Nobody's POV
The hot geonosian sun glared down upon the fake town. Doors leading in and out of the multiple areas set for diffrent trainings were finally closed as the last droid walked through. The main idea of this first combat simulation? Hold out against enemy units.
Since Trench was busy with things, and his full attention being drawn elsewhere, a new teacher was to replace him. The one chosen for it was Kee Prong, a hooded figure with a male voice. He took over halfway through the week, and is now in a monitoring room.
"Are the droids and cadet in their area?" Kee asked his T-series Tactical Droid. "Yes. Cadet L/n has entered the main area." Kee looked through the screens at the force Y/n has. 15 normal B1 units, which was normal, and five modified B1 units. They weren't modified like crazy, just some paint and weapons differences.
One seemed to have been converted to a commander, holding the E-5O Shotgun. It looked much like an OOM Commander. Three have grey painted accents, and held the E-5C Heavy Blaster Rifle. Obviously the gunners of the B1s. And the final modified B1 had dark brownish orange camo accents, and the E-5S Sniper Rifle.
Other than that, the five B2s, four commandos, and two droidekas were unmodified. "Shall we start the last one of the day?" The tactical droid asked. Kee nodded. 'From the notes left by Trench, this shall be interesting.' Kee thought.
Your POV
TT-69 stood beside me as I gained a first hand view of the area. Sure me and the other cadets watched through a viewing screen, but actually being here is a different feel. The fake town was big, and I was given one objective: Find a spot to hold out. A quick look would tell the nearby bell tower that spot.
"Wort wort wort!" I ordered, pointing. My droids understood with only the squad leaders doing the "Roger Roger." A result of the serious cleanup of their programming. Especially the B1 units. A quick jog with the droidekas rolling ahead as scouts resulted in us getting there before our starting point was filled with droids.
I had a basic B1 unit lag behind to plant mines I had been given. Not real mines, but electric ones so the town can still be used. Once at the bell tower I observed the place. The bell tower was located on top of a motel like complex with many floors. There was two ways in, a hole in a wall, and the main gate.
I had my B1 Sniper go up top with me, while having barricades and the B1 Heavy units placed in advantageous locations in hallways that the enemy droids had to take to get to me and the sniper. The droidekas, along with a large portion of my B1 units were placed in the courtyard to watch the main gate.
Of course, I had some units hang back in the hallways. They helped the B1 heavys. Unfortunately, the gonk droids had been taken by other cadets since I had to go last. Oh well, I can add that to my SQAUD plan. Now, to that hole in the wall.
I had the B2 units watch over the hole in the wall with the commando droids backing them. I placed TT-69 in charge of the gate defense force while the B1 commander took over the hole in wall group. My comlink beeped as the B1 that planted mines contacted me.
"Sir! All mines have been planted, but I cannot make it to you." He said. "Hide. Report what forces come to us." I ordered. The line cut as I redirected it to a group line with TT-69 and OOM-121.
With the cadets and Kee
The other cadets watched the screens that showed cadet Y/n and his droids with audio. Kest and Braun watched with more intrest than the others due to the fact they actually knew Y/n. Though Braun thinks Kest's semi constant flirting is not knowing someone. "The bell tower?" Braun asked.
"What's wrong? They have a pretty good overview, gives them a better understanding of the thing's going on." Kest said. "But it also backs them into a corner. There's no retreat if either of the front defensive positions fall." Braun explained. "But what about the chokepoints in the hallways?" Kest asked.
"While good, they can always be overrun. Especially if the stun gernades are thrown right by the attackers." Braun said. Kest hummed in thought as they watched on with the others. Kee himself already had the thoughts the cadets did as he watched with slight interest.
'No escape, basic chokepoints, and strong frontline defenses? Reminds me of the battle of Ajan Kloss in the caves.' Kee thought nostalgically. "Ah, good times." Kee said out loud, confusing his tactical droid. "Uh, sir?" It asked. "Send the attackers." Kee ordered. The tactical droid nodded and pressed a few buttons.
Suddenly, the droids that swarmed the starting point started marching to the bell tower. And just like that, it started.
Your POV
I heard the mines going off in the distance as the B1 Sniper took pot shots at anything he could hit. Though he did miss a few. "Aim for where they'll be, not where they are." I advised. It nodded and started hitting more shots. I put down my binocs as waves of B1 droids started assaulting the main gate.
Blaster fire broke out as my droids shot from behind the droidekas. The droidekas themselves fired from inside their shields. "Sir, a force of B1s and B2s are holding back from attacking." The hiding B1 reported.
"69, continue the defensive. 121, dont have any wrist rockets fired. Save them for the upcoming threat." I ordered. "Roger Roger./Roger Roger." They responded as the last of the attacking droids died.
"THIRTY MINUTES LEFT!" The announcement came through just as the second wave attacked. They were doing better than the last as a enemy B2 fired it's wrist rocket, sending one of the droidekas off it's three legs.
"Keep firing!" A B1 squad lead yelled. "My squad! Focus those B2s!" Another yelled. "You three! Get that droideka back up!" TT-69 ordered three standared B1s. His orders were carried out, but not completely. "QT-09684 is gone!" One reported. He was then shot in the backpack, killing him.
They were then followed by another wrist rocket taking out the last droideka. "All forces! Pull back into the hallways! 121, leave a B2 at each chokepoint. B1-62729272413242, come up here with us and shoot down." I ordered. A small retreat of my forces was necessary for plan B.
I shot down into the courtyard where enemy droids started flooding in. The sniper assisted me as a B1 heavy came up with us. Blasters set to stun fired at us as we shot back. I nailed a few B1s, but had to duck as we took more fire. "Sir, Chokepoint A has been breeched. No survivors." TT-69 said.
"I want everyone to reinforce Chokepoint B. Stop their momentum!" I ordered as I chucked a stun grenade over the side of the railing. If we can at least slow them down there, then Chokepoint C in the kitchen can halt all progress.
With The Cadets And Kee
Braun looked like he expected this to happen. "The initial defense has fallen." He said. "That's what your looking at? He just said the full number of a B1 unit! Who the hell can do that!?" A random cadet joined the conversation. "Why, Y/n of course." Kest answered.
Kee watched with slight interest as the blaster fire continued. 'Good call, would have left some behind at C myself, but you do you kid. Just hope that momentum is stopped.' He thought as he watched the clash of droids.
Your POV
Me and the B1 Heavy descended the staircase of the bell tower quickly, leaving the Sniper to take out what he can. We bust through the kitchen and down the hall to checkpoint B, the blaster fire getting louder. I spotted the line of droids that rounded the corner, not fitting into the hall until another fell.
"Half of you, fall back to C! TT-69, you go with them! 121, stay here!" I gave out orders, my rookie mistake most likely getting mocked by the others. Best to not make it next time. I got up to OOM-121, placing a hand on his shoulder to peek around the corner. Quickly I took note of everything.
I signaled for the B1 Heavy behind me to push up. He obeyed and rounded the corner, joining the other Heavy behind the makeshift cover. I saw as the metal bodies piled up around the corner, and how the bodies got further and further. "Fire wrist rockets!" I commanded.
The B2 wrist rockets were replaced with electric ones to keep the town usable for future simulations. Just so you know why they only released large bursts of electricity that took out mass amounts of droids behind the corner.
From there, the attackers struggled to gain back that momentum they had, hopelessly throwing themselves at chokepoint B. Even an enemy reinforcement of commando droids failed to make a difference as even they died by blaster fire.
I even had some droids go up top with the sniper to shoot down any that linger in the courtyard. All in all, the rest of the simulation was pretty easy with managing the chokepoint and scavenging ammo every now and then. Before long, the timer ended with a loud ringing.
"We did it!" OOM-121 cheered. "Enemy droid forces are retreating. Our forces are reactivating from the stun rounds. An estimated 22 droids lost on our part. I recommend a different approach is next time." TT-69 reported, walking up. "Get our units to the workshop, we'll start repairs immediately." I ordered.
I watched as my units carried the droidekas over to a MTT transport, with me hopping in another that would take me straight back to the academy. All in all, I think I did good.
(1682 words. Damm, cant believe I had 90% of this already written. What was I thinking?)
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