Your POV:
I sat down at my desk in werewolf class and put my head in my arms, ignoring all the whispering. Aaron sat in his spot next to me, but I ignored him too. My nose had stopped bleeding, but my cheek still hurt a lot. I fiddled with sleeves as Balto, the werewolf that tried hugging me came over. He began bugging Aaron until he noticed me. Please save me... "Hey cutie. Why are you still hanging out with this loser? Why not come hang with me?" "Sorry Balto. But I'm not hanging out with you or him." I replied quietly. Balto growled. "I wasn't asking." He replied lowly. I looked up at him before putting my head in my arms. "And I wasn't discussing anything. Now please leave me alone." I stated quietly. "Leave Balto." Aaron growled. Balto glared at Aaron before leaving.
After werewolf class, I quickly walked to music class. Ms. Pink was moving the desks away from the centre so there would be space for dancing. I quietly helped her as the others came in. "Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone is ready for practising today!" Ms. Pink exclaimed happily as the bell rang. I yawned quietly and rubbed my eyes under my glasses. "I would like Travis and (Y/n) to make up a dance on the spot together." She added. I looked at Travis to see he had a dark blush on his cheeks. I stood up quietly and pushed my glasses up. Travis walked over to me and smiled nervously. I gave him a small smile in return. "What song do you want to dance too?" I asked. Travis shrugged. "I-I don't r-r-really care... Y-You can choose (Y-Y/n)." He replied. I nodded and thought for a moment before hooking my phone up to the speakers. The song came on and Travis and I started.
((Without the kiss at the end))
Travis blushed and rushed back to his spot as Ms. Pink clapped happily. I yawned again. "Well done you too. The fact that you didn't prepare is wonderful! Now, I would like everyone to get into groups of two or three. You can either read the rule book for the competition, practice singing, or dancing, or make up a logo for our team." Ms . Pink announced. "(Y/n) and I can help anyone with singing or dancing." She added before writing stuff down in her book. Everyone got in their groups and started. I sat with Vlyad with a rule book, listening to music quietly.
Ms. Pink smiled and wrote some stuff down in her book before clapping to get everyone's attention. We all stopped dancing and looked at Ms. Pink. "Good work everyone! It seems like everyone has been productive!" She exclaimed. "We will be working a bit more on this during free period so try to remember what you were doing." Everyone nodded as the bell rang for lunch. I grabbed my stuff before walking away. "(Y/n)! Wait up!" I looked behind me to see Travis. I smiled slightly and stopped. "What is it Travis?" I asked once he caught up to me. He put his hand near my glasses, tracing the crack on the lenses. "What happened to your glasses? They're cracked." We began walking towards the cafeteria. "I walked into a wall... Again..." I lied. Travis nodded, believing the lie. "Ah, well... Be more careful next time please. I don't want you to get hurt." I nodded. "Ok. I will." I replied as we sat down with the other guys for lunch.
After lunch I walked towards art class. The dark pink haired girl shoved me out of the way, making my glasses fall again. I fell to my knees and searched around for them while she laughed, continuing to walk into the classroom. "Please don't break again... Please don't break again..." I mumbled, patting the ground near me. "Tch. Stupid potato." I glanced upwards to see a black blob. It went closer to me before putting something on my face. My vision went clear again and Aaron was leaving. I sighed and went into art class.
I sighed sadly and picked up all my ripped up art work, placing it in my bag carefully before heading back to music. When I sat down, Ms. Pink clapped to get everyone's attention. "Welcome back to music! I would like (Y/n) to demonstrate a different type of dance." She stated. I put my hood on and hid my face. Ms. Pink wrote something in her book before looking at the class. Why me? Why can't Cadenza be here? Then I at least wouldn't be the only girl! I sighed and took my hood off, standing up. I stretched a second before playing a random song on my phone.
When I was done I zipped my hoody back up before anyone could notice the markings. Ms. Pink clapped while the boys looked at me with semi wide eyes. I went back to my desk in a hurry. "Would anyone like to top that?" She asked, looking around the room. Dante put his hand up. "I would like to try Ms. Pink!" He said, standing up. He winked at me before hooking his phone up.
I clapped lightly as everyone else's clapped loudly and Ms. Pink wrote something down in her book. She clapped a couple times as Dante grabbed his phone and went back to his seat. "Good job Dante. Would anyone else like to dance, or sing?" She asked. After a second, she continued. "Ok, I'm going to let (Y/n) think on the spot and teach the class." Ms. Pink stated. My face paled and my eyes widened. I took a deep breath in before heading towards the front. "What can that small potato teach us? We are all older than her!" Aaron said. Ms. Pink sighed and I looked at the ground. "Look! She can't even stand up for herself!" He continued. "Alright Aaron, if you think you are better than (Y/n), prove it. In a dance off." Vlyad said, standing up and glaring at him. Aaron scoffed and stood up. "Fine. Dance I easy. I wouldn't want to mess up her face even more then it already is." He stated, cracking his knuckles. I fiddled with my sleeves nervously as he pressed play on his phone.
((Sorry about all the Dubstep type music and pop n lock type dance.))
Aaron scoffed and looked down at me, putting his hands in his pockets. "Top that little potato. Or are you just going to back down and let others fight your battles for you?" He asked mockingly. I looked down and he laughed. "That's what I thought." He said, walking away. I quickly pressed play on my phone and music started, making Aaron turn around in surprise. I looked up and pushed my glasses up further nervously. "No one has ever fought my battles Aaron. So back off." I mumbled to myself before beginning.
When I was done, everyone clapped. Aaron's eyes were slightly wide for a second before returning back to his normal, cold gaze. I took a deep breath in, attempting to catch my breath as my knees gave out, making me fall to the floor. Everyone but Aaron rushed towards me but I pushed them away, standing back up. Vlyad and Travis helped support me on my feet. "Are you ok (Y/n)?" Travis asked. I coughed a bit before taking a caramel from my pocket. "I'm fine. I don't normally dance this much in one hour." I replied, making everyone calm down. "Don't scare us like that (Y/n). You could have hurt yourself." Garroth said. Laurence nodded. "Yeah. You don't need to push yourself so much." He added. Why do these guys care so much? I nodded in understanding before sitting down, letting Travis and Vlyad sit down as well. "Good job Aaron, (Y/n). You both acted on the spot as if it was a real dance battle. Remember to drink lots of water, and Aaron... Don't be so mean to your friends. It could be your downfall in a real match." Ms. Pink said as the bell rang. "Have a good night and practice what you learned today!" She added before we all went home.
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