Your POV:

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, walking into the living room. Travis was sitting on the couch on his phone, a large bag of candy sitting next to him. I walked over and sat next to him quietly. Travis looked up at me and smiled nervously, a light pink on his cheeks.                                                   "H-Hey (Y/n)! Where did you g-go? Everyone was w-worried." He said, turning his phone off.           "Well, I somehow left the hotel without noticing and got lost. I then met a really hyper girl named Kat. She helped me get back and here I am." I explained. He nodded before grabbing his bag of candy, offering one to me. I looked at it warily, making Travis chuckle.                                         "I've never had normal candy... Sylvana says I get really loud, hyper and uncontrollable..." I mumbled to myself. Travis picked one up before handing it to me, smiling. I smiled back before eating it. 

After a second I giggled loudly and fell off the couch, onto the floor. Cadenza ran in as I jumped to my feet, running into the kitchen. I grabbed a can of soda before chugging it, making my blood feel warm and tingly. I ran back to Cadenza and jumped on her back, hugging tightly.           "Woah.. What happened to you (Y/n)???" She asked, trying to get me down. Travis glanced at the candy before putting it down on the ground. I laughed and fell from Cadenza's back.                         "Woo!!! It's been so long since I've had candy!!! Yes!!!" I yelled, running around the living room. Cadenza and Travis stayed on the couch as I ran around them, laughing.                                                   "Travis!!! What did you do to (Y/n)?!?" Cadenza asked as the other boys walked out.                           "I only gave her a piece of candy!!! I didn't know this would happen!" Travis exclaimed. I laughed and dropped to the floor, rolling around happily. Aaron looked down, confused. I smiled widely and jumped at him, knocking him to the ground. I hugged his torso and nuzzled my face on his chest. Aaron attempted to pull me off but I tightened my grip as everyone watched us.                                                                                                                                                                     "You're so waaaaaaarm...." I stated before jumping off him, putting my arms out like air plane wings and running around childishly, giggling to myself.

Vylad's POV:

We watched as (Y/n) ran around childishly. This isn't like her at all... We walked towards Cadenza and Travis who were sitting on the couch. Everyone sat down and continued watching (Y/n).         "What happened?" Dante asked as (Y/n) jumped over the couch, falling on the floor.                           "Travis here gave her candy." Cadenza replied as Travis scratched the back of his neck.                     "How was I suppose to know she would act like this?!" He replied. Garroth nodded.                           "True... But how do we stop her?" He asked. (Y/n) giggled and jumped on Zane's back, playing with his hair, making him blush. A couple of the boys scoffed and I chuckled.                                         "I guess we can just wait it out, you know... Like, until she passes out." I suggested. Aaron nodded in agreement as (Y/n) jumped off Zane and onto the couch, grabbing a pillow.                       "This is Mr. Pillow... No one can touch him..." (Y/n) mumbled before chewing on a corner.                 "Let's do something fun... Like a game!" Laurence exclaimed happily.                                                         "Ooo!!! I've seen a show with a lip sync battle! We could do that!" Cadenza offered.                      "Eh... Maybe another time... When (Y/n) is herself again..." I said. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Cadenza sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. (Y/n) threw the pillow at Dante before flipping off the couch and rolling around on the floor as a girl with brown hair and two different colored eyes appeared sitting on the roof. The girl laughed and stood up, jumping and landing on the floor. She walked over to (Y/n) and (Y/n) smiled, jumping to her feet.                   "Kat!!! You're back! Come play!!!!" (Y/n) said childishly, tugging on the girl, Kat's sleeve. Kat giggled and smiled at (Y/n) before poking her forehead. (Y/n)'s eyes closed and she fell to the floor. Garroth picked her up as we glared at the brunette.                                                                                 "What did you do to (Y/n)?" Dante asked, taking a step towards Kat. Kat laughed.                                "I knocked her out. When she wakes up (Y/n) will be good as new. She also wont remember anything that happened." Kat replied. Aaron growled lowly.                                                                            "How do you know (Y/n)?" He asked. Kat laughed and walked up the wall, sitting on the roof.       "She accidentally wandered out of the hotel, got lost, and ran into me! I helped her get back here!" Kat replied before giving us a closed eye and a peace sign, standing up.                                     "Now, I need to go! Byeeeee!!!!!" She exclaimed before dissapearing in a flash of orange.

After a minuet, Dante took (Y/n)'s glasses off and smiled lightly. He walked back into the bedroom quietly as everyone else talked about what happened. I followed Dante and watched as he put (Y/n) on her bed and pulled the covers over her, placing her glasses on the dresser next to the bed. He ran his hand threw his hair and smiled before walking back to the group.

~~~ The next day ~~~

Your POV:

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I sat up slowly and looked around the blurry room. A orange blob was beside me, A black blob and a brown blob were on the bed beside us, across from us was a blonde, brown, and blue blob, and on the last bed was a black blob and a white blob. On my other side was a dresser looking thing with my glasses. I reached over for them and put them on before carefully getting out of bed. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and my head was pounding. I put my hand on my head to stop the pain and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing some Advil and a cup of water. I quickly took the medicine before grabbing my phone, putting it in my pocket and walking towards a window in the living room. The moon was beginning to set and the sky was a nice color of orange and pink. I sighed happily and sat on the ground, putting my head in my knees.

A couple hours later, footsteps echoed threw the living room. I looked away from the peaceful sky and turned around. Hayden was in the kitchen making breakfast. I quietly walked towards him and jumped to look over his shoulder.                                                                                                               "Heya Hayden. What are you making?" I asked. Hayden jumped and turned around.                           "(Y/n)! I'm just making some pancakes. How long have you been up? It's only 7:07."                             "I don't sleep for that long... So I've been up since about... 2:15 ish... Anyways, can I help make the pancakes?" I asked. Hayden chuckled and nodded, handing me the spatula.                                   "Sure! I'll put the batter on the frying pan, and you can flip them!" He said happily. I nodded and we got to work.

"You know... You should get more sleep. It's un healthy." Hayden said as I piled the pancakes onto eleven plates. I shrugged and set the table.                                                                                                 "Yeah... I know Hayden... But... I just can't help it... The earlier I go to sleep, the earlier I wake up." I replied. Hayden sighed and nodded in understanding.                                                                           "Hey, you should go wake everyone else up. Ms. Pink is already up, so you just need to wake up the seven boys and Cadenza." I nodded and smiled slightly before walking towards the room. I walked into the room and stifled a laugh. Travis was hugging Zane, who was hugging his pillow. Vylad was half on the bed, half off while Aaron was sleeping normally. Dante, Laurence and Garroth were all hugging, and Cadenza was hugging my pillow. I quickly took pictures of all of them before walking over to Aaron and Vylad. I shook Aaron gently and pushed Vylad back onto the bed so he wouldn't fall off. They both groaned and sat up. I then walked over to Zane and Travis. I poked Zane's cheek, making him yawn and sit up. He noticed Travis' arms around him and pushed Travis off the bed, waking him up. I grabbed a feather and ticked Garroth's nose, making him sneeze. Dante and Laurence woke up from the sneeze and playfully pushed Garroth off the bed, waking him up fully. I jumped onto my bed and poked Cadenza's face a couple times before she yawned and stretched. I got back off my bed and looked at they boys, who were looking at me. I smiled slightly and pushed my glasses up nervously.                                                         "Breakfast is ready. We made pancakes!" I said happily before walking out of the room and into the dining room. Ms. Pink and Hayden were already sitting down and talking happily. I sat down at the opposite end and waited for everyone else to get ready.

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