Harry's next day at school went anxiously because he and Louis were going to go to Harry's place to do their tutoring session. Louis met Harry in the hallway that morning and asked to come to Harry's place to do the session because his place was loud with all his siblings and in no way suitable for studying. Harry immediately agreed because he would be more comfortable at his place anyway.
The final bell rang making Harry's anxiety hit the roof. He was this close to panicking from all the what-ifs running through his head when he thought about the time, he gets to spend with Louis alone. He managed to get out of the last class and go to the parking lot to meet Louis as they discussed that morning.
"Hello, curly!" Louis greeted smiling and Harry blushed furiously at the nickname. He didn't expect Louis to be this nice. He knew that Louis was nice, but he didn't think that Louis would be this nice to him.
"H-hey." Harry squeaked out looking down at his feet.
"Shall we?" Louis asked pointing towards his car which is next to them. Harry nodded with a smile before getting into the passenger's side of the car. Louis walked around the car and situated himself in the driver's seat.
"You're so shy." Louis commented on their way to Harry's place.
"I guess I am." Harry said, almost in a whisper while shrugging. Louis smiled at Harry, stopping at a red light.
"So, have you been smart all your life?" Louis asked when the environment started getting awkward from the lack of conversation between them.
Harry giggled at the question. "I have. Plus, studying is the only thing I do." Harry was slowly warming up to Louis' bubbly attitude which is easy to warm up to.
"Well, to be honest, I am really dumb. You will see how dumb I am soon." Louis let out a sigh before continuing. "The only thing I am good at is football."
"I don't think you are dumb. Everyone is good at different things." Harry said, kind of annoyed that Louis thinks he is dumb.
"Well, I'm not good at studying." Louis shrugged.
"I will help you." Harry finally looked up at Louis and smiled at him.
"Thanks!" Louis hates to say this, but he was glad to have someone to help him with his studies.
"Take a left turn. The first house you meet on your right is my house." Harry instructed and Louis followed the directions. The blue eyed one pulled the car to Harry's driveway and got out of the car, Harry following close behind.
"Let's go in." Harry said as he opened the front door. Louis nodded before stepping into the house after Harry.
"Mom, I'm home!" Harry called out as usual and he saw his mother walk towards the foyer from the living room.
"Hello, honey. And who's this?" Anne asked smiling at Louis. Harry hasn't brought any friends home after bringing a friend when he was 8 and Anne was happy about the circumstances.
"This is Louis. This is my mom, Anne." Harry introduced them to each other. They both said their hellos and Harry guided Louis up the stairs to his room.
"I'll make something for you guys to snack on." Anne called after them and Harry yelled 'okay'. This is why Harry was glad when they agreed to do the session at his place. He was comfortable around his environment and his mother made everything feel easy and cozy. He loved her attitude, and he knew he was safe with her, no matter what.
"Okay, where do you want to start?" Harry asked taking his books out of his backpack once they both were situated around Harry's table in his room.
"I have no idea about anything. How about from the beginning?" Louis asked, blushing. Harry thought Louis looked so beautiful when he was blushing and he was quick to brush those thoughts away from his mind, not wanting to be an idiot in front of Louis.
"Okay." Harry said smiling. He opened the book and turned it towards Louis. He went through everything there, explaining every little thing, so Louis understood properly. Louis asked questions when he didn't understand something and Harry was glad because Louis was willing to learn, unlike other kids Harry used to tutor before.
"Damn, this has been this easy all my life?" Louis asked, not wanting to believe it. Harry chuckled at the comment.
"Yep, it has. You just need to pay attention, that's all." Harry explained.
"That's the hardest part about school, Curly. How do you do it?" Louis asked, genuinely curious.
"I don't know, I just like to learn, I guess." Harry shrugged smiling towards Louis.
"Yeah, and I don't like it." Louis chuckled. "But when you explain things, I understand them better." The chestnut-haired boy said with a genuine smile towards the curly-haired one.
"I'm glad." Harry said, blushing somewhat at the compliment.
"I brought a snack, boys." Anne said as she knocked on Harry's open door, just to make the boys aware of her presence.
"Thanks, mom!" Harry said when she placed the snack on his table.
"Thanks, Anne." Louis smiled at the nice lady. Anne smiled at both boys before turning to leave.
"Just tell me if you guys need anything." The woman said as she walked out of the room.
Harry and Louis continued to study for another hour until Louis had to leave.
"I should get going. It's getting late." Louis said as she closed his books. Harry nodded in understanding, even though he was sad.
"Sure, Louis. We'll do this again next Wednesday." Harry said smiling.
"Actually, I wanted to ask if you could help me with math and physics as well. I really need to get some good grades to get to uni." Louis stated shyly, hoping it would not be too much of a bother to Harry. Harry's eyes lit up at the request because this meant he got to spend more time with Louis.
"Of course, I can." Harry said smiling at Louis reassuringly. Louis grinned back meeting Harry's eyes for a second which sent waves of electricity down Harry's body. He thought he was used to seeing Louis' eyes but seems like he's not.
They discussed meeting every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for their tutoring sessions before Louis left to get to his own home.
Once Louis was gone, Harry went back to his room and laid on his back on his bed. He let out a dreamy sigh before grinning to himself.
"Dammit, I spent two damn hours with Louis Tomlinson." Harry said to himself still grinning like mad.
'And you're gonna meet him more' Harry's conscience reminded him making the curly-haired boy ecstatic.
The boys continued to do tutoring sessions for a whole month and Harry couldn't be happier with how his life is going right now. He was always smiling and always happy with all the time he got to spend with Louis. He doesn't care about the bullies anymore because he gets to see Louis and talk to him in the hallways every day. It's not like the problems with bullies have gotten any less, in fact they have grown worse, but he just doesn't care anymore.
Currently, Harry and Louis are sitting in chemistry waiting for it to end, so they can drive to Harry's place and start with their math session. Louis also has grown to love to spend time with Harry. He figured that Harry is a funny little shit underneath his shyness. They always laugh and talk about different things and Harry's point of view on some things is hilarious to Louis.
The two boys sprung from their seats when the final bell for the day rang and looked at each other silently communicating to meet outside the classroom. However, before they could leave the classroom, Mrs. Jackson stopped them.
"How's the tutoring going?" She asked the two boys.
"Great. I understand what Harry teaches me." Louis said, smiling.
"Yeah, and Louis is willing to understand." Harry decided to complement Louis.
"That's amazing! I knew you had potential, Louis. That's why I decided to set up a tutor for you in the first place." Mrs. Jackson smiled wide at the two boys before dismissing them.
"So, how was your day?" Harry asked Louis as they walked down the hallway towards the school's parking lot.
"It was good, actually. Liam didn't come to school today, so it was a bit boring." Louis stated shrugging. Harry hummed in response.
"Hey, lad!" One of the students passing by high-fived Louis and Harry figured it was a player from the football team.
"Hello, Zaynie! 'sup?" Louis said smiling wide at the other boy. Harry didn't fail to notice the certain glint in Louis' eyes when he talked to Zayn. He knew that glint and he knew that Louis' eyes never shone like that when he looked at Harry. It made Harry's heart fall, but he decided to just act cool.
"You goin' home?" Zayn asked.
"Nope, just going to Harry's place for a tutoring session." Louis explained.
"Ugh, boring but important. Anyway, there's a party at mine this Friday." Zayn informed the blue-eyed boy, grinning wide.
"Oh, I certainly will be there. I'll bring Li, is that okay?" Louis asked, totally forgetting the curly haired boy standing next to him, awkwardly shifting from side to side.
"He's already invited, babe. Just bring someone else." Zayn said winking and Harry saw how Louis blushed at the nickname and the wink. After a few more minutes of talking, Zayn bid goodbye to Louis and walked away. Louis stared longingly at the raven-haired boy until he disappeared, still unaware that Harry was standing there, right next to him.
"You like him." Harry said but immediately regretted it because that was too bold. Their friendship hasn't grown to that point yet. However, Louis jumped at Harry's voice, realizing that the curly-haired one had been standing next to him all this time.
"Uh-I don't." Louis said awkwardly.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Harry said with regret written all over his face. Louis nodded with a tiny smile towards Harry, and they silently walked to Louis' car. The ride to Harry's place was quiet as Harry was regretting the words that left his mouth and Louis was wondering if his liking towards Zayn was that obvious.
"We are here!" Louis announced as he got out of the driving seat and Harry followed close behind. They walked to Harry's room after greeting Anne and got started on their tutoring. On the other days, they will talk about other things than just what they are learning but that day the two boys were awfully quiet only asking questions related to the subject. Louis finally got enough of it and decided to break the ice.
"Yeah, I like him." He said out of nowhere.
"Huh?" Harry asked, confused because all they were talking about today was just math.
"I mean, I like Zayn." Louis stated.
"I figured." Harry nodded, not meeting Louis' eyes because if he did, he knew that he would break.
"How did you figure it out? I mean, is it that obvious?" Louis asked, blushing.
"Well, there's that glint in your eyes when you look at him and your whole demeanor changes when you are with him." Harry explained his observation.
"Does it? Oh god." Louis giggled feeling embarrassed. "I have liked him since he moved to our school." Louis stated. If Harry's memory serves correctly, it's not more than three months since Zayn has moved to their school.
'I have loved you for two years.' Harry thought but didn't dare to say a word. He just hummed in response.
"Do you like boys, Harry?" Louis asked, curiously knitting his brows together.
"Well, yeah, I like them too." Harry nodded with a smile.
"You mean, you're bisexual?" Louis questioned.
"I don't like to put on an exact label. I just love humans in general, gender or sexuality doesn't matter." Harry answered honestly and Louis hummed in response.
"I'm gay. I like the label." Louis grinned.
"I already knew you were. I was at school when you came out, you know? It went on like a wildfire." Harry chuckled and Louis soon joined.
"I know right." Louis giggled. They continued to talk about sexualities, relationships, and all the crap related to that, math long forgotten.
"How many people have you liked?" Louis asked Harry and the green-eyed boy sort of stiffened at that because Louis was the only person he had ever liked in that way.
"Uh- can I refuse to answer that question?" Harry asked uncomfortably shifting on his chair.
"Yeah, of course, if you're uncomfortable you don't have to answer at all." Louis smiled reassuringly at Harry and the curly-haired lad was glad.
"If you don't mind me asking, how many have you liked?" Harry questioned.
"Well, I dated a girl before I realized I was gay and two boys after I realized I was gay and now I like Zayn." Louis stated.
"I have dated none." Harry said, honestly. He didn't feel embarrassed about that at all. What is there to be embarrassed of?
"I can't stay alone. Different people different likings, I guess." Louis chuckled and Harry nodded in agreement.
They continued with their math lessons until Anne came with a snack as usual and they continued to study while munching on the sandwiches Anne made. When the night rolled around Louis bid his goodbyes with the Styles family and took his way home.
Once Louis was gone Harry laid on his bed like he does every day and stared up at the ceiling, but this time he didn't have a wide smile on his face like he usually does.
A/N - I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.
Love y'all to death! (: xxx
- Ash
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