⭐️ Fantasy Entries ⭐️
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the judging phase will begin earlier than expected. Initially, the date was the 4th of March. Instead, the judging phase will start from today, 13/02/21.
Judges, you will have four weeks to send in the results, either through PM or email. The deadline is 13/03/21.
Participants, please remember to follow your judge. You also must not contact your judge. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the host, TheGuildedRaven. If you do not follow these rules, your book will be disqualified, and you will not continue in the awards.
Please comment done when you have read this and followed your judge.
Judge: UnKnownName824
⭐️ Duncana1003 - Finding Elita
⭐️ Croodsgirl - Dragon: Myth of the Bermuda Triangle
⭐️ Anastaciawolf - Elements: The Lost Medallion
Judge: * _R-M-Kempnich_ *
scrabblepost - Pangaea: A land of Warriors
TheBasilWriter TheBasilWriter - The Tale of Princess Lily Elizabeth Brown
Judge: Athens-J
⭐️ Kikibtsstan - Mystical Mutant
⭐️ tin2rh7 - Star Sky - Quasar
⭐️ AlainDucret - Temporary Demon Lord
⭐️ Righter97 - Malicious: Training [Book one]
Judge: * Athens-J *
⭐️ Chloe_Roissere - Song Of The Raptor
empiresofwater - Atalanus
⭐ SubwayChud - Isaac Unknown: The Albatross Tales (Book 1)
⭐ ChristinaSilva9 The Chronicles of Soraya Thenayu
⭐ spelunkadunk - The Claimed: Rashika's Resistance
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