Sleep Over!

I'm gonna skip the whole day in school and start off right after school when they get out ok? Ok! Off we go! Oh yeah it's Friday in this chapter.

Baby POV

I got off the school with homework to do. Boo... I take out my phone and called my mom. "Mom! Me and Ennard are going to Ballora's place to have a sleepover for the weekend and maybe Ennard goes home early! Is that ok with you?" I asked and received a consent. "Cool thanks Mom." I hanged up and felt a punch telling me Ennard is here. "Ow... Ennard!" I turned to see him grinning stupidly. "Hello!" He yells. "Don't your voice ever gets tired?" I asked and he shook his head rapidly. "Figures." I said and saw Ballora walking towards us. "Hey Babeh." Ballora smiles my face heats up again. "Hey Lora!" I smiled at her she looks away smiling. We stood there not knowing what to do next until we saw the others. "Ok! We gotta take Bidy home!" Ennard yells. "Oh yeah!" I completely forgot about Bidy! We all went in the death trap car then again I sat on Ballora's lap clenching to her waiting for the car to speed off. "Ready?! Ok! I'm just going!" Ennard floor it again. God help us all. We stopped at our place letting Bidy off the car. "Bye Bidy!" Ennard yelled waving goodbye for now and Bidy waved back before turning around. We speed off to Ballora's place but we passed our house 5 times then Ennard brakes immediately causing everyone to move forward while I bumped my head on the front seat head thing. "Are you ok?" Ballora placed her hand on my not so injured head. "Yeah! Never better... Ennard what the hell!?" I yelled at him. "Sorry! But Ballora never gave me her address! Blame her!!" Ennard yelled at me. "Oops! Ok my place is at 524 Dancer ave." (I can't think of an address so I'll just make one up.) She lives that close to the school? Huh who knew? Ennard speed off to Ballora's place without a hesitation of getting a ticket. "We are here! Let me park here!" He zoomed into a free space stopping immediately but this time Ballora held onto me knowing what will happen to me. "Come on I want to eat!" Ennard rushed out to the door. "C'mon guys let's go." I opened the door getting off Ballora's lap with a blush. She held me! I feel so safe with her! We all got out, walked to Ballora's door, Ennard locked his car, Ballora opened the door and Ennard barged inside like it was our house. "So much for manners." I walked inside and see it's a big place. "Wow! Nice place you have here Lora." I smiled at Ballora as she blushed slightly. "Yeah Ballora!" Foxy said gazing around. "I didn't know you live here. We pass your place many times before." Freddy said. "Oooo!" BonBon smiles. "Thank you." She smiles, ugh that smile is so precious! We all leave our stuff in guest room so we don't have to trip on our stuff when we walk around but for me I'll trip whenever I trip. "Ballora where is your mom?" I asked and she shrugs. "I don't know usually the minireenas knew where our mom is. They're always home before me." She sighed. "Minireenas?" I asked and she smiles.

Ennard POV

I ran straight to the kitchen like there is no tomorrow! When I ran I spotted four little ones looking at me. I kept running to the kitchen and found it at last. I opened the fridge and saw. "EXOTIC BUTTERS!!!" I yelled and take all of it. "Hey that's Ballora's Butters!" One kid yells. "Mine now!" I ran out with MY butters and gone to Baby. When I got to Baby she glares at me. "What!?" I asked and took a bite on one of MY exotic butter. "That's not how y--" She cut off by the children. "Give it back!!!" They all screamed while I hid behind Baby. "BABY!!! HELP ME!!!" I yelled and they stopped in front of us. "Your the one called 'Scarlet' and what Ballora calls 'Babeh'?" One of them asked. "Yeah." Baby said while I went behind Foxy quietly. Then screaming starts. "Our ship!" They said and I Immediately come out of hiding. "Hell yeah!!! Babora!!!" I said taking another bite. "Hey! Ennard!! That's supposed to be Baby's!" Ballora yelled at me. "Really? Ennard! Give me MY Exotic Butters!!" Baby yells at me. "NO!" I ran around the house being chased by Baby, Ballora, and the kids. When I was caught by Ballora she takes my Butters away from me and gave it to Baby. "Aww." I curled up and stay there. "Why is he doing that?" Ballora asked. "He always does that..." I heard munching. "When I have all of the exotic butter to myself." SHE ATE MY BUTTER!!! PURE EVIL!! "YA EVIL LITTLE SHIT!!!" I stood up on my knees and saw the kids covering their ears. "Ennard!!" Baby punched my arm. "Ow! What I'd say!?!" I rub my badly injured arm. "No swearing!" Baby told me. "Right sorry!!!" I stood up completely and walked away.

Ballora POV

Ennard walked away from our group. "Where is he going?" Freddy asked. "Somewhere else as usual." Baby said. "So when he is in a place, he always wonder around?" Foxy asked. "Yeah and he gets in trouble by walking or seeing he shouldn't see." Baby answered and I stiffened. "Uh oh." I said quietly. "So is there a way to prevent him from seeing what he shouldn't be seeing?" BonBon asked. "No. There is no way you can hide from him. He always see things others can't see." Baby said sighing. "That's how he found out what makes or whom makes me gay." Baby said turning red. "Anyway! Where is your TV Lora?" Baby asked. "But first..." I turned to the smiling minireenas. "This is the alpha, Isabella..." "Hello!" "That's Anne, the watcher." "Don't do anything stupid!" "There's Jewel, the quiet one..." Jewel waves. "And finally, Hannah the... Well looks after Jewel." "She's younger than all of us." They all left with smiles. "I just called them that way because they're always together and I thought its creative." I sighed and went to the TV room with the others. "Let's watch a movie for now then we choose an activity for tonight and we set up for bed." I suggest. "Oooo! Yeah let's do that!" Foxy smiles. Baby made popcorn, Foxy made the couch more comfortable, Freddy setting the Blu-ray player, and I grab 4 different movie. "So!..." I turned and saw everyone gone but Baby. I blushed by the sight of Baby in her underwear, I turned around. Oh my god! Is that how she sleeps!?! Oh God! "Ballora?" I felt Baby's hand on my shoulder gently squeezing it. "Y-yeah?" I looked at her avoid looking at her lower region. "I-I umm I hope you don't mind if I wear like this." Baby said turning red. "W-what about Freddy?" I asked. "Oh! Oh shit forgot about him. Hmm...? I guess I'll wear my shorts." She went over to her bag and grab her shorts. Nooo... Damn it Freddy. Why?... "There I am ready to set this place on fire!!!" Baby yelled as everyone came in wearing their PJs. "So! Which movie? Rush hour 3? Finding Dori? Fast and Furious 6? Or... Zoo Topia?" I asked. Each two is from Disney and the other two is for laughs and action. "I say Finding Dori, I love that movie." Freddy said. "Me too!" BonBon said smiling. "Rush hour 3. I love the bloopers." Baby said chuckling. "I'll go with... Hmm...? I have to say Finding Dori." Foxy answered. "Me too!" Ennard came from nowhere. "I guess it's Finding Dori." Mostly everyone cheered except for Baby. "Fine... Well I guess that movie is good, eh. What the heck play the movie!" Baby said as she runs to the light switch. "OK." I set the DVD in the player as Baby turn off the lights. "You and Baby sit together while me and BonBon sit together and Foxy will sit somewhere." Freddy said smiling. "Ok! Let's do this!" Baby said sitting down grabbing a blanket and tap the couch beside her telling me to sit with her. I went up and sat beside her blushing. "Yas." I heard Ennard. The played Baby leaning against me while watching the movie. I was about to hold her waist but hesitated then finally did it. After the touching movie we got up stretching our stiff limbs. "Ok! Now what?" I asked. "Truth or Dare!" BonBon yelled out. "Yass!!" Ennard smiled. I feel something is going to happen right now it doesn't feel good right now.

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