Chapter 3: First Day at Beacon and Meeting The Titan Squad

Yelling: BOLD
Whispering: Bold
Talking: Bold
Radio chat: Bold
(non violent action): (knock)/ (high five)

(Attention, I am writing for fun not facts, if I don't have proper military stuff in here just shut up because I don't care)

(POV Y/n)

I was having a peaceful sleep and was dreaming about food, however my dream was interrupted by a loud whistle, I fell out of my bed and looked around and saw James dressed in his regular outfit, I could see Damien still in his bed under the blanket and Clancy was still asleep

Y/n: what is wrong with you

James: just because we aren't at HQ doesn't mean you can sleep in, we've got classes to go to, now if you don't wanna be deaf by the whistle I suggest blocking your ears

I blocked my ears as James walked near both Damien and Clancy's beds and blew the whistle, they both fell out of their beds, I unblocked my ears and got up

James: now we've got classes at 9 am, it is....7:05 am

Damien: you woke us up 2 hours early

James: well we've gotta do our morning run and we've gotta has breakfast

Clancy: what are we doing for the run, are we going to the forest or what

James: no, we are doing 10 laps around beacon

Y/n: oh come on

James: oh shush, now get ready and meet me out front of beacon

James then left the dorm as me and the others got ready, we left our dorm and went out front to see James looking at his watch, he looked at us

James: you guys ready

Clancy: no I just wanna sleep

Damien: yeah same

James: well to bad, alright let's go

James then took a running start as Clancy, Damien and I then started to jog as well, we were to tired and we could see James getting faster and further away, as we finished our first lap James passed us

James: oh your left

(TimeSkip 15 minutes)

We finally finished our laps as James was siting down just drinking his water

Damien: how did you get so fast

James: General Horiis had sent us all upgrades for our exoskeletons

Clancy: and you didn't give us ours

James: nah, but here *hands us computer chips*

We all put the computer chips in our necks, I then left my exoskeleton shake a small bit

Damien: oh I can feel the upgrade

James: feels good doesn't it

Y/n: I feel like I could run around all of America

James: yeah, General Horiis said that the upgrades make us stronger and much faster

Clancy: you're still an asshole

James: I know, now let's go to the showers and then get breakfast

We all then walked to the men's locker room where the showers were (private showers btw), we all got in a shower each, then Clancy starts singing as we joined too

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We all finished our showers, got dressed and went to the cafeteria, when we got in I got bacon and eggs and the others got the same, we all sat down at a table and began to eat, we talked and laughed and soon Teams RWBY and JNPR came over

Ruby: hey guys

Y/n: hello Ruby

Ruby: I just wanted to say thanks again for rescuing me

James: hey don't worry about it, it's just what we do

Damien: yeah he's right

Yang: you also sing too

Clancy: what are you talking about

Yang then pulled out her scroll and began to play it, we heard ourselves singing

Damien: you were in the men's locker room

Yang: what, no, I didn't record this

Ruby: yes you did Yang

Yang: Ruby shut up

Y/n: if you wanted to hear us sing, you just had to ask

Pyrrha: well it was good singing, you guys are really skilled

Clancy: yes, yes we are

They then sat down at our table, Weiss sat next to me and smiled, I smiled back and continued to eat my breakfast

Weiss: so Y/n, how was it at the military

Y/n: well, at the start it was the worst thing ever, you would always wake up at 5am, you would do 20 laps around the base and we had so many workout routines, but now I'm much stronger and faster then before

Weiss: all because of training

Y/n: well that and my exoskeleton

Weiss: exoskeleton....what's that

Y/n: it's a robotic skeleton that I have in my body, it replaced my spine, arms and legs

Weiss: what, why would you do that

James: he isn't the only one who has it, me and the others have it too

Weiss: but why would you do this

Y/n: well, a few years ago me and the guys were on a mission, our mission was a simple recon mission, but everything went wrong, when we got back to base the enemy somehow knew where we were, they had sent a artillery strike on us, when the explosion happened me and the guys were the most damaged, our organs were failing and our bones were broken, lucky we weren't missing any limbs, when we were evacuated back to HQ we were immediately sent to the medical room, they tried their best but our bones were basically mushed, the government had these exoskeletons that they were gonna test and since we were damaged, we were the best test subjects, and thanks to them, we are still alive

I looked at Weiss to see her crying, she hugged me as I hugged her back

Y/n: shhh it's okay, I'm still alive

Pyrrha: that's a horrible thing to happen

Damien: yeah it was shit, but we've been much better since then

Clancy: yeah, we are more badass then ever

Blake: you guys went through so much trouble huh

James: it's the risks you take when you sign up, you protect your country and it's people

The bell rang as we all got up and went to class, we first had Professor Oobleck

(TimeSkip to Lunch)

We had just finished our classes and were now heading to the cafeteria, we arrived as me and the guys got chicken and mashed potatoes, when then went to a table and began to eat, soon Teams RWBY and JNPR has joined us, we were all laughing and having a good time until

????: owww stop, that hurts

Me and the guys looked over to see some jackass bullying that Velvet girl

Pyrrha: disgusting, how someone like him got into a school like this is just-

Blake: trust me Pyrrha, we all hate him

I see the guy pulling on her ears some more, I was about to get up but was stopped by James

James: let me handle him

Y/n: alright

James got up and walked towards the asshole

(POV Change Third Person)

James: oi, she said stop

Cardin: oh, and what are you gonna do if I don't

James: I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you

He then pulled her ear again

James: that's it

James ran at Cardin and punched him in the face knocking him down

Cardin: ahh you piece of shit, get him

Cardins team then ran towards James, James just dodged each of their attacks, Sky was able to get behind James but before he could hit him, he was kicked away by Damien

Damien: Nice try dickhead

Soon it was The Ghost Squad vs CRDL, however CRDL didn't stand a chance, James had beaten the shit out of Cardin and the others beat the shit out of RDL, James stood over Cardin and had a look of death on his face

James: if I ever, catch you bullying anyone again, I will have you dead within seconds

James then picked up Cardin and threw him at his team

James: now leave

CRDL had ran out of cafeteria as everyone had cheered them on, James walked over to Velvet and crouched down to her level as his team went back to their table

James: hey bun bun, you okay

Velvet: yeah, just my ear hurts a little

James reached for Velvets ear as she flinched a bit

James: it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you

Velvet nodded as James reached her ear and began to make her ear less in pain, after a bit James had stopped and looked at Velvet

James: feeling better

Velvet: yeah I am, thanks James

James: no problem, wanna sit with me and the others

Velvet: sure

James and Velvet walked back over to his table, they both sat down as James gave Velvet his food

Velvet: what's this

James: it's your lunch, I ain't hungry anyway

Velvet: but you need to eat too

James: ehh I'm good

Velvet then got a fork and put some chicken on it, she then put near James

James: what

Velvet: eat

James: really, you're gonna feed it to me

Velvet nodded as James just sighed and ate the chicken, Velvet had a victory smile as well, everything went back to what it was before, they all talked and laughed

Pyrrha: by the way, we never new what your semblances were

Y/n: oh, well it goes with my name, I can shoot lighting out of my hands

Damien: I can make people's nightmares either come to life and kill them or make them an illusion and drive them to insanity

Clancy: I can control anyone's body with a single touch, well I need it use my bare hands for it to work

James: I can turn my arms into very sharp blades

Weiss: wait Y/n, what about your Glyphs

Y/n: oh that, well I could never use them, they never worked at all

James: maybe you aren't a Schnee

Y/n: maybe

Soon the bell went as everyone went to class, they had goodwitch next

(POV Change Y/n)(TimeSkip 1 hour)

School had finally finished, me and my team decided to go to Vale and grab some food, but before we left the building

Ozpin: *through speakers* could Teams RWBY, JNPR and Ghost Squad please come to my office

Me and my team just sighed as we began to walk to the elevator, when we arrived we saw Teams RWBY and JNPR waiting for the elevator, we all got in (I'm making the elevator much bigger) and went up to Ozpin's office, once we reached it I knocked on the door and waited

Ozpin: *muffled* come in

We all entered and saw 5 people in different military gear (read the new squad bio), there was 2 girls and 3 boys, one of the girls who had shoulder length silver hair and a blue strand in it had a big smile and tackled Pyrrha to the ground

????: oh Pyrrha, it's so good to see you

Pyrrha hugged the girl back and was smiling too

Pyrrha: it's good to see you too Maria

Boy1: does someone wanna explain this

James: we are just as confused as you dude

The girls both stopped hugging and stood up, Maria turned to the others and smiled

Maria: guys, this is my cousin Pyrrha

Girl2: you never said that Pyrrha was your cousin

Maria: well if I did you would have freaked out

Boy2: okay before we all get way to crazy here, I think we should introduce ourselves

Maria: oh good idea, well it's nice to meet you all I'm Maria Tarek aka Deaths Little Angel or DLA for short

Next a boy with gold hair and red tips had come forth

Artemis: names Artemis Alb but I go by Shadow on the field, let it be known, I don't know you so I don't trust you for now

Next a boy with a black Mohawk had come forth, and he was one tall mother fucker

(Sorry hawk but I'm changing him to just 7'0)

Hawk: sorry about him, he doesn't trust a lot of people anyway, names Hawk Baker but I go by Boss on the field

Next a guy with medium length chocolate brown hair walked next to hawk

Alan: sup, names Alan Croft and yes I'm the little brother of Lara Croft, also I go by Caliber on the field

And lastly a girl long red hair and Ann orange tip at the end walked next to Alan

Madison: hi, names Madison Bree or on the field I go by Lady Flame

Team RWBY and JNPR introduced themselves (ain't writing all that sorry)

James: nice to meet you all, names James Hunter or I go by Zombie on the field

Madison: why do they call you Zombie

James: because, you may think I'm dead, but I always come back

Damien: names Damien Wayne, or I go by Nightmare in the field, and if you wanna know why they call me Nightmare, it's because I can make your worst fear come to life and drive you insane

Clancy: sup, names Clancy Berkhart or I go by Stingray on the field

Maria: oh do they call you stingray because you can shoot lightning

Clancy: actually no, I go by stingray because I really love stingrays

Alan: I can relate to that

Y/n: well my turn, names Y/n Schnee but on the field I go by Bolt because I can shoot either small amounts or deadly amounts of lighting out of my hands

Maria: that's so awesome, so Pyrrha, which one of these four hunks are you dating (Arkadium29 I know you didn't want your character in any harem, but I just wanted to add this for a laugh)

Pyrrha: actually, I'm dating Jaune *points to Jaune*

Jaune: hi

Maria: oh, that's cool too I guess

Jaune: oh come one

Maria: don't worry I'm just messing with you, but Jaune just so you know, if you hurt Pyrrha, I will break you okay

Jaune: *scared* okay

James: anyway uncle Oz, why did you call us up here

Ozpin: well I wanted to introduce you all to The Titan Squad, they will be new students here

Clancy: don't wanna be a dick, but I haven't ever heard of you guys before

Artemis: I haven't heard of you either asshole

Clancy: the fuck did you say to me

Damien: Clancy, calm it down

Clancy: nah, I'm about to take the gloves off

Artemis: you wanna fight, let's fight then

Hawk: Artemis don't you dare

Artemis: nah come on fight me

Clancy: alright *takes off gloves* let's fucking go

Artemis threw a punch at Clancy only for him to catch it, soon Clancy had disappeared and everyone looked confused

Maria: umm, where did he go

Artemis(Clancy): (this means it's actually Clancy in control) right here

Hawk: umm Artemis, you okay

Artemis(Clancy): yeah he's fine, this body feels weird though

Alan: okay what just happened

Damien: *sighs* it's Clancy's semblance, if he touches someone with his bare hand he can take control of their body

Hawk: as cool as that is, could you stop controlling my teammate

Clancy then stopped controlling Artemis

Clancy: I'm never used to controlling people

Artemis: someone explain what happened

Madison: well you tried to hit Clancy only for him to take control of you body, also

Madison then started pulling on Artemis's ear

Madison: say you're sorry

Artemis: ahh fine I'm sorry

Madison: *stops pulling* good, now don't do it again

Artemis: what ever

Ozpin: now that you've all gotten to know each other, could you all show Titan Squad around Beacon

Y/n: sure, come on guys follow us

We all walked to the elevator, got in and went down to the floor level, we showed them around and got to know them a bit more, once we showed them around beacon, me and my team had gone to Vale

James: so what do you guys think of the new squad

Clancy: they seem nice, but I think Artemis didn't have a good past or something since he doesn't trust a lot of people

Damien: well apart from that, I like them, they seem cool

Y/n: yeah, their pretty cool, even their semblances are badass

James: I can agree on that

We all walked down the street until we saw two guys bump into a girl who had brown and pink hair, she had dropped her ice cream and began to tear up, the guys just laughed and continued walking

Y/n: boys, let's go help the lady

We walked over and I tapped on the guys shoulders, when they turned around and saw each of us they got scared, James had his arm blades showing, I had lighting coming out of my hands, Damien's eyes were red and there was a dark shadow figure with a gun behind him pointing at the guys and Clancy had red glows coming out of his hands (Clancy can make a menacing red glow come from his hands before he controls someone)

Y/n: I don't think what you did was very nice, now you are gonna give the lady the money for a new ice cream...understand

Guy1: *scared* s-sure here take it

He gave me 50 lien and ran away with his buddy, me and the others deactivated our semblances and I walked over to the girl and tapped her shoulder, she was still crying a little

Y/n: hey it's okay, the bad guys are gone, listen how about you come with us and we will get you a new ice cream, hows that sound

The girl smiled and nodded her head yes

Y/n: oh I'm Y/n by the way, what's your name

She pulled out a notepad and pen and wrote down her name, she then showed it to me

Y/n: like the ice cream

She smiled and nodded her head

Y/n: also by the notepad I'm guessing you are mute

She nodded again as I smiled

Y/n: I'm sorry about that, now let's get you that ice cream

We all then walked into the ice cream store, when the guy at the counter saw us he was a bit surprised

Employee: Neo, what are you doing back so quick, did you already finish your ice cream

She wrote down on her notepad and showed it to the guy

Employee: ahh okay, well it's nice to know theirs people watching over you, now let me guess the usual

She nodded as the guy looked at us

Employee: what would you guys like

Y/n: f/f (favourite flavour)

Damien/Clancy: Chocolate

James: Oreo please

Employee: alright coming right up

The guy then served our ice creams and I gave him the 50 and gave the change to Neo, we all sat down at a table as Neo wrote down questions which we answered, she also wrote down a few answers to our questions, after a while she gave me her scroll number as I gave her mine, she said goodbye and me and the others decided to go back to beacon, on our way back the others had shit eating grins

Y/n: what's with those faces

Damien: it would seem Ruby has some competition

Y/n: oh shut it

The other began to laugh a little bit

(POV Change Neo)

I was walking back to the outpost looking at my scroll, I secretly took a picture of the guys without them knowing, I kept looking at Y/n, he was so nice he even threatened two guys for me, as I was walking through the base I heard Cinder call me

Cinder: NEO

I looked over and saw her with Roman, Emerald and Mercury, as she got to me she was a bit mad

Cinder: where have you been

I began to type on my scroll and showed it to her

Cinder: so you went out for ice cream but two guys knocked it out of your hand and four other guys threatened them and got you a new one

Emerald: aww isn't that nice, Neo's got four boyfriends

I blushed a little bit thinking about me and Y/n dating, I mean the others are fine but they ain't Y/n

Emerald: aww and she's blushing

Cinder: Emerald enough, did you get a picture Neo

I nodded and got the photo of the guys, I showed it too her and she was shocked

Cinder: Neo, do you know who you got a picture with

I shook my head no as she looked at me

Cinder: you just got a picture with the most deadliest squad in the American Military possibly the world, you got a picture with The Ghost Squad

I was shocked and looked at the picture, I just got a photo with The Ghost Squad, if I could talk I would squeal of happiness

Emerald: aww what, lucky

Cinder: do you know what this means

Roman: we've got a bigger problem then huntsman now

Cinder: well that and we can gain some intel about America if we befriend them

Mercury: using them for intel on our enemy....I like it

Cinder: yes I knew you would like it, Neo could you send me that picture so I can have it printed for our plan board

I sent the photo to Cinder as she smiled and whispered very softly

Cinder: I'm so touching myself to Damien

Roman: you say something Cinder

Cinder: nope didn't say anything, well I best be off, see you all later

Cinder then left to go to her room as I went to my room and kept staring at Y/n, I felt my heart beating a bit faster and remembered what he said to me earlier

(Flashback 1 hour ago)

Y/n: well Neo, I'm pretty sure I know someone who could help with your mute problem but he's on vacation at the moment but when he comes back I'll give you a call

(End of Flashback)

I smiled as I lied down on my bed and hugged my scroll

Neo: *in mind* I can't believe I met The Ghost Squad

(To Be Continued)

Hey guys zombie here, sorry I've been neglecting this story like Y/n was neglected by his parents but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I know it ain't much but I've been getting writers block lately, anyway see you all next time

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