in; he looked at the girls' t-shirts with fascination.

"Are you sure about those t-shirts?" He asked.

Rose was wearing a Union Flag shirt, that she bought at a shop they visited once, whilst Willow was wearing a royal yellow top that shimmered in the moonlight.

"Too early to say." Rose says, checking her shirt with curiosity. "I'm taking it out for a spin."

Willow shrugged as the Doctor opened the door. "I took a test about which colour suited me best; it said this shade of yellow. So why not?"

"Mummy?" She stopped in her tracks, looking around the alleyway. It seemed like she was the only one who heard it.

"Come on if you're coming. It won't take a minute." He said, heading inside. Rose followed him into the building with no hesitation while her cousin stayed outside, searching the roofs.

"Mummy?" She glanced above; her eyes landing upon a little boy in a gas mask. He was standing on the edge of the roof, glaring at her.

"Doctor?" Willow yelled through the door. "Doctor? There's a kid up there!" Swiftly, she headed towards a metal staircase that led up to other London flats. "Are you all right up there?" She shouted to him, afraid that he could fall.

"Mummy?" He muttered once again.


The Doctor and Rose followed a waiter into a 1940s dining area where gentlemen sat and watched a young girl sing on the stage. Her voice was magical, enticing the gents in audience who smiled at her.

The Doctor stepped out of the shadows and waited by the stage; Rose stood by the doorway with her arms crossed. She knew what the Doctor was about to do but she wasn't going to stop him.

She, ultimately, finished the song and strode off the stage in glee. Immediately, the Doctor trampled up to the microphone and addressed the audience "Excuse me. Excuse me. Could I have everybody's attention just for a mo? Be very quick."

He coughed to gain attention "Hello! Might seem like a stupid question, but has anything fallen from the sky recently?"

They watched him in upmost silence. Thinking for a moment; until a roar of laughter emerged from the group. The Doctor became confused, looking at Rose who simply shrugged in return.

"Sorry, have I said something funny?" He commentated, making them laugh even more "It's just, there's this thing that I need to find. Would've fallen from the sky a couple of days ago."

Suddenly, a siren went off which quickly alarmed and annoyed everyone in the room except Rose and the Doctor. The people started to leave, one by one while the Doctor remained on stage.

"Would've landed quite near here." He continued "With a very loud-"

The Doctor stopped mid-sentence, glimpsing up at the WWII poster that read 'Hitler will send no warning!'.



Ultimately, Willow reached the top of the roof, but he was standing on a block in the middle. There was no way up, she couldn't reach him.

"Okay, hang on. Don't move!" She yelled, searching for a way up. Suddenly, a rope fell in front of her. Willow stood there in surprise, tugging it. It seemed secure. She decidedly grabbed a firm hold on it, grinning with glee as she began to climb up the wall towards the scared little boy.

"Mummy. Balloon!" He pointed at the sky. Before she could take a look, Willow was suddenly lifted higher. She screamed, drifting off from the building below and being carried away.

"Doctor!" Willow shouted to no avail. "Doctor!"

She gazed up at the rest of London to find planes zooming about and firing bombs at every turn.

She was stuck in World War II. That's just great!

Searchlights combed the skies, barely missing Willow. Explosions went off left, right and centre. The German planes sped towards her at full speed; aiming for her yellow shirt.

"Okay, maybe not this t-shirt." She clung onto the rope, almost slipping off.


"Willow?" The Doctor and Rose wandered back into the alleyway, expecting Willow to be waiting for them.

"Aww." Rose took a small cat from a bin, holding it close to her chest.

The Doctor stroked its head and pointed at it. "You know, one day, just one day, maybe, I'm going to meet someone who gets the whole don't wander off thing. Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise me."

Both Rose and the Doctor laughed but were soon interrupted by the ringing of a phone. They turned around in shock; glaring at the TARDIS as it continued to ring. They crept over in confusion, the Doctor opening the small door which led to the phone.

"How can you be ringing?" questioned the Doctor. "What's that about, ringing? What am I supposed to do with a ringing phone?" He reached into his pocket, fiddling around for his sonic screwdriver.

"Don't answer it." They turned to see a young woman with dark hair twisted into double braids; her face showed that she was concerned. "It's not for you."

Rose stared at her. "And how do you know that?"

She rolled her eyes. "Cos I do. And I'm telling you, don't answer it."

"Well, if you know so much, tell me this." He said to her, looking back at the phone. "How can it be ringing? It's not even a real phone. It's not connected, it's not-"

They looked back in the mysterious girl's direction to find that she had left without warning. The Doctor took a breath and took the phone up to his ear; Rose tried to listen into the conversation.

"Hello? Hello?" The Doctor spoke into the phone, however there was no answer. He spoke again, in a jokey way. "This is the Doctor speaking. How may I help you?"

"Mummy? Mummy?" The voice spoke, eerily.

The Doctor's eyes widened when he heard the child's voice on the other end; Rose froze in fear and looked wearily around the block to see if anyone was there.

"Who is this? Who's speaking?" The Doctor asked.

There was some hesitation on the other side. "Are you my mummy?"

"Who is this?"

"Mummy?" The child said in a creepy tone.

The Doctor fiddled with the wiring as he listened in. "How did you ring here? This isn't a real phone. It's not wired up to anything."

"Mummy?" It said before the phone stopped working and all the Doctor heard was a distinct dialling tone.

Rose stared on in fear before finally speaking up "What was that?"

The Doctor then proceeded to knock on the TARDIS door "Willow? Are you in there?"

Suddenly, a scuttling noise from further down alarmed them. They looked at each other and silently agreed that they needed to leave the alleyway immediately.

They made their way out of the alley and found themselves in front of stacks of houses along a wide street. Bombs exploded on one side while, on the other side, they heard a female voice demanding another person to get inside the shelter.

"Come on, hurry up, get in there. Come on. Arthur! Arthur, Will you hurry up? Didn't you hear the siren?" The woman said, commanding her husband while dragging a little boy inside.

Rose and the Doctor watched them head inside, however their eyes diverted to the mysterious girl they had seen in the alleyway. She snuck inside the house; leading a few kids through the back door.


Willow started to lose her grip on the rope, starting to slide off. She struggled against the weight of her own body, kicking her feet up and down. Until she finally lost her grip and fell; she screamed in fear, falling back down to Earth from the barrage balloon. Her cries flooded the skies but no one could hear her, and no one could save her from her impending fate.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the painful crash landing. However, she unexpectedly stopped in mid-air. Gradually, Willow opened her weary eyes as she noticed a thick blue light surrounding her.

"Okay, okay, I've got you." An American male voice spoke through a speaker.

Willow gasped in alarm. "Who's got me? Who's got me, and you know, how?"

He ignored her questions, moving on. "I'm just programming your descent pattern. Keep as still as you can and keep your hands and feet inside the light field."

"Descent pattern?"

"Oh, and could you switch off your cell phone? No, seriously, it interferes with my instrument."

Obeying his command, Willow reached into her jacket pocket and removed her phone. "You know, no one ever believes that."

"Thank you. That's much better." He said as she switched it off.

Rolling her eyes, she yelled at him whilst tucking her phone back into her pocket. "Yeah! Hanging in the sky in the middle of an air raid with a bright yellow t-shirt , but hey, my mobile phone's off!"

"Be with you in a moment." He says, ignorant of her comment. Willow crossed my arms and waited. This guy was unbelievably arrogant. He spoke once again. "Hold tight!"

"To what?!"

"Fair point."

All of a sudden, Willow was being pulled down. She screamed as she was thrown like a ball, hurtling through the air and down the light field. Willow used all of her muscle to raise her hands over her eyes, until landing on something warm.

"I've got you. You're fine, you're just fine. The tractor beam, it can scramble your head just a little." The voice sounded closer.

She ripped her hands away and looked up at the stranger. Willow blinked as she tried to focus on him; he had slick black hair that was gelled down to his head and ocean blue eyes. He didn't seem too bad.

Willow smiled at him, slightly dazed. "Hello..."

"Hello." He replied.

"Hello... That was hello twice there. Dull, but you know, thorough." Everything soon fell out of focus, bewildering her.

"Are you all right?" He asked.

"Fine." She hesitated, jumping off his arms. Willow rubbed her head as she started to lose balance, slightly. He observed her with curiosity. "Are you expecting me to faint in your arms or something?"

He shrugged. "You look a little dizzy."

"What about you?" She giggled, shyly. "You're not even in focus."

Her eyes rolled back into her head as everything turned black, the American catching her in his arms.


The Doctor and Rose snuck into the house by the back door, they heard the girl and a few other children sitting down. They managed to sneak through and sit by the dining table when the mysterious girl wasn't looking.

"All right, then. One slice each, and I want to see everyone chewing properly." She said, passing a plate of meat to the children.

"Thank you, miss." One child said, taking a slice and handing it to the next.

"Thanks, miss." Another said.

A third boy took one and placed it on his plate. "Thank you, miss."

The plate finally reached the Doctor who took two slices, saying. "Thanks, miss!"

Suddenly, the children stood up in a panic while the girl remained seated. "It's all right. Everybody stay where you are!" She commanded.

"Good here, innit?" The Doctor cut a piece and placed it in his mouth; while Rose picked a bit from his plate. "Who's got the salt?" The Doctor said.

"Back in your seats." She glared at them. "They shouldn't be here either."

"So, you lot, what's the story?" He asked the children who started to sit back down.

An older boy spoke up. "What do you mean?"

"You're homeless, right?" Rose looked at them all. "Living rough?"

"Why do you want to know that? Are you coppers?" A smaller boy raised his voice in alarm

"Of course we're not coppers. What's a copper going to do with you lot anyway? Arrest you for starving?" He joked, making some of them laugh. "I make it 1941. You lot shouldn't even be in London. You should've been evacuated to the country by now."

"I was evacuated." A boy squeaked. "Sent me to a farm."

Rose asked. "So why'd you come back?"

"There was a man there-"

"Yeah, same with Ernie. Two homes ago." One of the boys interrupted; pointing at the older boy known as Ernie.

"Shut up." He argued. "It's better on the streets anyway. It's better food."

"Yeah. Nancy always gets the best food for us." One of the boys looked at the woman whose name was now known to the Doctor and Rose.

The Doctor grinned at her. "So, that's what you do, is it, Nancy?"

"What is?" Nancy stared in bewilderment.

"As soon as the sirens go, you find a big fat family meal still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and bingo! Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London Town. Puddings for all, as long as the bombs don't get you."

"Something wrong with that?" Nancy questioned with a sense of anger.

"Wrong with it? It's brilliant. I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical." The Doctor complimented her.

However, Nancy continued to look on in disgust. "Why'd you follow me? What do you want?"

"I want to know how a phone that isn't a phone gets a phone call." He said in a sincere tone. "You seem to be the one to ask."

"I did you a favour." She argued in return. "I told you not to answer it, that's all I'm telling you."

"Great, thanks." Rose said. "And we want to find a ginger in a bright yellow shirt. I mean a specific one."

The Doctor interrupted Rose, explaining. "We didn't just wake up this morning with a craving. Anybody seen a girl like that?"

Rose sat on her chair, awkwardly as the Doctor looked around the room for an answer. The children sat in silence and bewilderment, wondering whether the pair of them were even sane. Nancy stood up and stormed over to the Doctor and Rose; snatching their plates away.

"What have I done wrong?" The Doctor cried.

"You took two slices." The children laughed at Nancy's comment as she headed back to her seat with the plates in hand. "No gingers, no yellow shirts. Anything else before you leave?" She wondered sarcastically.

"Yeah, there is actually. Thanks for asking." He said ignoring Nancy's sarcasm; he grabbed a piece of paper and started to draw a picture. "Something I've been looking for. Would've fallen from the sky about a month ago, but not a bomb. Not the usual kind, anyway. Wouldn't have exploded. Probably would have just buried itself in the ground somewhere, and it would have looked something like this."

He held the drawing up to the children who glared at him in return. Until suddenly, a loud knocking sound came from the window. The boys and girls stood up in alarm once more.

"Mummy?" It was the same child's voice that talked to the Doctor and Rose on the phone, saying the same thing as it did to them. "Are you in there, mummy?"

The Doctor got up slowly, Rose held onto his arm as he went to pull the curtains open. He brushed his fingertips on the linen and the weak stitching, peaking through. On the other side was a little boy, roughly about 5 or 6, wearing a gas mask. He placed his little hand on the window as if it was asking to be let in.

"Mummy?" It asked again.

Rose noticed Nancy was starting to panic. "Who was the last one in?"

"Him." Ernie pointed to a scared little boy.

She shook her head. "No, he came round the back. Who came in the front?"

The little boy, who was evacuated to the farm, spoke up in a skittish manner. "Me."

"Did you close the door?" She asked, agitated.


"Did you close the door?" She asked once more, pressuring him to talk.

"Mummy?" The child wandered from the window, towards the front door "Mummy? Mummy?"

Nancy, in a fret, bolted to the front door which was ajar. The child began to open it, however Nancy slammed it shut. Fiddling with every bolt and lock to make sure he didn't come in. The Doctor and Rose, arm in arm, followed her out.

"What's this, then?" The Doctor queried. "It's never easy being the only child left out in the cold, you know."

"I suppose you'd know." She said, turning to him with annoyance.

"I do actually, yes."

She breathed in deep, looking back at the door where the silhouette of the child was standing. "It's not exactly a child."

"Mummy?" He asked again, leading Nancy to run back into the dining room.

She grabbed her coat, commanding the children to leave. "Right, everybody out. Across the back garden and under the fence. Now! Go! Move!"

The children became neurotic, grabbing their coast and scarfs. They soon fled through the back door in a state of terror. Rose and the Doctor remained in the hallway, watching the child closely.

The child slipped a scarred hand through the letterbox. "Mummy? Mummy? Please let me in, mummy. Please let me in, mummy."

"Are you all right?" Rose said, slowly walking towards the hand.

"Please let me in."

Suddenly, Nancy threw a vase at the hand. The child withdrew in fear; Nancy straightened herself up and extended a warning. "You mustn't let him touch you!"

"What happens if he touches me?" The Doctor says.

She gulped. "He'll make you like him."

"And what's he like?"

"I've got to go." She said, starting to leave the hallway.

The Doctor needed an answer. "Nancy, what's he like?"

She paused, hesitating in thought. "He's empty."

Abruptly, the phone started to ring. They all studied the device closely; knowing it was the child's work. "It's him. He can make phones ring. He can-" She said in horror "Just like with that police box you saw."

The Doctor didn't delay, picking up the phone and answering it. Rose noticed the child's shadow staring at it.

"Are you my mummy?" It said before Nancy snatched it from the Doctor's hand and placed it back on the hook in anger. Instantaneously a radio started playing in the dining room; playing both music and the child's voice. "Mummy? Please let me in, mummy."

The Doctor and Rose jogging into the dining room once more, seeing the radio playing his voice over and over again as if the child was trying to gain their attention.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy." They looked over their shoulders to find a toy monkey playing his voice as well.

How can a child put his voice into different objects?

"You stay if you want to." And with that, Nancy fled out the back door. The only people left were the last people who entered, the Doctor and Rose.

Rose entered the hallway once more, noticing the little boy had put his blemished arm through the gold letterbox again. He was reaching for someone; his mother she presumed.

"Mummy? Let me in please, mummy. Please let me in."

She choked on her saliva with paranoia. "Doctor!"

He was sonicking the objects until rushing out into the hallway due to Rose's dismay. "Your mummy isn't here." Rose tried to reason with him. However, his arm still stuck through the doorway. It was clear that he wasn't giving up so easily.

"Are you my mummy?" He said.

The Doctor knelt down at the doorway "No mummies here. Nobody here but us chickens." He looked at Rose and grinned, pointing at her. "Well, this chicken."

"Oi" She smacked him round the head.

He scratched it pain. "Just like your mother!"

Then he felt another whack to head, he felt it bruising underneath his thin hair.

"I'm scared." The child said in a worry.

Rose walked closer to the entrance. "Why are those other children frightened of you?"

He ignored the question, still demanding to be let in. "Please let me in, mummy. I'm scared of the bombs."

"Okay. I'm opening the door now." The Doctor stood up just as the child heaved its arm out of the letterbox. Rose backed away in fear, knowing that this child was dangerous.

The Doctor unscrewed both bolts and put a firm hand on the doorknob; he hesitated for a moment and wondered whether to do this or not. He carefully turned the knob and jerked the door open to find nothing; no child in a gas mask. There was the quiet street and the sound of bombs overhead. Rose looked at the Doctor in stupefaction, however, he did not know the answer to this puzzle either.


Willow awoke in the ship once again, searching her surroundings. This was definitely not a WWII ship. "Better now?" She turned to see the young American sitting on a chair, gazing at her with flirtatious eyes.

It was too dark to see everything. "You got lights in here?"

He flicked a switch, lights protruded from the walls. Soon enough, she was able to see the whole of the ship; it was small but comfortable with wires dangling from the ceiling like snakes slithering down.

"Hello." He said with a grin.

Willow raised her eyebrows. "Hello... again... So, who are you?"

"Captain Jack Harkness," He said, pulling out what looked like an ID card. "One Three Three Squadron, Royal Air Force. American volunteer."

She looked at the paper, noticing it was fake because it said something completely different. "Liar. This is psychic paper. It tells me whatever you want it to tell me."

Jack frowned in confusion. "How do you know?"

"Two things. One, I have a friend who uses this all the time." She mentioned, handing it back. "And two, you just handed me a piece of paper telling me you're single and you work out."

"Tricky thing, psychic paper." He sly stated before reading it.

"Yeah. Can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over..." acknowledged Willow before realising what she had just done.

He read the paper, closely. "Ok, so you just broke up with your boyfriend because he cheated on you. Oh, and now you're planning to stay single-"

"Shut up!" She guffawed.

He smirked. "Actually, the word you use is available."

She laughed again, embarrassed. "It doesn't say that!"

"And another one, very."

"Shall we try and get along without the psychic paper?" Willow asked, recovering from her laughing fit.

Jack smirked again. "That would be better, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah." Smiling, she glanced once more around his spaceship. "So you're not from around here, then?"

"Not a local boy, no." He eyed her for a few seconds. "I'm guessing you aren't a local girl, either."

She applauded. "Well done; you got it right!"

"Burn your hands on the rope?" He questioned, looking down at the red patches on her hands.

"Yeah I did. That's what happens when you're hanging mid-air, slipping off a balloon." She mentioned, sarcastically.

He gestured to her. "Can I have a look at your hands for a moment?"


"Please?" He took hold of her hands; examining them like a doctor. "You can stop acting now. I know exactly who you are. I can spot a Time Agent a mile away."

"Time Agent?" She queried, although it seemed like it he didn't take notice.

"I've been expecting one of you guys to show up. Though not, I must say, by barrage balloon. Do you often travel that way?" He joked, sounding like the Doctor.

"Sometimes I get swept off my feet-" Willow recalculated what she just said, correcting herself. "By balloons. What are you doing?"

He brushed my hands and started to wrap a scarf around her wrists. All of a sudden, a memory reappeared in her head. It made things very clear.

"Hold on, I've seen you before." Willow stated, he stared at her in surprise.

"What do you mean?" He responded, slightly alarmed.

She hesitated. "In a shop, back home. It exploded on the same day, but you were there earlier."

"Well, I hope I didn't explode it!"

Willow shook her head, grinning. "Don't worry, you didn't! But it seemed like you knew me- I mean you smiled at me."

He shrugged again. "Probably in my future. At least I have one! Try to keep still." He pressed another button, causing golden sparks to settle on her hands.

"Nanogenes." He explained. "Sub-atomic robots. The air in here is full of them. They just repaired three layers of your skin." He pressed the same button, after a minute, and the glowing orbs dissipated.

Untying her wrists, he went back to the front of the ship. "Shall we get down to business?"

"Business?" She asked whilst checking her hands over again.

"Shall we have a drink on the balcony? Bring up the glasses." He pulled a lever as a hatch opened from the ceiling; Jack went up first while Willow grabbed two champagne glasses and headed up after him.

She watched the fires expand all over the city as more bombs dropped from the sky like tight drips of rain. Searchlights passed through the ship; however the ship could not be seen. It was as if they were standing on nothing. She glimpsed at the shadow of a clock behind her. Willow turned to find that were standing next to Big Ben or Queen Elizabeth Tower as it is actually called.

"Invisibility cloak, correct?" Willow wondered, brushing her fingertips on the hull of the ship where she presumed it would be.

"Correct." He says, clicking his remote control. It revealed the ship in its whole, however they still could not be seen.

"So you tethered up to Big Ben for some reason." She commented.

He took out a champagne bottle, shaking it. "First rule of active camouflage. Park somewhere you'll remember."

He popped open the bottle; the liquid squirted out over the ship. They laughed as it rushed out, Willow took the glasses and held them out to Jack. Pouring its insides into the glasses, more into Jack's, however.


The Doctor and Rose may have lost Nancy, but he knows where to find her. She was seen piling some things into a bag near an old railway station. Going into the shack, both of them were ready to pounce with questions.

She knew someone was there, moving her eyes up to find the Doctor and Rose, grinning at her. "How'd you follow me here?"

"I'm good at following," He tapped his nose. "Got the nose for it."

"People can't usually follow me if I don't want them to." She argued.

"My nose has special powers."

"Yeah? That's why it's-" She nodded at his face, gesturing to his nose.

Rose started to giggle a little, however the Doctor didn't seem to notice. "What?"


The Doctor looked at Rose and then back at Nancy in a state of rare dubiety. "What?"

"Nothing." She glared at his ears too, Rose giggling and smiling like a toddler. "Do your ears have special powers too?"

He crossed his arms. "What are you trying to say?"

Nancy rolled her eyes, starting to pack up and leave. "Goodnight, Mister."

"Nancy, there's something chasing you and the other kids. Looks like a boy and it isn't a boy, and it started about a month ago, right?" She stopped, knowing what the Doctor was talking about. "The thing I'm looking for, the thing that fell from the sky, that's when it landed. And you know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

She paused in hesitation; however she knew she couldn't get out of this situation because he knows about her. "There was a bomb. A bomb that wasn't a bomb. Fell the other end of Limehouse Green Station."

"Take us there." He commanded.

"There's soldiers guarding it. Barbed wire. You'll never get through." She proclaimed as if she was avoiding it.

Rose twinkled a little smile "Try us."

Rolling her eyes, Nancy started to straighten herself up. "You sure you want to know what's going on in there?"

"I really want to know." Rose said.

The Doctor beamed. "And so do I."

"Then there's someone you need to talk to first." Nancy implied, ready to leave.

"And who might that be?"

"The Doctor." With that, Nancy left the shack and stormed out of the railway tracks. Both the Doctor and Rose held their confusion but knew there was an answer to it.


It must have been a few hours since Willow first landed in his ship. They stood by Big Ben and drank most of the champagne, well, Jack did.

He was a nice guy to be honest. He was a smooth-talking American with a heart of gold; he threw a few flirtatious jokes one way or the other. However, she kept on thinking about Rose and the Doctor. I mean, what are they doing?

"You know, it's getting a bit late. I should really be getting back." She mentioned, putting her glass down.

Jack sipped the last of his champagne. "We're discussing business."

"This isn't business." Willow pointed to the bottle. "This is champagne."

"I try never to discuss business with a clear head." She frowned and wondered whether he was joking or not.

"Are you travelling alone? Are you authorised to negotiate with me?" He questioned.

"What would we be negotiating?"

"I have something for the Time Agency. Something they'd like to buy. Are you in power to make payment?" He pressured her with more questions.

"Well, I'm sure my companions won't mind." She smirked when looking away from Jack.

"Companions?" She heard him ask with a hint of jealousy.

"I should really be getting back to him."

"Him?" She giggled under her breath as Jack's voice became more envious.

"Do you have the time?" Willow questioned before turning to see Big Ben's lights on. Now he was just competing. "Trying to show off, are we?"

"So, when you say your companions, just how disappointed should I be?" He says, wandering closer.

"Do you really think now's a good time to be coming on to me? In an air raid?" She crossed her arms like the Doctor.

"Well, maybe. Do you like Glenn Miller?" He says, pulling out his remote again and clicking another button. The loud skies were drowned out by the sound of 'Moonlight Serenade' by Glenn Miller.

He took her by the arms and pulled me into a dance. It was so calming around him; James would never do this to her. Willow's got herself an upgrade.

"It's 1941, the height of the London Blitz, the height of the German bombing campaign, and something else has fallen on London. A fully equipped Chula warship." He says, talking in a smooth voice. "The last one in existence, armed to the teeth. And I know where it is, because I parked it. If the Agency can name the right price, I can get it for you. But in two hours, a German bomb is going to fall on it and destroy it forever. That's your deadline. That's the deal. Now, shall we discuss payment?"

Willow blinked out her trance. "You used to be a Time Agent, now you're some kind of freelancer."

"Well, that's a little harsh. I like to think of myself as a criminal." He said, pulling her in closer.

"I bet you do!"

"So, these companions of yours, do they handle the business?" He asked.

She swooned slightly, but still had to focus on getting back to the Doctor and Rose. "Yeah, they do."

He raised his eyebrows, suggesting. "Well, maybe we should go find him."

"And how're you going to do that?" queried Willow.

"Easy. I'll do a scan for alien tech." Pulling out another remote, he opened the door to the ship and went back inside with Glenn Miller still playing in the background.

Willow smiled. "Finally, a professional!"


The Doctor took out a pair of binoculars as he, Rose and Nancy stood near the bomb area.

Scanning the area with binoculars, Nancy explained. "The bomb's under that tarpaulin. They put the fence up overnight." She gestured towards a building at the other end. "See that building? The hospital."

"What about it?" The Doctor said, peering towards Albion Hospital. He remembered going there ages ago when he was researching the mysterious alien body the Slitheen planted in there. "That's where the doctor is. You should talk to him."

His eyes travelled back over to the bomb site. "For now, I'm more interested in getting in there."

"Talk to the doctor first." recommended Nancy. He lowered the binoculars. "Because then maybe you won't want to get inside." She started to make her way back up the stairs, trying to get away from them again.

"Where're you going?" Rose questioned her.

"There was a lot of food in that house. I've got mouths to feed. Should be safe enough now?" She implied, heading back up.

"Can I ask you a question?" She turned in bewilderment at the Doctor. "Who did you lose?"


"The way you look after all those kids. It's because you lost somebody, isn't it?" Her face formed into surprise and sadness, knowing he was right. "You're doing all this to make up for it."

"My little brother, Jamie." Her face turned solemn as she explained her story. "One night I went out looking for food. Same night that thing fell. I told him not to follow me, I told him it was dangerous, but he just- He just didn't like being on his own."

"What happened?" Rose asked.

"In the middle of an air raid? What do you think happened?" She said in a sarcastic manner.

The Doctor muttered. "Amazing."

"What is?"

He smiled. "1941. Right now, not very far from here, the German war machine is rolling up the map of Europe. Country after country, falling like dominoes. Nothing can stop it. Nothing. Until one, tiny, damp little island says no. No. Not here. A mouse in front of a lion. You're amazing, the lot of you. Don't know what you do to Hitler, but you frighten the hell out of me. Off you go then do what you've got to do. Save the world."

She nodded, smirking at them as she left. They both started to walk down, past the bomb site towards the hospital. The Doctor grabbed the sonic from his inside pocket and worked its magic on the padlock that locked the ornate metal gates of the hospital in place.

The dim corridors flickered with light at any chance they got; it was silent as if there was no one here. Not one doctor or nurse, rogue patient or estranged visitors. They could be in the shelters, however there was a strange feeling that no one had walked around this place for a while.

There lay scraps of metal on the floor and fabrics that dangled on the walls; an open wooden door led the duo to enter a long, dark ward with a desk in the middle. The beds had a patient lying in each; however they all wore a gas mask. Some of them were normal patients while others were hospital staff.

"You'll find them everywhere." A voice came from behind them, they both turned to see an elderly doctor with a walking stick to balance himself.

"In every bed, in every ward. Hundreds of them." He continued, sitting down by his desk.

"Yes, I saw. Why are they still wearing gas masks?" The Doctor queried.

"They're not." He said quickly, avoiding the subject. "Who are you?"

"I'm, er. Are you the doctor?"

He huffed, releasing thick breath as he watched the two. "Doctor Constantine. And you are?"

"Nancy sent me." He answered.

"Nancy?" His eyes widened as he seemed to realise what that meant. "That means you must've been asking about the bomb."


"What do you know about it?" He frowned.

"Nothing. Why I was asking." The Doctor said, straightening up. "What do you know?"

"Only what it's done." He explained.

"These people, they were all caught up in the blast?" Rose pointed out, looking at every patient.

"None of them were." He chuckled for a moment; until suddenly interrupted by harsh coughing.

"You're very sick." The Doctor commented, noticing his fatigue.

"Dying, I should think. I just haven't been able to find the time." Doctor Constantine smiled at them. "Are you a doctor?"

Rose snickered at the irony before the Doctor said. "I have my moments."

However, Constantine looked over to the dormant patients. "Have you examined any of them yet?"


"Don't touch the flesh." He warned as the Doctor edged closer to examine them.

"Which one?" He asked.


The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver once more and studied a sleeping man intensely; noticing several improbabilities.

"Massive head trauma, mostly to the left side. Partial collapse of the chest cavity, mostly to the right. There's some scarring on the back of the hand and the gas mask seems to be fused to the flesh, but I can't see any burns."

"Examine another one." Doctor Constantine commanded.

He went over to another person and noticed the exact same injuries as the last "This isn't possible." He said, scanning them.

"Examine another."

He saw another patient's body and searched their body to find the same injury as the two before. "This isn't possible." He repeated.


"They've all got the same injuries."


Rose looked at the patients in confusion. "How are they all exactly the same?"

"Don't know." The Doctor said, scanning their identical scars and burns. "Identical, all of them, right down to the scar on the back of the hand.

"How did this happen? How did it start?" Rose asked Constantine, walking back with the Doctor to face him once again.

He hesitated, starting to explain. "When that bomb dropped, there was just one victim."

"Dead?" He questioned.

"At first." He went on to explain about the child and what had happened to him. "His injuries were truly dreadful. By the following morning, every doctor and nurse who had treated him, who had touched him, had those exact same injuries. By the morning after that, every patient in the same ward, the exact same injuries. Within a week, the entire hospital. Physical injuries as plague. Can you explain that?" He questioned the Doctor. "What would you say was the cause of death?"

"The head trauma."




"The collapse of the chest cavity" The Doctor continued, trying to understand the right answer.


In the end, he gave up. "All right. What was the cause of death?"

"There wasn't one." They both frowned in bewilderment and intrigue. "They're not dead." At that note, Doctor Constantine hit a waste bucket with his walking stick. It created a loud bang, which awoke the patients. They sat from their beds and stared at the Doctor and Rose who jumped back for a moment in fear.

"It's all right. They're harmless." He comforted them, however it gave no effect "They just sort of sit there. No heartbeat, no life signs of any kind. They just don't die."

Rose slightly edged closer as they started to lie down on the bed again. "And they've just been left here? Nobody's doing anything?"

"I try and make them comfortable. What else is there?" Doctor Constantine sighed, knowing all his hard work was for nothing.

"Just you? You're the only one here?" Rose continued.

He bit his lip, sighing once more. "Before this war began, I was a father and a grandfather. Now I am neither. But I'm still a doctor."

"Yeah. I know the feeling." The Doctor said, crossing his arms.

"I suspect the plan is to blow up the hospital and blame it on a German bomb."

"Probably too late."

The Doctor suddenly noticed Constantine was going pale, as if he was becoming sicker. He coughed in distress as if he was struggling with something. "No. There are isolated cases. Isolated cases breaking out all over London."

Rose edged closer to him, however he put his arm out in front to stop her from coming closer "Stay back, stay back." He warned. "Listen to me. Top floor. Room eight oh two. That's where they took the first victim, the one from the crash site. And you must find Nancy again." He told them, finding it hard to talk like something was reaching up inside of him.

"Nancy?" The Doctor queried.

"It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying. She won't tell me, but she might... Mummy." He breathed out, huffing and coughing.

That's when they noticed the scar on the back of his hand; the same as the others. Doctor Constantine was turning into the patients

"Are you my mummy?" He muttered as Rose and the Doctor watching in petrified disgust as a gas mask protruded on his face; it reached out like a worm and covered his face. His eyes grew wider as his pupils soon turned into black lenses that grew leather, stuck to his face as if someone had super-glued a mask to his elderly features. There was nothing the Doctor or Rose could do but watch as he contorted into something different. Both the lively characters stood still in fear; their eyes perched upon Doctor Constantine as he fell asleep.

"What just happened?" Rose asked the Doctor who remained frozen.

"Hello?" An American man spoke out in the hallway. The Doctor and Rose broke free from their still positions and stared at the door in perplexity.

"Hello?" Another person shouted. It was a British female voice which seemed familiar "Rose?"

Rose blinked in surprise, taking the Doctor's hand and running towards the door. She opened it to find Willow and a dark-haired man strolling up to them.

They strolled up to the Doctor and Rose who both looked like they had seen a ghost. Jack managed to track them on a blaster type device; he had so many gadgets and yet he was so much younger than the Doctor.

"Good evening. Hope we're not interrupting." He said as they edged closer to them. The Doctor surveyed him like a painting. "Jack Harkness. I've been hearing all about you on the way over."

"He knows." She stated, causing the Doctor to glare at her in surprise. "I had to tell him about us being Time Agents." Winking at him, he did a little smirk in return.

"And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mister Spock." He shook the Doctor's hand firmly before his face returned to the same surprised one he had earlier. Jack went forward into the hospital ward, Rose followed in his wake.

"Mister Spock?" When he was out of reach, the Doctor muttered.

"What was I supposed to say?" She argued. "You don't have a name. Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor who?"

"Nine centuries in, I'm coping." He huffed, raising his eyebrows. "Where've you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz. It's not a good time for a stroll."

"Who's strolling? I went by barrage balloon. Only way to see an air raid." She simpered before heading into the ward.


Ignoring his response, Willow questioned. "Listen, what's a Chula warship?"


Jack examined the patients with his "wrist tricorder" and looked at the patients in bewilderment. "This just isn't possible. How did this happen?" He questioned, his voice sounded tense.

However, the Doctor ignored his question. "What kind of Chula ship landed here?"


"He said it was a warship. He stole it, parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it unless we make him an offer." She said to them.

"What kind of warship?"

"Does it matter?" A sense of anger grew in his voice, more concerned about the sickness all of a sudden. "It's got nothing to do with this."

"This started at the bomb site. It's got everything to do with it. What kind of warship?" The Doctor pressured him more.

"An ambulance! Look." He cried in the end; typing something on his tricorder. Suddenly, a hologram phased on which showed what they were chasing.

"That's what you chased through the Time Vortex. It's space junk. I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. I made sure of it. Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. Saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look, by the way, nice panels. Threw you the bait-"

"Bait?" Willow cried in disgust. "So this whole time you were trying to trick me?"

"I wanted to sell it to you and then destroy it before you found out it was junk." He argued, confessing what he had done.

"You said it was a warship." A wave of anger flooded through her blood. She was right about American men; never trust them.

"They have ambulances in wars." He breathed in, dragging his fingers down his face. "It was a con. I was conning you. That's what I am, I'm a con man. I thought you were Time Agents. You're not, are you."

"Just a couple more freelancers." Willow slipped in, crossing her arms and repeating what she had said earlier.

He rolled his eyes, now realising how wrong he was. "Oh. Should have known. The way you guys are blending in with the local colour. I mean, Neon Yellow was bad enough-"


"But U-Boat Captain and Flag Girl? Anyway, whatever's happening here has got nothing to do with that ship." While he was talking, Willow's eyes drifted towards the patients who all wore gas masks.

She wandered closer to their sleeping bodies. "What is happening here, Doctor?"

"Human DNA is being rewritten by an idiot." He commented.

She stopped in her tracks before she could touch them. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Some kind of virus converting human beings into these things. But why? What's the point?" Before he could say anymore, all the patients sat up from their beds. Willow jumped back in fear; sprinting back to the group who were also quite startled.

"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy? Mummy?" They muttered as they got out of their beds.

"What's happening?" Rose asked, clutching onto me like a child and a mother.

"I don't know." The Doctor said with fear.

Willow rolled her eyes as they edged closer to the wall. "Well that's reassuring."

He raised his arms to protect us. "Don't let them touch you."

"What happens if they touch us?" She asked.

"You're looking at it."

The patients closed in on them, edging closer as if they were beckoning them forward. Willow stood in fear as they repeated the same phrase over and over again. "Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."

Was this the end?


I said I would get this out soon but things and stuff kind of occurred leading to other things and stuff happening.

Well I was staying at a hotel for a few days, visiting my older brother in Bournemouth (just suffered a breakup from his girlfriend. Thinks she cheated. The only problem is she's a Doctor Who fan as well. Hard to hate). 

So I don't have a laptop so it was very hard to copy a Doctor Who script from a phone onto an iPad. Took me ages to write it all down on screen. I also started writing other stories which will be published on here eventually. 

But hey! Here it is! One of the most scariest episodes of Doctor Who is here. Back when most Steven Moffat episodes were good. Can't wait to write Blink because I was terrified of that episode. Then Steven had to ruin the Weeping Angels (no offence Moffat. You are a good writer though.) 

I hope you enjoyed the story. 11 reads away from 300 which is crazy!

- Alice 🌹

PS: Forgot to mention! So Willow was on the barrage balloon instead of Rose and met Jack before she did. I also identified that Willow and Jack have met before in Henrik's but Jack has not met her yet. So it's in his future when he's in Torchwood.

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