Chapter 11
The atmosphere of the Poisoned Pen Bookshop was chilled and inviting. The late afternoon heat had seeped into Mahognay's bones, making sweat bead between her shoulder blades.
"Hey, Cam, is Ace around?" Evelina asked.
Cam raised an unruly eyebrow. A frown pinched the edges of his eye and mouth, distorting his usually open and welcoming face. Cam's short-cropped, brown hair also seemed grayer at his temples. "What do you need with Ace?"
Evelina's mouth moved, but no words found their way into the air. Her wide-eyed, panicked gaze fell on Mahogany, who stepped forward.
"We bumped into him yesterday, and there was something I meant to ask, but it slipped my mind," Mahogany said and offered Cam a friendly smile.
"He should be upstairs," Cam gestured to the roped-off staircase running up the opposite wall.
"Thanks," Mahogany said and started up the stairs.
"I've only ever been up here once before," Evelina said, her voice hushed. "I offered to pick up a rare edition of the Witches Hammer for my history teacher back in high school."
Mahogany had been to the upstairs of Poisoned Pen several times for museum work. Occasionally, she'd retrieve enchanted books that the bookshop better housed than at the museum. Most of the books sat behind lock and key in the shop's giftschrank.
The cool air that had greeted them when they entered dissipated. The older building's air conditioning was not strong enough to dispel the outside heat from the upstairs portion, and the climate became stuffy.
As they crowned the top of the stairs, darkened rows of shelving came into view. Unlike downstairs, this part of the shop wasn't open to the general public but by appointment only. Each case had a plexiglass front locked from roving fingers and grabbing hands. This part of Poisoned Pen housed only the rarest tomes, filled with incredible magic and mischief.
Near the back wall stood a desk reminiscent of Bob Cratchit's in A Christmas Caroll, complete with inkwell and pauper sweat. Stooped over the desk, hard at work, sat Ace's bent figure, his nose inches from the ledger he scrawled in.
Mahogany knocked on the nearest bookcase and cleared her throat.
Ace jumped, his fountain pen scratching across the page, leaving a glaring black streak in its wake.
"Gods, Mahogany, you scared me." Ace's relief was apparent, however, short-lived. "What are you doing here," he said, mopping at the ink blemish on the paper.
"Sorry about that. We didn't mean to startle you. We heard something that made us question what you said yesterday about the time Matt died." Mahogany stepped closer to Ace as she spoke but kept ample space between herself and him.
Ace placed the pen back into the inkwell and folded his arms over his chest, the ancient chair creaking in protest. "Is that so?" His face took a determined set, and his jaw muscles flexed with irritation.
Mahogany held up the genuine accounting ledger from the Preservation Clock Tower Committee.
Ace's clenched jaw relaxed, and he sat forward, his poker face vanishing. "Where did you get that?"
"From the hiding place in Matt's office." Mahogany gazed at the book. "Did he hide it there, or was that you?"
"What do you want?" Ace looked like a man defeated.
"The truth. What happened when Matt found out you were embezzling from the Committee to pay your gambling debts?"
Ace sighed, his eyes filling with sadness. "He was mad that I hadn't told him I was in trouble." He shook his head. "Matt scolded me for not asking him for help."
"We have witnesses who saw you two argue the night of the murder," Evelina said, crossing her arms and glaring hard at Ace. "You told us you were jogging when Matt died."
"I was ashamed. Matt tried to get me to leave, but the table's pull was too strong. I felt lucky and wanted to see if I could make it right on my own."
"How did that work out for you?" Mahogany said, placing the book back in her backpack.
"How do you think?" Ace, his gaze fell to the worn, wooden floor.
"How much are you into the Remus brothers for now?" Evelina asked. Her voice was stern, but Mahogany could hear the sympathy underneath her words.
"Less than before, but still way too much."
Mahogany peered at the numerous ancient tomes surrounding them. "Why not offload some of these to pay your debts?"
"Cam knows of my gambling issue and has caught me selling things under his nose several times. He'll break up our partnership if I do that again."
"Why not sell your half of the business to pay off the werewolves," Evelina suggested.
Ace sighed. The sound carried the weight of a condemned man. "Cam owns the majority stake. My share isn't enough to pay the Remus twins off. I think Cam will be glad to see the back of me. We haven't gotten along recently. I think he's had it with my gambling addiction."
"So, Matt finds out that you're stealing from the Committee, and then what? Did he offer to bail you out?" Mahogany said, bringing the conversation back to the murder.
"He was going to go to the police." Ace held his hands up. "I know that gives me the motive to kill Matt, but I would never. I loved Matt like a brother. A whole pack of people can verify my being at the poker game when Matt was murdered."
"Why lie and tell us and the police that you were jogging? If we figured it out, so will they," Mahogany said. She watched Ace in a hawk-like fashion, searching for other lies.
"My gambling habit has already gotten me in trouble with the authorities. I'm on parole and not allowed near a casino, much less a backroom game." Ace shrugged. "I am as good a caught. The fundraiser begins next week, and the board will review our finances with one of those lice combs. You know, the ones with the tiny teeth?"
Mahogany cringed at the wordy analogy. "Yeah, we get it. So, then what? What's your game plan?"
"Go to jail, I guess." Ace shrugged. "Get shanked in the shower by some of the Remus brother's goons unless a miracle happens."
"Thanks for your honesty," Mahogany said and turned to leave.
"Yeah," Ace sighed again. "Have you spoken with RW about that night?"
Mahogany and Evelina whirled back toward Ace. "What about RW?" they asked together.
"Right after Matt finished chewing me a new one, RW happened by, and Matt and he got into it. From what I could tell, RW said something snide, as he does, and Matt lost it."
"Really," Evelina said, eying Mahogany. "Could you hear what they said?"
"Not really. Something about Matt not being able to hold onto a woman." Ace shrugged. "RW's a prick. It's probably all just talk to get into Matt's head."
"Do you still think the handkerchief I found under Saree's bed is a charitable gift from RW?" Evelina said once they were back on the street.
"It was me who was being charitable. Can you imagine having two of your significant others swept away by the same slime ball?" Mahogany's heart ached with indignant rage for Matt. Maybe Matt's and Saree's marriage wasn't the best, but RW is a true sleaze.
"Feel like taking a look at some fashionable men's wear?" Evelina asked, an impish glint in her eye.
"Oh, you bet I do."
They turned to head to Urban Alchemy, RW's high-end men's apparel shop, when they stopped dead in their tracks.
"Can we please talk?" Tony's beautiful hazel gaze bounced between the two young women, pleading.
Evelina's gaze jumped around the area. "Where's you're bulldog?"
"I ditched her, but she'll find me soon. She always does." Tony's worried gaze drifted up and down the street. "I haven't had a moment's peace since she showed up."
"Poor baby," Evelina said, rolling her eyes.
"You aren't the only one," Mahogany said, her steady gaze bored into Tony.
"I know, and I'm truly sorry. But you can see why I moved away from San Francisco. Blair is a suffocating presence."
"Understatement of the millennium." Evelina crossed her arms over her chest and squared her shoulders at Tony.
Tony wiped his hand over his face. "If you only knew how many times I've broken it off with her."
Mahogany and Evelina exchanged a look, their eyes softening, but only a little.
"We could use him," Evelina said.
A spark of hope illuminated Tony's gloom-ridden eyes.
"It would be easier to walk into RW's with him." Mahogany's gaze roved over Tony, a thrill of attraction spiked her heart, and she looked away, heat warming her cheeks.
"Whatever you need," Tony said, near begging. "I miss hanging out with you."
"We miss you too," Evelina said, "but we dislike Blair more. She's awful to Mahogany, and I can not abide."
Tony's gaze fell to the concrete beneath their feet. "I'm sorry, but I'm working on it."
"Well, you need to work faster," Mahogany said and shoved Tony in the shoulder.
Tony reeled back, and a sad yet hopeful smile raised the corners of his mouth.
"Let's go get you some new clothes," Evelina said and sipped her arm through Tony's, and the three of them set off toward Urban Alchemy.
Headless mannequins gazed sightlessly through Urban Alchamy's spotless plate glass window. Their plastic limbs were clad in tight-fitting tailored coats in a myriad of patterned fabrics, layered over cinched vests, and bold solid button-up shirts with matching ties. The mannequins' legs were adorned with trousers just a hairsbreadth away from being painted on.
"What is this place?" Tony asked. He gazed down at his t-shirt with its Iron Maiden European Tour image and baggy yet still well-fitting jeans. "I don't know if I'm allowed in there."
"They're all original designs by RW and Lilac," Mahogany said, eying a blue and yellow paisley shirt.
"You have a lot to atone for, Tony," Evelina said, "and trying on some of this," she gestured at the mannequins, "is just the start."
"Do I have to buy anything? It looks expensive."
"Only if you can't live without it," Mahogany teased, and she and Evelina tugged Tony into the store.
As they crossed the threshold, the electronic buzzer played a couple of bars from Cyndi Lauper's Time after Time.
"Well, that was unexpected," Evelina said.
RW turned, his eyes widening briefly at his newest customers, and then his disciplined composure reined again.
"Yes, unexpected indeed," RW said, mentally disassembling Tony's ensemble with a pair of surgical gloves and a trash bag. "What can I do for you three?"
"He has a soirée to attend next week and needs something to wear," Evelina said.
"I should say so," RW pursed his lips. "What is the function?"
"It's an afternoon tea at the beach," Evelina said. She admired a polished cotton button-up of the faintest blue, giving the fabric a gentle rub between her thumb and index finger before releasing it with the disinterest of a mother-in-law to her least favorite son's wife.
RW's purse puckered further at the passive insult to his apparel. He eyed Tony, visually taking his measurements. "Yes, I have just the thing." The angular man swished about the shop, gathering items into a heap on his forearm, his tufts of colorless hair swaying in the artificial breeze.
"This way, young man," RW said, leading Tony to a set of changing rooms. He returned a moment later, his fingers steepled in front of his chest. "Now, why are you really here?" He cocked a wild eyebrow upwards.
"A little bird told us you argued with Matt Hader outside Tipsy's the night of his death."
RW snorted and dropped his hands. "Don't insult me. Ace always was a liar."
"I never said it was Ace," Mahogany said, cocking her eyebrow.
"Who else would want to position me as Matt's killer? Ace hates me and makes no bones about it." RW examined his manicure and picked at something on the cuticle of his index finger.
"You're saying you didn't argue with Matt before his death?" Evelina said. She turned her attention to Mahogany. "I suppose we could ask others at the poker game. They might remember seeing him there."
"Excellent point, Evelina," Mahogany smirked at RW. "Smart and beautiful."
RW gave a sigh heavy with irritation. "On my way out of town, I saw Matt yelling at Ace. I could see that Matt was distraught, so I decided to poke an angry bear and say something nasty."
"Imagine that," Mahogany said. "You were heading to that business thing Lilac didn't attend?"
"Yes, I was attending a cloth expo at Murphy's Cider Mill."
"Did anyone see you there?" Evelina inquired, raising an eyebrow.
RW scowled down at her. "Not that it's any of your business, but yes, about fifty other designers and fabric manufacturers."
"I thought you said the convention was at the beach? Murphy's Cider Mill is south of here, not west," Mahogany said, a frown drawing her eyebrows together.
RW's eyes enlarged for a split second. "Did I? I must have mixed up last year's convention with this one."
Mahogany's eyes narrowed. "What happened with Matt before you headed to this mysterious convention?"
"I said something unbecoming of a gentleman." RW gazed around as if checking to see if they were alone.
"I'll let you know if one comes in," Evelina said, rolling her eyes.
RW pulled his shoulders back and stood to his full height. "I ridiculed Matt for not knowing how to please a woman and that if he didn't watch his step, he'd lose another catch to his inattentiveness."
"You're referring to Saree," Mahogany said. "How long have you two been sleeping together?"
RW's ruddy complexion darkened. "How dare you! I am a happily married man."
"Then how do you explain your handkerchief under Saree's bed?" Evelina said, leaning towards RW for effect.
"I gave it to her when I paid my respects the other day. You two insult me." RW stared down his long, angular nose at them.
"I don't know. It may be too much," Tony said, exiting the changing room. He wore a polished pink cotton button-up and a bright yellow tie. A plaid vest of purple and blue hugged him in all the right places. A pair of trousers in the same pink as the shirt clung to his thighs, making Mahognay's heart shiver.
"Get out!" RW screamed, making Evelina and Mahogany jump. "How dare you snoop around Saree's home without permission and then accuse me of infidelity! Outrageous." RW seethed with near-unchecked rage.
Tony scampered back to the changing room and reappeared seconds later, carrying his clothes under his arm. His snug pair of red boxer briefs left little to the imagination.
He ran, squeezed past the huffing RW, and out the door. Mahogany and Evelina stood in shock, watching him go before they came to themselves and hurried after him.
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