Another week passed and (Y/n) has gotten better at her magic skills. Not too too good, but good enough that she wasn't randomly drooling flames or having her footsteps burnt into the floor when she was walking.
~~~ Somewhere in Fox Town ~~~
"Three more people dropped out of the competitive team." A man said, rubbing his temples. He was wearing a crisp, fancy suit. There were neat piles of paper work on his desk, which was neatly orginised. His black hair had some stray grey hairs and his stormy blue eyes were hidden behind silver rimmed glasses.
"Calm down Steve. Our best students are still there. And I think I've found three new replacements." A woman said. She wore a slim, black dress and matching black heels. Her nails were painted black and were sharpened so they were more like talons or claws then nails. Her brown hair was pulled into a tight bun and her eyes were a cold grey, almost stone like.
"Students here at our school?" Steve asked, looking ip at the woman. The woman grinned wickedly.
"Soon to be students, Steve. Soon to be..."
~~~ With (Y/n) ~~~
"Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away! Raise a glass to the four of us! Tomorrow there will be more of us! Telling the story of tonight..." (Y/n) sang. Bill rolled his eyes at her and turned the volume down on the speakers.
"You can count, right? There's only three of us." He stated.
"It's a song Bill. No need to take it seriously." (Y/n) replied.
"T-That was from H-Hamilton, r-r-right?" Will asked, walking into the room. His hair was wet and his flower crown was missing.
"Correct! I didn't know you were a Broadway fan, Will." (Y/n) said, smiling at the blue haired demon.
"You don't know a lot of things about us Dreamcatcher." Bill said, stabbing a fork into his arm.
"Bill, we need those forks for eating. How many times do I need to tell you not to stab yourself with them?" (Y/n) asked, pulling the fork out of Bill's arm and washing it in the sink.
"Blah blah, blah. You sound like a mother." Bill grumbled before licking the blood off his arm. "Such a pain..."
"And you sound like a spoiled brat. Your point?" (Y/n) asked. Bill clicked his tongue but stayed silent. "Hey, I have a question... Why did you two help me the day we met?"
"We were childhood friends. You went missing for a while. We thought you had died until you showed up at our performance." Bill said, putting his hands behind his head.
"Childhood friends huh... That makes sense. What was our childhood like?"
"It sucked." Bill stated.
"W-We were all orphans at the s-s-same orphanage. The orphanage people d-didn't like us a-a-at all. W-We were the trouble m-makers. W-When we got in trouble, the orphanage people would l-lock us in a room for t-three days by ourselves. I-It was terrible!" Will exclaimed, tears welling up in his eyes just at the thought of the past.
"You got into a lot of fights defending us, so you were in the dark room a lot." Bill added. "Anyways, I'm tired. Night." Bill stated before lying down on the ground and falling asleep.
"He needs to learn that you can't just fall asleep on the floor." (Y/n) grumbled. "That's the fifth time this week.. It's only Wednesday!" She threw Bill over her shoulder with a small grunt and walked to his room, throwing him on the bed.
"Sleep in your own room if you want to sleep on the floor! Goodness!" (Y/n) walked out of Bill's room and into the living room. Will was sitting on the couch, hugging a pillow. "Will, wanna watch a movie? I'll make popcorn." (Y/n) said. Will looked over at her and smiled, nodding.
"Y-Yes please." (Y/n) nodded and went into the kitchen to make popcorn.
"What do you want to watch?"
"TANGLED!!!" Will cheered before clearing his throat, a dark blush appearing on his cheeks from embaresment. "I-I mean... Uhh.... W-We should watch T-Tangled..." (Y/n) laughed and brought some popcorn over, sitting next to Will.
"Sounds great. I like the music in Tangled anyways." (Y/n) said, shrugging.
"I-I'll get it set up..."
~~~ Somewhere else in Fox Town ~~~
"These three? You think they'll agree on all our plans?" Steve asked, looking over the three files on his neat desk. The files were filled with pictures, notes and other facts. The pictures were all taken from afar and were somewhat blurry.
"Of course they won't agree... At least... Not without some... Persuasion..." The woman said, sitting in front of Steve casually. Steve smirked.
"I love the way you think Melissa." He said, tossing the flies back to Melissa. "Get them here as soon as possible. They'll need some training before we can participate in the competition."
"Of course they will. They need to learn how to be obediant to their new masters.... And if they're not, there will be a punishment." Melissa said, writing something down on the three files. "We'll need to order three silvers, a gold, six bolts and....... Three tracks for the newbys.... Judging by the looks, the girl will be the most difficult to handle."
"That's a large order. You sure we need all those things?" Steve asked.
"Have I ever been wrong?" Melissa asked before waving her hand dismissively. "Send the twins to trail them for a day or two. Find patterns in what they do in the day and find the perfect opening."
"Whatever you say." Steve said before pressing a button on the desk. A loud buzzing echoed through the large building for a couple seconds before ending. "I'll fill the twins in on everything and send them off to their house in about three minutes."
"Perfect~" Melissa purred before standing up. She tossed the three files back onto Steve's desk. "You might need these. I have high expectations from you." Melissa said before walking out of the office, closing the door behind her. Steve sighed and slouched in his chair.
"Women can be terrifying..."
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