So U Think U Can Stank
We start with everybody either arriving to school or walking up the stairs to get inside the building, Randy, Howard and Akin get up the stairs, Akin looks beside him seeing a kid almost bump into Randy but he pulled him out of the way.
Kid: Yeah, that's right move it!
Randy (Looks at Akin): Thanks for the save, bud. Gentlemen. I had this nagging suspicion we may still be faceless freshmen here at Norisvillie High.
Another guy tries to run into Howard but Akin also pulls him to the side.
Guy: Watch it kid.
Akin: How about you watch it next time dumbass.
Howard: What are you talking about, they love me at this school hence my nickname: the watch out kid! (Girl bumps into him saying watch out).
Akin: My brother in Christ, they are telling you to move out of the way Howard. Not some dumb nickname.
Howard (Sad): Aw, then yeah, we are faceless freshmen.
The three walked through the halls of school passing by a line of students but they didn't even notice it.
Randy: We need to do something that separates us from the rest of these clowns, and baton twirlers and (Confused) Accordion players? Did we miss an E-blast or something?
The small TV above them played some intro music for the school news girl Heidi aka Howards sister.
Heidi: Hi peps. BFF Heidi, Status update due to the fact that my three judges (Shows Bash and his two friends) have decided to tryout for the talent show instead of judging it like they promised.
Bash: Yes! We broke a promise!
Bash and his friend fist bumped but pulled away shaking their hands
Heidi: Auditions are postponed indefinitely.
Some of the students groan from hearing this one student playing the sad trombone but all Randy hears is an opportunity.
Randy: That's it, Howard, Akin. We're going to judge the talent show.
Akin: Like those shows on TV? That is going to make us stand out freshmen?
Howard: Plus, Judging's stupid, I give that Idea a one out of ten.
Randy: Come on, everyone knows the judges are the real stars. If we get do our job proper. Everybody will know our names.
Akin grabbed both of them pulling them out of the way from Bash and his two min-I mean friends.
Bash: Out of the way kids!
Howard: Mm, I'm in!
Akin: Fine.
Randy pumped his fist and we transitioned to a group of people sitting in chairs while Randy, Akin and Howard sat at the front of the gym near the stage at the table they would judge from.
Heidi: Sup, it's your girl Heidi. Me casting live from the auditorium where my super sweet little brother and his best friend Andy and Binkin.
Randy (Annoyed): Randy, names Randy. Known you my whole life
Akin: It's Akin girl geez, think you would remember from middle school.
Heidi: Have agreed to judge the talent show auditions yay. (Gets close to Howard for him to hear.) Wonk this up and I will Web cast the video of your three taking a bath together.
Howard: We were three.
Heidi: Not that video.
Howard: Oh.
Akin: That's the last thing I want. Ugh, that was such a stupid time.
Randy (Changing the topic): Yes! Judges, this is so bruce!
The three do their complicated and over the top handshake before ending it by making an x with their arms and making a rock symbol.
Randy: I'm thinking we run the old Nice, Mean, Neutral judges.
Akin: Ah, the most generic of judges.
Howard: I'm listening.
Randy: Nono that's it, I'm nice judge, (Points at Howard) You're mean judge (Points at Akin) And your neutral judge.
Howard: Why can't I be the nice judge.
The three stand there before they erupt in laughter at even hearing that come from his mouth.
Randy: Oh I thought you were serious.
Akin: Had me in the first half dude haha. You being the nice judge is so wonk.
Howard; I am such a jerk.
As the three laughed, the camera zoomed in on a golden vent, zooming into the vent was the lair of the Sorcerer sniffing the air gaining his smile.
Sorcerer: Theirs a delicious taste of desperation in the air today. (Taps his head) This can only mean one thing. Talent Show Auditions nothing dances on the tongue quite like dashed dreams of the delusional
The sorcerer laughed at the chance to cause some chaos; his attention was suddenly gained when he looked at his little companion balancing plates on some sticks trying to impress him.
Sorcerer: Please stop doing that.
The little guy made a sad face dropping the sticks and catching the plates, he uses one to change his face from dull to happy angering the sorcerer even more.
Back at the auditorium, Bash and his group wore hip outfits, and they were the first act of the show.
Bash: Where my bros yo (We ya boys yo), Where my bros yo (We ya boys yo), Where my bros yo (We ya boys yo), (We ya boys yo), (We ya boys yo).
Bash threw his microphone at the ground and stomped on it making the feed back cause everyone to hold their ears from the loud sound.
Randy: Babbling, Incoherent. I love it! (Looks at the others) What do you guys think?
Akin: Meh at best, started getting boring after the fourth Where my bros yo.
Howard: Loved it, Yo bros, you in the talent show.
Akin: Dang, so I don't exist.
The yo bros celebrated as Randy yanked Howard close to him.
Randy: What are you doing? I'm the nice judge, you're the mean judge.
Howard: I was just being honest. I liked them.
Randy: If people are going to remember us, I'm the nice judge that loves everything. Akin's the neutral judge who both hates and likes and-.
Howard: I mean it up?
Randy: Way up..
Howard; You got it jerk face.
Akin: Randy are you sure this is such a good idea, why don't we let Howard do his own thing?
Randy: Because we'll be way more memorable if we do it this way duh.
Akin: Uh huh. Okay I guess we can keep this up.
Soon a clown kid on a unicycle appeared on stage.
Akin: Oh geez.
Juggo: Hi, I'm Jugo the juggling clown, thought I'd do some juggling and maybe some clowning.
Randy: OH, fantastic Jugo, (Looks at Howard) Remember, Mean judge.
Juggo started juggling some bowling pins while riding his unicycle.
Howard: Stop, Stop! You call that juggling all you did was throw a bunch of junk in the air and then catch it.
Juggo: Confused: But that's juggling?
Randy: And I can't get enough of it.
Akin: Wish it was a bit cooler than pinballs, why not like I don't know less basic. Still kind of cool though
Howard; What's with his bike? One wheel. Come back with two wheels and regular sized shoes! (Hears the people behind laughing) Oh and one more thing (Holds his nose and fake farts) Off my stage.
Juggo sadly left the stage hearing people laughing at him leaving the stage.
Randy: Nice job, mean judge, neutral judge.
Howard: And to you nice judge (Looks at the crowd) Who's next.
Akin (Sigh): This is not going to end well. I just know it. I'll just have to be on guard.
Outside, Heidi stands near a line of students looking at her little camera.
Heidi: Auditions are heating up, whose got the juice to make it in Norisvile?
From the doors, Juggo busted through the door crying, still juggling and riding his unicycle down the halls surprising everyone.
Heidi: Not that guy.
The sorcerer heard this crying growing a devious smile on his crusty lips.
Sorcerer: Bingo.
Sorcerer gathered the stank he needed and pushed it out of the vent to Jugo going into his cycle but he fell off beginning to mutate to a monster, his green hands grabbing a unicycle.
Howard took out a pen end from his mouth looking at his sheet of paper.
Howard; Okay, up next, we got Theresa Fowler and her amazing twirling sticks.
Akin: Kay, whenever you're ready Fowler, show us what ya got
Howard: (Pulls both of his friends close) I'm going to end this chick.
Randy: And I'm going to boost her confidence with her spirits with total fake confidence. Nice Judge!
Howard; Mean Judge!
Akin: Neutral Judge!
The three were about to shake hands but Randy heard screaming looking at the door seeing the mutated Jugo juggling a bike, car and dumpster.
Randy: Juggo? Howard, Akin you two need to fly as a duo on this one. It's-.
Howard; Yeah, Yeah, ninja'o'clock, don't worry I got this, insult blaster is locked loaded.
Akin: Think you'll need my help.
Randy: Psh, against Jugo no way.
Randy ran out of the auditorium and to the halls of the school putting on the ninja mask, the suit wrapped around his body making the suit. He kicked the door open seeing Juggo cycling to him laughing like crazy.
Ninja: Let's see you juggle my ninja rings.
Ninja revealed three ninja rings throwing them at Juggo but he dropped the car, dumpster and bicycle catching the rings and juggled them around him taunting Randy.
Ninja Ugh, now you're just showing off Juggo.
In the building, Howard was on stage win front of the crying Theresa while Akin was sleeping, lazy bum.
Howard: Twirling sticks? More like a Hurling Stick! I almost blew chucks watching that. Off my stage.
Theresa left the stage wiping the tears from her eyes as the crowd of people laughed at her seeing her leave.
Ninja watched Juggo make his way to him on his Unicycle.
Ninja (Takes out sickles): Ninja Knife Sickles!
Ninja extended his blades running at Juggo thrusting them through the bowling pins landing behind him but to his surprise, Jugo remained the same monster.
Ninja: What the juice, I trashed your pins (Jumps off Jugo's head) Where's the destankage
The ninja looked at all of Juggo his eyes focusing on the Unicycle, his eyes widening.
Ninja (Gasp): Unicycle, Natch. (Makes a run for Juggo) Ninja run, (Slides under Juggo) Ninja slide, (Wraps his chain around Juggo's unicycle launching it in the air,) Ninja snatch. (Slices the wheel) Boom!
Juggo began deflating like a balloon turning back into a human being rubbing his head.
Ninja: You okay Juggo?
Juggo: Actually ninja, my days been up and down.
From another door, Theresa busted through the door as a long green monster using her twirling sticks as weapons.
Ninja I should probably go you know fight that thing. (Flips in front of Theresa) Judging by your amazing twirling sticks I'd take it your Theresa-.
Theresa smacked Ninja across the face with her stick launching him into some garbage boxes.
Ninja: Not cool fowler, (Takes out his phone) Might need some backup.
Akin's phone began to ring waking him up jolting awake, he takes it out of his pocket seeing it was Randy answering the phone.
Akin: Yoo?
Ninja: Hey, turns out I need some help, ghost up bro!
Akin: You sure you want me to leave Howard alone?
Ninja: Yeah, don't worry he's got this.
Akin: Okay, on my way.
Akin was about to talk to Howard but he was already one stage roasting Dave about using an accordion.
Howard; Really, an accordion Dave, an Accordion! (Puts his ear out) What should I do guys?
Crowd: Off my stage, off my stage.
Howard: Off. My. Stage!
Dave sadly walked off the stage as Akin sighed using the crowds ditraction to turn invisible running to the wall phasinig through it outside.
Akin: Going ghost!
Akin put his arms out with the white ring appearing between him turning him into his alter ego Ghost. He tugs on his glove and flies to where Randy was seeing him have a standoff with Theresa. She tried to swing her sticks at Randy who leaned under the stick, she tried to go for another attack, but a green blast collided with her hand smacking the sticks out of her hand making her flinch. Akin catches it and crushes the stick reverting her to normal.
Ninja: Yes, that's my boy (Turns back to Theresa) Theresa, you're going to be ok-.
Before he could finish, Dave, now a blue monster with long stretchy arms busted through another door.
Ghost: Welp got another doofus to deal with.
Ninja: This is getting ridiculous, (Looks at Theresas broken stick) Oh that's work, think you can distract him bro.
Ghost: Totally.
Ghost flies at Dave taking off his mouth guard sticking his snake like tongue out at him, his taunting works as Dave tried to throw multiple punches at him, but Ghost phased through them folding his arms until the last swing grabbing his fist and throwing him over his shoulder into the ground.
Ninja; Perfect, (Kicks the broken baton in the air) Ninja baton stick kick!
The sharp baton sliced into Dave's arm turning him back to normal.
Ninja: That is with all the stank?
The two saw the trail moving back into the school.
Ghost: Let's go find out!
The ghost's legs turned into wisps flying after the stank while Ninja ran right behind him turning to the right but the stank went back through the golden vent.
Ninja: Where do you think (Realises) Oh a vent I wasn't expecting that.
Inside the Sorcere was cackling like a mad man surrounded by the green stank.
Sorcerer: I could do this all day!
In the Auditorium, Randy out of the mask and Akin back from the dead hide all the way in the back.
Akin: I'll be on look out, you figure go in that book and figure this stuff out.
Randy (Takes out Nomicon) Right, (Places the book on the floor.) Help a ninja and ghost out here Nomicon we can't beat the stank if I don't know where it comes from. (Looks at the face of a mimic Sorcerer) I just got the shives.
Randy faints, his soul going into the book flashing what looked like the Sorcerer and the old ninja.
Randy (Narrating): Centuries ago, a war was waged between good and evil, the Ninja and Sorcerer, too powerful to destroy, the dark one was locked deep underground. His prison was sealed in the sacred stone. In the darkness he waits, possessing those who are vulnerable with that which they hold dear amassing power from chaos, once he gains enough power he will escape, and darkness will reign. Preventing this is the sacred duty of the ninja!
Randy finally wakes up as Akin got on one knee looking at his friend seeing his worried face.
Akin: What happened, what did the book say?
Randy: That the Sorcerer is attacking vulnerable students.
Akin: I'm sorry the what?
Randy: Long story short, evil dude with the ability to turn people to monsters if extremely sad or vulnerable. (Looks at the stage) by the mean judge.
Akin and Randy looked up at Howard about to talk to the next to audition.
Akin and Randy: We have to stop Howard.
On Stage, Howard was just examining Morgan and her group
Howard: I got my eyes already to see dancing fish, and then you guys come out. You're not fish, you're not even dancing.
Morgan: Uh, we haven't started yet.
THe crowd: Ohhh.
Howard (Impressed): I like you. Your fiesty, you know what else you are.
Crowd: off my stage!
The crowd laughs at the girls with the lot of them beginning to cry except for Morgan.
Morgan; Get it together girls. There's no crying in dance.
Akin and Randy got on stage seeing Howard dancing and just having a good time.
Akin: okay big guy, man judge time is over.
Randy: You have to stop. Every time you reject them, they get stanked.
Howard: Fenton, Cunnigham forget it listen.
Crowd: Howard, Howard, Howard, Howard.
Howard; They love me, we're not faceless freshmen anymore. I'm not you two have some catching up to do.
Akin: Ugggh, Howard look if you keep on insulting then they'll come back as monst-.
A loud screech was heard behind Howard and the four girls behind Morgan mutated into what I wanna guess different colored shark like creatures.
Morgan: Whoa, that wasn't part of the routine.
One of the sharks roared at Morgan blowing her back with her breath.
Howard: uh Cunningham (Gets grabbed) I'm not saying you were right but (Gets pulled away) HELP!
The shark girl screeched at Howard whose screams and face reflected on the Sorcerers orbs surrounding his body his laughs echoing in his small cave. Everyone runs out of the auditorium leaving Randy, Akin, Howard who's wrapped up on a rope and the five stanked girls alone, they smacked Howard into a light shocking him a bit.
Randy: Getting a little heavy on the chaos in this piece.
Akin: Then it'd be best if we calm the storm.
Randy took out his mask and the two ran to opposite ends transforming into their alter egos.
Howard: What are you doing? Everyone loves mean judged
Ninja; Smoke bomb!
The ninja appeared from a crimson red mist with the Ghost floating beside him folding his arms. But both of them got backhanded away.
Howard: Dang, you guys got served!
Yellow one: Dance fight!
The five monsters began to break dance in front of the two confusing them but this didn't stop them from splitting up, Randy tried to rush one but they blocked, he bounced off the arms and tried to kick another but got slapped to the ground, he got back up shaking his head rushing back in, Akin phased through a punch and moved to the side solidifying and kicked the purple one in the face.
While the two teams were fighting, Heidi and Megan were just a few inches away having an interview.
Heidi: Morgan, can you give us the deets on this stitch?
Ninja: What does that mean?
Heidi (Annoyed): Tell us what's happening.
Morgan: Right now, the girls are setting up for a backslide dirty filbert.
Ninja (Blocks a punch): Do those words even go together?
Ghost: Ninja focus! But to answer you I mean not reall-. (Gets punched in the stomach)
Morgan: Its the thing we hold most dear.
The five stank monsters were hit with more stank gas almost fusing them together into a five headed red skinned stank monster.
Ghos: Tch, what they hold most dear eh.
Ghost flew up to them flying over a double punch getting close to them and giving them an uppercut to the chin of one of the heads unbalancing them.
Ninja: Sorry girls, looks like your winning move just cost you the show. Ninja tripping balls!
Ninja threw small sliver balls that multiplied once close to the girls, they lost balance falling down and being free from the stank turning back to normal.
Howard; Now that's talent, I'd give it a 7 out of 10.
Ninja: A seven?
Ghost: Dude, that's at least 8 stars, what the juice?
Howard; Well, it's a want to keep going?
Ninja (Mumbled) Outta give you a six (Nudges Ghost) Let's bounce. Smoke bomb!
Ninja threw a smoke bomb at the ground as the two heroes disappeared, Morgan walked up to her crew hands on her hips
Morgan: You guys better not even think about mutating at regionals.
Back underground, the Sorcerer was sad as his power balls turned back to normal and he looked at the ground sad.
Sorcerer (Sad): All I want to do is cause a little chaos, but out of this hole, enslave the world. Is that so wrong?
His rat friend patted his back trying to cheer up his friend. All while the Auditorium was fixed and the school had the long-awaited talent show hosted by Heidi of course.
Heidi: Sup, It's Hedub hitting you live from Endvile High T Show.
Randy (Off Screen): Do we really have to do this?
Heidi (Turns to Camera to Bash and his crew): They've been on stage for four hours; Bash and the Yo bros are the only ones you let in now get out there.
The curtains slide to the sides, Howard wearing a clown outfit with a baton stick, Akin wearing the school's football gear, least the helmet hides his face and Randy wearing the school fish mascot holding Dave's Accordion.
Akin: This thing is hot as hell to wear in this building gah.
Howard: This is all your fault, we were totally unqualified to be judges
Akin looked down at Howard who sensed his gaze on him, Howard and Randy nodded, Howard tried to twirl the baton, Randy making sounds with the Accordion and Akin doing the worst dances moves ever, ended with Howard launching the stick at Akin's knee and flying past Randy.
Akin: AH! My fucking knee!
The crowd booed them with some laughter from Akin's pain as the three just had to endure the humiliation.
Morgan: Hey Howard. Off. My. Stage.
Howard: ME? What about Randy and Akin!
Juggo: You too Randy, Akin, also hope your knee gets better.
Akin (Raspy): Thanks.
Randy: Oh sweet, they know all our names. Plan worked ten out of ten.
The two celebrated by doing a shorter version of their handshake while being booed and tomatoes being thrown at him, Akin noticed a brown substance go for Randy pulling him to the left making it land on the stage.
Randy: Whew, saved us again buddy.
Akin: Yeah, yeah, let's just hurry this up so I can go home.
Howard walked up the brown thing taking a small sample.
Howard: Mhm, chocolate.
Akin sighed again but his ghost breath suddenly activated alerting him, he looked around for who it was but no one in the crowd seemed to be dangerous, not knowing the figure hiding in the shadows watching him before phasing back through the building ending the chapter.
Kay, finally finished this up moving to Dragon Ball for prologue and chapter 1 (Appearing and Killing King Cold)
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