Your POV:
I rolled my sleeves back over my hands and stretched, yawning.
"Good job Zane." I said quietly before putting the cello away and walking out if the classroom. I wandered around the school, looking for the cafeteria when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it to see a message from FC and a message from Aph.
'Hey (Y/n)!!! Are we still eating together?' Aph asked. I smiled to myself before texting a quick reply.
'Yeah. Just looking for the caf. I think I'm lost again...'
'Haha. Sounds like you. I'll stay here and wait. Come soon please.'
'Ok Aph. See you soon.' I responded before opening FC's message.
'Hey Kat. How was your first day of high school?' FC asked. I giggled quietly.
'It was ok. I mean, I'm a year younger than everyone else. It's a bit nerve racking...' I replayed before continuing to look for the cafeteria. My phone buzzed again and I glanced at it.
'I know how you feel. I was nervous on my first day too. You'll be fine. Promise. 8D' I smiled a bit and avoided walking into a wall.
'Lol. Thanks FC. I got to go before I walk into a wall.'
'Lol. No problem. But you almost walked into a wall?'
'Yeah. I was texting you. Now I got to go before it happens again! Byeeeeeeeeee!' I sent before putting my phone away.
After a while of wandering around, I finally stumbled into the cafeteria. I glanced around, spotting Aphmau sitting with a couple other girls. One had blue hair, another had orange hair, one had pink hair and cat eyes and the last one had dark pink hair. I quietly walked over to their table.
"(Y/n)!!! You finally made it!" Aphmau cheered happily. I gave a small smile in response, hiding part of my face in my hoody and fidgeting with the sleeves. I pushed my glasses up higher on my nose.
"Hey Aph." I mumbled.
"(Y/n), these are some friends I made! That is Katelyn, Nicole, Lucinda, and Kawaii-Chan!" Aph introduced, pointing to her friends. I nodded and gave a small wave.
"Hi. It's nice to meet you." I whispered quietly.
"Awww!!! (Y/n)-Tan is like a cute little kid!!!" Kawaii-Chan gushed. I blushed in embarrassment.
"No I'm not..." I mumbled before looking at Aph. "I'm going to go sit down. Text me if you need anything." I said quietly before walking away. As I walked through the cafeteria, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a table, sitting me down. I blinked and pushed my glasses up again. I tilted my head to the side slightly.
"Why did you bring me over here?" I asked quietly. Laurence smiled.
"What? We can't let a cute girl like you sit by herself." He stated flirtily.
"I'm not cute..." I mumbled, puffing my cheeks out and crossing my arms over my chest. A couple of the boys chuckled.
"Whatever you say (Y/n)." Dante replied. I sat normally again and played with my sleeves.
"What was the real reason you wanted me over here?" I asked again.
"Well, since we our in the same music class, and we are going to be competing, we decided to sit together." Garroth explained, making everyone else nod. I sighed quietly and put my head on the table.
"Whatever." I mumbled before grabbing a box of chicken nuggets. I began eating them, ignoring the boys watching me.
After lunch I began walking towards my art class. I sat down near the far side and grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil. I flipped the sketchbook open and began drawing randomly. Once the bell rang for class to begin, I was finished my drawing. It was a voodoo doll dog type thing. It had a red heart sown on its chest.
I gave a small nod before my sketch book was grabbed from my spot. My eyes widened slightly as I whipped around to see a girl with dark pink hair.
"What a terrible drawing. It looks just like you! Ugly." The girl sneered, tearing the drawing out of my book, crumbling it up and throwing it on the floor. She laughed and drooped my sketchbook on the floor, stepping on it before going to her seat. I frowned and forced my tears back as I picked up my drawing and sketchbook. I un crumpled the drawing and put it back inside the book before closing it.
"Welcome to art everyone! Today we will be--" The teacher began.
After class I began walking back to my music class, looking down at the ground. I sighed and pushed my glasses up as I sat down. Garroth was talking with Laurence, Dante, Vlyad, Travis, Zane and Aaron. I put my sketchbook on the chair beside me before looking up to see Ms. Pink smiling at us.
"Welcome back everyone! Now I have your attention, for this class we will be singing!" She exclaimed happily. I paled visibly as I began fiddling with my sleeves. "Do we have to sing Ms. Pink?" Zane asked, clearly annoyed. Ms. Pink nodded. "Yes Zane, now who would like to sing first?" Ms. Pink asked, looking at everyone. After a second, she sighed. "Fine. I'll choose." She stated before looking right at me, smirking evilly. My eyes widened and I tried to hide in my hoody. "How about you go first (Y/n)? It could be away to get over your shyness." Ms. Pink suggested. I shook my head frantically, backing away slightly. "No thanks." I mumbled. Ms. Pink smiled warmly. "I think you took what I said the wrong way. I wasn't asking." She stated evilly. My face paled and my head felt light. I began to loose my balance and black dots danced over my vision. I closed my eyes, trying to make the dots go away, but it only ended in everything going dark.
I groaned and sat up, holding my head. My vision was really blurry, but I could make out that I was still in the music class. All the guys were around me. Ms. Pink was pacing and talking to herself about being fired and killing a student. I squinted, trying to make sense of everything. "Who died...? Why is everything blurry?" I asked quietly. Ms. Pink stopped pacing. "(Y/n)!!! You're ok! Thank goodness! I thought I killed you!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly. I flinched slightly before pushing her away gently. "What happened? Why is everything blurry?" I asked again, quieter than last time. "You passed out because Ms. Pink told you to sing first. And this might fix your vision." Vylad said as something was put in my face. I blinked and everything became clear again. I smiled softly and fixed my glasses. Thanks Vlyad..." I mumbled before standing up. I turned to Ms. Pink. "Do you uh... Still want me to sing...?" I asked nervously, a light pink dusting over my cheeks. Only if you are ok with it. I don't want you to pass out again." I nodded and opened my mouth to respond when the bell rang. "Maybe next time (Y/n). See you all tomorrow." Ms. Pink said as everyone left the classroom. I gave a small nod before burring my face in my sweater. I grabbed my stuff and sped walked out of the school. I saw Aphmau with the girls from lunch. I walked over quickly and tapped her shoulder. "Hey Aph." I mumbled. She turned around. "Oh my gosh! I forgot about you (Y/n)!!! I'm so sorry!" Aphmau exclaimed before turning to her friends. "I can't hang out today guys. Mom is away for the next three days and I can't leave (Y/n) alone." I sighed and swallowed my panic. I tapped Aphmau's shoulder again and gave her a small smile. "It's ok Aph. I'll be fine. You have fun with your friends." I said. Aph smiled. "Thanks (Y/n)!!! You're the best!!! I'll see you tomorrow at school ok. Text me if you need anything!" I nodded and watched Aphmau run off with her friends. I let out a shaky breath and began walking home.
Once I got home I locked all the doors and windows. I grabbed a big blanket and wrapped my self up in it. I grabbed my phone and went to messages. 'Hey FC! Can you talk?' 'Hey Kat! What's up? You ok?' I smiled slightly and moved my sleeves so I could type better. 'I'm just a bit scared. My sister went out with her friends for the night and my mom is gone for the next three days. Being alone reminds me of the orphanage.' 'It's ok Kat. You can always text me or your sister. Do you have any friends you can go to their house's or something?' I thought for a second before continuing to type. 'Well... I met a couple guys today at school. But I don't have their number or know where they live. ... So I guess not.' 'I see... Well, why don't you go to a park and find someone you know. Better to feel safe than unsafe.' 'Thanks FC. I'm glad I have a friend like you.' 'No problem Kat. 8D Be safe! I don't need my partner in crime to die where she can't re spawn.' I giggled and rolled my eyes playfully, pushing my glasses up farther so they don't fall. 'Lol. Kay. Talk later FC. Bai!!!! 8D' I quickly put my phone away and untangled myself from the blankets. I unlocked the front door and walked outside, locking the door again. The sun was beginning to set and the moon was starting to come up. I quickly ran to the park like FC suggested. I scanned the ground to see Laurence sitting on a swing. I ran over and tapped his shoulder nervously. He looked over and smiled. "Hey (Y/n). Why are you out this late?" He asked. I attempted not to look in his eyes. I fiddled nervously with my sleeves as an embarrassed blush spread across my cheeks. "Um... Can I stay the night at your house today? My sister is out with her friends and my mom is gone for a couple days. I don't like being alone..." I mumbled quietly. Laurence chuckled. "Sure (Y/n). We can get to know each other some more! Let's go!" He said happily, standing up. Laurence took my hand in his and began running towards his house, dragging me behind him.
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