She slammed the book shut in frustration. Her thoughts are full of questions on what might happen next. She couldn't handle the wonders that bombarded her mind and left the house. Her sweater was wrapped around her securely, trying not to let the cold air touch her skin. She wanted to find the sequel to the incredible book.
Even though she never wanted to leave her warm and cozy bed, the anticipation was too much for her to handle. Like every book she reads, she skims through every one of the series it has. And if the sequel isn't published, she will email the author like crazy. Asking questions for what the next book might hold. What adventures.
Adventures are always in her mind while she's reading a book, she imagines and pretends she's the character and is on their adventure. She's never been on one herself. Even if the character falls in love, she won't believe it. She doesn't believe in love. Crazy, huh?
A girl doesn't want a prince of shining armour on a white horse to sweep her off her feet and fall in love in an enchanting fairy land. But that didn't bother her, she liked being unique. Everything was already unique about her. Her style, her mind, the way she talks, her hair, and most importantly; her eyes. Everyone gets captivated, sucked into her eyes.
Well, not literally, but they just stare. Stare into the beauty of her irises. How they sparkle, and the colors of them. Green, blue, and purple, all mixed together. Creating it to be incredible and indulging in every way. It's rare to see a person like her, one in a million. Guys are head over heels for her, from her beauty.
But that doesn't affect her, she isn't one to jump from guy to guy. She's never even had a boyfriend. Yes, how could a girl like her not have a boyfriend? It's strange to think that such a beautiful young girl can't fall in love. Everyone she meets or hangs out with ends up making her hope die out in finding a perfect boy.
After Seraphina leaves the coffee shop with a scorching hot coffee in her cold hands, she leaves to the nearest book store. As she turns the corner, her mind wanders to the crowded street. Hundreds of humans all dressed up nicely. Men in trench coats, women in nice dresses all crowd around the street.
"Ma'am!" Someone calls out, Seraphina turns around to look at who it is. A boy with blue eyes and brown hair was looking at her, smiling.
"Hi, my name is Louis." He introduces himself as he reaches a hand over the wooden counter towards Seraphina.
"Seraphina. Nice to meet you." She smiles back, shaking his hand politely.
"You look awfully familiar, have you been to one of these before?" Louis asks curiously. He has seen her before, but not in person. His mind just won't click. It was on the tip of his tongue, but it just won't come out. He watches her carefully, how she sips on her coffee and shakes her head no. He furrows his eyebrows and thinks for a second as Seraphina stands awkwardly while looking around the area.
"Come on, let me show you around." He says, motioning her to follow him. She silently walked near him as he placed an arm around her small shoulders as he points and shows her things. Never has Seraphina been so indulged in something other than books. The paintings and drawings that all these artists put in their own precious amount time, deserve to be well known. Well, that's what she thought.
"And here's our most well known artist, and our last, Harry Styles." He smiles as he lets go of Seraphina and let his arm fall down to his waist.
"Hello," says a deep British voice as he stands up from his spot. As he gets closer to Seraphina, he examines her. The closer he gets, the more he knows it's her. The girl.
"Hello, and welcome to my art gallery." Harry smiles as he shakes her hand. Seraphina smiles politely back, as Harry kisses her hand. She flushes, and looks down. Not one guy has ever made her blush. This is something new. Harry took notice and smiled, but quickly removed it when she looked up again. And that's when he noticed the color of her eyes.
They were the most beautiful color ever, the more he stared, the more Seraphina became uncomfortable. He regained his posture and cleared his throat.
"Would you like to, uh, see some of my drawings?" Harry asked politely. She nodded, and Louis took that as his cue to leave. Harry pulled out folders and canvases behind the wooden counter. Seraphina took a seat on a bar stool and watched the way his muscles flexed when he lifted the portraits. The many tattoos that have been inked in his tan skin, his shirt was nice but had several colorful painting marks covering it. He opened multiple folders for her.
"Here," he said, "these are my best ones so far."
She carefully laid them out, some were painted, and others were drawn with graphite. Harry watched her, how her eyes soaked in the pictures. Taking in every detail, he smiled. Pieces of her hair slowly covered her face, she tucked them behind her delicate ear. Her nails were not painted, but looked perfectly manicured. You could tell by just looking at her, that she took good care of herself.
She has no makeup on, but still looks beautiful. She presses her coffee cup against her full lips before moving onto the next picture. Harry played around with a pencil to keep himself occupied, but couldn't move his gaze from her. All he could think was how breath taking she is. Not just her eyes, but everything about her.
Seraphinas' eyebrows furrow together as she examines a painting before she turns it towards Harry. He knows that she's found the picture, the painting that Harry's worked for years. Mixing colors together, to make it perfect. It even won him first place. But every time he looks at it, he can't keep himself from getting lost in the eyes. The eyes of Seraphina.
"What is this?" She asks, her voice so delicate and smooth.
"A drawing." Harry responds, stating the obvious.
"Yeah, but. Why does it look so much like me?" She asks, once again. Harry takes a moment, how is he supposed to explain it to her? That this is the girl of his dreams, and that's she's also sitting right in front of him. And he can't help, but feel at loss of words.
"It's you, Seraphina." He whispers, as her eyes go wide when the realization hits her.
Copyrights recxrds 2014
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