Cadenza's POV:

"So... Why did you want to come back here?" I asked as (Y/n) sat down on our bed.                                   "Well.... I was board." She replied, giggling slightly and playing with her sleeves. I laughed.                  "So was I." I said as I lied down next to her. (Y/n) put her bags down next to the dresser.                         "Hey Cadenza... Why is everyone so nice to me?" She asked, turning to face me. I sat up.                      "What do you mean (Y/n)?" She sighed as her smile faded away.                                                                         "I mean, ever since I was put into the orphanage, everyone hated me... It might have been with my body, but everyone picked on me. They were so mean, I now think everyone will be the same. If I mess up, they will jump on me about it... But since I was adopted by Aphmau and her mom, Sylvana, everyone has been so nice... I just don't understand!!! Why is everyone being do nice to me!?!" She exclaimed. Tears ran down her cheeks as she gripped her hair and put her head in her knees. She is so... Broken.... Almost un fixable... I pulled (Y/n) into a hug and rubbed her back. She hugged her knees and sobbed quietly, her glasses falling from her face.                            "Shhh.... It's ok (Y/n). I can't promise that no one will be mean to you again, but I promise that I will always be by your side." I said soothingly, putting my chin on her head. (Y/n)'s sobs grew to hiccups as she began to hug back, burring her face in my shoulder.

After a minuet, (Y/n) calmed down and pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears away.                         "Sorry Cadenza... I don't like crying in front of others... Heh..." She whispered, picking her glasses up and putting them back on. I smiled and messed up her hair.                                                         "It's fine (Y/n). Everyone needs to break down and cry sometimes. It's un healthy to keep everything bottled up inside." I replied. She smiled slightly and nodded.                                                      "Yeah... Thanks again Cadenza... You're... You're one of the first people I trust fully..."                             "No problem (Y/n)! It's what friends do! If people leave you in the worse times, then they weren't really your friends to begin with!" (Y/n) giggled and nodded before playing with her sleeves.                   "Hey Cadenza... You... You won't ever think of me as a monster, right?" I nodded.                                        "Of course I won't. No matter what happens to you, or what you do, you will never be a monster in my eyes." She nodded and took a deep breath before standing up from the bed.                                   "What I'm about to show you, I've never shown anyone. Ever." I nodded as (Y/n) unzipped her hoody and took it off. She was wearing a (f/c) tank top. Her arms were covered in black designs and swirls that ran down to her fingers. The designs ran down her back, making larger designs. There were two small wing designs in between her shoulder blades, a angel wing and a fairy wing. From the wings, it went down to the small of her back, where a small tail like design started and wrapped around her stomach. The rest were covered by her clothes.                                      "Woah... I've never seen anything like it... They are beautiful..." I whispered. (Y/n) looked down.          "You really think so? They look like a curse to me... I'm scared that if I don't wear my hoody, people will be mean because I'm not normal." She whispered, pulling her hoody back on.                   "Who has the right to laugh at you when there are demons, witches, warlocks and other creatures out there!" I said, laughing slightly. (Y/n) giggled and nodded before sitting back down. She hugged me happily and mumbled a thank you.

Your POV:

A couple hours later and the boys came back. Ms. Pink was reading in the living room and Hayden was making food. Laurence, Garroth, and Dante were racing on Mario Cart 8, Vylad was drawing, Zane was having a secret tea party with the pony he got, Aaron was playing guitar, Travis was helping Hayden make tacos and Cadenza was sewing come clothes. I was lying in the middle of the living room, looking up at the ceiling. I can't believe I told Cadenza... Should I tell they guys too? I sighed and put my new headphones on. I plugged my phone into them and began listing get to Piano Guys.

"(Y/nnnnnnn)!!!!!" I blinked and sat up. Laurence was sitting next to me.                                                             "Whaaaaaaat?" I asked. Laurence smiled happily as I turned to face him.                                                        "What were you like when you were a kid? Did you ever know your parents?" He asked.                         "Well, I never knew my parents... But before I was in the orphanage, I was a loud, energetic kid. Always smiling, always laughing and playing." I replied, putting my headphones away.                           "Why aren't you like that now?" Dante asked, sitting beside Laurence. I shrugged.                                   "I had a bad past and I don't really trust meny people." I said simply.                                                              "Do you trust us?" Garroth asked. I pushed my glasses up nervously.                                                               "I guess a little... I did only meet you this year." I replied as Travis and Zane sat down. "Anyways, you guys up for a friendly singing competition? Girls against boys." I said, standing up. Cadenza  smiled and stopped sewing. She linked arms with me and stuck her tongue out at the boys.               "You guys can have differant groups since you can't really get along well." Cadenza added before we walked off to go plan.

"Are you guys ready yet?" I asked childishly, hanging upside down on the couch. Cadenza giggled as they boys chuckled and nodded. There was a group of three, with Garroth, Laurence and Vylad, a group of two with Zane and Travis, and another group of two with Dante and Aaron.                                                                                                                                                                 "Sooo.... Who's going first?" Vylad asked. Cadenza jumped up from the chair she was in.                       "We are~" She cheered, plugging her phone in. The guys chuckled and sat down as I nervously stood beside Cadenza. She laughed and nudged me playfully as the song started.

(You are the one with brown hair)


When we were done, everyone clapped. I blushed slightly and sat down next to Cadenza as the trio went up. Garroth plugged his phone in as Vylad smiled at me and Laurence sent me a flirty smile.

(Laurence on the left, Garroth on the right, Vylad in the middle.)


We all clapped and they returned to their seats. Garroth smiled warmly at me as he passed by. Aaron and Dante went up next. Dante plugged his phone in and winked at me while Aaron smiled at me before glaring at Dante.

When they were done, we clapped again happily. Those two sat down and Zane and Travis went up. Travis plugged his phone in and they both stood their awkwardly.

Cadenza and I laughed as she walked forward. "Ok... The winners are... (Y/n) and Cadenza!!!" She exclaimed before grabbing my hand and dragging me back to the room. I giggled as we left the boys in shock. A moment later they ran after us, trapping us in the bedroom. Dante smirked evilly before nodding to the rest of the guys. Cadenza pushed me playfully into Zane before winking at me and running away.                                                                                                                          "Your partner left you. You only have two choices now." Zane said. "Tell us what we want to know or be tickled!" He added as Aaron, Dante, Garroth, and Laurence pinned me down to the ground. I giggled and wiggled around as Vylad, Zane and Travis walked towards me.                         "I'll never tell you what you want!!!!" I exclaimed. Vylad, Travis and Zane chuckled.                                  "Fine then. But you will talk one way or another." Vylad said as the three boys began tickling me. I laughed and squirmed around,burying to break free. My eyes watered up and my stomach hurt from laughing so much. They continued tickling me as I laughed.                                                                 "F-F-Fine!!! You w-w-win!!!" I exclaimed. Travis, Vylad and Zane stopped tickling me as the others let me go. I sat up and wiped the tears away, giggling.                                                                              "Cadenza and I were WAY better than you guys." I stated before jumping to my feet and running away, locking myself in the bathroom.

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