⭐️ Chick-Lit Entries ⭐️
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the judging phase will begin earlier than expected. Initially, the date was the 4th of March. Instead, the judging phase will start from today, 19/02/21.
Judges, you will have four weeks to send in the results, either through PM or email. The deadline is 19/03/21.
Please refer to the judging criteria when writing up your results.
Participants, please remember to follow your judge. You also must not contact your judge. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the host, TheGuildedRaven. If you do not follow these rules, your book will be disqualified, and you will not continue in the awards.
Please comment done when you have read this and followed your judge.
Judge: _R-M-Kempnich_
⭐️ kinalhariya A Journey to trust and heal
⭐️ Minimoxx - Perfectly Unexpected
⭐️ GoddessOfLaziness - Reborn
⭐ Anon_Star - An Unexpected Love
⭐ PurpleGlowieGlitter - When Good Girls Drink
Judge: BooksandSnakes
⭐ Snora49 - Truth or Consequences
⭐ Skippy_writer - Life Of A Spy
⭐ Krystal525 - Sealed Desire
⭐ LaFayeJones - When The Devil Comes
ONE slot available!
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