Your POV:

I sighed and put my phone away. I'm so booooooard! I stood up from my bed and walked into the living room. Ms. Pink and Hayden went to go find out info on the competitions, leaving Cadenza and I alone with seven boys. Laurence, Garroth and Dante were talking happily, Zane was eating a cupcake, Vylad was reading, and Travis and Aaron were arguing. Cadenza sighed and scrolled threw her phone boredly. I sighed and sat down on the floor next to the couch.           "I could so beat you in any type of competition! Just because you're older, doesn't mean anything!!!" Travis exclaimed. Aaron chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest.                             "Is that so? In the beginning of the year, you were a stuttering little scardy cat!" Aaron replied.       "Prove me wrong then!" Travis stated. Aaron lifted an eyebrow and laughed.                                         "Hahaha!!!!! You any to battle me then? Fine. Let's do this." Aaron said. Cadenza smiled and jumped off the couch, waving her phone around, laughing happily as she hooked her phone up. "Woo!!!! Lip sync battle!!!! Aaron VS Travis!!!!!" She exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.       "I call hosting!!!" Dante exclaimed, grabbing a mic. I giggled and watched them both go to opposite sides of the living room. Vylad put his book down and sat down on the couch.                     "This, is going to be good." He said quietly as Dante began introducing everything. 

(Some swearing. First up is Aaron. Then Travis.)         


When Aaron and Travis were done, they shook hands as everyone else clapped.                                   "You were pretty good Travis. Good job with the dancing." Aaron said. Travis smiled.                           "Thanks Aaron. I didn't think you would do Taylor Swift though. That was surprising." Travis replied. Dante smiled and high fived Cadenza as they sat back down.                                                         "Good job hosting Dante! You did well... For a beginner." Cadenza said, pushing Dante slightly.     "Thanks Cadenza. You did good with the music!" He replied. I giggled quietly and watched as everyone went back to what they were doing originally. I sighed and lied down on the floor, starring up at the ceiling. 

"(Y/n). (Y/n)!!!" I blinked and sat up. Zane was crouched next to me, his cheeks pink.                           "What's up Zane?" I asked, slightly normal than normal.                                                                                   "Oh! Um... You were staring at the ceiling without blinking for a while... And we are going exploring around Fox Town. There are a couple performances going on and free food." Zane replied, standing up from his crouched position. I stood up as well.                                                         "Ok! Let's go then!" I said before walking out of the hotel, Zane trailing close behind.

Everyone else was waiting for us at the entrance of the hotel, talking happily. Ms. Pink clapped.   "I want everyone to stick together and not get lost." She said happily before letting us go. Music echoed threw the main road and we followed it. I was near the back, next to Garroth and Laurence. Everyone was talking happily and laughing. I looked around at the different stalls.         "Spin the wheel to try to win a pair of $500 headphones for free!" A man called. I walked towards the man and smiled nervously at him, pushing my glasses up. The man smiled warmly at me.       "Hello miss. Are you here to try to win the headphones?" The man asked. I nodded.                           "Yes please!" I replied happily. The man chuckled and pointed to a large wheel.                                   "Ok miss. Just spin this wheel! If you land on the headphones, you get them! Land on anything else and you get a less expensive prize!" He instructed. I nodded and walked towards the wheel. I rolled my sleeves up a bit do my hands were showing before spinning the wheel. It spun for a while before landing on a pair of (f/c) headphones. The man clapped and handed me the expensive headphones, smiling. "Good spin miss! Here are your headphones!" He said happily. I giggled and put them around my neck before waving slightly and walking away. 

As I walked, I ran into two boys. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes. The one on the right was wearing black glasses. I quickly apologised and they chuckled.                                                            "It's no problem beautiful. My name is Nathan. And this is my twin, Tyler." The blonde with glasses said smoothly, winking at me as Tyler smirked.                                                                                       "It's nice to meet you two... My name is (Y/n)..." I replied quietly, fidgeting with my sleeves.             "You're really cute, did you know that?" Tyler asked, poking my nose.                                                         "I'm not cute..." I replied quietly as they chuckled.                                                                                               "Are you single cutie?" Nathan asked, playing with my hair slightly.                                                             "I'm not dating anyone, if that's what you mean." I said, pushing Nathan's hands away from my hair. "Anyways, I need to go find my friends. It was nice meeting you two." I said before walking off. So that was Nathan and Tyler... Two of the singers from O'kassis Prep...                                                         

'Hey (Y/n)! Where did you go?' I looked down at my phone before typing something quickly.           'I got lost again, Lolol. I'm by a big wooden stage with a couple people surrounding it.'                     'We are in the group surrounding the stage.' Aaron replied. I walked closer to the stage before spotting everyone standing near the front of the stage. I quickly ran towards them and jumped on Travis' back, making him grab my legs in surprise. I giggled quietly and watched as Kat walked on stage.                                                                                                                                                                   "Welcome everyone! My name is Kat and as you all know, the competitions between schools is coming up in the next three days! Today we have a performance by O'kassis Prep, our winners of last years competitions!" Kat announced happily as a tall guy with orange hair appeared next to her. His right eye was silver and gold while his left was red and purple.                                                       "Good luck to all competing teams. And now, let's hear it for O'kassis Prep!" The boy exclaimed as they disappeared. Nathan and Tyler walked on stage with a brown haired boy. They all grabbed mic's as the rest of their team stood/sat by an instrument. Nathan smiled.                             "Hey Fox Town! My name is Nathan, this is my twin, Tyler, and this is our lead guitarist and one of our lead singers, Bobby. We're so glad we are here again! Tonight, we are singing 'Bang Bang'." He announced, looking at me and winking. Tyler and Bobby smirked as their team began playing.

(First, Nathan. Then Tyler. Then Bobby.) 


When they were done, their team packed up and left. Nathan chuckled and winked at me while Tyler blew a kiss. Bobby slung his arms over Nathan and Tyler's shoulders before they all walked off stage. Cadenza started fan girdling while they boys glared at their retreating figures. Some of them growled lowly. I yawned and put my head on Travis' shoulder.                                                           "That was weird... Can we go back now?" I asked.                                                                                                 "Let's explore a bit more first. I saw a vendor giving away free things earlier!" Dante exclaimed.     "S-Sure... But umm... (Y-Y/n)... W-Why are you on my b-back?" Travis asked.                                             "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!!!!! I wasn't thinking!!!!" I panicked, jumping off his back.             "O-Oh... I-It's ok... I w-was just wondering..." Travis said, scratching the back if his neck nervously, a light pink in his cheeks. I fidgeted with my sleeves nervously and pushed my glasses up.                                                                                                                                                                                               "Anyways, let's go find that vendor!" Garroth said as we all followed Dante.

I looked at vendor happily. There were stuffed animals, candy, food, blankets, clothes and other cool things. Aaron was looking at the food with Dante, Zane was looking at the MLP section of stuffed animals, Laurence and Garroth were by the souvenirs, and Vylad, Travis and I were looking at the stuffed animals. I smiled slightly as a young woman walked up to me.                           "Hello there miss! Looking for anything specifically?" She asked. I nodded happily.                             "Actually, yeah! But you have to keep a secret."

"I'm going back to the hotel now. Bye." I said quietly, holding two plastic bags.                                     "You sure? What if you get lost?" Aaron asked. I puffed my cheeks out.                                                       "Hey! I don't always get lost. And you can come with me if you're worried." I replied.                           "I was planing on going back anyways. I'm hungry." Cadenza stated, laughing as she linked arms with me. I giggled quietly as she dragged me away from the boys.                                                                                                                              

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